Comments by sharkhunter (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Conflicts among tuscl members
    RL real loser versus everyone. RL lost, banned. Worst troll I remember. Founder banned him. Probably went by some other name like romantic lover but real loser sounds better. Alucard did not understand humor or sarcasm. I didn't understand someone not quite getting that unless he was too slow to understand. He also had this crazy idea that governments deserve the full faith and loyalty of the people to always do the right thing and that people should have absolute trust in government so much so that the second amendment was wrong and that ordinary people should never have a gun. That works contrary to history in my opinion. He also thought anyone making a joke that involved his name was mocking him. He just didn't understand humor. Oops was that before sharkhunters time? The worst arguing on here was before Founder required everyone to login to post. Anonymous posts were nothing but constant flaming on here and then some people pretended to be other people because you could post a name with your post. Some Dancers were routinely bitching and arguing anonymously though or posting to one name or another, no login required. I don't think I had an identity at the time on here.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your SC standard by which you judge other SCs
    I have no gold standard except memories of fun moments in fun clubs before they got shut down or closed for one reason or another. What I have never seen is a whole lot of 8's, 9's and 10's and lots of extras easily available in the same club. My memory isn't the best though. A dancer recognized me last night but I couldn't remember her. She said I looked the same as she remembered. Light must have been dim. I thought I looked a few years older.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: Should US Elections have a RESET button?
    Reset buttons would be fine but I hate the thought of 3 or more months of all the political hate. On the other hand we will likely have 4 years of crap yo live with either candidate or longer if they pass laws.
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    8 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    sexy english accent
    I was disappointed when they took that early web site down. Maybe someone was listening when some guy asked, if we can talk for free online, why pay any long distance?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    OTC: Not al its cracked up to be
    Just for the record in case LE wants to investigate, I haven't been seeing any dancers outside clubs to my knowledge in years. Some friends sometimes find out some girls are dancers but I haven't hooked up with them. Of course some people don't tell you where they work at right away.
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    8 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    sexy english accent
    I remember on an early Internet site that allowed people to talk for free online in chat rooms using their microphones. I got into conversations with girls from Australia, Canada , and the U.K. at the same time. I did enjoy the accents. I thought it was very amusing that the UK girl thought she recognized my voice and thought I might be one of her friends. I thought she meant uk friend. I've never been to the UK. I do enjoy the accents though. I like hearing Irish accents too. I seem to get along well with a lot of girls from foreign countries though. I've met some hot girls from Eastern Europe and South American countries but their accents just aren't the same like the way I enjoy the twist on English words. Some people are into identitying where you are from by your accent.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The All-Wise Chili Palmer admonishes TUSCL.......
    Everyone has an opinion. I thought Juice was no longer trolling like he once did so don't see an issue anymore. If someone goes back and reads old comments, yeah, it might get bad.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    This was not a great idea my club had...imo
    A co worker at work said he has cable. He said the first month was fine. Now service slowed down and its crappy internet speed. Yelp had an accurate review. Worst cable service ever. That's one bad thing about living in a small town. If the locals accept terrible crappy service from whatever company they granted monopoly power to, they have no competition. My new coworker did say he thought some competitors might be here early next year. I hope that's not just wishful thinking.
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    8 years ago
    This was not a great idea my club had...imo
    I never look at reviews on Yelp except by accident. The other day a relatives cable was out. Tried calling the cable company and saw a review online while looking up the phone number. Said worst cable company service ever. Was on hold for 30 minutes but the repeating phone message said you could leave a number and they would call you back without leaving your place in the queue. I did. My relative said they called her the following day. Then they said they cut the cable off because the last bill wasn't paid. My relative got no bill in the mail. I really understand that review now. To think I was actually thinking about getting my internet from the local cable company makes me think I dodged a bullet.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    High and Drunk in SC?
    I'd have to spend a fortune to drink that much beer. I read that beer has melatonin in it which can make you sleepy. Now I have fallen asleep inside a strip club before and even had a dancer curl up on me and sleep too. I could sit still and look awake while sleeping.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    OTC: Not al its cracked up to be
    You just have to train the dancers that you're not a one dancer customer. They get over it quickly, usually. Just remind them that they don't dance for only one customer so why should you only get dances from one dancer? If you want to sleep with more than one dancer in the same club at the same time, well that requires more finesse and coordination, unless you do a three way. I thought about going out with two different dancers working in the same place at the same time but didn't go there. One dancer did go all drama queen on me one night sensing something was up with me talking too long to another dancer without spending any money. When I said I wasn't sleeping with her, she calmed down. I'm not sure why she was so upset at the possibility. Seems kind of amusing in hindsite. I kind of enjoy the memory of a dancer storming out of the lap dance room heading straight for me looking like she's ready to kill. Seems entertaining remembering that. A real girl friend experience even though I didn't consider her a gf. Maybe a fuck buddy. Girls do think different than guys though. You'll miss out on all those marvelous memories I have. One dancer I had been out with did suddenly get pissed off one night for no good reason. She quit working there for over two months just because she knew I would be there before coming back with a better attitude. Her dancer friends gave me updates about her without me even asking.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Has a Stripper ever told you too much information?
    Nothing that bad but one dancer I just met who I found out was new to dancing talked me into getting a lap dance. In just a few minutes while waiting for a song to start, she told me an awful lot about herself. And her 3 kids, their ages, etc, etc. I wasn't even thinking about getting a lap dance anymore so I wasn't that into it. If she had waited to tell me all the info after the dances, I would have preferred that. I guess she was interested in dating me so she shared too much information too quickly. I thought she looked good and didn't want to think about her kids while she was dancing for me. That's a buzzkill when it comes to enjoying lap dances. In my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    CF Fail
    She was rude. Payback? She might have been drunk or on drugs and may not remember what she did. Chances are she didn't care either though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A wife (me) wants to know how to seduce a female stripper and get extras.
    I had some past favorite dancers who were hot and bi. Just have fun and you'll likely attract like minded dancers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A wife (me) wants to know how to seduce a female stripper and get extras.
    This isn't always a friendly place to post at. Trolls and idiots have jaded everyone.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    Just remember, one of the above will be our future president. We're all doomed. If you think it's the end, you could be right. I just popped in to spread good cheer. Or give everyone a reason to visit a strip club and forget about it. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A wife (me) wants to know how to seduce a female stripper and get extras.
    Is that you in the pic? If it is, I can imagine you having a lot of fun in strip clubs if you are part bi or into females as well. Some dancers will stay away from females. I suggest tipping them so that they know when you are in the club, they know you are enjoying the visit and that your husband didn't drag you there against your wishes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Don't miss it.
    Hope things work out well for you clubber and everyone else. I'm hoping strip clubs improve in my area as well. If you can't touch for the most part, they might as well open up some nude byob clubs like there used to be here in South Carolina.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hillary does not give a flying fuck about anything Stop pretending libtards
    If the clintons talked trump into running, they did a brilliant con on the whole election and our democracy. I'm still giving it 50% chance they did. That would be like tails I win, heads you lose for the clintons. Half the public will be upset but life will go on. We'll keep visiting strip clubs. Hopefully.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hillary does not give a flying fuck about anything Stop pretending libtards
    Half the population will be upset no matter who wins. It's a lose lose scenario. Let's just hope the republicans keep control of the house or there will be no stopping Hillary. I expect an economic downturn with both candidates, a race to the bottom. Hillary has the wrong kind of experience messing up everything she touches and trump is in the same boat but thinks he knows what to do. Hillary is an expert lair and knows how to get rid of people with evidence. She repeatedly says you won't find evidence. Trump is either in Kahoots with her and the whole election was rigged for Hillary or he's so stupid he doesn't know when to shut up and discuss issues and policies instead of the latest insult against him. If trump could have just talked about how his policies will revive coal jobs while hillaries will increase the utility bill of almost every American by making us all pay more by eliminating the cheapest source of energy we have been using for decades hurting the poorest and middle class more than the rich, it's like a hidden regressive tax on the poor and middle class. She says her goal is no new taxes on the middle class in public but in private she says she is ok with adding taxes on guns, ammo, sugar in your drinks, etc, all taxes that hit theropod and middle class. It must be all a joke to Hillary. She wants to ban all guns and has said so that if she could she would, next up will be people's retirement accounts and anywhere else you have money because if you aren't poor, you are rich with a socialist system. If republicans keep the house, she may start off trying to negotiate. I gave up on the chance trump might win. The only way I see that is if almost everyone stays home except for all the trump supporters. I read on another sight that two or three years ago Hillary was in favor of open borders I. The Americas just like Europe has. Drug cartels from Mexico, criminals etc would all be able to freely travel to the us and back. Hillary thinks open borders is a great idea. It has worked so well for Europe with Syrians and refugees flooding all over. Minus the extra crime and terrorism. Trump doesn't know how to say if someone accuses him of something, let the courts settle the nonsense, no one filed any case though against him. At least I know what trump is thinking, he's not an expert liar like Hilary.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A wife (me) wants to know how to seduce a female stripper and get extras.
    I've seen male customers get escorted out for merely stepping on an empty stage without permission. I guess if they don't like whatever you see doing, you can be asked to leave but females do get away with more, also if you're known to be a big spender or high rolling unknown undercover agent spending 2000 per visit, they might overlook things.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A wife (me) wants to know how to seduce a female stripper and get extras.
    I've only seen females get kicked out twice. One time they were filming in the club as if they didn't know not to do that. Another time this drunk girl was parading around the club topless and went on stage too while a dancer waited for her to get off the stage. She evaded the bouncers for a while until she had a few of them all following her. She had become the show in a large club and one of the few females I ever saw get kicked out of platinum plus before all the extra rules.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Yes, She Really Likes Me!
    33 years older? You must be older than me or she's not legal. Lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Yes, She Really Likes Me!
    I think I made that promise not to go out with any more dancers because I was tired of all the drama it leads to if you see dancers both inside and outside clubs. The last dancer wasn't that bad drama wise most of the time. Have fun. I was thinking about no longer visiting strip clubs anymore and no longer posting here anymore. I'm not having much fun visiting strip clubs anymore. I just haven't figured out what else to do instead.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Yes, She Really Likes Me!
    If you are close to the same age as the dancer, there is a possibility she might be interested in dating you. I overlooked this possibility with a dancer who spent a lot of time with me in a club before. She even bought her own drinks. I didn't think about it until much later and at that point when I saw her again she told me she had a bf at that point and was no longer available for dating. Well the main reason I didn't think about it was because I promised myself not to go out with any more dancers. I was really determined to stick to my promise. Another dancer blew my promise. This other dancer was so determined I felt like I had a dancer stalking me at times. Probably because she did. Only in the club though.