
Yes, She Really Likes Me!

I met a new dancer last night. A solid 9, best natural breasts I've seen in a year at least, and very outgoing and fun in conversation. She broke a multitude of rules in my bikini, limited touch club which is unusual in itself for a first time meeting. I met her at 8 PM and she stayed with me the whole night except for stage calls and bathroom breaks, until I left close to 3 AM. I Probably gave her $150 total including dances. $150! That's chump change for 7 hours!

Lots of titty sucking in VIP and CR (technically not allowed but regulars allow it), and she literally sat on my lap at the bar the whole time (another no-no; feet must be on the floor), even when the club started rocking around midnight she didn't leave to hustle the crowd. Her hands were surreptitiously all over me, and since I was in a corner I was able to rub her butt under her bottom, and finger her (a firing offense). She didn't dance with anyone else, even though one dude asked about taking her upstairs while she was on my lap. I told her to go make money but she said "Money isn't everything." WTF kind of dancer says that??? I felt bad for him so I bought him a drink. We were such squirrels at the bar cuddling but I didn't care. I was in heaven!

It was a magic night for me and most unusual. She didn't squeeze significant money from me; didn't even try. And she spent 7 hours with me; no one can stand me for 7 hours, not even my g/f! And she was the hottest girl in the club. Maybe she thought I was famous or something? I proposed OTC just before 3 AM and she said she'd think about it when I come back Wed. Wow....OTC is rather rare at this club, especially for a first time meeting.

Life is good!

So in typical PL fashion I'm in love, and I know she likes me. I better not get her fired though!


  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    yeah, every now and then all the stars align and you have a fantastic night like this. doesn't happen too often, but its awesome when it does happen.

    keep us updated!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Atta boy!
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Nice! Enjoy!!!
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago
    Good for you. We've all been there. If it gets serious get advice.

    Will Rogers gave great stock market advice. He said, 'if you see a good stock buy it and after it goes up sell it. And if it doesn't go up don't buy it.'

    I hope I make my point.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Good luck. She might be a DS
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Frankly, the fact I don't have DS type money makes me think I better enjoy her while it lasts! She's hot property....
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    rockstar666. awesome having the stars align. enjoy!!!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Frankly, the fact I don't have DS type money makes me think I better enjoy her while it lasts! She's hot property...."

    Good, you're better off not over-romanticizing her, especially if this is the first time you've gotten this treatment; most people who hear the term "dream stripper" without rolling their eyes, probably need to take a little step back (JS69 is a professional driver, closed track, do not attempt). Enjoy it for what it is -- "favorite customer" status can be an awesome thing. I think it's a fine idea to get her OTC, and if you can get to that, it can be fun to get the relationship to be a bit more arrangement-like, but that's putting the cart waaay before the horse, at this point.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    money. all about the money. one way or the other.
  • Wifey84
    8 years ago
    I don't mean to be blunt but are you attractive?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Wifey84 - Yes, I consider myself attractive.
  • scatterbrain
    8 years ago
    Sounds like the start of the "long con". Keep your eyes wide open.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "Long con"? LOL Well, if she hits me up for cash next visit, you were right! But she's hot property so she left $1000 on the table hanging with me instead of hustling. I even said at one point it was okay if she wanted to do her rounds but she declined. Still, good to be wary.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Don't be offended Rockstar. When we hear a story that sounds too good to be true, I suppose we don't believe it to be true.

    Or, maybe we're all really jealous -- I know I am!! I say, "Enjoy the ride!!"
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I usually don't post my adventures because no one wants to hear it, but this one was weird. Even dancers who became close friends with me never sacrificed other customers just to canoodle with me. Kind makes you think it IS part of a 'long con'. Good thing this didn't happen 20 years ago because I was a very easy mark when I first started clubbing.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    fuck. bordering on awesome. envy.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I thought that free girl was running a long con on me but it wasn't. She is just generally into older men, and she wanted to fuck me. Enjoy while it lasts and don't be so suspicious. I was so suspicious of free girl that I almost fucked up a good thing.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I even said at one point it was okay if she wanted to do her rounds but she declined."

    To change the topic a bit, I'll never understand why guys do things like this. Did you enjoy her being with you? Did you want her to stay with you? If the answers are "yes", I just don't understand what guys think they're proving by saying things like this to the girls. Show what chivalrous white knights you are? Prove what a sensitive and empathetic guy you are? Is it a test to see if she "really likes you"?

    I don't ever tell the girl she's free to go dance for other guys, repercussions-free. If she wants to, she's a big girl, she can use her words to tell me. Otherwise, there's no good reason for me to encourage her to leave, unless I actually want to sample other girls. You need to know your value as a customer, there's nothing in it for you to devalue yourself

    I'm actually the opposite -- I make it clear that if we have an appointment, I expect her to stay with me, unless it's just for a short dance here and there, and she asks first. That approach probably isn't right for everyone either, but I counsel my friends to at least not suggest to her that she leave.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I experienced similar behavior from a dancer a while back. The first time I saw her at the club it was her first night working there and she was sitting with another guy the whole time I was there. I would have liked to have gotten a dance from her, and he wasn't spending any money, yet she didn't leave his side.

    The next time I saw her, she came and sat with me the whole night. She went above and beyond with her dances, and it was great hanging out with her. Same thing a during a couple of more visits, so I asked about seeing her outside the club. She said was open to it.

    How it turned out though, was that she texted that she really needed $100 to feed her child. I met her in a store parking lot and gave it to her, and we were going to meet up later that night. She was supposed to call, but evening came and not hearing from her, I went to the club, and lo and behold.... she was there working!

    We never really interacted again, and I saw her a couple of times in following weeks in civilian clothes together with a regular from the SC. I think she must have been grooming potential sugar daddies. While the flaking thing was annoying, I couldn't bring myself to really mind about the $100, since I came out way ahead compared to going rate at the club. I think she got the impression that I was looking for more of a civvie relationship than a SB/SD one and moved on. She had danced before, but had taken a break, so it wasn't like she was a new girl who had never heard of hustling or was shy and needed a teddy bear customer.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Well, I'm planning on seeing her tomorrow afternoon. If she won't give me the time of day, I'm leaving. But we had some really deep conversations. She claimed she was new and despite a professional stage dance, she made a lot of newbie errors like asking $2 upcharge to suck her tits. $2??? I scolded her and said NEVER upcharge during a lap dance. She took it to heart so I sucked both for a long time; then gave her a $10 tip even before the dance was over as thanks. Little thins like that made me believe she was new.

    We'll see what happens. My big worry is both my CF and ATF will be there tomorrow which normally I can handle, but this 3rd girl might make them get ugly as I might not dance with either! LOL
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Yeah, definitely sounds like she is new. My guess would be along the lines of applying civvie standards to a situation that felt mostly social to her, thinking that things were going well and she could learn something, or not wanting to lose a potential regular that she felt good around for some guy who might be annoying. Sounds like you have a good rapport going with her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Put me on the skeptics list - when a dancer does OTC sex for free and doesn't ask for $$$/loans; then I can believe her "liking" is genuine but IMO that is def the exception to the norm - perhaps she was a newb and felt comfortable sticking to one custy; who knows - in my PL-mind anything that occurs in strip-club bizarro-world is to be taken w/ a grain of salt (if that).
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... I'll never understand why guys do things like this. Did you enjoy her being with you? Did you want her to stay with you? If the answers are "yes", I just don't understand what guys think they're proving by saying things like this to the girls. Show what chivalrous white knights you are? Prove what a sensitive and empathetic guy you are? Is it a test to see if she "really likes you"? ..."

    Personally I don't think it's about being a white night and more of being fair - if I don't intend to spend any $$$ on her for the next 2 hours; or even for the rest of the visit b/c I may have gotten the dances I wanted from her already; then why sabotage her ability to make $$$ from other custies for the rest of the night (or for the rest of the time I'm there) if I don't plan on spending on her anymore.

    For some custies it's absolutely necessary to have a particular dancer's time/attention the whole time they are there; if that is critical for them where they cannot enjoy the club o/w then I guess no other way but to play hardball and give her an ultimatum - in my mind it does not necessarily have to be all or nothing - she can spend a decent amount of time w/ her regular and also be able to circulate the room and if there are no other custies wanting her services she can come hang w/ her regular again.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    "I don't want to spend any more money on her" is a perfectly reasonable explanation Papi, I agree. I just don't think that was rockstar's motivation based on the story. But if you've got the money to pay, and want her to stay, no reason to push her away; and if she's being generous with her time, accept it graciously
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I would tell her the spending situation and not encourage her to find other customers.

    If she wants to do that, no worries. If she made goal and just wants to cruise the rest of the night "hustling me" without getting shit from the manager for leaving early, that's even better.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Papi, thinking back, she was interested in my perspectives of a dancer's job. I thank all of you TUSCL contributors for helping me understand some of the nuances from your posts over the years which I was able to regurgitate back to her. The perplexing part was why she spent 7 hours with me; she was obviously happier with my company than making the rounds but still...I'm not that interesting IMHO. And she left a lot of money on the table by not taking some time to sell dances. She just didn't want to do it.

    That being said, her dancing on stage was 100% pro. She got a LOT of tips and she knew how to rub her tits in guy's faces, or do a nice spread with each tip. As I said, she was a solid 9 IMHO and even if someone thought she was an 8, she was undeniably hot. When I asked her about her stage dancing she said she was a cheerleader in HS and did a lot of civvie dancing at parties etc. which makes sense.

    I'm invited to see her during the afternoon shift tomorrow; we'll see what happens. But last night was the best SC visit of my life regardless. Even the barmaid, who knows both me and my regulars made some comments in private about her attention to me. Yes, we were squirrels which I hate when others do it but it was FUN!
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    What are squirrels in the context of the strippies?

    I looked squirrels up on urbandictionary, and it a person who gives lots of blowjobs because they always have a mouth full of nuts: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph…
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My meaning was she was sitting on my lap, rubbing up against me as I was her, making goo goo eyes at each other...giving massages. You know, acting like teenagers. BTW she said she was 24.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    ^ That sounds a lot more fun than both giving blowjobs at the bar, or some scenario like this:

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    OMG that was funny!!!!
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If you are close to the same age as the dancer, there is a possibility she might be interested in dating you. I overlooked this possibility with a dancer who spent a lot of time with me in a club before. She even bought her own drinks. I didn't think about it until much later and at that point when I saw her again she told me she had a bf at that point and was no longer available for dating. Well the main reason I didn't think about it was because I promised myself not to go out with any more dancers. I was really determined to stick to my promise. Another dancer blew my promise. This other dancer was so determined I felt like I had a dancer stalking me at times. Probably because she did. Only in the club though.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I'm 33 years older than her. My only hope for dating is if she likes Cheap Trick.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I think I made that promise not to go out with any more dancers because I was tired of all the drama it leads to if you see dancers both inside and outside clubs. The last dancer wasn't that bad drama wise most of the time.

    Have fun. I was thinking about no longer visiting strip clubs anymore and no longer posting here anymore. I'm not having much fun visiting strip clubs anymore. I just haven't figured out what else to do instead.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    33 years older? You must be older than me or she's not legal. Lol
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    She's 24.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I look young. I asked her how old sh thought I was and she said 35, thinking I was really 40.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Did you sing all the lyrics of "I Want You to Want Me" to her? Chicks eat that up!
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I only sing backup vocals for a reason.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"The perplexing part was why she spent 7 hours with me; she was obviously happier with my company than making the rounds but still...I'm not that interesting IMHO"

    I had an ATF like that a few years back. She worked day shift, noon to 7, and we had an end-of shift ritual, where after her shift ended I'd take her out to dinner, then drop her off at the mass transit station to go home. I'd always asked her when I should show up, and she'd always try to talk me into showing up right when the shift begins. If I told her I wasn't going to show up until 3 or 4, she'd go into full-blown adorable mode to try to get me in earlier. I spent lots of entire 7-hour shifts with her, then 2 more hours after her shift. And the thing is, I always spent exactly the same amount of money -- two VIPs and two lap dances plus dinner later -- no matter how long I was with her, but she still wanted me there all day. She was no new girl, having been a stripper for over 7 years at this point... but being her favorite customer has its privileges

    -->"I'm not that interesting IMHO"

    I'm going to re-give you the lecture on knowing your value now -- no no, don't thank me, it's my pleasure :) I think we can tend to undervalue what we bring to the table... especially, a nice respectful guy, who isn't creepy, who spends money on her, who keeps her entertained (even if he doesn't realize it and thinks he's boring). She's both smart enough to recognize your value, and perhaps new enough not to realize she should ignore that and make you pay more :) But hell, even girls working in this business for a while occasionally find a customer who is a refreshing safe harbor for them, even if we end up perplexed as to what it is, exactly, that she enjoys so much about us. Still just a customer, of course, but as I said, "favorite customer has its privileges".
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Good perspective Subraman; thanks!
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    What is it that happens to dudes when they are approaching 60 that turns their otherwise logical brain into sentimental mush? Is the change inevitable? Can it be prevented with the right diet and exercise?

    Sure hope it doesn't happen to me.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "Sentimental mush"? If that were the case I'd be making wedding plans.

    This is quite the opposite: a sober discussion of possible motivations of unusual dancer behavior.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    It's ok, random. When your brain turns to sentimental mush, you enjoy everything and don't give a damn what other people think. Win, win!!! ;-D
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Aw...just kidding Rockstar. Your title sounds a little like Sally Field at the Oscars.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My title was a parody of the newbies that think SS is real and the irony that in this case, she must like me, at least for that night.
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    Maybe you are a nice guy and she wanted a night off from the hurly burly. I get girls who sit long times with me and all I am doing is buying a drink or two and stage tipping. I have been told that time with me is like a rest stop on a highway. Enjoy what you got and keep up the good work. I doubt it is the long con but more likely a tired dancer who found a refuge. I always tell them to go make more money and I don't care what message that sends. I am not falling in love in a strip club but the motions are fun.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    rockstar: don't worry .... luckily -- or maybe, depressingly -- most of us here are old enough to know who Sally Fields is, and get the reference :) lol
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    You know, I do know the Sally FIELD allusion, but that wasn't my intention. It still fits though! LOL
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    And, just for the record on Sally Field: Would. At least when she was younger.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... My title was a parody of the newbies that think SS is real ..."

    Kinda makes more sense now - you should have used a smiley face instead of an exclamation point so it'd be more obvious (even some non-newbies still fall for the SS and think they are the exception)
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    random member said: What is it that happens to dudes when they are approaching 60 that turns their otherwise logical brain into sentimental mush? Is the change inevitable? Can it be prevented with the right diet and exercise?
    heck my life didn't start enjoying the delightful world of many beautiful ladies until after sixty. maybe that is how i responded when my mind turned to mush.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Well, I didn't go see her after work because I had to cut the grass, and practice 2 new songs I need to know for Friday. I wonder if she missed me... I asked for her # but she only had her real # and I told her get a burner phone; never give your real #. Good advice that I now regret!! LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tell her to get a burn-app (Sideline, Text Me) - easier than getting a burn-ph
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I really wanted to go but I haven't practiced in 3 days and that's too on; I like to play every day and only take 1 day off at most. Not to mention my lawn...which I'm a little anal about keeping nice. I'm glad I did what I had to but as a PL I do regret not seeing her after such a magical intro. I'm sure I'll see her sooner rather than later though. I hate games but being a little 'hard to get' might work in my favor anyway.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "Work before play"

    "Good things come to those who wait"
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