OT: Should US Elections have a RESET button?

What I believe the US Electoral process needs is a Reset Button. Seriously.

What I am proposing will never happen because it will totally piss off both major parties, but what if instead of the oft-proposed "None of the Above" there was an option to "RESET"? A way of telling both parties that none of the candidates offered in a race are acceptable and that if 2/3rds of the popular vote agreed, would force the parties to select entirely new candidates through a caucus and bring them into another election in.... say 3 months or so. Just take your Superfund money and your candidates and shove them up your *$$, thank you!

Do you think an Arbitrary 2/3rds of Americans would be on board for this option with the disgusting choices we face on November 8th?? Also, how would this be implemented in the future? Would it take a constitutional amendment? That would probably be impossible considering we can't get both sides to agree on anything and certainly never on a giving power back to the voters.


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Gosh wouldn't that be nice.

    It's days like this when I say "man why didn't Joe Biden or Paul Ryan run?"
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I'm with shailynn in total agreement,this is an interesting new idea.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I agree, it would be a great way to tell the Dems and Republicans to shove it up their ass for their lame choices.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    There you go - Joe Biden and Paul Ryan for pres and VP. They can alternate years on who is in each role. Uniting both parties overnight.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Not sure that this would be any benefit. As I asked in another thread "Who wants to be president?" Out of those that were willing to throw their hats in the ring, this is what the membership selected. Getting your preferred candidate to run is the problem. I think that I am just going to sit this one out.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I'm throwing ma hat in da ring !! Vote for me and you'll all get chacken fangers to eat !! Free lap dances for all !! Trump and Hillary go to prison in the same cell !!
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    well... we could start by letting independents and non-partisans vote in primaries so that the candidates that come out of the primaries aren't picked by the extremes of the major parties
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    I really wish we could reset this election!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Amen, TheeOSU. I'm glad we agree, although. GO BLUE, BEAT OSU !! :)
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    LOL Vince, don't hold your breath although i will admit this year your guys have the best chance they've had in years.
  • sshrfrsky
    8 years ago
    Vote Johnson/Weld. Cant be worse the the other two. Seriously.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Good luck.getting 2/3 of the population to agree on anything.

    Some states do have none of the above as an option for state races.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Instead of a reset button, the GOP should probably have an emergency brake to prevent a clown like Trump from getting nominated in the first place. That's why the Dems have both "pledged" delegates and "superdelegates." Don't know the math for sure, but if the GOP also had superdelegates, they could have put a stop to this unqualified douche from taking over the party. Superdelegates seem undemocratic -- but you can see the utility this year.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    What they need here in the US is instant runoff voting, where you vote by preference. That would allow third parties to exist on a higher level than they do and the presidential debates would have been about the actual issues, because you know Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have nothing to go on but the issues, which would have made Donald Trump look like the clown he actually is if he had to actually debate policy with anyone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-ru…
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    too bad there ain't a reset button... the only choice i have is to vote for the old money dufus and not for the new money manipulatior. shit. what a choice.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    time for another drink.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Reset buttons would be fine but I hate the thought of 3 or more months of all the political hate. On the other hand we will likely have 4 years of crap yo live with either candidate or longer if they pass laws.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    The only reason Hillary has not been charged with treason(the actual definition is in the constitution) is that the "war on terror" is undeclared. If the "war on terror" was a formally declared war by congress and the president she would have been charge and hung in accordance with the constitution because she has "given aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war" she did in Benghazi and in Syria by giving secrets and cover for terrorist acts at the expense of American lives.
    I am not a fan of Trump either I would love to reset and have Herman Cain or Rand Paul.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The process sort of does have a reset button, the problem is, there really aren't more candidates to rally behind, at least not electable ones, who have been vetted.

    I think we saw this in 2012 once Mr Romney was the last GOP candidate standing, who have been vetted without a major scandal. (For the record, I don't consider the lower 47% speech to be that damning, even if I just missed the cut over for the lower 47% by only a few percent, myself, and yes, I do pay taxes.) We also had a viable alternative to Mrs. Clinton in 2008 and 2012, where we didn't really have traction in 2016, in large part because Mr. Biden decided not to run and instead focus on Cancer research (moonshot).

    I would have liked to have seen a Mr. Kasich versus Mr. Biden campaign.

    Formally, I think the government does have a write-in option on the ballots. And should that, too, fail to reset things. The Electoral College itself by design is sort of a Reset Switch, should they exercise it. Though except for a cursory theoretical understanding that it is possible with the EC I don't know how that would legally play out? But I throw that out there. :)
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