
Unfortunately Earning Less so Clubbing Less

Have to admit, strip clubbing is the number one hobby that makes me happy. I have been going twice a month for several years now and I enjoyed it. Now I am not making as much money so I can only go once a month! Hopefully I can get back to twice a month as I enjoy feeling like a rich person with plenty of hot girls and alcohol around me.

Do you all go to strip clubs often? I uslaly spend 200 a visit, how about you all? I bet you all are rich guys that throw twenties and fifties around like it's nothing seeing how most members on the discussion boards have been to a ton of clubs and have a bunch of reviews. I would like to get to that level of going as often as I want, and spending as much as I want!


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    After last nights game, I suggest that you go to a club for solace. It's a long time til next year.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    This is tuscl. We're all millionaires, have 8" dicks, and bench 350.

    And, also, cum in our own pants.
  • UKfan
    8 years ago
    Yeah it was a rough night. Reds start up next Monday though so I'm looking forward to that.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    Earn much money and spend on dancers...There is no happiness beyond that
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Your situation is not uncommon - especially for younger guys (if I remember correctly you may be in your 20s).

    A lot of folks on this board are older and have escalated in their careers to where they are making good-$$$; but most of us did not earn a lot of $$$ in our 20s to be able to SC big.

    It's safe to assume P4P will be there in one form or another in the future; i.e. the game will most likely be there when you are in a better position to partake.

    It's also good to take a step-back and have perspective - it's not good to worship (for lack of a better word) SCs - the more one thinks about them the more one gets enthralled and somewhat controlled by them - don't put the cart ahead of the horse.
  • UKfan
    8 years ago
    @Papi Chulo
    I am in my twenties and am hoping for more money. Hopefully I can get a raise soon or some kind of promotion. As you said strip clubs aren't going anywhere and in the future I should be able to partake better.

    I will try to not think about strip clubs as much! But damn do I enjoy them.
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    Papi, I'm an old poor guy! Subraman, one out of three for me.......oh, and I LDK!!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    That majority of us are in the 350K club, we make at least 350K a year. The two exceptions are Dougster who makes over $4 million due to insider trading on the stock market, and Juice who has a record contract for $2 million.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    - I hope you know I'm joking - do what you can afford and make the most out of your trips. Sometimes when you club less - you will enjoy your trips more.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    I was in a similar situation last year when my hours got cut and I eventually got laid off due to the company going out of business. I severely curtailed my strip clubbing and started checking out other and ultimately cheaper P2P routes. The clubs will always be there...I wouldn't spend all of my time and money in the clubs though. You're young enough to get free civilian pussy. Hit up a regular nightclub or bar from time to time. That's what I normally do.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I'm not getting paid much at all. Looking for something better.
    I still think I can be a millionaire by the time I reach retirement age though.
    If I wasn't spending so much time looking for a better job, I think I could be a millionaire several years sooner. It would be so much easier if I just won the 7000 a week for life. My odds are 1 in 2.6 billion. Someone's going to win.
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    UKfan, don't feel too bad. There were times in my 20's where I didn't even have $400 in the bank, a few sub $200. Though that was long before you were born, or before your daddy had his first wet dream.
  • UKfan
    8 years ago
    Thank you all for the comments. It did make me feel better!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I average one visit per week. I do fine financially, but I still budget this hobby like anything else. I'm not cheap, but budgeting certainly encourages me to work at getting the most fun for my money.

    To each their own, but I think 'making it rain' is senseless posturing.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    People don't get financially comfortable by throwing good money after bad. Limit your club visits for independence from the mane!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Do what can you afford, i do less frequent trips where I spend more. Clubs where I live suck so i just put that money aside and have less frequent but better trips.
  • houjack
    8 years ago
    Just try your best to keep it to what you can realistically afford. That's different for everyone. I'd encourage setting a savings goal and then extrapolating what you can spend from there, rather than spending then saving whatever is left.

    That's what I've done. I want to save X per month, and all my fixed (food, rent, etc) expenses are Y, so what's left for discretionary fun is Income - (X+Y). I've actually gone a little further and budgeted amounts for all spending categories, which is probably unnecessary, but that's just how I am. However, being true to yourself with what you can afford or are willing to spend and sticking to that is probably the best way to go.

    And I definitely can relate to wanting to spend or go more often. But all I can say, and tell myself a lot between visits, especially when it seems long, is "don't worry, there will be girls there next time, relax, you will enjoy dances (and more) again."

    Also, you'll drive yourself crazy comparing your spending to others. We all have different goals (dances, LDKing, Extras, OTC,...), different incomes, different lifestyles, different expenses, and have different costs of living. Everything is too variable, it has to be an individual choice.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Just slap the monkey more often and you'll get thru it
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