
Comments by sharkhunter (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Golden Rule to Avoiding Conflict in Long Term Relationships
    I also learned sometimes it is better to stay quiet rather than repeat something you heard someone else tell you. It could get you yelled at rather fast. End of communication.
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    7 years ago
    Dive Strip Clubs vs Walmart
    Walmart seems to handle potato chips a bit rough, I see their bags look more wrinkled up than other grocery stores and the cashiers aren't always careful either.
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    7 years ago
    Dive Strip Clubs vs Walmart
    My local Walmart has a number of college age girls visiting wearing shorts. I'll keep visiting. That's not the reason but it is a plus. I ignore the freaks or try to. Plus the equipment that doesn't work right at checkout or plastic bags that stick together or change machines that don't dispense cash or go out of order if you use a hundred dollar bill and I no longer buy stamps at Walmart after it took about 30 minutes one day. Even though we get frost almost every day in the winter every year, the local Walmart doesn't stock ice scrapers in the car section. I never looked for another car part in the local Walmart again. That's Walmart management. The local manager did call me when I emailed them so they do respond. However that is like helping them and hurting their competition but the old Walmart stocks some items a new store doesn't. Amazon has a lot of ways to hurt Walmart. If not for overall better prices, I wouldn't go there.
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    7 years ago
    Dive Strip Clubs vs Walmart
    If I can save a lot of money, I'll visit Walmart. If everyone starts matching walmarts prices, I'll go elsewhere. Walmart no longer has the best prices anymore on several items so I no longer buy as much from them. Plus when they are out of stock on certain items, I have to find them somewhere else if I still want them. Tostitos hamburger pizza, the local Walmart hasn't stocked it in months. They must have every other version of it though. No problem, food lion is closer anyway and may have better prices on some items as well. Walmart has done a lousy job of restocking common items and matching prices around town. It's a far cry from the way I heard Walmart started and got and kept customers. However I don't care to visit more than 2 stores in the area just to save 2 bucks or so. It has to be several dollars or Walmart just doesn't stock it. Yesterday, Walmart had no bread of a certain brand. I'm not sure what their problem is. It wasn't like we had a forecast for snow but they had a big empty shelf in the bread area. That's Walmart.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hot Dancers - but poor attitudes ?
    I try to avoid dancers or girls I don't get along with. I don't care if they are hot. I might be more lenient if they approach me multiple times if they are hot though.
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    7 years ago
    The Midget's Mansion
    They won't stop laughing
    Stop dropping your pants in strip clubs and then they won't know. They only care about getting paid anyway. On the other hand you could whip it out and claim it was your finger and possibly finger her if you could get away with it. It might help if she had a couple drinks so she can't tell the difference. I don't know though, my fingers are longer than 2.5 inches.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    OT I always thought Florida was a state with dangerous weather
    I came close to getting killed in NC by a tornado. It went over my head. I saw Mt St Helens erupting in Washington state. Massive flooding and lots of recent tornado damage in several states. Weather can be very exciting. I've also been temporarily blinded by lightning. That's scary too. I suspect it was lightning from a super cell but I never saw a storm before that was so intense that lightning stopped flashing but just stayed on like a gigantic spaceship was parked over the whole town. The light outside was a lot brighter than daylight.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much of an impact does music have?
    If the dancer is hot and she has great rock music for her set, that's great. If she is hot but chose some country music. I hate that combo. However some other song will be playing whenever I get dances so I just prefer to club where they play rock music all the time. I have avoided tipping the girl on stage when I thought she chose country music.
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    7 years ago
    I'd have to see them first to give an honest opinion.
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    7 years ago
    What do you do?
    I just get no interest for making a deposit at the bank. :)
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    7 years ago
    Favorite Board Games
    I think it gets hard to walk around at more difficult settings, the bodies start piling up all over the place. :). Kind of like the movie 300. :)
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    7 years ago
    Favorite Board Games
    I hadn't played it for months. It is kind of enjoyable just killing a lot of creatures in a nice peaceful computer game like Diablo 3.
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    7 years ago
    Favorite Board Games
    I will check it out. Thanks Yahtzee. I don't spend much time at all playing computer games but updated one I had played for months yesterday. Diablo 3. I had to download a 5 gig file to update it and then the game setting was too easy. Turned it up to torment level 1 and it's still easy. However it is kind of enjoyable to see my character supposedly get caught in an ambush and after a minute it said the massacre count was like 116. There are harder settings, I might make it harder.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At what age?
    I had a big pizza yesterday and someone invited me over for lasagna tonight. I think between today and yesterday, I gained several pounds. I can't complain though. It's not every day someone fixes food for me even though it was burned on the bottom. I will go back to eating less calories eating no pasta but something simple like a piece of meat like hamburger, chicken, ham, turkey, etc with potatoes and or fries. So much for losing weight. I was down to 212 just a week or two ago. I'm not worried about it. I have been losing weight when I'm not even thinking about it over time by eliminating a few things I used to eat. I did not eliminate pasta though. That would not be American.
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    7 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin BIP
    I read crypto currencies were a bigger bubble than tulip mania ever was. In the case of the tulip mania, I read some people were taking out loans borrowing money against their house to buy more tulips. Maybe the author of the article was short bitcoin. I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At what age?
    Some girls stay in shape and look good a long time. I've seen some who told me they were in their 40's but they are very exceptional in my opinion. Looking on dating web sites, if she's much older than say 35 or so, most girls lose their good looks rather fast with weight gain or other not so great looks. If someone cooks me pasta, I know the feeling because I gain 2 pounds a day just eating spaghetti, pizza, or whatever pasta there is. I usually lose the weight within a day or two eating normal food.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer - "Is it OK for me to touch you?"
    I don't remember telling a dancer not to touch me either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer - "Is it OK for me to touch you?"
    I don't remember a dancer asking me the question.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How much leeway ...
    If I'm not busy and she wants to hang around me I might let her but if she's busy bugging me for dances after I said no, I will work on getting her to leave without trying to be rude. I could say something like the last dancer who hung onto my arm for several minutes died in a car accident. In that case though, I didn't really try to get rid of her. If I had I doubt she would have held onto me for so long. Apparently it doesn't take much to get rid of dancers since I've talked to over a hundred in as little as an hour or two. Apparently being too good at getting then to leave allows lots of others to approach. On a busy weekend, most dancers don't usually waste time.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripping must be paying well now.
    It's considered a basic necessity now. However I only spent a little over 200 for my phone. I read average Americans live better than kings from 100 years ago. They had no air conditioning, no cars, no radios, no phones and probably no showers, just bath water and straw beds. I prefer everything I have now over what they had.
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    7 years ago
    How's your mood and attitude in real life ?
    I'm really just a quiet guy in real life. I can type fast and think of a gazillion ideas in a short amount of time which is probably the only reason I appear like I might talk a lot. That might be true if I drink beer too. I'm not drinking tonight.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    I believe I read one factor with social economic trends is for things to be more restrictive at the height of social mood. When we approach a bottom with a prolonged bear market corresponding to it, drugs might get legalized and taxed, less restrictions on strip clubs. Except for people losing jobs, I'm sorta looking forward to it as long as I keep or get a steady income. You know it's bad when the strip club is deserted on the weekend because everyone else lost their job. I fully expect the fed to take us back there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    Other advantages for solo involve easier hook up with dancers if you want to meet up or go someplace with them after work. Local clubs stay open until 4 so I stopped doing that. I only used to do that when I lived somewhere that clubs were required to close at 2 am. Greenville is thinking about this. I guess everyone will have to party at other random locations if they decide to restrict us more. I wish someone would vote the taliban off the city council. I guess if they restricted things more I could rent a place in town and invite strippers or friends over assuming they didn't drink too much. I wouldn't want them getting drunk at my place and killing someone late at night. Maybe not a great idea. I might have people crashing at my place.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    Solo for me over 99% of time unless someone talks me into taking them. I started off getting talked into my first couple visits with someone from work then wanted to go visit again without waiting months to do so. Buddies were ok but I discovered lots of benefits to going solo where I used to live. I didn't even feel solo after certain dancers seemed to be my buddies with benefits, Even now when I visit, I get certain dancers wanting to spend time with me. A work buddy was a bit awkward the last time that happened. He seemed more interested in looking at his phone and eventually hitting on a waitress. She was good looking though. One nice thing is not worrying about someone taking over your table when you only left for a minute. One bad thing is that some dancers may not approach as often as when you are alone. I have been swarmed by dancers in clubs where I'm not a regular and go alone. That's not always bad. :)