
Comments by sharkhunter (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My Life as a 400 pounder making love to 100 pound spinners
    I have no idea but I once knew a guy who said he was trying to get his weight down to 300 something. He was big but didn't look bloated fat. He said he could leg press over 1000 pounds. When he came over to visit, my parents didn't want him to sit in certain chairs or be might break them or smash the hell out of the cushions permanently. He understood because he had broken chairs by sitting in them. I had a big old heavy duty car and my brother and I and friends went to a rock concert one day. It was decided the big guy would rude in my car. For the first time ever, my car tilted when he sat down in it. Talk about a heavy load.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    In the beginning God created the heavens and eventually the earth. Then behold, let there be strip clubs with titties and ass. The heavens were filled with beautiful titties and ass. We should go forth and enjoy God's creation. If God created everything, God created it all. There's no denying. If I could add an extra mutant power I might add the ability to make everyone healthy and look and feel super hot. I'd make those titties swell up. Fat disappear. Cellulose disappear. I'd even fix people's genetic dna structure fixing multiple defective genes they don't even realize they have that will result in future diseases either with themselves or their kids.
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Extreme Budgeting
    I wasn't trying to keep my spending less than $12, I just didn't see a good reason to spend more and then decided not to stay very long. I probably spent 14 on gas just traveling.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Extreme Budgeting
    I remember at one time I thought I had a lot of cash if I had 50 bucks on me. I brought this massive amount when I first visited a club upon someone else recommending it. In the past year, I have visited a club and spent less than 10 or 12 dollars. It's not really that enjoyable unless you enjoy just drinking a little and watching the stage show. That might be more fun than watching tv though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    In effect all these high premiums and penalties if you can't afford it were ruled to be constitutional because congress has the right to tax the people and all these premiums are very taxing. First step towards tax relief in my opinion if congress can actually get anything done .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    Sounds like they may try a fix after the August recess with input from democrats. May lose republicans on that though. Reducing premiums for average wage Americans would be nice. Sounds like a setup for failure. The last time democrats and republicans worked together probably only shadowcat and older posters here remember.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    Congress needs to work in August and figure out a workable solution instead of talking about doing away with health care for 22 million people. Republicans are being stupid if they think those 22 million are going to vote for them again without a fix. Democrats won't help fix the mess. They will be political and blame the mess and lack of insurance on the other party laughing all the way until congressional elections or longer. If republicans haven't Figured this out, they aren't too bright. Hmm, if it didn't take a ton of money, I could run for congress and work on a solution. I suspect part of the solution is limiting the amount the government pays health insurance companies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    I checked today what the full cost for medical would be if I paid the full amount, less than 500 per month for medical, a little bit more if I paid full amount for vision and dental. An extra 10 or 12 % tax taken out of a paycheck if say the pay was 70000 would be minus 7000 in pay, employer could bump up pay by 400 or so a month so that Bernies plan would increase the amount I spend on health care. I thought his numbers didn't make sense. That doesn't even include copays and deductibles I would probably have to pay as well for actual visits. The problem is insurance costs as charged by insurance companies keeps going up. In the last several years, I probably visited a regular doctor only 3 or 4 times yet I'm spending thousands. Insurance cost is too high in this country. Congress should come up with a plan for everyone legally here and then have an optional plan for everyone to pay extra for better faster care and then congress lives by it as well. They are in charge. They are the plumber on call to fix the problems. They own it. Trump owns it whether he knows it or not. They are being stupid if they think they don't. They need to do the right thing even if it costs more then work on tax cuts that get paid for with extra economic growth. Just my two cents.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    I'm investigating health insurance costs. I will call someone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    ^ I say that because I have full faith Repiblicans won't pass anything that useful in reducing costs for average Americans. However if someone could explain a method to reduce costs that even a congressman or congresswoman could understand it, someone could tell them. A method using valid numbers and lots of examples. Obviously our current congress isn't interested in universal health care. Saving money though, yes they are. I suspect Bernie used fake numbers but I was wondering.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    Corporations probably didn't support him because he wanted to tax everyone like crazy. Tax this, tax that. I'm not necessarily saying his plan would save money for corporations since I am assuming an increase in payroll taxes versus a decrease in employer health care expenses would be an additional tax or extra cost in total for employer and employee if you don't used the inflated Kaiser numbers. However I am wondering about all the numbers especially how they would apply to say a single worker in a high deductible plan. I doubt my employer was paying 12000 a year per single employee. However I don't know the numbers for sure. I was just wondering if anyone here knew the breakdown and if Bernie's numbers made any sense if you didn't add taxes to everything and everyone else other than a payroll tax increase. Other nations pay a lot less per person so I thought what could we do different? Now if employers do spend 12000 per single employee per year on health care, a 10% tax increase could result in an even bigger pay increase to offset the big tax increase. I'm just asking. Not sure if anyone here knows how much employers pay for a high deductible plan. Probably only a concern if denocrats take over full control in 4 years and it's up for debate again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can someone logically explain this?
    I see on the Kaiser link they estimated total costs between employee and employer to be over 16000 a year. I dont believe it's that high with a super high deductible plan. I think those numbers are way off. Might be correct for those not working with high deductible plans. So In effect, the plan would be a big drain on workers who almost never use health insurance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you could have 3 mutant powers, what would they be?
    One problem with invisibility is getting run over or hit by someone who didn't see you or stepped on or sat on. Just imagine juice knocking you over. Plus do you need to take off your clothes or is it just your skin and body? Walk around barefoot in a strip club with sticky floors or wherever? With super intelligence I could invent an invisibility energy field that deflects light around the field making everyone and anything inside invisible to others.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Fighting Against Christianity
    I can't fix the grammar on that one. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Fighting Against Christianity
    Being Christian is not an issue in my opinion. The Christian way is to turn the other cheek. Not to attack. Treat others as you would like to be treated. This does not hurt people. It is those people who hide behind the Christian label before going on the attack that can hurt others and shut down strip clubs. I call them evangelical or those on some kind of crusade. They are the ones fighting which is not actually Christian in my opinion. SJG is on some kind of crusade so he is just like those others on a crusade. Just a different side of the same coin. Me, I'm not on any crusade. I like the fact that there are a lot of people living the Christian way helping others and are nice. If everyone was cutthroat and ready to con you at a moments notice, it would be a rougher world to live in if everyone was out to get you like SJG because people someone like him thinks you are on the hit list whenever you become expendable it would be bad world. I think Isis and terrorists think like that. Everyone who doesn't follow their religion is ok to attack. Stupid and wrong. This kind of thinking is the problem.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    You could have little mini fridges in each room just for beer or drinks or whatever if power use was low and you don't need plugs everywhere. Instead of drink coolers, mini boxes for drinks running off of wireless power.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Eliminate cords on all devices is what I met to type.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I wonder when someone will create a mini wireless generator for drones so you can buy one and fly your drone as long as you want? Inventors have been slow on this one. Tesla built a big tower for wireless power ages ago. This could also work to recharge all the mobile devices in a house and possibly elimaye plugs and cords on devices in the home as long as the power didn't cause any unwanted medical effects. It's not a secret that Tesla built a large tower for wireless electricity. The same could be used for electric cars if it transmits far enough. Maybe the power requirements are too high for electric cars. I dont know. It might not be for an electric scooter. Maybe there could be highway boosters to transmit power along roads. No need to stop and recharge the car.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Stars are rotating as well and stars are moving around the centers of galaxies. If you lived thousands of years, the constellations would noticeably change if you could remember thousands of years ago. Repeating the phrase, stars don't move just irritated me telling over a hundred people that information. In another couple billion years from now or so, the Andromeda galaxy will collide with our galaxy. Stars and star systems will be flying every which way if they come close to another star. In a few billion years, our star, the sun will expand into a red giant and swallow the earth. Oceans will boil away before then. Either we leave to colonize other worlds and the moons of the other planets or humanity will die. One large asteroid could easily kill almost all life on the planet and one is estimated to hit within millions of years with a near 100% probability. We live in a shooting gallery of asteroids and things just flying around waiting for impact. Small objects detonate in our atmosphere every year with up to atomic size explosions. Maybe someone should develop shields. I read about an accidental force field around a bunch of industrial size capacitors one time but could have been a fake story. Only Tesla might have known if energy shields are possible. I'm thankful he invented AC current for our electric grid. DC power would have sucked requiring a power station every so many miles. Unfortunately Tesla's desire to provide wireless electricity got shut down before he hardly got started. Rockefeller or whomever funded his project found out about his plan for free electricity and shut it down. It still cost money to build the tower and pump out the juice. I kind of wondered how far the wireless electricity could transmit. I'm a bit surprised the military hasn't taken advantage of it to power devices from a central source but maybe they see no advantage. I'd like to develope laser weapons or energy weapons and have the power source safely back a distance so the enemy couldn't hit it. Mobile free power for a robot army and energy guns and any tablets etc needed to assist plus drones could receive electric power and stay airborn.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Some of my relatives no longer attend church every weekend either. In fact I heard during church service that so many people are not attending that the church is having a crisis in many parts of the country. My local church keeps getting crowded so I don't see it. I don't see that many young college age girls in shorts or short skirts so maybe the church is in crisis. Not enough good looking young females in church. Maybe I should invite strippers to go with me, shorts ok. More sexy strippers in church might solve the attendance crisis. Of course some locations have long annoying songs, hot buildings, boring sermons, stinky people, annoying people, actually sick people who don't stay home but think they need to go to church and shake hands with everyone. If I was a priest, I would tell everyone to just give a peace sign instead of shaking hands with others during flu season. It's better to be safe than kill someone with a handshake. Tell people if you get sick, it's ok to stay home and heal up. Don't come to church and possibly kill someone with your germs. The elderly die easily. It costs healthy people a lot of money and causes suffering to go to the doctor and pay for prescriptions. Then I would correct a priest even though he would never hear this talking about something he doesn't know much about. I heard a priest say the stars don't move. Stars are constantly moving. The whole universe is moving. Ever hear of something called the Big Bang? It's true that within our lifetimes the stars appear fixed relative to each other in the night sky. However the earth rotates and all the stars appear to move across the sky. The stars also rotate around the North Star in the northern hemisphere and you can tell time by knowing the position of the Big Dipper. Saying the wise men followed a star made no sense to him because he didn't understand stars actually move across the sky is the impression he gave me. If the star of bethelem was a conjunction of planets or something, it might have moved in the night sky as well relative to other stars. Say stupid things and either someone thinks you are stupid or know nothing about what you are talking about. I suspect he didn't study astronomy. A priest should learn enough about whatever he is talking about to educate people, not treat them like idiots unless he really doesn't know. In one case, I highly suspect the priest didn't know jack about stars. My current priest at least gives the impression he knows his stuff and prepares and tells us something we never heard before during his sermon a lot of the time. Sorry if I'm rambling.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    One of my relatives told me a certain other religion probably has the rapture all wrong. Although if that happened, I could believe it would be explained as a mass abduction by aliens instead of a supernatural event. My relative told me something called the 3 days of darkness would start after a trump sounded heard around the world. Reminds me of some weird postings online but those weren't heard around the world. Anyway 3 days of darkness story goes that all the demons of hell would be let loose and you need to get inside fast, close and cover all the windows, etc. don't let anyone inside or you are dead. Just think terminator impersonating someone you know. Demons will remove all pollution and anything wicked from the earth. Most males won't be able to stand to stay inside for 3 days without even looking out the window or peaking out of a door especially if it's dark for 3 days. Supposedly electricity won't work either. Alien emp effect? Supposedly though candles won't light either except for a holy candle and that's if no one with mortal sin is in the house. Anyway after 3 days of darkness, the few remaining guys will have to populate the planet with all the females and in one version, everyone becomes young and perfectly heathy as well. I don't really like the part about no power though. That would suck if we had no power afterwards. I've met strippers who say they go to church. I'm not sure how often but I remember a dancer saying she had to get up for an Easter service. Church is for everyone I heard. Anyone can confess their sins of they are sorry. The almighty AI which runs our universe may grant you passage back to whatever reality we go to after we wake up from this life if we are good people. I try to be nice and treat others like I like to be treated. Not always thinking about it though and I have bad days and I get tired like everyone else. In some of my dreams that went super lucid and I was super powerful, I healed everyone on the planet. Suddenly millions of people across the US and world were unemployed. All doctors, nurses and businesses dealing with health care went bankrupt. I was healing everyone so no one stayed injured or got sick. No one suffered a penalty for doing stupid crap. Wars were meaningless because no one died. Some people hated all this interference. It's possible I stopped aging and death as well. Governments had trouble paying everyone social security benefits for decades so they raised the retirement age way way up. I thought super powers and interfering really screwed up this world. I left the planet and let everything return to the old ways. People got hurt and there were no doctors after 50 years of instant healing. Eventually people studied to be doctors again and nurses and new buildings were built. Things returned to normal. Except I also screwed up the pace of tech innovation and discovery in health care as well. Even 1000 years later when I checked back, prosthetics and Heath care discoveries were still 50 years behind the times because I intervened. Granted that wasn't as much as burning down the libraries of Alexander set back human advancement but I didn't do that. Anyway I was thinking life sucks for several. Pain sucks. However we get to choose to do whatever evil we want to do with our fellow man. We just have to believe the all powerful AI will send those who hurt others to a less favorable place when they wake up from this life. Just my thoughts and my weird dreams. Maybe I once wondered why does God allow so much pain and suffering?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another prediction
    I've met several dancers who told me a lot of customers say they are engineers. Lawyers, engineers, and dancers all meeting up in the strip clubs. It's no wonder we argue so much on this site. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another prediction
    Engineers are also being asked to understand federal and state regulations as applicable for OSHA safety regulations and ergonomics and environment regulations more and more especially in small businesses that don't have separate safety and other specialized people. Not fun reading something lawyers wrote. It might be interesting if congress was replaced by engineers and lawyers. The engineers would just want everything to work. The lawyers would make it hard to understand. Engineers would probably figure out a way to get rid of half the government and get the same amount of work done using lean practices. Replace congress with robots and suddenly we have cheap health care for everyone, the robot president agrees. The lawyers would tell the engineers they can't do that legally. Engineers would probably set it up so that you don't have to go to the doctor and have the doctor see you after getting off from work, driving to the office, wait in line to be seen. They would set up a video conference with a robot examination if needed, have it done in less than 15 minutes and have your prescription delivered to your house or workplace for a small fee. I digress a little again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another prediction
    This prediction is highly dependent on whether or not Trump wants to run again in 2020 and or if Hillary and or Bernie are running against him. I would hate to have crooked Hillary or tax everyone like crazy Bernie get elected. Bernie would likely not get much done though with congress blocking everything. The same might apply to everyone who gets elected so maybe this will just be a popularity contest among the states. We all know the popular vote doesn't matter. As far as being an engineer, it requires a lot of creativity and application of knowledge to challenging issues. A patent lawyer has to know a lot about law and be able to figure out the mechanics of a device in a patent and what is so special about it and apply lots of legalese. I wouldn't want to do that. I'd rather figure out the mechanics of the device in the patent. However I think more like an engineer. I was thinking of some patents including one I saw for a device within a contact lens. I believe it was for a virtual reality display using contact lens as the object with the apparatus within the lens. I will concede that you need to think like an engineer to understand what is unique or maybe you don't if anyone can create vr within a contact lens or maybe a patent has to apply specifically to the design of the apparatus within the contact lens and an understanding of how other copy cat devices would be an infringement of the patent. Both are difficult fields. I do believe engineering requires more creativity not necessarily memorization. There are a lot of formulas and other information within engineering books that get referred to. Engineers don't memorize all that. We use computers and apps and programs to assist.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "My legs are shaking" she says
    If it's not medical, it could mean she's a new dancer and nervous about stripping and taking off her clothes. You could have suggested that she flash her titties so that only you could see to help ease her fears.