
Comments by sharkhunter

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Over the weekend
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    6 years ago
    People overall in the US are getting fatter. Strip clubs are hiring fatter dancers. It's a trend I don't care for. I myself have gained a few pounds eating out several times a week due to work. One tip. If you can sleep in one the weekend and skip breakfast and eat close to a normal lunch and supper, helps you shed pounds you may have gained during the week. It's like a 12 to 16 hour fast.
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    6 years ago
    iPad is going crazy changing my words exception not excretion. Ate at a hooters once or twice in Greenville in the last year or two, used to be girls working there who were my type. Not the last time. I'm in the majority and only saw minorities working there none of whom I was that physically attracted to. I can't change whom I'm physically attracted to and if Hooters only hires less attractive girls, I won't visit anymore. Seems like they are trying to be less sexy. Twin peaks even has much better looking minority girls working there than Hooters. Dieing mean to change topics. I read that the Hooters business model was dying. I read millenials were not into casual dining as much. I thought part of the overall trend with less young people going out dining, eating, going to strip clubs. I'm getting older and no longer seem to be the target market but the target market isn't buying in strip clubs and dining out in my opinion. Strip clubs and breastaurants seem to want to target young people. Well I'm not sure about strip clubs.
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    6 years ago
    Portion sizes have become much larger in the US over the last 2 decades. Plus certain food manufacturers have added high fructose corn syrup which they human body does not process very well to about as much food in the US as they could in my opinion. The nation got much fatter. Add in more kids growing up playing video games and on the phone versus running and playing outdoors, and waist sizes have exploded. I've seen some pretty big dancers in strip clubs that 20 years ago, would have never dreamed in my worst nightmares would be working in a strip club. I have to think, why am I at a club that hires such 200 pound dancers? If they made an excretion for one girl, I might just ignore the girl and hope she quits. I've seen this in more than one club though. It makes me not want to return. It turns me off and makes me want to leave. The reason I haven't been eating at Hooters hardly at all is because I visited 2 different hooters in tehcahrlotte area and almost all the girls I saw were not my type. They were almost all one race which wasn't my type. I've seen the some pattern at al it's every hooters I've visited in the last year. I've been eating at twin peaks since then. Been skipping strip clubs after seeing all the 200 pound heffers. Haven't been to Hooters in quite some time. Ate at twin peaks twice last week. I like looking at girls who are my type and nice to look at. Everything else is a waste of money to me.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Picture link of nicole1994's Halloween costume that she ordered online. Warning
    I was thinking Nicole is lucky I'm not a big bear who likes blueberries or I might eat her. :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    I once looked up a dead dancer on Facebook and then looked at other dancers I knew worked in one club in Facebook. I appeared on one dancers suggested friends list and she didn't know why when I gave money to one of her friends godundme page. I tried to do it anonymously but Facebook required an email to do it. Then it put my profile near the top of her friends suggested friends list for a whole month. The dancer in the club whom I didn't know have me strange looks for a whole month. I was already familiar with the lone survivor of the wreck and she didn't know it. I also had one of the dead girls strangely clinging to my arm one night not saying anything but holding onto me. Found out sometime later she died and lived in the same town as me. Of course the dancer I didn't know except from the club probably thought I was creepy popping up on Facebook. One other time I was having electrical issues. Told a favorite of mine or asked her if anyone else was having electrical issues in the club. She said only you. So I didn't discharge my electric charge before appraising the stage and she got a large electric jolt when she touched my head. I felt it and she didn't stop talking about. I let her feel the juice or electricity since I thought she doubted me and thought I was full of crap. It was a big jolt but not enough to hurt that much. Just static electricity. It's possible the new chairs were reacting with my shorts when I stood up and I may have had high iron in my blood causing me to build up an electric charge in the summer time. Problem went away after I gave blood so if it was a blood related thing, I shared with several others and no longer have any electrical issues, so far. Looking at dead dancers profiles on Facebook and feeling like at least one of them prodded me into it, creepy. This happened shortly after I switched to an alternate Earth so I wanted to know details in case I switched again and they were alive on whatever Earth I randomly switched to. Of course would they understand my reasoning? I doubt it. Actually I wanted to know who died by looking at their faces since I didn't know them by names except for one of my favorites who survived. I was sad at the news. Tragic accident. Wondered if the driver swerved to miss an animal. I never talked to my soon to be old favorite ever again but I found out her name and that she lives not far away from my house. Creepy?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    I'm lurking. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I decided to root for bama but don't care a whole lot. I'm surprised they were behind most of the game.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Waitress keeped looking at me like she needed my dick
    I actually looked at SA out of curiosity. Saw some girls post no sex at all. Said if that's what you are looking for, look somewhere else. Guess some girls want to be paid non sexual escort like friends. Some girls must have been curious like me setting up profiles but not logging back in for months. I only looked at local profiles. Then I looked up site definitions for expected arrangements and some amounts were thousands per month, holy cow. The only people I know of that spend that kind of money are Greenville county agents or possibly deputies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Waitress keeped looking at me like she needed my dick
    Maybe she was wondering if she was your sister or daughter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?
    I haven't been here much either but I will second that.^
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    7 years ago
    How long until OTC?
    My second visit alone to a strip clue I got a dancer to agree to a private party as she said t. My problem was I was trying to date her and didn't know she wanted money. This was many years ago. I ended up getting nude lap dances at her place but not necessarily the routine OTC some guys talk about. I did end up seeing her a few times with no money exchanged between us. I guess in that respect we were sort of interacting like in a date without thinking about it. She really gave me a GFE at times even getting pissed off at me for no good reason but she came back. I was ticked off the first night because I didn't know she wanted money and refused to pay anything at first. I relented after she started crying. I had access to a lot of cash. In one deal she made with me, she sort of made it even or even had me come out ahead. After a few years, she seemed a lot more attached to me than I was to her. When other dancers think you got something going on with a dancer, they may not be completely wrong. One spat lasted 3 months. She quit working at the club I visited because of a disagreement. Watch out some dancers are crazy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rookie move = being ripped-off
    I never threaten to write a bad review. I never wanted anyone to know my identity. However I think at least one dancer in one club figured me out and gave me a dancer nickname called Trouble. If she only knew more how appropriate that has been at times. I remember one club was raided within a week after I posted something I didn't think was that bad. Another time I emailed the strip club chain management and they suspended dancers and bouncers for 2 weeks after they did an internal investigation.
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    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    I've never had a dancer discuss the morality of dancing that I can remember. If she's doing it, I think most already decided it's ok to make money and the main people who seem to have a problem with it are the prudes in society. There are some people who think drinking any kind of alcohol is a sin. I disagree with that. Some even think Bj's are wrong. I disagree. However there are still stupid old laws on the books. Even now in South Carolina, it is illegal to buy beer or liquor in the grocery store on Sunday in SC. Stupid law in my opinion. Obviously someone thought it was morally wrong to be able to buy it at the store on Sunday. Total nonsense in my opinion. At one time, I think the 1800's, people thought it was immoral for women to publicly show any leg above the calf or something like that. If they time traveled, they would probably think women today walked around naked wearing shorts. That might be comparable to a religious right person wAking up 100 years from now and finding out all women are topless in public during the summer.
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    7 years ago
    Will sexbots be the end of SC's and prostitution?
    If someone makes the sexbots too intelligent or they gain consciousness, they might demand equal rights. That would be scary. Robots wanting a share of entitlement checks. It will be even weirder if you can't tell if someone is a robot or human. Next thing you know, we will be discussing robot politics. That might be weird. Only intelligent robots get elected in a robot world.
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    7 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    Top 40 Strip Clubs Based On Vibe
    Juice could have single handed made any club number one at one time when he had like 20 different aliases on here. Anyone could do that though but I think it's a waste of time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    The priest at my church says church is the hospital for sinners. On another occasion he told a story of how someone was trying to decide what church to join and left an umbrella at the front entrance. No one stole it. He said he didn't join that church. Everyone was too perfect. Tried another. Umbrella still there. Then he visited the church I go to. He said someone took his umbrella. That's the church for him. He didn't want to go to a church with no sinners where everyone was perfect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    The internet was invented solely so that people from all over the world can easi
    I also read North Korea hacked US and South Korean plans to take out the NK leaders. The US officials said they had updated their plans already so all they stole was old outdated information. Makes me wonder what kind of cyber warfare weapons North Korea could unleash.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    The internet was invented solely so that people from all over the world can easi
    Porn has been important for getting leading edge tech implemented online for many years. The Porn industry pioneered many new tech developments online. Just mentioned in case any females read this and wonder why there is so much porn online.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic. How to run for president and not turn off large blocks of voters
    My primary choice for president has never won a primary. I feel better rooting for a football team underdog like LSU. Today. At least they win sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ford trying to run over Tesla
    I think car sales are safe for a while. Doing some quick calculations ride sharing services would have to be less than 12.50 a day to save me money and I doubt I can get multiple different rides around town for less than 12 bucks through some other service. That average stays the same for long trips out of town. We are a long way from that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    CNBC says if Bitcoin was a stock it would be a top perfomer
    I saw a video from a trader how she or he made 56% in one day trading the Japanese crypto currency. I'm not involved in the exchange and didn't completely follow all the technicals of what they were looking at. To me it's similar to someone saying they made 56% in one day trading a penny stock which at this point, that's true.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Gods Love for Sinners
    I think maybe we all woke up too early especially for Saturday. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ford trying to run over Tesla
    If most cars are electric and automatically recharge via the highway system, then going off-road might require private vehicles.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ford trying to run over Tesla
    People will still pay for convenience. Don't like waiting for a ride? Don't like extra stops? Don't like extra passengers? A private car or paying extra not to share the ride might be options. I expect ride sharing with other passengers to reduce the cost of my ride even more. I'm not sure if ride pick up and share services such as lift or uber are doing such things.