

Avatar for TrapBaby304
TrapBaby304Trap Jumpin

Darkblue999 has stalked and followed dancers to their cars.

Chell has stalked dancers online

DC is so socially retarded he tries to convince himself that hoes really like him

San Jose Guy is desperate to believe GFEs are real

SO who else wants to share some of the creepy shit they do???????


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Avatar for TrollWarnBot

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

TrapBaby304 - definite troll account

Avatar for rossl

I’ll play....

Licked her armpit. Totally her fault; she said she wasn’t ticklish.

She was there.

Avatar for TrapBaby304

Thats not that creepy..... now if you pulled a Darkblue999 and stalked her then licked it, or pulled a San Jose Guy and made out with her armpit....or a DC and thought she initiated it, THAT would be creepy LMFAO

Avatar for ei8ht_Ball

I read your posts and pretend that they're interesting . . . that kinda creeps me out . . .

Avatar for skibum609

I pretend that you're a human being which is borderline sickening.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I ate gummy worms out of a girls pussy - after I fisted her. Asking for a friend...

Avatar for wellhungsac420

Nope not creepy.

Nothing creepy happens in the Champagne room.

"It is known"

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Get her the phone number of the local health department instead of mine!

(She would not leave me alone)

Avatar for TrapBaby304

tittyfag is creepy, but only cos he mentioned creepy TUSCL members lol

Avatar for MackTruck

I dumped a load in her basement

Avatar for sharkhunter

I once looked up a dead dancer on Facebook and then looked at other dancers I knew worked in one club in Facebook. I appeared on one dancers suggested friends list and she didn't know why when I gave money to one of her friends godundme page. I tried to do it anonymously but Facebook required an email to do it. Then it put my profile near the top of her friends suggested friends list for a whole month. The dancer in the club whom I didn't know have me strange looks for a whole month. I was already familiar with the lone survivor of the wreck and she didn't know it. I also had one of the dead girls strangely clinging to my arm one night not saying anything but holding onto me. Found out sometime later she died and lived in the same town as me. Of course the dancer I didn't know except from the club probably thought I was creepy popping up on Facebook.

One other time I was having electrical issues. Told a favorite of mine or asked her if anyone else was having electrical issues in the club. She said only you. So I didn't discharge my electric charge before appraising the stage and she got a large electric jolt when she touched my head. I felt it and she didn't stop talking about. I let her feel the juice or electricity since I thought she doubted me and thought I was full of crap. It was a big jolt but not enough to hurt that much. Just static electricity. It's possible the new chairs were reacting with my shorts when I stood up and I may have had high iron in my blood causing me to build up an electric charge in the summer time. Problem went away after I gave blood so if it was a blood related thing, I shared with several others and no longer have any electrical issues, so far.

Looking at dead dancers profiles on Facebook and feeling like at least one of them prodded me into it, creepy. This happened shortly after I switched to an alternate Earth so I wanted to know details in case I switched again and they were alive on whatever Earth I randomly switched to. Of course would they understand my reasoning? I doubt it. Actually I wanted to know who died by looking at their faces since I didn't know them by names except for one of my favorites who survived. I was sad at the news. Tragic accident. Wondered if the driver swerved to miss an animal. I never talked to my soon to be old favorite ever again but I found out her name and that she lives not far away from my house. Creepy?

Avatar for nicespice

^Whenever article publishing comes back, I think you should write one.

Avatar for Dominic77

Sharkhunter has some of the best off-beat** stories!

**that's the nice way of writing "weird".

Avatar for Jascoi

i ate m&ms out of a girls pussy.

Avatar for NJBalla

Glad to see trollbot is working effectively. Shame on anyone who thought this account was a real stripper. Any stripper with that much money on thier hands isnt about making money

Avatar for NJBalla

I personally have not done anything creepy to a stripper, but in an unrelated story I have heard that all instagram models who routinely visit dubai for free do so because all of the sultans pay to shit on thier chests. Safe for work explanation below. I guess if girls give extras for $100-$200 then for $5,000 this may be worth it.


Avatar for Dominic77

Don't recall anyone saying conclusively she was a stripper though. Where did you see that?

Avatar for NJBalla

"She" made tons of comments alluding to the effect in an early thread. Such as me not buying a girl a drink made me less of a mark to other dancers.

Avatar for Dominic77

NJBalla, that’s not what I asked. Re-read what I posted. She doesn’t count. I meant a Tuscl regular. So, no then?

Avatar for Cashman1234

I gave a dancer DarkBlue’s phone number. That’s probably the creepiest thing anyone could do!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Went to a stripper’s funeral and got the phone numbers of a bunch of her friends who were also strippers and escorts. Including the deceased’s 19 year old sister.

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