
Will sexbots be the end of SC's and prostitution?

Seems like they will be (in 10-20 years) a lower risk, lower cost way to get the same desired result. ATF isn't in town? Just order the sexbot to match her appearance.


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    cherry 2000.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    10 to 20 years is highly optimistic for anything comparable to a real human. But eventually? Sure.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    SJG has stock in the company. :)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Kurzweil thinks computers will be able to pass a Turing test by 2029 which is 12 years. Is that highly optimistic? Maybe. But I agree with this view.

    How long after that do we quality sex robots? Got to imagine there would be a good market for it. (Saw a survey last week where 25% of men said they would have sex with one).

    So 20 years sounds quite realistic to me. Long before that there there will be lower quality ones. Even now there are.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    How's the new Blade Runner, btw? Was thinking of going to see it this weekend.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Can you have a conversation with her? They can fill a need for the dude who is afraid to talk to women, but not for guys who want a gfe type rendezvous.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    can't wait to see blade runner 2047. the first one (1982) was good. that replicant was HOT!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    2049. not 2047. sorry.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    There's a theme that runs through much of sci-fi that there is something about human that just can never be replicated in machines and makes humans ultimately superior. I think it's total non-sense, but it's an idea the masses seem to have bought into. I guess I have to add that to one of the top three myths of the last century.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Anything a human has will, ultimately, be replaceable in a machine, and probably better too. Somethings will take more time, but their nothing unique that "can't be touched" about humans.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I don't want to admit this, really, but ... I would have to say, I kind of like the idea. Sometimes whacking off with a "realistic" sex-toy vagina makes the whack-off experience very good for me, almost to the point of creating a type of Oxytocin neuro-transmitter glow feeling in my mind. The kind of porn that I like to watch most, is filmed in point-of-view camera angles, and I like it precisely because it "fools" my mind into experiencing it as though I am within, rather than merely watching, the sex. I am already experiencing as much of a sex-bot type sexual service as I possibly can, given the limitations of my budget and the devices I've purchased. I have a VR boxlet thingie that I can stick my smartphone into. I have a high-quality computer screen. I have headphones. I have a "realistic" sex-toy. I apply the above together to my psyche and my willie to whack off.

    I know, too much info, TMI, but, now that I've shared it, the next point is inevitable.

    Presuming the sex-bot is actually very enjoyable, very realistic, then, what's wrong with it? The only down-side to having a sex-bot, as far as I can imagine, is that it makes the user think he is a "loser." For me, it would generate, in my mind, a type of lowered self-esteem based on the fact that I was fucking a "fake" human which would automatically fuck me every time I demanded it, and therefore I must have done something "wrong" in my "real" life to prevent desirable "real" humans from reciprocating my desire and being willing to fuck me. I'd feel "bad" about using a sex-bot.

    But if I could get over that concept? What if there's, for example, a new Ebola-Plus-AIDS epidemic and quite literally nobody can have sex with real humans any more, until they cure it? The stigma against sex-bots is erased because, well, everyone's doing it, so it's not just a loser-thing to do. I bet you, me, and everyone else on this forum would be pumping away into a latex-and-steel device that had all the appendages we wanted, and none of the emotional entanglements.

    One thing that the right kind of realistic vagina can do, is give you a chance to thrust your hips into it. If the vagina is attached to realistic hips and ass, and you move your body the way you move during sex with a real woman, the realism experience is all the more heightened. I bet people who've never thrust into a realistic fake vagina, rather than pumping it onto their dick by holding it in their hands, don't even conceive of the change in experience that the change in position can provide. Maybe they don't want to try it but, now that the cat's out of the bag ... go on, experiment. It fucks with your mind, when you move around like it's real sex by thrusting into the partner rather than slamming it down with your hands. It fucks with your mind to the point that you feel ... "connected" ... during sex. It's screwed up, hell yeah. But damned enjoyable too. At least for me. :)

    TMI. OK so sue me.

    Also, it gets me down-loaded. It unloads, down-loads, the jizz, so that when I go out to try to pick up a real hottie, I'm not desperate for sex. Idiots that they are, women appreciate this attitude of slack-jawed sloe-eyed droop-limbed lackadaisical insouciance. From my point of view, it means I just fucked myself silly with a toy and spooged into it. From theirs, it means I don't want to fuck them because I don't appear desperate for sex, and therefore I must be a decent honest sincere man whom they should wish to fuck. I can't explain it, it's totally backwards, but it (sort of) works for me.

    More TMI I suppose ...
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Yeah. Way too much information.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I'm also looking forward to the day when robots will be more interesting to talk to than most humans.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    man. what a delima. (forgive the spelling). at least i can turn the robot off. unlike my last tj experience where i had to kick her out. (that last tj experience was by far the weirdest stripper experience i have EVER had.)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Blade Runner 2049 was fantastic.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    If someone makes the sexbots too intelligent or they gain consciousness, they might demand equal rights. That would be scary. Robots wanting a share of entitlement checks. It will be even weirder if you can't tell if someone is a robot or human.
    Next thing you know, we will be discussing robot politics. That might be weird. Only intelligent robots get elected in a robot world.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Dougster said "There's a theme that runs through much of sci-fi that there is something about human that just can never be replicated in machines and makes humans ultimately superior. I think it's total non-sense, but it's an idea the masses seem to have bought into. I guess I have to add that to one of the top three myths of the last century... . Anything a human has will, ultimately, be replaceable in a machine, and probably better too. Somethings will take more time, but their nothing unique that "can't be touched" about humans."

    I totally agree. It all started with Frankenstein. Almost every work of science fiction is derived from Frankenstein. It's this idea that somehow we'll "go too far," or "play God," or mess with something that we don't understand. What horseshit! And naturally it has infected politics, too. Restrictions on cloning, stem cell research, genetically modified foods, animal research, etc. All this bioethics stuff makes me sick. The researchers are trying to improve human life, save lives, unlock the mysteries of the universe. I mean, some scientist could bring a dinosaur to life one day and half the country would probably want the guy to be locked up for it. Ridiculous.

    Anyway, I don't think it will be any time soon, but I'm sure we'll have sex robots one day. It may not be my cup of tea, but surely some lonely guy somewhere can benefit.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    Yes. We've known this for years.
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