
Waitress keeped looking at me like she needed my dick

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

Took a girl from SA out for dinner over the weekend and I'm twice her age...18-36.....waitress was an average looking girl about early thirties or late twenties...she kept smiling at me and looking at me from a distance like she couldn't figure out how I got with a girl so young and pretty

Ever had this happen and how did you deal with it ?


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Avatar for anonlvone

she's wondering what the young girl knows that she doesn't know. being seen in public with a young pretty girl automatically gives you legitimacy with other women. how you deal with it is up to you.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Maybe she thought you were gonna steal something

Avatar for ime

She was probably waiting for the girl to give a signal to call the cops.

Avatar for ButterMan

hmmm..maybe i'll give SA a look.

Avatar for ButterMan

curious what are you paying this girl juice? Or as they say what is your arrangement:)

Avatar for sharkhunter

Maybe she was wondering if she was your sister or daughter.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

She may think you're loaded to get a young chick like that and she may want a piece of the pie

Avatar for shailynn

She just wanted you to share your chackin fangers, you silly fuck.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I never pay the girl's to date me....I'll cover cost ice a real date but nothing else..if they need money I pay five hundred for all night of multiple pop's...majority of not all girls on SA see this as th perfect deal

Avatar for JuiceBox69

That's been my experience in my area at least...they treat the five hundred like its five thousand

Avatar for sharkhunter

I actually looked at SA out of curiosity. Saw some girls post no sex at all. Said if that's what you are looking for, look somewhere else. Guess some girls want to be paid non sexual escort like friends. Some girls must have been curious like me setting up profiles but not logging back in for months. I only looked at local profiles. Then I looked up site definitions for expected arrangements and some amounts were thousands per month, holy cow. The only people I know of that spend that kind of money are Greenville county agents or possibly deputies.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Honestly I think SA will take me away from SC on value alone

Avatar for JuiceBox69

You got to talk to lots of girls to find what your looking for but it's on your phone so it's convenient to do...I'm having a damn good time...I'll post more later on my findings and experience

Avatar for SteveSutton

I finally tried it today given my horrible success with escorts. A bit pricey to join just for a month and had to get a burner visa which worked fine. Anyway, my travels take me to a few destinations in the US the next month or two, and I'm happy to report I have been chatting with about 15 girls all day/evening. Half of them have given me their text number. Some are very straightforward in what they are looking for, others more discreet. But I think they all know what's up. I avoided girls with profiles that said they didn't want a one night thing because often I'm only in town for 2 days or so, so that is it. I'm pretty sure I may have dates lined up in 2 cities for later this month. I'm 0-4 with escorts, so very curious to see how this materializes.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Yeah you'll find girls that act like civilians in dating situation down to the professional hired gun

I shoot for the girl's in the middle...I like to get the business discussed up front then get back to the GF experience.

Those bitches will text you all damn day and night if you let them

The membership is best used as a once in every four or six months...get on their and start getting as many phone numbers as possible that way you want need to keep paying that fee...I'd advise every six months because the site has a high turn over rate...always new talent and usually virgin to the game and that means Max value for guy's like us.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I used pay pal to pay my fee

Avatar for ime

all that poker is paying off, keep living the life Juice

oh and Fuck You Jackie!

Avatar for Rick999

Does the site let you get on for free? I didn't pay anything. I didn't try to contact anyone. Either though.

Avatar for Rick999

It's free to join. I just confirmed it.

Avatar for PaulDrake

Steverox - Did you go through the sites background check? What sort of pricing are you finding?

Avatar for Rick999

Most surprising thing I saw was a raw meat jacket look.

I guess good for females who want to attract meat lovers.


Avatar for JuiceBox69

Free to join ....eighty to unlimited hoes for the month

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Use that time wisely and collect phone numbers so you want need the membership except every six months

Avatar for RandomMember

Waitress keeped looking at me like...

...you kidnapped her.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

In case some was curious it was at I Hop

Avatar for jackslash

She probably had a dick.

Avatar for ButterMan

How do the SA girls compare to stripper's as far as attraction

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Being honest it's the same...you can find any range on SA from a 5-10

Just like you can in any small to big town radius.

Old and young, fat and skinny...even athletic and obese

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I'm starting to enjoy it more because I feel a hundred percent of my donation is actually helping a young lady with her education or a single mom with her bills...instead of making some club rich

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I even doubt the majority of them have pimps....most seem very green in the industry...that's also why I think so much value is to be had

Avatar for joc13

"Honestly I think SA will take me away from SC on value alone"

It hasn't kept me out of the strip club, but it has kept me out of VIP. I can get half a day, or an overnight, with my SB for the price of a 30min VIP (well, not a Follies VIP) and a hotel room, there's gonna be a lot more fun than there would have been in the VIP.

Avatar for Warrior15

OK, I'm lost here. What the heck is SA ?

Avatar for twentyfive

Juicy stop being such a prude why didn’t you just invite the waitress to join you with your SA girl in a threesome

Avatar for joc13


Avatar for Cashman1234

The waitress was staring at you because you spilled syrup on your pants - and she was confused why your daughter (date) didn’t tell you that you had a big stain on your crotch!

Although - she may have been wondering why you had a coke can in your pants...

Avatar for JuiceBox69

LMFAO brilliant points gentleman

Avatar for anonlvone

actually she was wondering why he had a fried pickle in his pocket...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

SA = SeekingArrangements.com (a sugardaddy website)

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Waitress: "That prick is going to dine and dash. I can tell just by looking at him."

Juice: "She's looking at me like she needs my dick. Oh yeah."

Avatar for SteveSutton

Answering a question: I have not gone through any background check ... and won't. Too much at stake. I posted a blurry picture in my profile (not of me, but it could be), and a few ones of me as private pictures which I'll only share when I want to. For pricing, it's like $80 bucks for a month membership, the price goes down when you purchase multiple months. I'm not cheap (you can't be in this hobby), but frugal and would rather spend my money on actual girls than the site. I appreciate Juice's advice regarding getting a one month membership every few months or so. Like he said, you will get plenty of phone numbers to keep you busy for a while. My approach is going to be similar. Be wary, it's addicting. Note I'm not advocating this site as a replacement for clubs, but think it's going to be infinitely more rewarding than backpage escorts who never look like the pic.

Avatar for ATACdawg

I think that the waitress was wondering what you were doing with her girlfriend.....

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Why was I kissing my daughter like that LMFAO

Avatar for vincemichaels

She needed to be consoled, Juice is a good dad. :)

Avatar for vincemichaels

Nope, fag, wrong again. I did see your POS bicycle on his back porch. It's a little early for you to molest his kids, but noone here believes you have a brain.

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