
Site Accuses Women of Prostitution, Demands Money to Take Their Private Informat

A site called <Potential Prostitutes allows anyone to anonymously upload any woman's photo and contact information, then publicly accuses them of prostitution. They demand $100 from each woman to take the listing off their site. If that's not extortion, I don't know what is.
The site lists alleged "convicted prostitutes" along with women who in theory have no criminal record whatsoever. Every entry includes the woman's photo, name and telephone number. This is so impossibly wrong at so many levels that my head is exploding in a big bang of swearing.

We tried the site submission system ourselves and, indeed, anyone can send any photo, add the name and contact information, and submit it. What's even worse: the uploader doesn't have to provide any contact information whatsoever. There's zero accountability for the dickhead who does this. This means that any butthurt douchebag may be able to defame his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.

The owners of the site are even proud of their methods:

Currently we operate based on the efforts from motivated members of their local community who have at one point or another come into contact with a potential prostitute online and feel they can be a threat. All of our offenders have been reported by local members who feel these offenders should be taught a lesson before their actions escalate.

"Motivated members"? "Offenders should be taught a lesson before their actions escalate"? I had to read that last sentence a few times to make sure these bigots are so openly self-righteous and hypocritical. Why hypocritical? Because if the "offender" pays $100, everything is forgiven. She is not longer a "sinner" and they take her file out of the site.

The site argues that the Communications Decency Act protects their actions. This is the same law that protects any site—like Facebook, Tumblr or Gizmodo—from any legal action in case any user posts anything that may break the law or attack a third party. The difference is that, if a user of one of these sites posts anything that can be legally prosecuted, the sites will immediately take the content down and collaborate with law enforcement and the victim to get the criminal.

In the case of this site, which is designed exclusively to shame women in the name of fake puritanism, they will demand $100 from the abuse victim before taking down the file.

And the thing doesn't stop there. Here's another paragraph from their site:

We've been saying it for a long time and proving it even longer, our operations are professional, effective and one of a kind. Thanks to our brave visitors for stepping forward to tell the world what it should already know, that exposing online prostitute discourages other potential offenders from doing the very same thing.

No, you are not professional. And yes, you are one of a kind: a bunch of hypocritical assholes, scum who is basically extorting women based on nothing but anonymous accusations along with publicly shaming prostitution victims.

Seriously, I can't wait for the feds to bury these people into the ground deep and hard, whoever they are. [The Daily Dot]



  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    If real, these fuckers are looking at really serious consequences.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    The internet has reached a new low. This site is simply extorting money from women by smearing their reputation and making them pay $100 to have their name taken off. The internet allows these creeps to be extortionists without suffering any consequences. Hopefully, woman will refuse to be intimidated and not make the payoffs.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Only Obama and the "main stream media" is allowed to use this kind of tactic. Seriously though this is slander and the people running the site and the posteres could be in real trouble. Like multi-million dollar lawsuit trouble.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Hmmm. I wonder how long this site would keep it up if someone posted a picture of a prominent public figure, with bogus information. How demanding would they be then?
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    I would guess this site won't last. It will get hit by denial-of-service attacks organized by the victims or just some goodguys with the resources to easily do it. Also, they will keep getting their account frozen by their access provider. I don't think there's enough money in it to face the counter-attacks they will get.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    As I read it, plans are already in the works to make that side hell to run.
  • HowdyPilgrims
    12 years ago
    That site is run by scum, the same kind of people who did the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry a few years ago, or the Obama birthers, right, Tired Traveler....
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Tiredtraveler seems to be bitter about the election results.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    All that's needed is to upload a Swedish female politician and sit back while popping some popcorn!
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    there may be no end to the internet, but I believe that we have finally hit the bottom.
  • jestrite50
    12 years ago
    Thanks for reporting on this. It seems their information is limited. Not sure how they obtain it. Maybe public info from arrest records or ads on backpage.com.
    It doesnt work well. I typed in the name of a convicted local prostitute and it came back "no results".
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