I just returned from a local club I've been going to off and on fro years. Back in August I dropped by on a Saturday night and there were all kinds of hard bodies throughout the club. I don't know if this was due to another club closing or what. Tonight at the club, once again, were some hard bodies. But, there were also some fat and sloppy dancers there. Now it's obvious they make money because I see them giving dances (usually to some fat slob). But come on, I thought we went to these clubs for the fantasy. The last time I received a dance from a heavy weight, I literally almost threw up ( a long story). What I would like to know is, do some guys prefer this "large" women, or are you just dog horny? I'm on the average(?) side at 5'11", 170 lbs, and I just can't get a dance from a woman who out weighs me!
I prefer not to even tip dancers I'm not interested in looking at. There have been a couple of times when I did tip a dollar more out of feeling sorry for them rather than wanting to see them up close. One such girl caught me last night when I glanced up at the stage. I was looking at her tits for a second. The rest of her I definitely did not want to look at. She wasn't that fat but just not my type. She motioned over towards me and I ended up tipping her a dollar. Seeing her up close made me want to move away but she didn't immediately notice I was attempting to give her a dollar and didn't know whether to drop it on her and get away or what a second to see if she noticed me waving it around.
Other than her, I saw lots of pretty dancers and lots of favorites I hadn't seen in a long time. It was like I slipped into an alternate reality that was a lot more fun. Now I'm going to need to watch my spending if all these pretty girls I met last night keep showing up.
Went to a club on Wednesday that had a 200 pounder who was about 5' 2" and did only table dances when she wasn't walking around the club with her gigantic tits hanging out. She was occupied about 95% of the time but NEVER by me. I got dances from average to skinny dancers. Not interested in one that have to separate the fat folds for you to see pussy lips.
The only girls that shouldn't be dancing are the ones that can't make any money at it. If there are guys that want to spend time with them, be it because of looks, personality, or mileage then why be snooty and judgmental?
In recent years we have become overly focused on skinny. According to Art Historians, the Venus Di Milo, long considered the epitome of western concepts of beauty, if 5'4" tall would have measurements of 37D 26 38 I suspect that many folks would regard her as too big to work in a club.
Club managers will hire who the owners tell them to hire. And there are enough favors owed to investors, politicians, cops, bankers, suppliers, etc. to get almost any woman who wants to dance a spot in a club. In this economy a lot of women are willing to dance because they need the cash and have no shame about their lack of shape or skills. High end clubs will always try to maintain qualigy, but a lot of clubs will take almost anyone who wants to dance.
I agree with inno123 in that the only girls who shouldn't be dancing are the ones who don't make any money in it. In fact, one of my current faves at my favorite club is one "who shouldn't be dancing", at least based on the fact she's well over 200 pounds (at least that is my guess). But she makes fun of her own weight just as much as some of the customers do, she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her stripping and she never has problems making money, at least at her current club (I saw her at her previous club, and she'd complain about money there, but not at her current club, which is more of a dive), plus she's a chick who dances to heavy metal all the time, which counts for something in my book. I can't see her ever working in a high end club, but she seems to do all right in her current situation.
Although I don't get dances from fat chicks, I have no right to tell them that they don't belong there, especially if they make money. Just think if you applied that same logic to customers - those that don't spend any money on the dancers have to leave. Does that seem fair? Of course not.
I agree with inno123. If they can make money that's all that matters. I have seen a few dancers on the chubby side that had a sexy look to them. I also have a friend that I consider a chubby chaser. He is about 5'6" and weighs maybe 130 and his wife is about the same height but probably 180 to 190 lbs. And they seem very happy.
I can only remember seeing 2 dancers this year who I truly believed should have not been dancing. One was extra skinny, had ribs sticking out further than her nipples, had literally no breast tissue and had an unattractive face. The other girl was maybe 5 ft tall heavy, and not in a good way, and also had an unattractive face. She looked like an ugly fire plug. Both were in the same club and I was not there long enough to figure out if they were making money or not.
I've seen plenty of other heavy dancers and they seem to do fine. For the most part they embrace their bodies and seem like they are having a good time. Or they were working in extremely dark clubs such as the Cabaret Club in El Paso. And they usually have really big tits so that probably helps a bunch.
I go to dives a lot and on any given night half the strippers working at any given divebar shouldn't be strippers. I just focus on the ones I'm attracted to. I will admit sometimes the fuglies are irritating or pushy but they are rare. Usually they are lazy and just sit around and don't last long. And if they can make money by tapping into some niche, good for and more power to them as long as they don't keep bugging me after I tell them no.
"According to Art Historians, the Venus Di Milo, long considered the epitome of western concepts of beauty, if 5'4" tall would have measurements of 37D 26 38 I suspect that many folks would regard her as too big to work in a club."
Inno123, those are almost the exact measurements of one of my Latina favs.
Is she fat? IMO no, to me she is perfect. Plus I have to beat other customers off with a stick, those sonofabitches are always trying to fuck my fav. Sorry bastards.
inno123: "According to Art Historians, the Venus Di Milo, long considered the epitome of western concepts of beauty, if 5'4" tall would have measurements of 37D 26 38"
Which puts her hip to waist ratio at about 0.7. While the size/weight of what is considered beautiful in femails has historically varied quite a bit, the hip to waist ratio of those women who are considered attractive has remained relatively constant. A 21 inch waist coupled with 30 inch hips has the same ratio, and that's more in line with what is considered attractive now.
Women most of us consider "fat" and unattractive are more likely to have a ratio approaching 1, or even over that.
Having seen the Venus Di Milo last year in Paris, I can tell you the statue is very beautiful. Reduce her down to human size and put her in a strip club, and I would get lap dances all night.
@georgemicrodong....which proves that society has become obsessed with skinny. Very few 5'4" women could achieve a 21 inch waist and also a 30 inch hips no matter how much dieting they did.
That's why we are starving women and then expecting them to get implants to breasts and butts. And then complain about fake parts.
I like women with curves, so I am not turned off by what some may consider fat. Many in society may consider any woman over 140 lbs. too fat. I tend to always go for the curvier dancers even if they are not perfectly toned, over a perfectly toned dancer w/ no curves.
Having said this; anything over 180 lbs or so is too fat for me (although there may be a very few that may be able to pull it off per my tastes).
One more fat girl story: I was in a dive bar where they have a juke box where the dancers pick the music. This one fat girl goes on stage and she plays the ultimate fat girl song, AC/DC's "Whole Lotta Rosie", the only time I ever heard that particular AC/DC song in a club. A girl like that can sell me dances any time.
"You're a whole lotta woman A whole lotta woman Whole lotta Rosie Whole lotta Rosie Whole lotta Rosie And you're a whole lotta woman"
Here in Austin, TX. about half of the strip clubs specialize in fat/obese strippers. So certainly there is a demand for it. Not a large demand (no pun intended) per se, but enough demand that these clubs can stay in business.
The other clubs generally have more fit dancers. Although you will still occasionally find very big girls working as strippers there. The remark I hate to hear is when one of the big girls complain that they left the fat clubs because business was too slow.
Just yesterday I was in a club that was all hard bodies except for one chubby girl , and she was the only one getting dances. She was no doubt giving extras, but I did find it sorta funny that the hot dancers were all standing around.
I'm still getting rid of some of my baby weight, but I still have my .7 waist to hip ratio, so everything is where it's supposed to be. Plus, being tall with a "linebacker" build helps a lot!
I now have some pictures of me; n very high quality (phone pics, taken with crappy lights in my bedroom), but give a better image of my current body.
last commentOther than her, I saw lots of pretty dancers and lots of favorites I hadn't seen in a long time. It was like I slipped into an alternate reality that was a lot more fun. Now I'm going to need to watch my spending if all these pretty girls I met last night keep showing up.
In recent years we have become overly focused on skinny. According to Art Historians, the Venus Di Milo, long considered the epitome of western concepts of beauty, if 5'4" tall would have measurements of 37D 26 38 I suspect that many folks would regard her as too big to work in a club.
theres a stripper who will eat the whole box
I've seen plenty of other heavy dancers and they seem to do fine. For the most part they embrace their bodies and seem like they are having a good time. Or they were working in extremely dark clubs such as the Cabaret Club in El Paso. And they usually have really big tits so that probably helps a bunch.
Inno123, those are almost the exact measurements of one of my Latina favs.
Is she fat? IMO no, to me she is perfect. Plus I have to beat other customers off with a stick, those sonofabitches are always trying to fuck my fav. Sorry bastards.
Which puts her hip to waist ratio at about 0.7. While the size/weight of what is considered beautiful in femails has historically varied quite a bit, the hip to waist ratio of those women who are considered attractive has remained relatively constant. A 21 inch waist coupled with 30 inch hips has the same ratio, and that's more in line with what is considered attractive now.
Women most of us consider "fat" and unattractive are more likely to have a ratio approaching 1, or even over that.
Gentlemen, if you have never made love to a woman with those curves, then you don't know what you are missing. IMO.
"A 21 inch waist coupled with 30 inch hips has the same ratio, and that's more in line with what is considered attractive now."
I don't even know any girls with a 21 inch waist except my 14 year old neighbor, and I won't even go there. Too young.
That's why we are starving women and then expecting them to get implants to breasts and butts. And then complain about fake parts.
Having said this; anything over 180 lbs or so is too fat for me (although there may be a very few that may be able to pull it off per my tastes).
"You're a whole lotta woman
A whole lotta woman
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
And you're a whole lotta woman"
The other clubs generally have more fit dancers. Although you will still occasionally find very big girls working as strippers there. The remark I hate to hear is when one of the big girls complain that they left the fat clubs because business was too slow.
I now have some pictures of me; n very high quality (phone pics, taken with crappy lights in my bedroom), but give a better image of my current body.