
Indonesia Plans to Impose Internet Porn Ban

JAKARTA, Indonesia—A month after hundreds of Indonesian Islamists rallied in the streets of central Jakarta demanding death to celebrities who allegedly appeared in homemade sex videos posted on the internet, a communications ministry spokesperson said Wednesday that a mandate to place a blanket ban on internet porn will be imposed on the country's 180 internet service providers (ISPs).

An anti-porn law passed in 2008 will be the basis for the request that ISPs enforce the provision online.

“We will send a formal request to internet service providers to be more proactive to every complaint related to pornography because we don't have the instruments to block it,” said spokesperson Gatot Dewa Broto.

According to Reuters, the government is still considering whether to impose sanctions on ISPs that do not comply with the ban, and is also planning on introducing “another controversial regulation controlling internet content by the end of this year, which critics see as an effort to clamp down on freedom of expression.”

The implementation of the plan is expected to take place in the next few months in the most world's populous Muslim nation.

Jul 14th, 2010



  • troop
    14 years ago
    not surprising seeing that it's illegal to chew gum in that friggen country.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    correction.. singapore is the city/country i was thinking about regarding gum chewing but i'm sure that indonesia isn't any better regarding personal freedoms.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Working around the world during the decade of the 80s with my company I found Indonesia to be the most mellow Muslim country of the many where I had contracts to fulfill. I would commit suicide before I spent one nanosecond in Saudi Arabia again. If Qadaffi was blasted off this planet I might consider visiting Libya again. <How could your F-111s have missed him after PAN-AM 103?> Algeria was bearable but only because of the residue of French culture remaining after the war of independence. This Indonesia story smells like political pandering to an hysterical religious faction. Reminds me of the freaks on the religious fundamentalist right in U.S.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    Indonesia has a lot of nuts too. A car load of nuts randomly threw bricks at a (christian) friend's dog and killed it. These bozo's were pretty main stream in my opinion.
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    Scary isn't it that the two most progressive Muslim countries, Indonesia and Turkey, are both rapidly becoming more Islamist. Within a decade one or both of them will probably have gone the way of Iran. Since the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th Century, Islam and scientific, social, and cultural progress have been fundamentally incompatible.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Reminds me of the freaks on the religious fundamentalist right in U.S."

    Amen to that.


    "Scary isn't it that the two most progressive Muslim countries, Indonesia and Turkey, are both rapidly becoming more Islamist. Within a decade one or both of them will probably have gone the way of Iran."

    Huh?? Turkey is a multi-Party, democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic, and they have full membership in the Council of Europe, NATO, and the G-20 major economies. Turkey's Constitutional Court can strip the public financing of political Parties that it deems anti-secular or separatist...or ban their existence altogether. Turkey is a secular state with no official state religion, and the Turkish Constitution provides for freedom of religion & conscience. If anything, Iran is on a very, very slow path towards Turkey...not the other way around.
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