
I'm Moving To Geermany!

Friday, July 23, 2010 3:59 PM
ok.. not really. did you guys see this new review? to say it sounds like a nice place would be a huge understatement! why can't i have a club like this to visit within a few miles? lol [view link]


  • troop
    14 years ago
    lol.. germany that is.. not geermany.. duh
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think prostitution is legal in Germany, no? The $35 cover charge listed for the place though seems too much though. You could end up paying that and finding no girl of interest for several visits. Still better value than most clubs in USA though.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    troop, if you want legalized escorts closer to Ohio, check out Windsor canada where there is a loophole that allows indoor escorts but not streetwalkers.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    sam i have never visited an escort although i have been considering it lately. the problem is i would want to see what they really look like and also spend some time talking before i decide to make the move. that seems to be the plus of this german club. 35 cover wouldn't bother me if the rest of that guy's review is accurate.
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    I had a friend who went Amsterdam and he said it was the same way, like a garden of Eden, and 50 Euros was the going rate for BJ + fucking with condom. He even said you could "upgrade" for an extra 10 Euros and do anal!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    As of today: 50 euros = 64.3150 US dollars
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    That is the first time that I have heard of an admission charge to a whore house. Been to 3 in NV and a bunch in Mexico. Of course MBOT is a whore house operating as a strip club. I wish the U.S. was more like some European countries when it comes to the sex industry. Btw, I was in Frankfort a loooong time ago and picked up a street walker. It was $10 for FS sans condom and included her room.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I met a gal at St. James who told me that she went to Europe on little $$ and was in Germany when the funds ran low. She thought that she'd just do some stripping in Europe and make enough to come back on. Then she asked "Did you know that there's no money to be made there stripping ? They can see boobs all over the place." I then asked her how she got back to the states. She got a sour look on her face, like she just sucked a lemon, and she changed the subject.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ArchieB must be a traveling man..he also just wrote a first review on Sugar Lounge in England.
    14 years ago
    The club is probably there due to an American base. Nothing quite like leftovers from 10,000 GIs. I believe a bit of Civil War history is the western division of the North's army was unable to fight for a time due to too many STDs among it's men. A steamboat full of prositutes had been following the army along the Ohio River and was the point of contamination. It seemed to be of preference to voluntarily contract an STD and get out of fighting versus getting killed outright or take one's chances with the field surgery techniques at the time.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i just did a search regarding american bases near wattenscheid germany. i came up with zip.. anyone else wanna try?
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    There are places like this all over Germnay. I think "FKK" is even a chain.
    14 years ago
    Thought someone had mentioned Frankfurt -- that's been a big American base city for decades.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    jackanonymous says: Posted: 07/23/10 There are places like this all over Germnay. I think "FKK" is even a chain. ------------------------------------------- ahh.. the pussy version of burger king! have it your way! lol
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    troop: from my time in Europe, I'd say these places mainly cater to locals, not GIs.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    <It seemed to be of preference to voluntarily contract an STD and get out of fighting> Except for the fact that at that point in time, STDs had a much higher fatality/permanent defect rate than they do now. Might still have been worth it, but I'm skeptical.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    Could the attitude and the law ever change in this country (non-Nevada US) to allow places like FKK?
  • theriddler
    14 years ago
    mmdv, Not where I live. I live in a DRY county in GA. Got no booze, sex, yeah right. I said " mayor, when we gonna get a sports bar around here"? He says "Son, we don't want dat kind of folk round hare". True story and hasn't changed yet.
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Yes, the clubs in Germany troop refers to are called "FKK" clubs. They're everywhere there, and for ~50 Euros, you get entrance, and then can lounge all day among naked women, partaking when you choose for ~50 Euros/half-hour, which includes BJ and basic FS. CIM/Anal can usually be had as well, sometimes for the same price, sometimes for an upcharge (usually no more than 50 Euros). The girls look amazing, by the way. Check this out: [view link] Being that it's legal, relaxing (like a spa), the girls are beautiful and European, and sessions a relative bargain (at current exchange rate, a basic 30-minute "session" is $65 (and there's no expectation to tip - kind of like lap dances in American clubs). Even if you want to pro-rate the 50 Euro entrance charge (for which you still get spa treatment of showers, robe, pool, beautiful club-like setting, food, and drinks (alcoholic included in some clubs)), if you do 3 women over an extended afternoon evening, the total nut per woman is only like $85/session - a steal no matter how you look at it, considering in America, an AMP session with tip will run you ~$200, an escort is ~$250, and a tense half-hour in most SC VIP rooms is a minimum of ~$200 (including club fee, tip, drinks, bouncer pay-off, ad nauseum), and often more.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    rod, thanks for the link to that vid! of course the link to the homepage of their website is.. [view link] WOW! fucking paradise! if i went there they would have to throw me out, i would never want to leave.. lol just imagine how great a deal that place would have been years ago when the dollar was actually worth more than the euro! i love the girl in your avatar too!
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    Living in Europe does have its advantages :-)
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    Terrific descriptions/discussions of FKK clubs at [view link].
  • troop
    14 years ago
    thanks for the link earl.
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Troop, You're welcome for the vid. Sweet, huh? I especially like the girls all lined up on the stairs near the end. Some of the other FKKs have decent websites, as well, including [view link], [view link], and [view link] (in the Czech Republic - nice uncensored pics).
  • spudd
    14 years ago
    Never been to Europe, but here's my "bucket list" when I plan to visit: 1) Participate in Running of the Bulls 2) Watch the Tour de France live 3) Visit a FKK
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    In Germany there are lawyers who make a living off scouting torrent trackers to see if you download a single MP3 or a movie. If they get you they will try to get your name and address from your ISP. First your ISP will refuse to hand your data to the rats. This leads to a pile up of legal costs. Finally 3-4 months later you will find a letter in the postbox saying that you have to pay a 1000€-5000€ + penalty because you downloaded something plus the legal fee that they spent on suing your ISP to give them your personal data. This has happened to many in Europe.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "I think prostitution is legal in Germany, no?" Yes, prostitution, brothel ownership, and pimping are all legal in Germany. An estimated 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, and 1.2 million customers are said to use their services daily. Revenues are estimated at 6 billion Euros every year...the same as companies like Porsche & Adidas! The govt. there withholds a portion of prostitution earnings to pay social benefits like pensions & health insurance and to guarantee a regular 40-hour-workweek. Sex workers can now even unionize in Germany. Prostitution is still treated slightly differently in each region of Germany though, giving each city the right to ban prostitution in certain areas. Freikörperkultur (FKK) is a German movement whose name translates to "Free Body Culture". It endorses a "natural" approach to sports & community living. Behind that is the joy of the experience of nature or also on being nude itself, without direct relationship to sexuality. The followers of this culture are called traditional naturists, FKK'ler, or nudists. Not all FKK clubs are sex clubs though!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    @ rod.. i just noticed that you posted some other links, thanks again :)
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