
Comments by AlienBoy

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Gettin' Played
    Just to add, Hollywood Cabaret is now gone, and replaced by Deja Vu Hollywood - wonder how it is - I plan to check it out soon.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    another happy review.
    7th Veil has been there like forever - in the late 1990s they remodeled and "upscaled" it a bit. To Shadowcat: This is not a new club - not in the least - I've been going there since 1991. But since Charlie and the other guy sold it, the atmosphere and culture of the girls and their attitude has changed to a high-hustle, low mileage pit. I will go again sometime soon, and if it has improved, I'll post another review.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    some club
    my hatred for Deja Vu owned clubs
    I agree here. DejaVu blows - the drink scam blows, the service blows, the whole attitude blows. It's the "McDonalds" of strip clubs. A crappy burger in a shiny wrapper that makes you sorry you bought it an hour later.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A quick tip for searching this site
    Thanks Samsung1 - yea I noticed that google was pulling in good hits, then realized that you can force google to be site specific....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A quick tip for searching this site
    Interesting - I can edit my blog but not the comments, huh.... anyway re edited blog to make things clear (was all the text scrunched up)... AB
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A quick tip for searching this site
    Hmmm I see that "carriage returns" aren't observed here - I'll try again with the break command, lesse - enter into GOOGLE bar: <br><br> site: tuscl.net <br><Br> Then your search terms, and you'll get only the tuscl.net site... (reposted for clarity)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I'd be willing to teach you how to give lapdances... free of charge ! :) Seriously - just go to a club, and say you want to get naked and dance. Presto, you're hired.