

Thursday, July 8, 2010 9:29 AM
when choosing a dancer for a first time lap, what is more important to you? 1--face 2--tits 3--ass 4--legs 5--bush or lack of it


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    All of them. *Maybe* a little preference for well formed (but not necessarily any particular size) breasts and nipples, and good skin, but pretty much the entire package is important.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Yes, 1 face and 2 tits are important to me. 3 asses and 4 legs, I'm not in that shit. You can keep the landscaping stuff too.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    T&A Yes, the obvious and boring answer. I'm not a music snob or a foodie, either.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    In order: 6,1,4,2,3,5 (6 = Cheerleader outfit, or lack thereof)
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    Its a combination of things for me. Looks, natural tits, well proportioned, on the petite side, sensual dance style (not nasty/naughty), and personality. I guess we all have different preferences that turn us on.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    all of the above
  • how
    14 years ago
    When choosing a dancer for the first time, the most important factor is her apparent (feigned, likely) interest in having me inside her...
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    1. very pretty face and smile 2. soft, well styled hair 3. slender figure
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    15, I added up 1-5 all are important.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    6. Attitude. I've had the best dances from girls that showed enthusiasm on the stage or a little somthin somthin during conversation. Not that I mean I want a fat ugly chick with a good attitude to give me a dance.
  • bhunter5252
    14 years ago
    OK, gatorfan wins
  • Slothrop
    14 years ago
    Fitness first. I like to see breasts that one could possibly get one's hands around. Totally turned off by fat.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    1. PERSONALITY-can't stress that enough. Why am I going to hand her money if she isn't pleasant enough to be with? 2. Eyes. I do look at eyes, even in a strip joint. 3. A nice, natural, figure. No bolt ons please. 4. The bloom of youth. I find 24 year olds to be the most sexy, as long as they take are of themself and don't look older than they really are, or try to use makeup to conceal something. 5. Little to no makeup. The only reason to paint your face is that you're about to go to a college football game, or wage war against Mel Gibson.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    a combo.. slender long shapely legs natural non sagging titties dark hair a tan or olive complexion fit tight ass cute snart nice personality an interest in me. but.. if i had to choose one.. nice legs catch my eye 1st.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    lol, it was supposed to be smart.. not snart
  • stogiebt
    14 years ago
    All of the above with the caveat: I don't like fake, don't like fake tits, fake face (too much make up,etc.), fake personality. Hmm! Would I fuck that? If the answer is 'yes', and she's a halfway interesting person, I'm in like flint.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    troop dont forget nice lips so she can suck
  • troop
    14 years ago
    o k g a t o r
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    Personality is high on the list. I'd rather get a dance from a fun and flirty 7 than a bored and distant 9.
  • bendover656
    14 years ago
    I know it sounds a bit old-fashioned but I'm really attracted to ladies with pretty faces. It makes the rest of the package just that much more appealing. Even if they are not my favorite body type, if they have a pretty face and smile then I'm interested. As has been already mentioned, attitude also either makes it all work or not. If they're pretty but stuck-up then I'll pass. No one is that hot to put up with that sh*t.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    None of the above. Asian always comes first, then hair. From your list after theses two, face.
  • Skyrbuoy
    14 years ago
  • CurbYour
    14 years ago
    I like nice little feet with suckable toes
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    After a bit more thought, something not on your list. The dancer MUST be female!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    1--face - I prefer no glasses or nose rings 2--tits - YES!, great for stage tipping 3--ass - yes, great for grinding 4--legs - yes, good at low mileage clubs where leg grazing is the high point of the LD (ie Diamond's Cabaret in Dayton) 5--bush or lack of it - most Columbus clubs are topless, hair stubs on armpits or vagina area though is a no.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    6 - none of the above 7 - all of the above Really no specific criteria for me on whether I'm going to a LD from a dancer. Either (a) I just feel it or (b) I've just seen her give an awesome LD to a guy two tables away. A couple people mentioned personality. For me, that can be the tipping point if I'm on the fence. The value of face looks varies. I was just shooting the breeze with one dancer friend, C, on a slow night, and she was noting that there's a certain level of intimacy (for both parties) to looking a dancer in the eyes when she's dancing for you. I kept that in mind with the next few dancers (over a few trips to SCs) and found that it was true for me -- the ones that I wasn't close with, I didn't look in the eye much.
  • quietlion1973
    14 years ago
    attitude first and always, being at ease with the dancing pretty eyes, I'm BIG on eye contact nice ass and legs not concerned with breast size, some of my best lapdances have involved A-cups or smaller, although my current ATF has a big set of falsies. but who doesn't love getting smothered in tig ol' bitties? but attitude and friendliness is everything. show me a flawless bombshell with a bad attitude and I'll show you a bitch who ain't gettin' my money.
  • jost
    14 years ago
    1-face 2-slim bod 3-young
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