
Comments by potheadpl (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's Your Line?
    @Major Boobage----you're right. While you don't really need a "line" @ a strip club, it never hurts to be personable. Funny is a big hit with strippers, and women in general. I think it's really big with strippers because they probably don't get it often. They get hit on all the time. They get creepy all the time. But they don't always get funny.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A lot of moving on...
    Can't say I've noticed a mass exodus. My favorite club has lost a handful of hot 18 year olds due to pregnancy, but they're always bringing in new talent. Job market is terrible here, so there aren't a lot of options for non-college bound women. And mileage has increased. Every lap dance is now a full on grope and makeout fest.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Nickelback Dubbed Band Of Decade By Billboard
    Nickelback is awful, true. But I don't normally expect 19 year old strippers to have the best musical taste.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's Your Line?
    No line. I always start with a joke. I listen to a lot of comedy radio so I always have a new one.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Need a new career?
    I don't think I could do it. A woman can fuck anything, given enough lube and self-loathing. But men have to be able to keep it up. A 250 pounder with a hairy bush and Cheetoh breath would be a definite wood killer. Would women use this service? Why? A woman can have meaningless sex any time she wants, regardless of her looks. I know a guy who will fuck women who weigh 300 pounds and have no teeth. And he's not a bad looking guy. I can imagine a male escort service doing well. Young, educated, handsome, suave guy taking out hot cougars. Give them the whole experience. Then give them full service. But are women going to get that @ a brothel? Nah.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too possessive?
    There's a dancer @ my favorite club who has a possessive streak. She'll come sit with me for a few minutes, then get up and leave for a while. But she leaves the handkerchief she sits on(girls call em booty rags) in her spot. That's marking her spot and keeping other dancers away from me. So I'll just find a new seat. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Special as in Special Ed
    georg----but nobody smokes as much marijuana as one would smoke cigarettes. Three tokes on a pipe to get one's head right is nothing compared to someone who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Then there are the people who use vaporizers. They inhale no smoke, just THC vapor. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Special as in Special Ed
    And marijuana is much less harmful to the body. Doesn't tax the liver. NO hangover. Does make it hard to maintain any sort of eating discipline, though. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Special as in Special Ed
    Well, I like to smoke pot, but I wear Abercrombie and work out 6 days a week. Kind of an odd combination. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How stupid do some of the members think we are?
    Drippy---it's not so much reading inaccuracies about my favorite club that bothers me. I've been to that club @ times when it was not great. The review that bothered me was the guy who gave MONS VENUS a bad review. Come on, really? It's MONS VENUS. It's world famous for a reason. Why post a bad review of that place, when every other review is glowing?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    If you guys believe anything Greenvegas says, you're nuts. The guy is playing a character. He's good at it, but it's all just a work.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    7 charged in suburban prostitution sting
    What a waste of taxpayers' money. Independent escorts don't cause any harm to the neighborhood. Isn't there any crack being sold in Aurora? Seems that would be a better place to start.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Pregnant Dancers
    There's a girl who danced @ my favorite club. 18 and super cute, but dumb as a post. I was really into her until I met her "fiancee" who came to the club a LOT. Total dirtbag. Looked creepy as FUCK. His creepiness stood out in a strip club, if that tells you anything. It's the same old story---he talked her into stripping and was living off her money. Well, she's pregnant. She hasn't danced for a while, but I saw the two of them @ the club on Wednesday night. Dancer friend of mine said the dirtbag made her come down. So, he takes his pregnant girlfriend to a strip club so he can ogle other women. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Special as in Special Ed
    Dougster---valid points, all, but not all strippers are the same. Maybe I have game? All I know is when I go to the club I make sure my grooming is impeccable. I shower, shave, iron my clothes, brush and floss, and put on a nice cologne(not too much). I'm funny. I flirt. Basically I treat strippers like regular women---except all fear is gone because the chance of rejection is gone. So maybe there's an aura of confidence they find attractive? I don't pay for my OTC hookups. Well, I pay for dinner, etc, but no direct cash exchange is made. I've had dancers take my shirt off on the main floor----just to "get a look at that body". I'm not Mr. Olympia. I'm not a fitness model. But when everybody else in the club is a fat old douchebag one looks good by comparison. To be fair, the club I have the best success with is one that experiences a lot of turnover. There are always new girls, and those are where I concentrate my efforts. They're young enough where stripping is still fun for them and they haven't been hardened. I stand by my earlier assertion. There are strippers for whom the job is a lot of fun; a sexual release. Exhibitionists, nymphomaniacs, sex addicts. They enjoy what they do. Not all are strictly mercenary man-haters. Some are freaks. And they're all human.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    So either she was the type of stripper that gave extras or she was an ROB. Neither of those = "being used and abused by men". No, she was either a whore or a tease, and either way she was the one with the power. She either fucked guys for money or she ripped them off, but it was 100 percent HER CHOICE.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Standers" get no play
    Why have a problem starting a conversation with a stripper? She WILL talk to you. Guaranteed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    This is a nice gimmick, pal. Surely nobody believes this stuff. Ever consider writing for pro wrestling?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Special as in Special Ed
    Oh for sure there's a lot of fantasy. They're in it for the money. But some are freaks who get off on it. Exhibitionists, nymphomaniacs, sex addicts. Are any customers "special" to a dancer? Sure. Imagine if you were a male stripper. All day long you meet different women. Some are intelligent, some are dumb as rocks, some are your physical type, some are repellent to you. But their money all spends the same. You'll dance for all of them for the pay, but you'll surely enjoy it more with the attractive, interesting ones. I would imagine the same applies to women. They're women, but they're still human. I've received girlfriend-type sex from dancers. Regular date situation. Dinner, movie, small talk, just like a regular girl. Dancers marry customers all the time. Is the original assertion correct. Yes. Are there exceptions? Of course. Nothing is absolute.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In the main room? Last night I had a dancer sitting topless in my lap while she kissed on my neck and groped my package through my pants. I've made out with two girls on the main floor, and I've had bare vagina pressed into my mouth @ the stage.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    Meh. Addiction, compulsion, whatever. It's still fun. I meet cool, sexually liberated women who are fun to hang out with. Occasionally I hook up OTC. It's a blast. Book Guy----Landing a "hot" girlfriend is a difficult thing. If you're 40 and you want an intelligent, sexy, confident, interesting YOUNG hot woman----you better have lots of money or be ridiculously handsome. OR, you'd better be a charming, funny, intellectually stimulating guy. Being a 40 year old short balding guy starts you out with two strikes against. I know, because I'm a 39 year old guy who's 5'6" with a shaved head. We all want the same women. We, as men, are visually stimulated. We want the beautiful, healthy, fertile young woman. But ALL of us want them. There are plenty of women who are eligible candidates, but they don't meet the physical standards WE hold them to. So, you're faced with a choice. If you truly want the women who meet your physical standard then self-improvement is in order. Join a gym. Follow a strength training plan and get your diet in order. Get a tan. Women like tans. If you're balding, SHAVE YOUR HEAD. Takes you from wimpy male pattern baldness guy to bad ass MF. Seriously. If you're not dressing stylishly, step up your game. If you dress like you're in your 20s women see you differently. Old Navy is cheap. But you could always lower your standards. Maybe a chubby woman is OK. Maybe she doesn't have to be physically perfect or have a beautiful face. Maybe she can be a 40 year old with some life experience. Character counts. Nah. I think I'll keep chasing 22 year old crazy strippers. :-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How stupid do some of the members think we are?
    There's a recent review of Mons Venus in which the reviewer mentions receiving an "air dance". Really? At Mons? Highly doubtful. Mons didn't end up at the top of the club rankings with girls giving air dances. Makes you wonder if the reviewer knows what an air dance is. Mons is a full on grind fest. Lap dance factory. I've been a handful of times and never, ever been disappointed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breaking all the Rules
    Biggest surprise in that regard I've had lately was @ Penthouse Club in Tampa. Penthouse Club is just BARELY a strip club. Girls wear pasties and there is NO contact allowed, either in the main area or in private dance rooms. I spent about 30 minutes talking to a gorgeous dancer(think Playmate quality) and when I agreed to a $20 dance I did get some contact. Kind of thrilling, surprisingly.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip club busts.
    Minnow----no, I mean "Homosassa". It's in Citrus county, which is north of Tampa.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip club busts.
    In 1988, Joe Redner(Mons Venus' owner)planned to open a club in Homosassa, FL. The county commission passed an ordinance requiring him to have a license and his employees to have permits. He refused, not that the county would have issued said documents, anyway. Redner ended up opening the club and being immediately shut down. He did 6 months in county jail. BUT---he got a good 1st Amendment lawyer and was awarded a large settlement. I live in this county, and no club has tried to open since. Well, there wss a bikini bar but that was boring. Now I drive to Pasco county. Plenty of clubs there, and they are pretty much left alone by LE. Except for around election time. There is always a series of token busts right before the sheriff is up for re-election. You know they're token busts because they always take place on a weekday afternoon.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    Book Guy---I understand exactly what you are saying. Your story mirrors my own. The strip clubs, escorts, and massage parlors ARE crutches. I'm 39. If I want to have sex with hot sub-25 year old women in the real world, I have to step up my game. Women like that want older guys---with money. I do OK but I'm not sugar daddy status. I have managed the occasional hookup with a civilian girl, but a hookup isn't the best place to start a stable relationship. So, my option for a real relationship is to find a woman close to my age---but those women have baggage and tend to be fat. And if they're not fat they're just older versions of the sub-25 year olds. They're not going to want me. And the fat ones disgust me. It's not a BAD life. In the long run, it's less expensive than being married or maintaining a real relationship. And the sex is more exciting. A better option that strip clubs(which will most always end in frustration) is to cultivate a relationship with an independent escort in your area. Craigslist, backpage.com, and cityview.com are all excellent places to look. Most in my area(Tampa) charge $250-$300/hr, which is comparable to what I usually spend on a SC visit.