
Pregnant Dancers

Strip Club Nation
Monday, January 4, 2010 10:29 PM
I saw the most disgusting thing at the club the other night: a pregnant stripper, about 4-5 months in. Her round stomach protruding further than her boobs. Her nipples getting all meaty. Her stomach flesh stretching out. I am sure some of you have a preggie fetish, but this was absolutely appalling to me. How could you get an erection with a bloated girl shaking a fetus around while she tries to grind you? How could you get aroused thinking that a jobless low-life wigger dumped a load in the pussy that is grinding on your lap? There were three questions I should have asked her: 1) Why are you drinking and smoking if you are clearly pregnant? 2) Why are you still dancing at this stage? Can't the loser who fucked you, support you financially? 3)What if you fall on stage or trip? Aren't you worried about a miscarriage?


  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "Her round stomach protruding further than her boobs. Her nipples getting all meaty. Her stomach flesh stretching out." Sorry, that's as far as I got in your post before I had to er, take a break. I'll respond once I get around to reading the rest of your post. :)
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    There's a girl who danced @ my favorite club. 18 and super cute, but dumb as a post. I was really into her until I met her "fiancee" who came to the club a LOT. Total dirtbag. Looked creepy as FUCK. His creepiness stood out in a strip club, if that tells you anything. It's the same old story---he talked her into stripping and was living off her money. Well, she's pregnant. She hasn't danced for a while, but I saw the two of them @ the club on Wednesday night. Dancer friend of mine said the dirtbag made her come down. So, he takes his pregnant girlfriend to a strip club so he can ogle other women. LOL
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    The worse part is the smoking/drinking. The poor kid is going to be born with mental retardation or cerebal palsy because the selfish bitch is all about her own gratification. There's one more kid that will never go to school Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool. --Neil Young
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    My favorite club usually makes them stop dancing around the 5th month. It's a liability issue. Yes, I have seen them still smoking. When they do come back it takes a couple of month to lose the baby fat and even then it is obvious and unattractive if they are still breast feeding.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Second hand smoke can be dangerous to a fetus. We've all been warned. Alcohol causes fetal damage. The warning is printed on wine bottles. Maybe she can't read, write or reason. A pregnant stripper arouses nothing but pity.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I know there are guys who find pregnant women attractive but I do not like it! There is public financial assistant available for pregnant women but they are either too ignorant or they don't care. They still smoke/drink/do drugs/fuck random men, etc. I hope a club reads this discussion thread and realizes that having a pregnant woman working in the club will hurt business far more than the house fee that she pays.
  • mreef
    14 years ago
    I know there is a market for pregnant women, but I can't imagine they frequent strip clubs. I would imagine these type of customers are home watching "Ready to Drop Volume 24". (And the only reason I know the title is from my time working in a video store with an XXX room).
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    Strippers? Reckless and irresponsible? I'm going to call BS on this story.
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    Gross!! Totally gross!! Who the hell want to see a prego dancing on stage? I don't. And i would feel bad for the infant inside her. The damage that she risks to her own child!! Makes you wonder what kind of mother she'd be after the kid is born. Scary!
  • Skyrbuoy
    14 years ago
    At the Landing Strip in W Palm Beach (it burned down during the 05 hurricanes) 6 months preg. Thought I saw a hand come out and flip one of the patrons the bird. Her tits were huge, though!
  • womanlover
    14 years ago
    I saw a dancer last night that had a kid just 7 months ago and she lost most of the baby fat, but her tits sagged and she said they dropped a whole cup size - and large meaty nipples. Previously a girl in Baltimore's Block just gave birth 4 weeks earlier and was still dripping milk - yuck!
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    One of my buddies, that posts on here, had a dancer at Mons actually squirt him in the face from the stage. From my conversations with women, the size thing goes both ways.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I sometimes see CL ads with pregnant women wanting to escort. I called one to ask for details and asked "what part of town are you from" and she replied "it is listed in the fucking ad you idiot". I told her it just said Columbus, and she was like just fuck off and hung up. Whatever...I was not going to probably use her anyways. I was just curious about being pregnant and an escort. I have yet to hire anyone from CL and doubt I ever will. Too risky with LE and I have read several reviews on escort sites about rip offs.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I have a son 32 and a daughter 33. My Ex still wanted to do it into the 6 month. Her body was such a turn off for me, I couldn't get it up. I got the "don't you love me" etc. It did not help our relationship.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I don't have too many pregnant dancer stories, but the last one I was aware was pregnant, one of my favorites before her baby, eventually quit the business. It was kinda sad, though, because her boyfriend made her come in one night with him, when she was pregnant. Frankly she looked miserable.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    I have known and number of girls who danced while pregnant; some pulled it off, others didn't. Most had bodies that adapted to the "baby bump" without being too gross and lumpy and a couple came back later looking fine. Unfortunately, the youngest and hottest of them is still dancing with a lot of her weight still evident in her ass and around the middle. Ohio's new smoking ban keeps the threat of second-hand smoke to a minimum and most of them refrained from drinking, but it's still not everyone's cup of tea.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    My ATF quit the club the day she found out she was pregnant. I remember the day well. I was there waiting her arrival. She came in, told me she'd be right out. Went into the managers office instead of the dressing room. Spent a few minutes then came out and over to me and said let's go get something to eat. We did, and that is when she told me. Lot's of crying and such, but I was able to calm her and shed some perspective on the situation.
  • jcdenton
    14 years ago
    Sometimes they look real good and sometimes they look real bad. I think the absolute worst I've ever seen was a seven monther covered in stretch marks.
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