
Comments by txtittyfan (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    The talk has not been going nowhere, every month more and more oil is purchased by non US dollars, leading to the continued decline of the dollar. This is a trend that will continue to grow. In the 1930's few people ever thought the pound would lose its stature as the international currency. But by the end of WW2 the dollar replaced it. IMO China will continue to grow at the expense of the US and the dollar will lose its position to something else. If you do not see the growing global movement against the US dollar and its policies you need to take off the blinders. China is only buying short term treasuries because of the risk of going long term. If you want to make money don't buy dollars, short medium to long term bonds. The only thing favoring the dollar is hope, not fundamentals or trends.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do anyone knows or is a Male Stripper?
    I thought this was another thread by Chandler and his alter ego.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    MisterGuy, Dougster I suggest you take a broader approach in your view of the US in world markets. There has been a growing international movement to use non US dollars for the purchase of oil. A few years back, Iran tried setting up a petroeuro market, many think this was the real reason we invaded Iraq, to help keep the dollar the principal exchange currency in the region. Recently, Chavez has been drumming up support for the use of non dollars, and China has already agreed to purchase from Chavez in other currencies. While alot of the rest of the world is messed up, China is not. They are the future world growth and are just beginning to wield their big stick. As recent as April this year, Chavez began talks with major non US producers to form an international currency backed by oil reserves. The trend is beginning, as the US is seen as continually losing its stature it will gain momentum. Change is coming, it is anyones guess how long it will take.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    MisterGuy, Your response to my oil comment supports my statement. True the dollar is weak. In the global arena funds are invested for safety and return. In our current troubled times the flight to safety is into commodities, hence the runup in gold and oil. The fundamentals do not support high oil at this time. Oil is held as a better alternative to dollars/treasuries. It is an asset with excellent trading liquidity, hence an "international currency" or medium of exchange.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Dougster, Your point is valid from a pure monetarist view. However, it tends to ignore demand for products. My point was that there is decreased demand for goods/services. Until that changes I feel we have little risk of inflation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Regarding money supply and inflation, increasing supply is not enough to cause inflation. You also need to have increased turnover (the multiplier effect). The current supply growth is to replenish balance sheets (public and private), it is not being spent. A Chinese company did just by Hummer from GM. If foreign countries stop buying our treasuries and we continue to print money instead of contolling our expenditures we will soon become like the banana republics.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tipping the door girls?
    I tip service. A door girl provides me no service, she just charges me a cover, hence no tip. Regarding bathroom attendents, I have always had the impression they are there to keep the place clean at no expense to the club owners, and to provide an aura of class (in which most fail). Some attendents seeem as though they probably provide drugs, and a lot provide condoms.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    In the clubs I frequent, the girls are fairly suggestive when they approach. Some will just ask if I play while they are dancing. If I approach the girl, her dance style sometimes is a clue. After a couple of dances I half jokingly ask.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How much do LD's really cost?
    I have paid an extra 5-10 for better dances from some girls, and the dances really were not better than regular price for most girls. As a rule I think $20 per dance is my limit, and the basic law of diminishing return seems to aply for anything above. I remember the "eye candy" clubs of Az give pretty good friction dances for $10 that I consider much better than the $20 dances in Tx where most girls are not as attractive. It must really suck to be in the areas that charge more than $20 on a routine basis.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    For those that think rthe econonmy will get better and that Obamaa will save the world I offer these comments. 1. We are used to growth as the baby boomers aged and consumed beyond their means for the past 20+ years. That trend has ended. 2. Globally, the flow of funds/growth has been shifting to China. Much as our industrial revolution allowed us to overtake England as the world financial leader, China will become the financial center and the U.S. will stagnate as did England in the years to come. 3. High oil prices are a result of oil becoming an international currency to replace the weak dollar, and as a result of speculation by large funds. The quickest fix to this would be to change the margin requirements on futures. Something that is never discussed. 4. Industrial production brings us out of recessions. What industry do we have to accomplish this? I still believe our economy is in bad shape and will continue to get worse for at least the next year. To add to the tax comments by Casualguy, I heard that Obama is going to tax aspirin because it is white and works. Now before people start saying that is racist, keep in mind it is a joke!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I do not think the current apparent turnaround will turn into sustained growth. I believe what we are seeing is the "pantry effect". When things get bad, people live off their stored goods, fill the tank at empty rather than half full, etc. This creates a exacerbated drop in consumption. We are now so to speak replenishing the pantry. Spending habits of the past 10 years are not going to be replicated for a long time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    is it possible to have a casual and friendly relationship outside of work
    You treat them as they would expect to be treated in the environment they are in. One of my past favorites also doubled as my hairstylist, as she worked in that field also.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When do you get tired of a favorite?
    Some I never tire of. Others get too possessive or start taking me for granted and the novelty wears off. I had one dancer that would not leave me alone in the club or stop calling. It got so bad I had to deliberately ignore her to get her to go away.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    No, I believe the economy will be stagnant at best for the nex 2-3 years, due to baby boomers retiring and a long term trend change away from debt fueled consumption.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Even if the girls do not provide insight, they foster debate and the exchange if ideas. The behind the scenes SC environment may very well be shocking to a newbie dancer as she is entering a world totally different from what she is accustomed to. As far as postings, Dougster, I get the impression from your comments that they are free to say whatever they want as long as its fits your view. How many customers are truly honest about their SC experiences? A lot of posts I read seem to do nothing but bolster their self esteem.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Agreed! Who cares how long women last, as long as they can provide insight and add to the forums.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    IMO people probably stay untl the novelty wears off. Unless they have a serious interest in open discussion and reviews there is really no need to continue. It also appears that some take themselves too seriously.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attention computer guru's. Off topic.
    If you go to the Microsoft online help, they have steps for troubleshooting movies that stop playing. Try to Google "troubleshooting codec"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    And you can't ignore New Jersey and the Playhouse Lounge with the infamous Erica and Ruby. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When a stripper asks "Do you have a girlfriend?"
    Saying I am a widower works, even though I am not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You ever have a dancer accuse you of being a cop?
    It has happened to me a few times, usually before breaking the rules. Keep in mind, undercover cops do not look like the stereotypical cop.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    It just reinforces what Samsung 1 posted earlier.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers spanking themselves
    If they want to spank, they should spank my monkey.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    AZ clubs have excellent eye candy with good friction. Extras are difficult until the girls get to know you. Plus you can side trip to Sedona, Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon which are beautiful areas. Houston, Tx clubs have great mileage that is relatively easy to obtain. The girls are attractive and the clubs plentiful.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    Shadowcat, who cares! Let it go.