
Comments by txtittyfan (page 61)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    And you have to admit, some posts are pretty entertaining. After reading my last one, I think we need to petition Founder to add a spell check function to the discussion board.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    WTF is the problem with that? Always is an overstatement. Are you tired of it because it doesn't include subject matter you think s/d discussed? Who made you the arbitor of what s/b discussed? Most of your posting are lame diatribes of what a pears to be a lonely person trying to boost his self esteem in the eyes of others and keep referencint Gridget? Who cares about her besides you and 1 or 2 others. Maybe those discussion s/b elsewhere, she is not a stripper anymore. If you are tired of it, don't read it. But then if you did, you might realize there are issues that can be discussed by strip club patrons that don't always have to include strippers. And as I had posted earlier, I never saw the rule that said we had to always discuss strippers and strip clubs. The threads evolve, maybe you need to evolve also.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrity lapdance
    Lisa Boyle,she did a strip routine in a movie many years ago that was HOT.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    Sounds like politicians, regardless of party affiliation, like to publically denounce strip clubs to show their moral integrity and garner votes. While the citizens enjoy the benefits of strip clubs based upon the local convention. Some areas just enforce the laws more than others.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    It seems to me, all political persuasions are tolerant, as long as you agree with them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Married to a stripper?
    You have read the reviews. It is up to you how comfortable you are with your wife giving mileage in your area. You are in what appears to be a high mileage city. W/O mileage the money may not be that great.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    California is a liberal state, but the mileage does not compare to Tx which is a conservative state. In my experience, both parties seem to equally disdain strip clubs when it suits their need when campaigning for election. (at least publically)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    The blonde one is studying for her voter aptitude test.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper emails you her picure. Why?
    Assuming she does not already have a web site or do cam shows. A majority of dancers (if not all) are in it for the good money, if it keeps you coming back and feeling you are special, then it is working.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    jablake, The greed and self serving was there in your story. The insurance company sold a policy to cover a need and then thru their greed renege on their promise. It is a shame how the courts have allowed victims of disasters to get screwed by insurance companies. The insurance industry has basically evolved to the point of where you are insured as long as you do not file a claim.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I was referring to degrees of greed and self serving. True, a businessman starts out to benefit himself. My point is that we have evolved to abuse the system as we have become more greedy and self serving. The recent mortgage industry mess is a perfect example of out of control greed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Just to keep the thread going, we should improve how we hold them accountable. To an extent, socialism could be better than capitalism, when the leaders trully place the countries interests ahead of their own. I am thinking along the lines of Switzerland and the Scandanavian countries. Capitalism, as good as it is, tends to evolve to greed and self serving behavior.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper emails you her picure. Why?
    Could be viewed as a way for a dancer to keep her hook in a PL.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have noticed a slight decrease in crowds, and more aggressive dancers. End of month, when rent is due always seems to increase mileage and girls.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's the best way for a dancer or female customer to ask a guy out in a strip
    To just ask. One of my most memorable OTC was a dancer I hit it off with who had an incredible acrobatic dance routine that asked me to have dinner with her after her shift. Turns out she had done a couple of porn movies. We had a great evening and it only cost me dinner.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Music
    The clubs I frequent play a variety. I just do not like rap. The music should be upbeat. My favorite clubs in Az played relatively loud rock n roll for the most part, providing visual and auditory stimulation. The Tx clubs I visit tend to be more laid back.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    In my experience, girls of the southeast are much friendlier and easier than girls of the southwest. Must have something to do with being in the bible belt.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Another good thing about term limits is that it would probably significantly reduce the cost of campaigning. I remeber a study I read many years ago about how politicians signifcantly increased their net worth after getting elected. As Dougster posted earlier, our morality has changed. Most politicians are out to satisfy their peronal needs/greed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I must admit, the strength of the 30 yr auction surprised me. But one day does not make a trend. If we don't have voter aptitude, we should at least have voter ID.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    MisterGuy, It appears to me that you feel the problems of China is oppression. While that is true, in the global marketplace China is a well managed economy for their benefit. Most comments I hear now regarding the recession is that once the world economy improves the US will begin its growth. Sounds like we are now followers, not leaders.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    This IMO has been one of the more enjoyable threads and is made possible by strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    The trend has started, how much steam it picks up is anyone's guess. On the global front, countries w/surpluses are getting more and more frustrated with the US and its policies. We are solving a consumer debt problem w/govt debt. IMO it is naive to assume we will come out ahead as we always have in the past. The world is changing and we are reluctant to realize it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Shadowcat, Sorry, I never saw the rule that said we have to discuss strip clubs. But this is an exchange of ideas by strip club patrons that appears to have resulted in many more comments than any thread about Gridget I have seen.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Private parties
    Shadowcat, That would be a great addition to your next convention. It would probably increase attendence.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    MisterGuy, The movement away from US dollars for oil is not going away. It is growing. China listens to Chavez and buys from Chavez in non US dollars. It does not matter what the political leanings of the Chinese govt is THEY ARE WHERE THE GROWTH IS. With growth comes prosperity. They have no infrastructure and have billions of mouths to feed. Providing that, which they are doing promotes the growth. China and others are growing at our expense because we consume their production and pay for it with debt. Which is a prime reason we are where we are now. The risk of long term treasuies I am not talking about is not default risk, but price depriciation when interest rates rise. Regarding the price of oil, historically it has been in dollars, but currently more and more is purchased in non dollars, and we are in trouble, it has led to weakness in the dollar. And it was not that long ago that the US was a "third world country" relative to Britain. That changed just as the status of China will change in the years to come. Foe some reason when responding to you, my favorite Saturday Night Live quote comes to mind: MisterGuy, you ignorant slut. LOL