
Comments by Electronman (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man rams SUV into club.
    So, this happened the same day that a man intentionally rammed his truck into a strip club in Kalamazoo--- located about 100 miles from the Detroit club. This cannot be a coincidence. Do strip clubs need to install car proof barriers?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Truck crashes into Kalamazoo strip club.
    Why would a man intentionally crash his truck into a strip club? Which of the following is the most likely theory? Hopefully, the authorities will discover and report on the motive. A: Religious fanatic trying to save the dancers from a life of sin? B: Jilted boyfriend of one of the dancers. C: Customer who was overcharged or otherwise disrespected by one of the club employees D: Customer who was mistakenly informed that the strip club had drive through service E: None of the above, your theory??
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Bank Robber Arrested in Strip Club
    Hope he didn't try to make it rain and trigger the exploding dye that is used to mark stolen cash!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Four club tour. BT's was the winner!
    PL2: The parking attendants are there to make money (of course!) so I give them my keys to provide some assurance that I'll cover the parking charges on the way out. I've never tried paying the fee up front and simply keeping my keys. For my ultra short visit to FC, I paid the attendant $3 (less than the usual $8) to get my car.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Four club tour. BT's was the winner!
    Doc: I agree with Longball although I will say that my goal is 200 or less for an all inclusive VIP at BTs and Landing Strip. Sometimes that goal is achievable, sometimes not. FC is typically more expensive but I've seen reports of less consistent talent at FC so I'm a bit unsure of the price point at FC Of course, your price may vary depending on many factors, such as the club, your connection with the dance, the competition for customer money, the time of shift and the earning goals of the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Helping strippers through college
    Listen up desertscrub/joker44/electroman
    DickyDoo: 1. Are you aware that reviews are done anonymously? More specifically, the reviewers do not know the identity of the person writing the review. This is a good feature of TUSCL. Submissions are judged on their merits, not on the reputation of the writer of the review. So there is really no reason to take critical comments on a review as a personal affront. 2. You seem like a hard working man who has gone to great effort to improve your station in life. Well done! I have never been homeless, but I've worked more than my share of difficult jobs while pursuing an education and career. But that is not my point. Can you take a step back and ask yourself three questions: 1) if you were unfamiliar with the Akron clubs that you reviewed, would you find the content of the four reviews that you submitted to be helpful? 2) Could you have done a better job with these reviews, describing more than just your interactions with a dancer or two at each club? 3) Is there any truth to the feedback that you received that might help you write better reviews? 3. Finally, now that I see your identity, I do notice that you've reviewed the Akron clubs (and a few other clubs) many times. Thanks for the reviews! So I can understand why you might be weary of describing details about the club. But why not try to add value with each successive review, something that might be helpful to people who might be interested in the Akron clubs, above and beyond your interactions with specific dancers. Alternatively, you could forego another review of the Akron clubs until you have something new to contribute to the cumulative knowledge about these clubs. Peace, EM
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Helping strippers through college
    Akron Dive Bar Crawl #3
    Popgarden: You've written two reviews since you joined in 2009. Make some contributions to this board and you'll earn reviewing privileges.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    sinclair's Review
    Thanks for the update. I had given up on Centerfolds years ago. As you noted, it used to be an anything goes club. Wish they could sustain the improved talent and still provide high mileage, as in days gone by.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Scars, Birthmarks, Moles, Vitiligo, etc.
    When I first encountered a stripper with vitiligo (loss of skin pigment that causes lighter colored skin patches), I looked it up to verify that it was not contagious. No problem thereafter.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    I was robbed today!
    Small price to pay for economically punishing Putin.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Be Prepared
    It sounds like this review should have been titled "I was not prepared (and I didn't learn from my first mistake)." There are a lot of ways to mess up a trip to a strip club. This is a new one. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience but thanks for sharing it. I hope that others will learn from your mistake. I'm curious, had you never read a review of this club? Have you never seen the oft repeated advice for Detroit clubs to negotiate before heading to the private dance area?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Dismal Afternoon
    FC seems to have a management problem that is having a deleterious effect on the talent at the FC. Many of the former FC girls have moved to LS.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nuevo Progresso for the win.
    For clarity, it sounds like this is a review of Vampiz, a strip club/brothel about 1/2 block off the main street in Nuevo Progresso. There is another club that is located on the main street about a block further from the border crossing. The second club did not have signage on the outside so I'm not perfectly sure of its official name.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Progresso Recon
    Smilinjack. It sounds like I was taken to the same club. It is on the right hand (western) sied of the main street about a block or two down from the side street with Vampiz. I did not see signage on the outside of this club. I did notice that the address has been changed in the TUSCL directory so that might be helpful to mongers who visit this club, whatever its official name is. Thanks for the clarification.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Disappointing: Poor value. Average talent
    Papi. I got the same price quote for private dances on the main floor (3 for 100) and for the champagne room experience ($750) from two more dancers after I rejected the first one's offer for a "good time" in the champagne room. It is possible that the club might have changed its pricing structure. In any case, I was willing to invest $100 for three private dances. No way was I going to invest $750 for an upgrade to the champagne room, even if the dancer had been forthcoming about what was available.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Commandments of the TUSCL Discussion Board
    Thou shalt negotiate details with the big head before servicing the little head.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Expensive drink, expensive dance, and an evening full of regret
    Good reply Bytemexo. As a general rule of thumb, you can mention details if you do not identify the dancer. If you identify the dancer, you should provide only vague details. Actually $200 is not an unreasonable price, depending on your extra curricular activities. It still sounds like your dancer was a dud. That is one of the functions of the web site: to share valuable information.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Expensive drink, expensive dance, and an evening full of regret
    So you had a bad experience with one dancer and you decided to never visit the club again? Sorry that you got burned on the price (how much was it?). This has happened to many of us and it is a good reminder to negotiate the details before starting a private dance, especially if extras might be involved. .
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Disappointing: Poor value. Average talent
    Omega: Are you a club manager? You don't sound like a customer.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Progresso Recon
    Unless I missed something, the address for this club is incorrect. This is the address for a restaurant named Arturo's? I was recently in Neuvo Progresso and I could not locate a club with this name. One of the street hawkers offered to show me to the clubs. I went to Vampiz (pretty poor talent) and also to a club without a sign, might have been Mermaid based on a printed flyer. I never located a club named Senioral Men's Club.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Does having a new threesome every month makes me a sex addict?
    Heaven on Earth
    Someone needs to franchise this club and open a few in the prudish USA.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Ok but Not for WOC
    Sweet Shay-- now that this has been published, we can see the name of the contributor. Please keep submitting reviews. We do value contributions from dancers. As noted above, for future reviews, it will help to include some information on the club, the dancers, the stage show and the private dances.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Uber drivers
    Get a gym membership so you can take a shower before heading home to the SO. And stash away a change of clothes. Better yet, refuse a dance with any girl who wears perfume or glitter.