Scars, Birthmarks, Moles, Vitiligo, etc.
Recently I saw a really hot stripper with a prominent scar on her stomach I’m assuming a c section scar but maybe not. But I thought to myself, you know what I really don’t even care at all and continued to look at her boobs. It got me thinking though, have any of these various skin abnormalities ever bothered me at all? No not really, I’m open to being proven wrong but so far I just haven’t seen anything that’s made me even care. In fact some of the stuff above might even a plus if anything at times.
Track marks do as well.
I once saw a dancer with burn scars on her neck and arm. She was gorgeous though
I know a guy who is completely skeeved out by freckles on a woman. He and I will never see eye-to-eye on this.
Unless she’s some sort of Bull Dyke with a 7 inch clit and a hairy back…