
Comments by njscfan (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    chandler: you are correct that I'm extremely opinionated and tend to hyperbole (I like that better than "wild exaggeration" because it sounds more poetic). Obviously it is possible that some people like this place and genuinely get something out of it, although why is somewhat of a mystery to me. On the other hand, I am not kidding that there are several extremely suspcious reviews that I think are completely fake for Hot Lap Dance. The keys are that they sound like advertisements, not reviews, and the authors are people who have never written another review, and have never posted on this board. I am firmly convinced that this place is a top rated club only because of the numerous fake reviews. While I am super biased, for the reasons you state, I am objective enough to see this place is no different than a lot of other low mileage, overpriced clubs just like it, and thus there is no reason for it to be ranked so high. It is ranked so high only because of a phony ad campaign in the form of fake reviews. I also do not think it is just my imagination that Hot Lap Dance is but an extreme example of the strip club scene in NYC. Having lived in or near the City for many years, all I can tell you is that the clubs there are frequently disappointing. The problem is not just that they are often very low mileage, but also that they are insanely overpriced. Btw, the rumors about the fake reviews for Hot Lap Dance have been rampant for a while. I was in the City for work anyway that evening, and figured I would go to see for myself, which felt more intellectually honest than trashing a place I've never been to. Not quite taking a hit for the team, but certainly with the idea of providing a public service. I do think it's a bummer when the entire review process is skewed by a strip club owner that posts a lot of fake reviews. I would love to see this place knocked off the top ten list as a punishment for fake reviews. But I agree with your overall point, which is that you have to read the reviews with a grain of salt, and take into account the author's particular bias.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    arbeeguy: I think there is an answer to your non-rhetorical question. I agree it's mental, but like it or not some guys post on this board to receive some kind of reaffirmation. They use this as a form of "friendship" or community, perhaps in extreme cases even as a substitute for friendship in the real world. So for some tusclers, getting the other guys to agree how wonderful you are is part of the goal. I don't think David is the only person like this on the board -- look at some of the lengthy articles people have written about their personal lives. Why would you do that if you were not seeking in some fashion the approval of others? I just think David is a very, very extreme case of neediness that has crossed the line into truly nutty behavior.
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    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    Well, well, hard to know where to begin with that last post, David. Free speech? Ah, no, this is about you being a fruitcake. The issue is not the first amendment, but rather why you're such a whack job. And isn't it funny that your free speech is under attack when you tell another poster to shut up? Oh, and by the way, not sure why you brought up the Soviet Union, but it doesn't exist anymore. Have you not gotten to that point yet in your world history class?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Jablake People on this site are pretty humor impaired. Always remember the sad but true fact: an IQ of 100 is an average.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    I have to admit I'm starting to feel a little guilty about watching this guy go off the deep end, especially as I was one of the people who gave him an ever so slight little push. Honestly, I had no idea he was so emotionally fragile. Must be PTSD. Maybe we should get chitown lawyer to find out his real identity. Then at least we could send an emergency medical team to make sure he doesn't slit his wrists. David, why don't you tell us where you live? We can arrange to have a van pick you up, and take you to a safe place where you won't hurt yourself. What do you say? Do you live in an apartment building? Halfway shelter? Welfare hotel? Park bench? Let us know. Your not alone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    David Even I'm starting to cringe at what a PL you are, and I was previously enjoying your tailspin. At the very least, do you think you could avoid posting threads that have titles with gay double entendres? Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    casualguy: The thread is a satire of David9999. *sigh*
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    True that. Guessing his age at 15 may have been generous. I don't think I could manipulate a 12 year this easily. I'm with shadowcat -- if this guy were a lawyer, I wouldn't let him represent my pet turtle accused of speeding in traffic court.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Well, Founder said he won't do the "cross check" no matter how much I begged. He said it was a "board matter" and should remain a board matter, and so he won't intervene. He also said something about me needing to see some kind of therapist, but I don't know what he was talking about. Anyway, the fact that I've gone to such great lengths to verify the size of my jimmy proves that I'm telling the 100% truth about everything. I suppose I could also post lots of information about strip clubs and amps like you could find on www.spahunters.com or utopia guide or a million other adult oriented websites, and that would only further prove that my cock is bigger than yours, but I don't need to. I've proved my point. Anyone who still doesn't believe me is obviously an asshole. Jarblake, do you think you could now post one of your lengthy essays about how your troubles with the government somehow show that everything I'm saying is true and that my joystick must really be 14" after all? Thanks, pal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Founder: As you can see by the time stamp on the posts, several minutes have passed, and you still have not sent me your home address. I really don't understand the cause for delay. This is vitally important. This is (see topic heading) a "VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE." The "cross check" will only take a few minutes, as I unfurl my flagpole. So please hurry and get back to me right away, ok? Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    shadowcat You can get a completely free HIV test in any clinic and you can get the results in a matter of minutes. If you are having unprotected sex I would recommend doing it (getting tested that is) on a semi-regular basis.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    "Volcanic Eruptions"...
    Misterguy I know your just doing this to dis my adopted home state. Nonetheless, should you ever visit drop me an email and I will take you to a few places a little more fun than the bottom 40. Think how much fun we'd have going to Jersey clubs together. Plus you could meet Wondergrl.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    favorite movie with strippers
    I have not had the privilege yet, but I plan to rent the movie "Zombie Strippers," which was only recently released, and which went straight to DVD. I'm sure it will be simply awful, and that I will love every second of it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    Shadowcat Although using a completely different approach, I'm spending a very similar amount per month. For that I am getting 4 or 5 sessions of sex each one lasting about 2-3 hours. It sounds like a totally different experience than what you are aiming for, the but cost is remarkably similar.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    This is getting tiresome but just so no one will be confused by Zerzan's nonsense. The part of our federal statutes that specifies criminal offenses is called Title 18 of the United States Code. In title 18, there are several specific provisions that criminalize various aspects of slavery, including, for example, the transportion of slaves. These statutes date back to 1909 (some of them date back to an earlier time). [They were re-codified in the 1940s, but they noneless originate earlier.] These statutes are all collected in one "chapter" of Title 18, specifically devoted to criminalizing slavery. On provision in particular, 18 U.S.C. 1584, specifically makes it a federal crime to hold or keep a slave. This statute has been interpreted and applied in several reported decisions, where people have been criminally prosecuted for holding slaves. The very most recent example is the one I cited involving a couple on Long Island who were criminally prosecuted for holding slaves. They (the slave owners) were sentences to several years in prison. The sentencing happened just a few weeks ago, and it was national news. The criminal statutes (like the 13th Amendment itself) use phrases such as "involuntary servitude" and "peonage" because they are designed to be broader than just applying to the typical example of slavery as practiced in the South. This was so because Congress wanted to reach broadly. It did not want someone to argue, for example, "oh, I didn't have a slave, he's my indentured servant." But while the statute reaches broadly, it certainly includes slavery. Zerzan apparently does his research on the internet. That's understandable for someone who has never been exposed to books. But anyone with access to a law library can go look up 18 U.S.C. 1854 in the United States Code Annotated, and see that there have been several reported decisions applying this law making it a crime to hold slaves. There are also various state laws criminalizing involuntary servitude. In NJ, for example, such a law can be found at NJSA 2C:13-2.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan Jesus Christ you are a stupid shithead. It's not the only or the first criminal prosecution, it is merely the most recent. There have been plenty of prior prosecutions -- just check the case annotations to 18 U.S.C. 1584.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    jablake Please don't take this as an insult. It really isn't meant to be. I've only met you in cyberspace, yet somehow I've grown fond of you. So I don't want to give offense. Here's the question: Do you take drugs? I ask only because your posts are consistently the most surreal posts by anyone on this board, and so I wonder if you are on drugs when you write them, or if this is just the way your mind operates.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Wrong again. A man and his wife in New York were just sentenced to prison for several years in a federal prosecution. The charges for which they were convicted included involuntary servitude and forced labor -- that's what slavery is. Involuntary servitude -- the keeping or holding of a slave -- is a crime under federal law, 18 U.S.C. section 1584. There is a whole chapter the federal criminal code dealing with slavery -- it's called "Peonage and Slavery". It's been on the books for a 100 years. The two people just sentenced were Mahender Sabhhani and Varsha Sabhanni. This was national news and they were just sentenced, so in addition to not reading your history books you must not read the newspaper either. You really are a moron.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most erotic expereince with a sex industy worker...
    DickJohnson: Adult book stores are largely havens for gay sex. You walked into what is popularly known as a "glory hole." Unless you are bisexual and would like to have sex with other men, my friendly advice would be to order your porn online (i.e., stay out of adult book stores). Btw, I'm not sure why you posted your gloryhole experience under this particular thread.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan! You found a country you can love -- Iceland! Congrats. Shadowcat: still willing to pay for Z's one way ticket to Iceland? I'll chip in, on the condition that Z renounces his American citizenship forever. With millions of people all over the world who would give their left nut to become an American, I don't really think it's fair to hold a place here for Z when he hates the place. We'd be doing Z a favor getting him away from this "garbage country" populated by "zombies." Re foreign aid: Our country gives foreign aid to countries all over the world, not just Israel. Given that Israel is the only functioning democrary protecting individual freedoms in the Middle East, and given that it is surrounded by much larger enemies sworn to its destruction, I don't think it's too crazy for the U.S. to provide aid to Israel as a means to support democracy elsewhere in the world. If you think Israel is the reason Palestinians are kept in refugee camps than you have accomplished the well nigh impossible feat of proving to be an even bigger fool than I first suspected. Zerzan: Don't forget to bundle up -- Iceland gets pretty cold! AN: I would add another point that makes our country unique. We are also the most powerful nation in the world. As a result, we can accomplish goals other countries simply cannot achieve. Canada is a nice country, but it cannot do the heavy lifting our country is required to do again and again.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    arbeeguy: "playing the dozens" is a usually friendly contest where two guys trade insults with each, each person trying to defeat the other by coming up with increasingly better put downs. A typical insult would include a reference to the other person's mother.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan Thanks for changing the subject to Native Americans and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Whew. I know you feel the rest of us are zombies, but the reality is we are all fully aware that America is not perfect and has done a lot of things wrong. That just does not translate into hating America, at least not for most of us. The problem with your "reasoning" is that it proves too much. You would have to hate not only America, but almost every other country on the planet. You support the Palestinians? Great, except that they teach the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is historical fact (oh, wait you probably believe that too, I guess you come from the Jew hating left), their professed policy is to destroy Israel, and they want a theocratic society where there would be state religion, women would be second class citizens and gays would be killed. Sounds great. Yeah, why can't our government get behind that? Of course, the other Arab bloc nations are just one fun place after another, assuming you love living in a theocratic monarchy like Saudi Arabia, or a theocratic dictatorship like Iran. And wasn't it fun to learn when Saddam Hussien was overthrown (I know he was a poor misunderstood fellow) that the Sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for centuries and promptly went on a bloodbath? Maybe you think the other Western countries have a nicer history. Except for Germany killing all those Jews. Oh, and fascist Italy. And the all of the formerly communist countries (oh sorry you probably thought communism was great too). And isn't Russia doing a great job with its human rights record? Now that it's free from communism, it's become, well, it's become a one man dictatorship but whatever. And France and Finland that collaborated with the Nazis. And the eastern european countries that actively helped murder the Jews. Oh well. And wasn't it nice when former Yugoslovia exploded in a blood bath of racism and genocide. And all of Europe stood by and did nothing. I think you'll have to rule out Europe. How about Asia? Let's see, Japan's record is not looking to good. Maybe you love communist China, nothing like being the world's largest dictatorship. Great place. It was swell when Pol Pot took over Cambodia and wiped out 1 or 2 million people. Or was that our fault too? I hear North Korea's a fun place, unless eating is high on your agenda. Hmmm, how about the human rights record in Africa. Well, I wouldn't want to be a Tutsi in Rawanda, that's for sure. And I understand things were less than great in Uganda when Idi Amin ran the country. But gosh that Robert Mugabe is sure doing a swell job turning Zimbabwe into a bastion of fascism. And the South Africans are so nice when the poor Zimbaweans try to escape across the boarder -- they light them on fire. Darfur -- let's not talk about Darfur, too unpleasant. Our own hemisphere? Well most of the countries south of the rio were dictatorships until quite recently, and some of them remain so. Even Mexico, a relatively forward looking place, was basically a one party state until quite recently. Notwithstanding that, AI's 2008 report says human rights abuses in Mexico remain widespread and systematic. Oh well. Shit, even in a nice country like Australia they have a horrible history of abusing the Aborignes. Go look at the reports of Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, and you will see criticisms of our country, but they are pretty mild and isolated compared to what is going on in the rest of the world. And, unlike many parts of the world, when our country does do something wrong, there are often corrective forces at work. The military lawyers for the prisoners in git-mo, for example, have won victory after victory for their clients in the courts. The problem with your "worldview" is that it is painfully myopic. If you held the rest of the world to the standard you hold America, you couldn't live anywhere. What's the plan, move to Mars? I don't know if Shadowcat will really be willing to foot the bill for that, but we can ask. But hey, here I am trying to have a rational discussion with someone who has admitted to entertaining the possibility that our government was complicit in 9/11. Do you believe the moon landing was a hoax too? How about the easter bunny and santa claus, still believe in them? Like I said, the fulcrum of this debate is maturity, not politics.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    AN: This is not about liberal vs. conservative it is about mature vs. immature, as another poster pointed out. Zerzan: Hiroshima was the HQ of that part of the Japanese army responsible for defending southern Japan. 40,000 troops were stationed there. It also was a communications center and had several military factories. Nagasaki likewise was an important industrial center that produced a variety of war materials to support Japan's war efforts. They were military targets. Bear in mind, also, that Japanese civilians were active in the war effort anyway. The draft had been expanded to include all men between 15 and 60, and millions of civilians had been trained in resistance (including suicide measures such as blowing yourself up under an oncoming tank). Your concern for civilian casualties is touching but selective. Just in China, for example, deaths were at an average rate of 100,000 to 200,000 per month, mostly civilians. Even the opponents of using the bomb concede that without it the war might have lasted at least another 3 to 4 months, which would have meant civilian casualties (just in Asia) far in excess of the lives lost at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Do the Asian victims of the murderous racism of the Japanese government matter to you? That doesn't account for the deaths an invasion would have involved. Bear in mind that official Japanese policy was to deal as crippling a blow to American forces as possible, and to make the invasion as bloody as possible. The theory was that in so doing, the Japanese would then be able to negotiate more lenient terms for peace. [Which is why all your comments about Japan's willingness to settle the conflict are question begging -- on what terms were they willing to settle? Even after the second bomb the cabinet wanted to add terms to the Potsdam declaration, to preserve territory taken, or to prevent a military occupation, or to maintain the military regime. Most importantly, the military leaders of Japan wanted to be in charge of their own war crimes investigation, because they knew perfectly well that they had committed war crimes and did not want to be prosectuted for them. In fact, even after the Emperor intervened and was prepared to surrender, some of the military officials staged an attempted coup to keep the war going. Luckily they failed.] At any rate, military casualties would have been very high as Okinawa shows us. Just in one week their were 80,000 combatants killed during the Soviets' invasion of Manchuria. And of course there would have been more civilian deaths with an invasion. The bombing of Tokyo, for example, cost 100,000 lives. We would have certainly used conventional bombing as part of any invasion (unless you are going to advance the proposition that it would have been immoral for us to use conventional bombing -- I guess we should have just waged the war with sling shots?). Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that there was a standing order from 1944 to kill all 100,000 allied POWs if an invasion took place. But who cares about them -- they were mostly Americans anyway, and I guess they would have deserved to die for the immoral war we were waging on Japan. Curiously, Japan's first defense minister said in 2007 that the bombing of Nagasaki was necessary to end the war. Hirohito said much the same thing in 1975. But you know better. I had the privilege, by the way, of getting to know some Americans of Japanese descent who were put in concentration camps in California during WWII. This was an outrageous and sad and horrible violation of civil rights, and it has become apparent that the internment of Japanese Americans during the war was totally unjustified. These folks were not happy about being put in camps, and they clearly thought there government was dead wrong to have done that. But they remained all their lives loyal Americans, and they still loved their country. They recognized their government could sometimes do things that were wrong, terribly wrong, but it did not change the fact that they lived in what they believed was the greatest country on earth. I guess according to you, they would just be dumb saps, or perhaps "Zombies". I think they were just normal Americans. I'm not sure what I would call you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Arbeeguy I'm only judgmental of people who are . . . judgmental! Guys who have posted about having sex ITC or OTC have been repeatedly dogged by other posters (including you and your friend FONDL) who suggest that guys who go looking just for sex have something wrong with them. You've gone so far as to suggest that we shouldn't even talk about sex OTC. When you and other members of the no-sex crowd want to stop attacking those of who have sex, I'll stop pointing out every time how hypocritical and silly it is to say its okay to hang out with naked girls, get them to rub their bodies all over you, and even develop emotionally intimate relationships with them -- but its not ok to sleep with them. So if the no-sex folks lay off, I'll stop responding in kind. But I won't suffer in silence to the sanctimonious nonsense that people who have sex are intolerant of those who don't, when the exact opposite is the case. This would mean, by the way, that folks who claim never ever to have had sex ITC or OTC, and who claim never ever to have cheated on their wives, maybe, just maybe, should think twice before joining a thread that is about sex ITC or OTC, since I don't see how they can contribute much speaking from ignorance. With all candor, I suspect your current irritation is more a product of the comments about premature ejaculation and cumming in your shorts. PE is not a myth, and anyone who says otherwise ought to first familiarize himself with the medical literature. Men seek medical help for PE for the same reason they seek help for ED -- it's a recognized form of sexual dysfunction. And it is very reasonable to suspect that men who pop in their pants probably suffer from PE. The girl I slept with last week told me about a guy who came after two strokes -- two strokes! Sorry but anyone who does that has a medical problem. If you think that it's somehow judgmental or intolerant to point that out, then respectfully, I think you have your head in the sand. But regardless, trust me, I am perfectly a-okay if you and FONDL never have sex again as long as you live.