
"Volcanic Eruptions"...

Rhode Island
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 10:30 PM
that has to be the best strip club name that I've ever heard of. Of course, it's on the Bottom 40 now, which might have something to do with: -"Dancers now have transparent latex on nipples and must keep bottoms on. Lap dances are $35." -"There is no nudity and no alcohol. The girls are generally over weight" -"The young blonde bartender was very cute and even removed her shirt to use a lint brush on it. ... She thought very highy of herself, which was a turn-off .She offered me a taste of the shaved snapper for an extra $40 which quickly declined.I had jut eaten delicious shrimp, why would i want that snapper?" -"the girls now seem very aggresive, only after the private dances." -"The girls were so unattractive and overweight that I didn't even bother to remember their names." -"the stage dances are dull and the atmosphere is depressed." -"There were 4 dancers working 3 of which I wouldn't want to see with their clothes on none the less without. The one dancer that was okay was only okay in the sence that she would have been the chubby ugly dancer at any other club." -"Toilet was filthy with a log in the crapper, holes in the walls and an easily accessible vent choked solid with thick lint. Didn't want to touch anything w/o gloves. The hog on stage might have been redeemed by a passable mug, but as it was it would have stopped a train in its tracks. ... Props for that and the fact that no one blocked the door on my way out." -"they do not open until 3pm on saturdays despite the sign saying open at noon on the outside." -"when I returned to my table, my drink and the ones I had left for tips was long gone..." -"there were some rough characters around me & more of the same hanging out in the parking lot, so I felt more comfortable moving on before dark." Another south NJ "winner" for any amateur geologists out there. Their website makes the place look like an Asian restaurant on the outside...weird... I continue to LOVE the Bottom 40!


  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Sounds like Club Rollex in Detroit.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    MisterGuy, you might enjoy these threads from 2-3 years ago: The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews [view link] A thread for posting more quotes from other people's reviews [view link] Yet another thread of quotes from other people's reviews [view link] Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition [view link]
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Thanx chandler...the shit stain stories are just too much & I'll never look at Briana Banks the same way again. The Playhouse Lounge in NJ used to be rated #1 as well?! Wow... The BO stories remind me of a girl that briefly danced for one summer at a former fav club of mine in upstate NY. She was a reasonably pretty, young girl and known to be quite the freak in the LD room, but she always had the worst BO (like she had never taken a shower or something). One of the owners finally said that she would say something to her, but I think that she left to enlist in the Army so that she could go and "blow shit up" in Iraq. I hope the shit that blew up wasn't her though...
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Misterguy I know your just doing this to dis my adopted home state. Nonetheless, should you ever visit drop me an email and I will take you to a few places a little more fun than the bottom 40. Think how much fun we'd have going to Jersey clubs together. Plus you could meet Wondergrl.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    No, I'm not actually. I'm actually surprised at how many NJ-NY clubs have made the Bottom 40 myself...it's odd. "Think how much fun we'd have going to Jersey clubs together." I'd rather not think about that...
  • PBTC
    16 years ago
    Thanks for posting this Chandler, I'll be smart enough to save it this time so I can find and read these nuggets at my leisure, they're hilarious. Should be in the FAQ since there is still no search funtion I can find.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    HEY stop dissin NJ lol
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I pretty much "diss" all the Bottom 40 clubs...especially the ones in the Northeast...
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Hey, at least I don't work at one of those clubs... ;)
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    oh!!???!!?! my club is in the top 40 mister!!!! grrr
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Yea, you dodged a bullet there...with help from me...
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