
Comments by njscfan (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    I agree with Chandler's post. I would add that when we have intelligent discussions on the board, and/or share useful information, we all benefit even if it is information some of us already know. To the extent we succeed in raising the collective knowledge of the consumers in this market, the better off we will all be, because it will force providers across the board to deliver more honest, higher quality service. Thus, even though I've been doing this for a while, I am ultimately better off as a consumer if every newbie goes into a club with the benefit of full knowledge.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan Japan was repeatedly asked to surrender by our government before the bomb was dropped. There were 200,000 people killed by the two atomic bombs. But there were over 100,000 soldiers killed at Okinawa, and perhaps 75,000 to 140,000 civilians who died there (many of whom died due to mass suicides, again because of the fanatical and insane nature of the resistance). So the total deaths from one island campaign exceeded that of both bombs. Were the lives lost on Okinawa less valuable? After the first bomb was dropped, Japan again refused to surrender. Even after the second bomb was dropped the cabinet still did not want to surrender, and it was only the intevention of the Emperor himself that brought about the surrender. Its very easy to look back 60+ years after the fact and say you would have done it differently, but at the time the Japanese government was a fascist government, not a democracy, that was not responsive to the interests of its people. They took the position that their Emperor was god, and that they would fight to the death. Why did Japan need several days or weeks to surrender? Why couldn't they just surrender? The answer is found in the fact that even after the second bomb they still did not want to give in. That's fascism for you. And why were we supposed to wait indefinitely while they made up their minds? We were at war after all, and not one we started, one they started. How were we to know that if we waited several weeks they would not have ordered more mass suicides as they did on Okinawa? How could we possibly trust such a ridiculous and insane government? And why do you lay the blame at the foot of a democratically elected government and free society that never wanted the war, that did everything to avoid it, and that was drawn into the conflict only due to an unprovoked attack? A government that then used the war to fight for a better and freer world, as proven by its actions in Japan and in Europe. Why not lay the blame at the foot of the government that started the war, that was a fascist government, a racist government, a government that committed horrible war crimes, and that did everything in its power to prolong the conflict and to maximize the amount of human death? All the Japanese cabinet had to do was surrender to the inevitable and they wouldn't do it. It is ironic in the extreme that on WWII you take the side of Japan over the U.S., yet proclaim you are opposed to racism. Japan waged a racist war and was run by an utterly racist and fascist government. It is especially bizarre to me that you pick WWII of all things as the area to attack our country. WWII was one of the very best things our country ever did. We saved the world, and guys like my dad who fought in that war have nothing to be ashamed of. Really what would you prefer to be? A person living in a country conquered by Japan or Nazi Germany, or one of the Japanese or Germans conquered by us? Which country made the world better in your opinion in that particular instance? We sacrificed enormously to save the world from fascism and we did save the world. I find it appalling that you don't recognize that. Apart from splinter Nazi hate groups and similar weirdos, you stand pretty much alone in your belief that the U.S. should apologize for winning WWII. I'm sorry you hate your country so much. I am not telling you "America, love it or leave it," but I am perplexed as to why you would want to live here if you think this is one of the worst countries on the planet. There are lots of other places to live. At any rate, I do feel sorry for you I'd hate to spend my life living somewhere that I despise. But I'm not a zombie for loving my country I am merely rational. Compared to any other country on earth there is no place I would rather live. It would be height of irrationality, however, to continue to live in a country you despise. Misterguy: we leafletted the Japanese cities. Didn't do any good because in a fascist country it does not matter what the people think.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    Arbeeguy Well, the girl I took on my business trip clearly enjoyed it. It was a paid holiday for her, she got to go to a major destination (where she had never been). During the trip she was plainly having a good time, and has since asked to go on another trip we are thinking about planning.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan Well, slamming your country and your government is one of the most American things you can do, so I guess in your post you're just fulfilling your patriotic duty. But I think the sarcastic tone of your post suggests that you think people who love America are right wing jingoistic fools. I don't think that's a fair critcism. I can see clearly the many flaws of my country and still love my country, much the same way I can love my family and friends even though I can see they are deeply flawed individuals. Some of your criticisms are pretty off base, in my view. The one that sticks the most in my craw are your comments about WWII. It was not "unnecessary" to drop the bomb on Japan. Please bear in mind that WWII was a battle between countries like the US who were trying to preserve a measure of freedom and democracy in the world, versus Japan, Germany and Italy. At the time, those three countries were run by governments that were the most fascistic governments in the world, indeed, in history. You are well familiar with the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis. But it is also true that Japan committed appalling atrocities throughout Asia. To this day, many Asian countries (especially China and Korea) despise the Japanese because of the crimes committed by Japan during WWII. (By the way, you probably remember that we became involved in that war because Japan launched an unprovoked attack on our fleet in Pearl Harbor. Was that our fault too?) During the war, it became evident that the axis powers (in particular Germany) were developing an atomic bomb. We don't need to guess what would have happened had they succeeded. Several prominent Americans (including Albert Einstein, a committed pacifist) urged the Roosevelt administration to move full speed to develop the bomb as fast as possible, before the Nazis could. By the time we developed the bomb, Germany had been defeated (thanks, by the way, to the invasion of Normandy, which involved a catastrophic loss of human lives -- I hope you think it was ok that we defeated Nazi Germany). Despite our victory in Europe, and despite the fact that it was clear we would eventually win, Japan refused to surrender. We specifically warned the Japanese government in advance that we had a new kind of weapon, and urged them to give up, but they refused. (Question: would Japan or Germany afforded us with a similar warning?) Most military experts believe the loss of life would have been greater had we not dropped the bomb, because of the loss of life required to take Japan island by island. Island warfare against Japan had already proved to be incredibly deadly. After we dropped the first bomb, we again asked the Japanese government to surrender. Even though everyone could now plainly see what a powerful weapon we had, still they refused, incredibly. Only after we dropped the second bomb did they finally give up. It's sad that their government refused to give in, but that's what we have to expect from a fanatical, fascist regime. I personally feel comfortable that we saved lives by dropping the bomb. And, by the way, once we defeated Japan what did we do? Did we enslave them? Humiliate them? Did we act the way Western Europe acted toward Germany when they defeated Germany at the end of WWI? No, we rebuilt Japan completely, gave them a world class economy, and also gave them an even greater gift, a functioning democrary and a free society with constitutional rights. Most Japanese people will tell you, I think, that they are very glad they lost WWII, and particularly that they are glad they lost to the U.S., because they are clearly better off for having lost. Same in Europe by the way. Who do you think was better off -- the Germans who lived in West Germany and were conquered by us, or the Germans who lived in East Germany and were conquered by the Soviets? Which side had to build a wall to keep its people from escaping? Yes, our country is a deeply flawed country, but WWII is actually one of the best examples of our country's greatness -- a war we did not start; a war we desperately had to win; a war that helped defeat the worst fascists in history; and after we won, we did not use our victory to achieve the "spoils" of war, but instead used it to promote a better world. Gosh, I could turn next to show why your comments about slavery are pretty mis-guided too (England was a major participant in the slave trade would be my opening salvo), but it's a holiday, so I'm going to give it a rest. No, I won't be wearing a flag pin, and yes I will keep thinking for myself, but still, I love my country.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Bobby: I am sure this will only further lower me in the estimation of certain tusclers, but I think I have a fair amount of experience with escorts, having used them for a quarter century, from everything ranging from streetwalkers to the "high class" girls who work out of 5 star hotels. So, here is one john's assessment of the pros and cons of escorts versus strippers. Escorts have three major benefits in my view, if you are willing to spend the money: Economics: All in all, dollar for dollar, you get more bang for your buck with an escort, at least as compared to an initial deal with an escort vs. stripper. [The stripper price can go down over time as you get to know her and become a repeat customer. The escort price, in my experience, rarely goes down, although she might shield a regular from price increases.] In the NYC metro area, you can get a very fine escort for $300 per hour. Agency girls are more clock watchers, but a lot of independents will stretch that hour into two hours. It is now standard industry practice that you get to cum twice during the session. You rarely have to pay for the hotel room. And you do not have to pay a penny for any of the preliminaries. The price is all inclusive, and most (good) escorts really do not expect anything beyond their standard price for full service. With a stripper, in addition to paying for the sex, you have to pay for the hotel room, and of course you have to lay out cash to get access to her in the first place -- money to get into the club; money for drinks; money for dances and tips; all just to get to the pussy. Certainly if we are comparing ITC sex with a stripper and sex with an escort, the latter is a much better deal. Consumerism: Escorts are on the whole more consumer friendly. Once upon a time, when you got a hooker (whether it was off the streets or via the yellow pages) you were taking a lot of chances, big and small. Would she be a cop? What would she really look like? What would she really do? What would the service be like? All that has changed. Hobbying has become a very consumer friendly activity, especially because of review sites like TER. Now, you can not only know what the girl looks like, and what she costs (and know in advance that she's not a cop). You can also know down to the most precise detail what will happen during the session. Will she let you fuck her in the ass? The reviews will tell you. Can you cum on her face? The reviews will tell you. Does she exhibit a bubbly and friendly persona during the session? The reviews will tell you. (A caveat: You have to be a smart consumer and use the reviews carefully, just like with consumer reports.) With a stripper, you know what she looks like, and you know what she acts like at the moment she is talking to you. Everything else is guesswork. Skills: Like you said, escorts are fucking for a business, strippers are fucking for money on the side. So good escorts are really, really good. I'm lucky, because I live near NYC where there are some of the best escorts in the country. Some of these girls really do their homework and pull out all the stops during a session -- absolutely the dirtiest over the top shit you can imagine. I've known only two civilians who will do some of the stuff the best escorts will do (luckily I'm married to one of the them). So why fuck strippers when escorts are just a mouseclick away? For me, there are three reasons, a little more elusive than the concrete facts I just recited, but real nonetheless: Convenience: Again, I am comparing strippers to the higher quality escorts. Well, the higher quality escorts are in demand. Many of them travel. Getting an appointment is not easy. First, you have to get past their screening process, which means giving up your real name, phone number, and some way to verify you are who you say you are. They do this for safety, and frankly, if an escort does NOT ask for that information, you should be worried. Second, they will NOT see just anyone. A lot of them want references (I'm not kidding). And if they don't like you for any reason, forget it. Third, even after you become one of their customers, they are in high demand, and getting on their calendar is not easy. I typically find in the NYC are that to get on the calendar of one of my favorites can involve waiting several days or even a few weeks. They are popular girls. With a stripper, all I need to know is the right club. I can drop in on my way home from work, get laid, and continue on my way, with my wife none the wiser (oh honey, I had a meeting and stayed a little late, that's all). The Hunt: And that's the next thing I like about fucking strippers. While I never want to be accused of sounding like David9999, I do think guys like to hunt down girls. I know I do. There is something immensely pleasurable about walking into a club, and knowing that I will find there some girl I will have sex with, even though I have never laid eyes on her before in my life. I love escorts, but with them it's an awful like ordering something on the internet. Do they want to sell you sex? Of course they do shithead, that's their job! Landing an escort is about as exciting as taking your car in to get fixed. That pesky old Marxist problem: And that's the final thing I like about strippers over escorts. Again, I'm resolutely comparing apples to apples, i.e., high quality escorts to high quality strippers. Even the very, very best escorts I ever had, no matter how smooth or charming or careful they were, I always was acutely aware that I was just engaged in an exchange of $$$ for labor. Even when they have gone hours over our allotted time, even when we've gone out to dinner, even when we've talked about family and friends and "the biz," they were always on the clock, because in the back of my mind I always knew they had scheduled another appointment set for later in the day. Cynical bastard that I am, it just takes some of the fun out of it. I am the biggest proponent of recognizing that strippers are likewise engaged in commerce. But their business is more complicated, and when they sell sex, it is a trickier deal. There are jobs and then there are jobs. I may well stop my job the minute I stop getting paid (per Mr. Marx), but I may also find that my vocation is my avocation (per Robert Frost). My regular stripper has not made a business out of being an escort -- I'm her only regular customer, and she does nothing to run it like a business. She does it because she can earn a buck (well, more than a buck) but also because she gets something else out of it -- something hard to define, but something evident when we are collapsed in a sweaty heap, the sheets soaked, breathing heavy saying together, "shit, shit that was good." As much as it pains me to admit it, there is something more satisfying about an afternoon with my stripper than the best session I've had with the highest priced NYC escort I've known. Or maybe its just because she's 20 and hot as nails. lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    londonguy (do you really live in london by the way?): There are some clubs where sex is available, and some where it is not available. It is not necessarily about the "type" of club, although perhaps some close study could reveal that a certain "type" of club is more likely to be sex friendly. But there are some clubs (top or low end) where sex is absolutely prohibited, the club really polices it, and if a girl gets caught she gets fired. In those clubs, no matter how charming, lucky or rich you will not get sex. I suspect (but don't know) that girls who do not want to be pressured to sell sex gravitate to those clubs. On the other hand, there are clubs where management openly tolerates sex and looks the other way -- the girls have expressly told me in such establishments that management is cool with it. Obviously, a girl willing to sell sex will work at such a place. The trick is finding that kind of club. That's where I would like my fellow club sex hounds to be more explicit and honest in their reviews, so we can all more easily find what we are seeking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    If we were in Iran I would have been lined up against a wall and shot by now. I have a million criticisms of my country and especially my government (that's what makes me an American), but there is no getting around the fact that freedom beats slavery any day of the week. I am grateful for living in this country every day. It's like winning the lottery ticket of life.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    Sorry, shadowcat, I don't agree that there's a set rule here. I've made out with some dancers like I was in high school again, yet we never fucked. And I've had others I've fucked silly, and we've never kissed. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Bobby I think we all want our skills to be high. Hopefully no one here is relying exclusively on strippers for sex (although, who knows, perhaps you're right and some are). I agree the amount of time guys take can vary considerably, which is why I took exception to shadowcat's belief that it's always 5 minutes or less. But there is a lot of data, unfortunately, that a very large percentage of men cum in a very short period of time (less than 2 minutes), and I have had a number of strippers (and civilians) tell me about guys who cum as soon as they're in the pussy (and sometimes blow their wad even before they get there). This is a source of great amusement among the strippers -- they laugh about how guys will spend $$$ on a VIP room only to blow it in the first 30 seconds, or how guys will cum with their pants still on in the LD room before the first song is even over. Given the number of guys who claim to pop in their pants during a lapdance without ever taking their clothes off (which from threads on this board appears to be quite common), I would say PE is a real problem among strip club patrons. I don't agree that strippers are necessarily more grossed out by daty versus fucking -- it depends on the stripper. Like civilians some strippers can have hang ups about anything "down there," and some might be concerned about excessive physical contact (assuming a condom is worn during sex, it would theoretically involve less direct physical contact). But I've only had one escort in 25 years of hobbying who has ever turned me down on daty. I've had a lot of instances I can think of where the girl would let me do daty, but would not agree to fuck and/or would not agree to a bbbj. In terms of difficulty in getting the stripper/escort to do it, I would rank daty as slightly harder to get than a hj, and slightly easier to get than a bj. Likewise, I don't agree that they (the strippers and escorts) don't care at all what the daty is like (or the performance generally). It's not why they're in business, but all other things equal they'd rather have a more pleasant experience when they do their jobs. My current regular companion actually agreed to do OTC with me the first time (after saying she'd never do it) after a long session of daty ITC. We start every OTC session with foreplay and then a good 15-20 minutes of daty, which she requests every time. I'm seeing her this afternoon and I'm sure it won't be any different. She clearly likes having her pussy licked. Most women do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    shadow seems to say every guy cums with a "hot chick" in less than 5 minutes and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Unlike shadowcat (who bases his claim presumably on his personal experience only, since we can guess he is not observing other mens' orgasms), there are actually people who have studied this. For guys with premature ejaculation (which is not precisely defined), they are cumming on average in less than 2 minutes (!). For guys who do not have PE, they are coming on average in about 7 to 8 minutes -- but that's an average, and the study found plenty of guys not cumming for 10 minutes or more. And that's IELT for you scientists out there -- intravaginal ejaculation latency time, that is, from the time your dick is in the girl's pussy until the time you cum (no I am not making this up). Unfortunately the study did not break out the data for guys having sex with "hot chicks" so I am sure that's the linchpin to shadowcat's "analysis". While shadowcat exaggerates a little, premature ejaculation is a huge problem. It's not well defined, but its probably the biggest form of sexual dysfunction for men under 40, affecting maybe a third of the population. (That doesn't mean men over 40 don't have PE. It's just that they often have other, bigger problems, like not being able to get a hardon in the first place.) When you combine PE with the fact that a lot of guys won't lick pussy or don't know how, then it is not really surprising that the most common sexual problem among women is a lack of interest in sex (one-third), followed by difficulty achieving orgasm (one-quarter) and finding that sex is not pleasurable (about a fifth). The same survey found that over a third of the women only think about sex a couple of times a month. Who can blame them if it's that bad? Any guy cumming really fast owes it to himself and his partner to seek treatment and not just accept it as par for the course. Don't just bust your nut.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You know, I find that response question begging. Yes, he should post reviews, but why should he take a hit for the team, if someone knows a good club in his area. He can get a membership anyway by paying, you know, so he does not need to post a review in order to read the reviews. If someone knows something useful, why not just tell him? Even telling him to forget it, that he'll never get anything, is useful information. From his name I assume he lives in Arizona, where there are only 55 clubs. Is it really the case that no one can point him to a club in Arizona and say, "read the reviews for club X"? I've never clubbed in Arizona, but a quick glance of the reviews shows that they are largely uninformative. Either that, or the clubs are offering zero mileage. As a typical example, I looked at a relatively high rated club in Phoenix with some 48 reviews, and with a VIP room. Here's a typical review: "I have gotten many lap dances here and very few were disappointing. Some girls of course are much more high mileage than others but most of the dancers realize that for repeat business there has to be some grindage. If you find the right dancer you will get lots of grindage and leave a happy customer." If I am reading this correctly, it means the reviewer got pretty much nothing. If that's really all one can find in Arizona, why not tell this guy that that's the deal? If there's a place where you can get sex, why not tell him that? If you don't want to identify the club, just say "read my review from such and such date." Why the big secret? The whole point of this site is to share information with each other, not to tell each other "go fish."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You have asked a perfectly legitimate question. Notice that none of the answers you received were particularly informative. Indeed, some of them were somewhat flip. There's a reason for that. A VIP room can be expensive. In my area, it can run $200 for 30 minutes, the cost of an overnight stay in a pretty nice hotel. Yet, you frequently have no idea going in what you'll get. I think there are very few commercial transactions like that. When you pay $10 for a movie, you might not know if it will be a good movie, but you know for sure it will be a movie. The VIP room can be so unpredictable that it becomes a vehicle for ripping people off. At one end, next to nothing happens in the VIP. By "nothing," I mean no sex, and no activity that you could not get by just sitting at the bar. You and the girl sit there and chat, with your arms around each other. You remain fully clothed, and she keeps her bikini on. You don't even kiss or feel her up. That's how ridiculous it can be sometimes. At the other extreme, the 30 minute VIP session can be a quick and dirty episode of steamy sex -- kissing, groping, handjob, blowjob, pussylicking, fucking -- as some of the strippers like to put it, "everything" (my favorite word to hear in the VIP). Obviously, the rip off strip clubs benefit from the secrecy. It allows them to dupe guys into paying $200 for nothing. And keeping alive the idea that the VIP is like some unpredictable lottery -- you never know when you might get sex -- keeps the poor guys spending their hard earned cash for shit. And yet that's a fraud. True, your mileage may vary, but the fact remains that there are some clubs where sex is allowed, and some where it is absolutely prohibited. As customers, we have a right to know which is which. That's where review sites like tuscl should come in, in my opinion. We should use the reviews (and to a lesser extent, the boards) to separate the sheep from the goats. An intelligent user of the site should be able to tell where it is likely he can get sex, and where it is almost impossible. [N.B. Yes, I know, I know, some of you have no interest in ever having sex with strippers ever. You just want the strippers to writhe naked all over your body, or you just want to have a nice intelligent chat with them while their tits are hanging out -- but you never ever want to have them jump your wanker. I don't understand it, but I don't criticize it -- if that's your bag, fine with me. But there are some of us who very much enjoy having sex with girls of all varieties, including strippers.] Unfortunately, most of the reviews on this site are not very informative. They often say nothing about the VIP, and are very vague about the level of service (e.g., "dancer X gave a great lapdance, really high mileage" is meaningless -- for some guys "high mileage" means a handjob, for some it means full service). The reason most often given for the vagueness of the reviews is the concern that LE will read the reviews and raid the club. I personally think this concern is overblown. I would not mention a dancer by name in a review (for concernns about LE and other concerns as well). But I do not think clubs usually get raided because of reviews on websites. There are lots of websites that post reviews about strip clubs, amps and escorts, and they are usually very explicit, yet they continue to operate. The amps in my area that provide FS have very explicit reviews on several sites, yet they are undisturbed by the cops. Likewise, I have posted some explicit reviews about clubs in my area where sex is available, and they continue to provide the same services uninterrupted. The reasons for the vague reviews, in my opinion, relate to the fact that a lot of tusclers like the "mystery." It makes them feel special and important to pretend they have some "inside" information about a particular club. Some of the old (I don't mean old in age, I mean old in terms of longevity on the board) tusclers even express the view that you need to pay your dues and prove yourself before they will share their special insiders knowledge about a particular club -- even if it's bullshit. And usually it is bullshit. The reality is that a lot of the clubs are just handjob factories, or worse, places where the girls are getting the guys to cum by rubbing their dicks through their pants. And for a lot of the guys on this site -- including some of the guys who are supposedly old hands -- that is all they are getting. There are relatively few people who will speak clearly and explicitly about the level of service they get at a club -- but you are guaranteed to get a ton of responses if you post a thread about ejaculating semen in your underwear. [N.B. It makes me wonder how common premature ejaculation is among tusclers. According to the net, about one-third of men have problems with premature ejaculation, and that can sometimes mean cumming within 2 or 3 minutes -- just about the amount of time for a 1 song lapdance, ironically. I guess if you are going to cum almost as soon as you enter a woman's pussy, maybe spending the money on FS is not a good idea after all.] In sum, there are places where full service sex is available in the VIP. If we were all clear about this in our reviews (or at least made a point of calling out the places where the VIPs are a rip off), we would eventually force the clubs to provide higher quality service in the clubs, and sex in the VIPs would become more common and easy to obtain.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Banning parody man...
    The idea of banning someone from this site for flaming other posters is silly. Many people have done it, including Shadowcat. We'd ban half the members if we did that. It's true that parodyman's attacks on shadowcat have an almost obsessive quality to them. And if shadowcat were a weaker personality, I would probably feel more sorry for him, and think something should be done. But the truth, as we all know, is that shadowcat probably wears the attacks with a certain pride. Honestly, the almost knee jerk reactive quality of the attacks turn them into a reflection on parodyman, not shadowcat. Plus -- and I am just being honest here -- I find many of parodyman's attacks to be funny. He can be very nasty, but his nastiness is often quite humorous, because he has a very sharp wit. I frequently find myself involuntarily laughing when I read his posts. I probably wouldn't find the posts as funny if I were the constant target of his attacks, but they are funny nonetheless. The discussion board would be a somewhat less funny place if he were banned. I think banning should be reserved for people who do things like post private information about other members, or who engage in similar harassing behavior. If person X were to post the private details of the life of person Y, for example, that would warrant the possibility of a banning. Likewise, if one person were to send messages threatening another person. But merely hurling insults at one another -- c'mon, most of us can take that, and surely shadowcat can give as good as he gets. And I will not be placing parodyman on "ignore." Too often his posts are funny and insightful, and I enjoy reading them.
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    16 years ago
    When money gets tighter, are strip clubs your #1 source to cut back on?
    shadowcat I don't think you're bragging, but I do think geography, quality of the women and quality of the service are key. In the NYC metro area (where I live) getting FS sex ITC for $150 is possible but rare. But that's just a QF, you are not lying down on a bed or spending any quality time on foreplay or the like -- she's just jumping on the boner until you cum. OTC, in the NYC metro area, beating $250 for an hour session with anyone who is not butt-ugly is hard, and $300 for a multi-hour session is the norm. You can do better in amps in my area, but again the sessions are shorter (the whole session is an hour or less, and some of it is spent on a massage, wait time, etc.), and the quality is less (usually no daty, dfk, etc.). If you want a multi-hour session with a very good looking young (under 30) woman who will do oral, vaginal, anal, kissing, etc., at least where I live, I don't think you could walk away with less than $300 in costs plus the cost of the room. The cost may be a little lower in south carolina, but that's due to geography. You also are a heavy volume customer at one location, which will result in a lower price for you, but that's just because you're a repeat customer. I don't think it has much to do with how charming or wonderful you are, I think it is just a question of market forces. By the way, you've said in prior posts that you have not gotten laid OTC in several months, so you may not have a good sense of the market. But I am willing to bet the price of a 1 hour session with a NYC escort that you won't be able to get that NYC escort for a multihour session that includes FS, oral and anal for less than $300. Sorry to focus so relentlessly on market forces, but this is a business.
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    16 years ago
    The point always missed
    Jablake Who ever said I was an attorney? Not me. And I can't have a 30 year plus career -- I'm not in my 50s (yet). When David posted his last round of shit about alpha male seed spreading (perhaps a couple months ago) I tried to reason with him, saw that was impossible, and then gave up. My initial assumption was he was just a harmless idiot. When he started up again a couple weeks ago, I was troubled because I felt there were some sad sack guys on this site (I am not referring to you) who seemed to actually be taking David's idiotic advice seriously. That troubled me because his advice is terrible and stupid and could seriously lead astray anyone who tried to follow it. I felt like exposing David as the fraud that he is, and it was not hard to do. I believe there are some people on this site who desperately want to believe David (or at least someone like David) really exists. (Again, I'm not referring to you.) It gives some kind of false "hope" to the PLs out there who think their sex life will change if they just get the right "game". (It won't. Your sex life has very little to do with your "game". ) It's almost like a form of perverted religion, and I find it really sad. I'd love to shake those guys into reality, but I realize I will probably never succeed (just like you can't get most of the population to give up their most deeply held fantasies). So I take David seriously in that I think he is a menace for fools on this site who cherish their fantasies. I do not take him seriously in the sense that I think he is not giving an even vaguely accurate description of his real life. I think he is as phony as a $3 bill, and posts his warped fictitious life to gain the approval he pathetically craves from his fellow tuscl members. The really sick part about David (as none other than Shadowcat has pointed out in another post) is that David desperately wants the approval of the sad sacks who look to him for advice -- which is why it is so important for him to get other people to believe he's a 6'3" 200 lb lawyer with a $500k income who is fucking ultra hot 9.75 girls blah blah blah blah blah. Really I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
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    16 years ago
    The point always missed
    I believe David's "point" is that he's a hot stud; he's got lots of money; he's got incredible game; and he wishes everyone would pay attention to him for that, which is why he goes on and on about it. I believe David is full of shit, and I never cease to marvel that anyone on this site takes him seriously at all.
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    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    True that. I do sometimes worry about limited capacity of some folks on this board to recognize satire when it is slapping them in the face. On the other hand, perhaps they are merely pretending not to recognize it, in what is itself a clever bid for satire. Hmmm.
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    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    JerseyJack Um, you do realize Chandler's entire post is a satire, and the "reviews" are both fake reviews Chandler himself wrote for the sake of making a joke, right? Please say "yes."
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    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    Have to agree with Bobby on this one -- but precisely for the reason cited by Shadowcat. The key to finding a duplicate poster is not what they say but how they say it. I looked at the old posts for RL, and the method of expression is not vaguely close to the way David talks. I think they are two different people. Both morons, to be sure, but still two different people.
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    16 years ago
    When money gets tighter, are strip clubs your #1 source to cut back on?
    I do not know where Bobby lives, but in my geographic region I have to agree with him on the price structure. Plus, in addition to the $250-$300 for a fuck, you also have to pay for a hotel room, which is another $100 even in a pretty inexpensive (read: cheap) hotel. AMPs are probably the least expensive way to bust a nut, but they do not have all of the advantages of an OTC experience. By the way, I don't think they charge more the 1st time because they don't want to be seen as "cheap". Rather, I think they are (sometimes) willing to charge less as time goes on because you are a regular and reliable customer, and so worth the discount.
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    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    For those of us who have not been on this board that long, who is/was "Romantic Lover"?
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    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    parodyman That's a great defense for the pro-gun argument, reasonably expressed. I disagree with almost everything you said, but there is no getting around the fact that you expressed it well. But that was not how you began the conversation. You began by calling all gun control supporters "sad", "whiney" and spreading "filth." And if one looks at the other thread on the supreme court's recent decision, most of the posters expressed their views in a manner that was utterly intolerant of dissenting opinions. Frankly, when I read posts like this, I know that I and other proponents of gun control will one day win this battle, because the pro-gun people express themselves in ways that are going to be a turn off to the average American. And, I assure you, we will win and we will ban handguns. In most of the civilized world, gun control is powerful and extreme. America will get there one day, maybe even during my lifetime. We could debate the issue of gun control in reasonable intelligent terms -- but it's extremely unlikely, given the nature of the debate (and given the nature of some of the people on this board, who have difficult expressly anything in temperate language). It is also unlikely that we are going to have a healthy, mature debate on a host of other sensitive topics (abortion, gay marriage, immigration, the presidential election, the middle east, etc.). This is a board about sex, not something else. It's a good place to share information and have debates about sex. It's a lousy place to have debates about subjects that have nothing to do with sex. I am just as opinionated as you are -- maybe more so -- about guns as well as dozens of other topics. But I resist the temptation to subject you and everyone else to my views, because this isn't the place. Can the parodyman who wrote the reasoned post above likewise reasonably recognize that this is not the place, and leave the gun topics for some other board?
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    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    Well, some strippers are prostitutes, and in some clubs you can just walk in and have sex with a girl, that's reality. But I agree that anyone who offers any woman $1000 for sex is a fool -- there's no reason to spend that much money.
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    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    ROTFLMAO -- this is very possibly the funniest post so far in 2008. A classic. And that's saying something, because there are a number of posts on this site that are extremely funny, albeit in an unintentional, somewhat mortifying fashion. Notice that Bobby has no trouble taking a joke at his expense. As much as I disagree with Bobby on more than one topic, this is an example of why I think he is not a jerk. On the other hand, David has to rush to his own defense, to assure everyone that he really is a hot stud. In case no one has noticed, David has spent the last 36 hours on a media blitz to convince everyone on the board that he is what he claims to be. Sadly for him, he's doing this by posting ever more absurd claims: spending $60K a year at the clubs (for you tax wizards, that would be over $100K in pretax income, so he is claiming to spend over 20% of his annual gross income -- which is ludicrously claimed to be $500k -- on strippers!) handing $1000 to a stripper, in front of everyone while she's on stage, to prepay her for a session in the VIP (that's not for the club but for the girl; great way to attract LE, and to get the club to toss you out for exposing them to vice charges) spending 240 hours per year in the clubs (the equivalent of six work weeks, yet he still maintains a $500k per year job, wife, family, and various other responsibilities) YET he still refuses to post reviews because he supposedly needs to maintain his confidentiality and privacy. That's a great way to maintain your privacy. Post incessantly on public boards available to anyone, but don't post private reviews that only members can read. And the person claiming to jealously guard his privacy nonetheless spends thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours engaged in the very public soliciation of prostitution. This has to be one of the most transparently ridiculous claims anyone has ever made on this site. By the way, I had no clue David claimed to be a lawyer. Of all of the whoppers he's told on this board, that has to be the biggest. One thing I can promise you is that David has never been a member of the bar. Now I am sure jablake will post one of his surreal, stream of conscious defenses of David, that lead off into a completely different subject. The funny part is that jablake always rises to David's defense, but David keeps calling him "jarblake."
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    16 years ago
    I don't know what to make of this?
    Ok, but if you start listening to Barry Manilow, call 911.