
Comments by chipitin (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip clubs and the changing role of women
    I agree with many of FONDL's theories, but as a contrary benefit strip clubs offer an outlet for men to be playful with young flirty women they are not attached to either personally or professionally, and without that outlet they would be bringing that activity into the workplace with female co-workers and risking sexual harassment lawsuits, etc. In my business we can completely avoid hiring the "sexy secretary" and focus on hiring someone good for the job/company, and encourage the party boys to hit the strip clubs to get their ego boost. So I see a need for this business model, very much like I see a need for the strip clubs to balance off Escort activity. Without strip clubs, escort activity would attract these customers, and more broken marriages/families would be the result.
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    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    Several months ago in Chicago there was a story in the news about an independent escort that tried it. She made $48,000 over a year from a customer from Michigan that traveled to Chicago once or twice a month, then she tried to blackmail him for $50,000. He called the police and she was arrested and prosecuted in the Chicago courts. The most interesting thing is they kept secret the name of the man from the newspapers and in the court documents to protect him! He must have cut a deal with them to keep from being exposed. They must have really wanted to get her if they agreed to protect his identity.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    This will freak out your ATF. Buy a pre-pay cell phone. Send your ATF a text message on the pre-pay phone and tell her you heard she was the best dancer in the city and you want to meet her and will spend $1000 or more on her if you like her as much as you think you will. Tell her you will be in that night at 6:00. If she replies and seems upset that you have her # tell her you will explain everything when you meet her. You can also juice it up to get her really interested in the meeting. Then you show up at about 6 and sit with her, but watch to see how nervous she gets about her expecting to meet the "other man" that sent her the text. But don't string it out past 7:00 or she will get really pissed when you tell her who really sent her the message.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    no-brainer: Customers that spend $50 on a couple of dances, ask them out to dinner, and get pissed off and move on to another girl when they get rejected.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    I am about 20+ years older than any stripper I am interested in doing business with. I have nice interesting friendships with them, but due to the age difference and the level of attractiveness these girls possess, I seriously doubt any of these girls have any interest in hanging out with me as a real friend. Also, I don't attempt to believe they would like me as a real friend, and I always assume they only agree if they can benefit economically. The only exception I have to this is one time I met a girl that came over here (and went back) every 90 days from Europe on a vacation visa to work at clubs and lived alone in a motel. She was not into having co-workers as friends so she selected a couple customers to hang with. And yes if I/we work out an OTC deal, economically they do much better than they would if they were an escort, and I agree to pay that premium. But I have the luxury of really knowing the girl and the circumstances before engaging in the transaction. If you read sites like TER, look at how difficult and imposing the screening process is and how nervous each customer claims he is when he buys an hour and has to have sex with a strange woman that is watching a clock and wants to finish within an hour. Also, if you engage in paid OTC, it's almost assured she is doing it because she BOTH enjoys your company AND of course appreciates the money. I believe that paying a premium for an OTC with the RIGHT girl that I already know is far better economically than trial-and-error business with stranger escorts. On TER, note the catch-all phrase in the reviews seems to be YMMV, you hope this strange woman you just met will find you mutually attractive. Paid OTC's are a great climax to a relationship that you built with her ITC over several weeks, months, or even years. But if you play games or treat the girls with disrespect like so many customers do, I am afraid you will be doing business ITC forever. As FONDL states in the Pink site string, this site is about discussing the EXCEPTIONS, and the girls that are the EXCEPTIONS are available to you if you can prove that you are a customer that is the EXCEPTION to the normal. The girls that are not the exception to the normal in my opinion are not even worth us discussing or criticizing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    I would only pay for something outside the club if the service goes beyond the rules of the club. To pay someone to meet OTC to engage in the same activity available ITC I see as a waste of effort and a risk of the girl losing her job for no good reason.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    Chandler & David, In my experience as a regular customer I have suggested, been offered, and have accepted doing business OTC and it has worked out fine because I make sure the compensation is adequate and I make sure both sides feel they are receiving a fair deal. The girl will agree to the business OTC if she feels the regular is getting bored of the same-old-same-old and is ready to move on to another girl or club. The girl makes more money working outside the club with a single customer she likes, and she doesn't feel like a "fisherman without bait". But if I were to suddenly start to compensate this girl with much less that what I was compensating her with originally and if I expected the same service, I would expect the same reaction as the girl we are discussing. Thus, the reason for reaching my conclusions about the meaning of LONG. But regardless of the meaning of the word, anytime you set a president of doing business with someone, like the Regular did by paying her a lot of money to meet for lunch the first time, and later you change the rules of the game, one can expect a reaction like this girl, regardless if she works as a stripper or a waitress.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    Doug, consider doing what the guy did in the story posted on the Pink Site under the string "I fired my regular". According to that posting, if you get cheap on her she will "fire" you and you will understand if she is greedy or sincere about you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    David, maybe you are right about LONG, but everyone I know have always used the term to mean there is a lot more going on than consuming food. If you approach your secretary and ask her to go out with you for a LONG lunch, you will probably be fired and your company sued for sexual harrasement. Why would any customer spend hundreds on a stripper just to get her to eat lunch with them in a public place? If you are right, I think she did him a big favor.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    If in fact he was spending hundreds per week to get his "LONG" lunches (I assume "LONG" means sex) and now he decides to give her $50 per week and spends money on other dancers in the club, I think he got what he wanted or deserved. But it also sounds like she is posting on the wrong website, she should be posting on theeroticreview.com with the other Escorts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    Concerning strippers that offer free biz to certain customers, I ran a question of this type past my ATF a while back and she gave me the following response: Once a month or so a man will come into the club that is far better looking than the average man or the average customer. The girls immediately know this type of man does not come into a strip club to buy dances, because he can walk into about any bar and receive attention or sex or whatever he wants for free. The girls know this, and if they are bored at work that day or interested in sacrificing some business to take a chance they can date or sleep with this type of guy, they will approach him, knowing all along he will never purchase dances. Or, they will leave him alone and attend to business. In other words, 99% of us members subscribing to this site are probably already labeled by strippers (the strippers we consider to be 8, 9, or 10's) as someone that is not as good looking as they are and need to pay money if we want their company or to get a grind.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why do we get so attached?
    We get attached to them because they are a perfect fantasy. We go home and imagine how perfect we think they would be if it were a real relationship. The rules of the club stop us from going far enough into reality to find out they are people with problems, problems probably bigger than our own. But we never see that because when they are with us they are on their best behavior in order to get the money they charge us. They are attached to us because if we are a regular to them the average dancer desperately need regulars to have a successful business. Only the knock-outs or girls that provide high mileage can go to work each day and meet 20 new guys and be successful. They become attached to us much like we become attached and passionate about our work. If you like your job, you become attached and passionate about it. The girls do the same regarding their regulars. It's the part of their job they like. We are the perfect friend to them because we too are on good behavior and they never really see our negative sides. For the reasons above, OTC relationships almost never have a chance of success, because taking the relationship into the real world becomes difficult for both sides.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    I think the strip clubs would go out of business, but I don't think most of the girls would switch over to prostitution. I also think strip clubs stay in business by the permission of our government just to balance out the prostitution business. If all clubs were banned, I think the prostitution business would be much more lucrative and over half of the men on this site would be hiring prostitutes since they would have no other entertainment outlet. So keeping clubs alive keeps the prostitution business down and keeps families much more stable, ie less men leaving home to run away with a hooker.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    FONDL is right on, it all depends on what the girl is looking for and what you are offering to determine if and when she will make an exception. A nice, good looking man that can be trusted with money to spend (either at the OTC or follow-up visits to her at the club) many times is too much for them to resist.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Moaners and Heavy Breathers - Fake or Real?
    I know a dancer that after about the 3rd dance, she will hump your leg or groin (whichever she finds that is hard) like a dog, and after about 2 minutes her entire body starts to shake as she slows down her humping, and next she quits breathing for about 15 seconds like she is in orgasim as she quietly squeeks out a few moans. It's a great show, I still can't figure out if it is real or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    The intriguing part of this question to me that is not being asked is "are strippers more horny than average women?" When I ask them this question the answer I usually receive is yes, if a stripper at work is in a good mood and not having a bad day, feeling well, and having a good time with clients she likes, she can get very horny by doing her job, which they tell me in turn keeps her in the mood outside the club and would probably make them better than average in bed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    Want the best lap dance money can buy? Start out a lap dance by giving your favorite dancer a massage first. I know, it sounds crazy. You will be massaging her for 1 or 2 songs while she is getting paid. Get her relaxed, then ask her for the dance. Continue the massage while she is dancing into the deep muscles in her hip area and she usually will get very turned-on. Hopefully she will return the favor. Once you are known for this technique you will have every dancer in the club begging for your business as well as possible OTC oppertunities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    DougS- good points, if your a charmer and can offer them something they want besides money, you can cut the delay time down significantly. But for reasons you began to express, I always use the 1 year rule for my own protection, especially if you are married. As you mention, you don't know if you are being set up by their boyfriend or possibly even a black-mail situation. Recently in Chicago an escort was arrested for doing $40,000 of business with a client, and after the business she got greedy and decided to try a black-mail tactic threatening to expose the customer if he did not pay an additional $40,000. The customer turned her in, she was arrested, and he now risks public exposure by cooperating with the police. Hence, just another reason why I would never consider an escort service for my entertainment. But I disagree with Chandler about the clubs caring about OTC, at least where I come from. Taking your business OTC will cost the club major $'s, most clubs benifit by 25% on every dance sold, plus drinks, cover charges, etc. If 50% of customers go OTC, half the clubs in the country would close due to lost business. In addition, if you have an OTC never tell one of her co-workers in the club. From her perspective she is jealous because your $'s and business that she could have had is leaving the club and likely she will spread the word to get the co-worker fired.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    In reading these posts it is clear to me why OTC's are too few and far between. To assume she isn't working hard or risking anything is a very bad assumption. First, she risks her job if caught. Next, she risks her business with you if there is a dissapointment. Next, what if you turn out to be a stalker or a violent person, she risks the protection of the club and bouncers. She will typically take a year to get to know you before considering an OTC to make sure that all of the above concerns are low risk. Thus, she deserves a premium to her job to take on these risks. If you are expecing a freebe chances are it will never happen. But in my opinion the excitement of the OTC is the oppertuniy to break the rules of the house and find out how much she really enjoys your company.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    In my opinion, you want to make it clear that your date is "doing business outside the club". You can use this phrase exactly. This way your relationship remains professional and it takes the pressure off of any uncomfortable expectations at the end. Also, offering the money will give you a much better chance of the event happening and re-happening if you enjoyed it. At a minimum, she should be paid a slight premium to what she would make for a good day at work, about $400. You can ask her the charges at the end and she will either give you a low number or leave it up to you. If she gets greedy and asks for too much, offer her a day of pay if she was at the club and you will probably be back to the $400. If she is looking for escort money she will ask for $1000-$2000. It's up to you if you think you would enjoy it that much. I think a good OTC would be better than any escort experience.