
More questions for EvilCyn...


How does your husband handle the fact that you are dancing for (and on) other guys? I'm a jealous kind of guy, and it kills me knowing that my ATF is dancing for, and spending time with other guys. There's no way I could handle it if I were married to her. Even if I trusted my dancer-wife (which I would HAVE to), in the back of my mind, I'm wondering if there is some "hot" guy that she is dancing for, with whom she wants to get intimate.

How often do you get propositioned for sex and OTC "dates"? How much money is offered? Isn't there some magical amount that would tempt you, no matter how happily married you are? Are you offended or flattered?

Do you ever have orgasms when dancing for a customer?

Are you disgusted by a married customer that is propositioning you? Do you feel sorry for his wife, or do you feel sorry for him needing attention from a dancer?

Would you rather be called a dancer or a stripper, or does it matter?

Are you sick and tired of my enquiring mind?

Thanks in advance for your answers...


  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I don't mind the questions at all...
    My husband and I have been together for 22 years, since we were 15, and married for 18..
    He takes it as a compliment and does not get jealous, he knows I am coming home to him, he knows, he is what gives me my stability and confidence to do this job.
    I get asked everyday almost, everyone, has a magical number, and I would never do anything behind his back.. I am not offended, I take it as a compliment..Most OTC offers comes from single guys it seems, and they want to hang out and party, and then see if they get any..
    Yes I have busted one giving a dance.
    Some of my best regulars have been married, and most don't look for OTC, they just want some fantasy for a little while with no drama (me being a stable married stripper) to go home and bang their wives.
    I love questions, and I love popping in on discussions on here, it helps me be a better stripper...
    17 years ago
    Doug and Evilcyn, those are very interesting questions and answers. Which makes me ask one - E, how long have you been dancing? It strikes me that your attitude is somewhat unusual, most dancers who I've met aren't as positive about the experience as you seem to be. In my experience the most positive ones are those who either just started dancing or those who have been doing so for a very long time. I'm guessing that you fall into the second category.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    FONDL: If I remember correctly, EvilCyn has been dancing for 5-ish years.

    EvilCyn: Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • DougS
    17 years ago

    When you "bust one" giving a dance, do you tell the guy that you came? (or is it obvious?) Do you let him have that dance free, since you obviously got something out of it, too? Was/is it the guy you are dancing with that "got you going", the mood you were in, or just the particular dance friction - or combination of all of the above?

    Do you like it when a guy "busts a nut" when you are giving him a dance, or are you disgusted (thinking "what a perv that can't control himself!")? Do you take it as a compliment for a job well done, or do you purposely try not to get him to that point of no return? Do you expect an extra-large tip if he leaves, sporting a wet spot? (note: I, personally, try to avoid letting that happen to me, but it has happened on a small number of times. I know that some girls really dislike it, and have heard (from the girls themselves) that they will make it a point to embarrass the shit out of the guy, to teach him a lesson.

    How do you respond to a guy that is trying to press your limits (or has passed them). For instance, how do you handle a guy (err, no pun intended) that has just squeezed your breast? A slap? A verbal reprimand? A swatting of his offending hand? A stoppage of dance and report to the bouncer?

    Do you ever engage in DFK with a customer?

    Does a "hot guy" get more leeway on where and how he touches you, and does he get a better dance from you? How about other dancers that you know?

    Thanks again for your very insightful answers!
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Ok. holy shit, heres comes some typing..LOL

    Lets see, dancing for 10 years, Where I work I bartend 3 shifts and dance 3 shifts, I think that makes it easier to not get burnt out on it..
    I have busted one, from a good relationship I may have with a regular, and things just work well together..
    Normal friction sometimes if I haven't gotten any ass due to I have been around my husband to get some
    I have a things for youngins, seeing I am an older dancer, I can bust one on a cute young thing anyday.. *evil grin* Yes who I am dancing for can tell if I bust one thats for sure..

    I will do my best to help someone bust a nut for the most part, as long as they are nice pleasant to around ect.. If they are difficult to dance for, then its their loss and I won't try..
    I don't expect more if they bust one, and I may discount the dance count if I did, and or it was a long stretch of dances..

    If someone is trying to press my limits, I just move the hands, Life is to short for me to spend it mad. If they keep trying , I will finish the dance father and father away, and then just not do anymore for them.
    No DFK, to me that is misleading and more intimate then I would want to be, a nice kiss, but not deep tongue..
    No a hot guy does not get more leeway then any other, a hot guy can be as much of a dick as he can be a nice guy.

    All dancers are different, I compete with girls that do alot more then I do everyday, and yes, single girls, or ones in bad relationships are likely to give more in a dance to someone they maybe attracted too..
    17 years ago
    Just curious, Evilcyn, but how would you describe the place where you work - would you describe it as a larger GC or a smaller neighborhood kind of place or something else? The reason I ask is that I tend to find your kind of attitude more common at smaller neighborhood places than the larger GCs.
  • Raincoat
    17 years ago
    Evilcyn, I just want to thank you for sharing your insight. I don't know why you're so kind to this group of sometimes not-so-nice losers, but I'm glad you are. Thanks.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    I have to chime in here. My wife was a dancer for 10 years. I was probably like EvilCyn's husband. Out of sight, and out of mind. I only remember her telling me that a customer busted once, but never asked her if she did. One thing is interesting though, and here is MY question for EvilCyn.....do you find that since you are around men all day delivering a sexual fantasy that you are less interested when you get home? Since my wife quit and has a mainstream job now, our sex life has improved. I just miss the stripper clothes lying around LOL!
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    FONDL, It is a total neighberhood dive.. I do miss the niceness of the bigger clubs.. What I can make bartending here though is more then worth it being a dive to me
    Raincoat, Thanks, and I learn from here as well..
    lotsoffun, No in fact some days make me horny as hell..My husband and I have been swinging for 15 years,so this in a way only adds to sexual energy for me, and yes, the stripper heels and clothes get used as much as possible at home too...
    17 years ago
    Evilcyn, I'm not surprised to hear that you work in a dive. I've always found that the girls in such places are much friendlier and have a much more down to earth attitude than the girls who work in the GCs. I also think a good dancer can make just as much if not more at such a place because the club fees are small and most of the customers are regulars who come in often. Plus they're usually blue collar types who are typically a lot more fun than the stuffier white collar guys. Sounds like my kind of place.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Evilcyn.... I'm wanting to come back up to Bugsy's for a second visit with you. My last visit with you is posted. If you still have my email, let me know your coming week schedule dancing/bartending please. Thanks.
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