Destination strippers?
Blue Ridge Foothills
How far out of your way would you go to see a stripper at her club whom you've never seen before? What would make you want to? The attitude in her writing? The way she describes her dances? Somebody else's recommendation?
(Obviously, this question is prompted by comments about a certain poster among us. However, I'm asking it as a general question, not necessarily about anyone in particular.)
(Obviously, this question is prompted by comments about a certain poster among us. However, I'm asking it as a general question, not necessarily about anyone in particular.)
my front door.
Just kidding, I would go to a nearby club if she was visiting and I wanted to see her and I had a decent amount of time. I've gotten somewhat intimate with at least one dancer and had no idea what her home club was called. I had no intention of driving that far away. I was a bit surprised some dancers were actually driving over 200 miles one way to work at a local club and doing that every week for a while.
They both may be working at Heartbreakers. Thats where they send the losers.
I have a had some drive, with never meeting face to face, and it always has been somewhat a mix of personality, company, and then dances...It makes me a little nervous for someone to drive out of their way to see me with never meeting,at least they have all turned out enjoyable though..
With the glowing reviews we've read about EvilCyn, and reading her posts, I would definitely visit her, if in the Cleveland area. (even knowing that her dances aren't "two way" touching)
However, for a known commodity - for a fave, for instance, I would drive HOURS to visit. I drive three hours each way to see my ATF, and every second of that drive is worth it.
This applies doubly so for somebody I've never seen or met before. I might possibly throw caution to the wind if it were a stripper with whom I'd carried on some torrid email exchange, but not just because she sounded nice on a discussion board.
I think 8 years ago, an old ATF from NC still had my phone number after I moved to SC and called me up to tell me she was working at Platinum Plus for a few days and wanted me to visit. I drove over an hour to go see her. I know of another dancer that was traveling from Alabama to a nearby club here in South Carolina every week. I'm not sure how many miles that was. Another one of my favorite dancers was traveling every week for a while I estimate about 270 miles one way or 540 miles a week back and forth between her home and a club near me. I think she was flying a bit too fast, lol. She got caught speeding by the police and then she stopped visiting.
Another one of my current favorites is working at the beach but she stays there for several weeks at a time before returning to work at a local club. I was a bit surprised the last time I called her and she told me she was at the beach.
As far as driving far to see a dancer I don't know, that's not happening.
But lots of other girls don't care and they work near where they live. My ATF lived about a mile from her club - she shared a house with 2 or 3 other dancers who worked at the same place. I think age has a lot to do with it, the young single ones probably care less about running into someone they know.