
Comments by jablake (page 10)

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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    I wish the assholes who founded this nation would have left America instead acting like a bunch of two-bit terrorists and cowards. But, instead of leaving their country they unfortunately, imo, decided to wage war against their government. Butchering their own country men. If they didn't love their country then assholes could have just moved to AFRICA!!! :) Alleged "conservatives" can so stupid it is very amusing. :)
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    How has repeatedly expressed the belief that President Obama HATES America. That Senator Kennedy HATES America. That leftists, the new majority, btw, HATE America. LOL! :) Gee, I for one am grateful they didn't abandon the shit hole country to supposed "conservatives." No, they decided to bravely fix the mess thru legal channels. Ideally, the America of how and Clubber will be just a bad memory in 10 or 20 years. Ideally, nit wit supposed "conservatives" won't stay but flee to AFRICA or wherever. Yes, those nit wits need the tables turned and hard. Just remember when the communists fully control America lock stock and barrel wave the flag of the U.S. proudly or get the fuck out! You comprehend? Don't be like the terrorists and cowards who found this nation-----no go and run unless you are willing to a proud and loyal communist. Communism, unfortunately, is the solution to the total idiocy of supposed "conservatives."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    NO how, NO!!! You must flee to AFRICA. I mean you believe in the imbecility of love it or leave. You don't love your new master/country, then do what you preach for God's sakes. Flee to AFRICA. I mean government is always more important than the individual in your feeble mind. So, if you're not loving the America that President Obama and Senator Kennedy wish to build then as per own moronic belief system get the fuck out!!! :) I'll be loving the new and improved America----Heck, I might even get into flag waving. Telling defeated "conservatives" love it or leave it! Yep, would be fun to spout their idiocy back at them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    "This site is all about having fun. Do you want me to call it a PENIS?" Well, then a little sizzle is in order. Call it a PIZZLE. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    What it says clubber is that Americans, millions of Americans LOVE President Obama. :) It is that simple. And, millions of Americans LOVE President Bush. And, millions of Americans LOVE President Clinton. Etc. Etc. Etc. As you should be aware, I'm not a believer in democracy. I haven't voted in at least 20 years. A military dictatorship takes over America and guess what? Americans may have more freedom or they may get even less freedom. I would believe in the Constitution if it wasn't such a pathetic joke. :) Hey, at least the cowards and traitors tried to protect the rights of the cattle class. Better if these cowards and traitors were of the how and clubber mentality and just fled to Africa, then be murdering their brave and loyal countrymen for nothing. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Clearly, President Obama is the greatest gift to all Americans. The country was a total mess when he decided to try and work miracles for his fellow Americans----so far I'd rate him a miracle worker.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    "jablake, I have consistently stated the opposite. Individual liberty good; big government bad. Remember?" No, how, no. You LOVE a massive government engaged in endless wars. Remember? Furthermore, if a person states that this is a vile country then in your mind BINGO the person must flee the vile country and move somewhere that he most likely doesn't speak the language or understand the cultural nuances. Somehow you think a vile country should take precedent over those who were born and raised in said country. I believe the country and it supporters need a bunch of soap and water at the very least. I think this country needs to go hard course communistic to teach those with your type "love the vile country or leave it" mentality a long over due lesson. :) America is a country that not only loves endless wars, but loves building evermore prisons. Well, I'm willing to get into the American spirit to appease and teach the likes of you a long long long overdue lesson. Endless war? Hey, as long as it is against supposed "conservatives" let the bombs drop and missiles fly! Ever more prisons. An excellent idea as long as it filled with supposed "conservatives" and those guilty of keeping excessive wealth. You support a terrorist government, then so be it. You need an endless taste of it. Government torture is wonderful? Yes, I can see where it would be wonderful against those supposed "conservatives" and those who maintain excessive wealth. Yep, I can be as much of a pro-government nut; even more than the so called "conservatives." Not only that, but if Obama could possible fix this country and turn it into a communist bastion of equality, then I need to brush up on my flag waving skills. I know you'll be impressed with my new love of country. With any luck the likes of you will be picking cotton on a government plantation in the blazing sun.
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    "Also, in this vile country even if I had come forward to try and set the record straight it is very possible the prosecutor and judge would still view these illiterate wage slaves as criminals----how dare they try and collect their hard earned wages in any manner other than that provided by law. Stupid wage slaves need to learn their place. And, the wealthy need to be legislated into criminals. :)"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    BTW, although the police were honest with my stripper buddy and the arrest and jail time was the true punishment for being in a known drug zone and that the 10 years were a joke, that doesn't mean other innocent Americans aren't rotting in the governments' prisons. Jury trial? Yes, just like your right to bear arms won't be infringed. :) The jury trial is for the most part completely DEAD in prison state America. The chance someone like her could get a jury trial of any type is slim to none. The game ain't played like that. Yes, it is a game as are the prisons----for profits and power.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escort services invading TUSCL?
    http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=362302350&albumId=161552 I googled the number and it was sort of interesting.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    "jablake, if I say, 'Truly, you have a dizzying intellect," will you please reply, "Wait till I get going!'?" Sure, I'm in a fairly chipper mood thinking about about a communistic America dedicated to equality and more equality. Wait till I get going!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    "It's rare, but in some low end dives a drunk patron may try to treat you like a 'working girl.' Choose your venue wisely and you'll be all right." True, it was a low end dive, but I wasn't drunk. I saw some prime meat and I moved aggressively. It sure set the sparks to flying. :) The woman was a customer and I didn't realize it. Yes, she was wearing street clothes, but looked like a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Good Girls vs. Bad Girls
    Sweet girls.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What outfit would you like to see a dancer wear?
    I'd prefer plain boring regular clothes.
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    15 years ago
    Have you been asked to show your ID lately before you can buy a beer?
    Shades of Diamonds? Always IDs everyone it seems. I believe youngsters have been makeup-ed to look old so everyone gets carded no matter how old.
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    15 years ago
    What EAST SAINT LOUIS clubs let you in under 21
    "It is a pity that religous people can't practice what they preach and show some tolerance towards people who enjoy things like visiting SC's etc." Not sure if it is a question of tolerance so much as paternalism. If alcohol kills 150,000 Americans yearly, then it is for many a no-brainer that government should restrict its consumption as much as possible or better yet ban it. The question or idea of tolerance may not even hit their radar because they're saving and protecting their fellow Americans. With stripclubs, again, the issue of tolerance may not even be an issue-----it is protecting people and families. One man blows his paycheck on a stripper instead of taking care of his family, then it is a no-brainer that government should protect those families by restricting or better yet banning stripclubs. Also, how many young women who could have happy lives as wives and mothers end up as drugged out strippers? Those young women need to be saved by government. Tolerance goes more towards hate the sin and love the sinner for some of these god fearing people---thus, they're true to their beliefs as to tolerance. How many people on this board are tolerant toward allowing children to hunt without adult supervision? Yes, I can hear the yelping that government should be dictating toward children for their protection. Well, lo and behold many people believe government should be dictating toward adults for their protection.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    "If you fuck someone you don't want to fuck, it's prostitution." Really? So, now a mercy fuck is prostitution . . . that is so twisted. :) Or, maybe it is you fuck someone for profit who you don't want to fuck, it is prostitution. And, what is the deal when the woman fucks a man for money, but she'd be happy to do it for free?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Your wife offers pussy in exchange for your mowing the lawn. In Florida that's not consider prostitution because she's your wife. Your neighbor's wife offers pussy in exchange for a mowed lawn and now we've got a crime wave. With some religions you can marry a woman for 15 minutes and since she is your wife, money for sex isn't considered prostitution. At least marriage is good for something.
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    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    RI prostituion law change
    The anti-swamp people seemed to fall into 2 groups: Blacks and Northerners. The Southerners see didn't object at all. Maybe the biggest exception was a Southern officer objecting to the size of my knife---he backed off went I explained you need a big knife for hunting. In fact, his whole attitude changed . . . he liked hunting also. It was strange he made noise about the size of my knife, but wouldn't say a word about a gun. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Another HUGE myth: All prostitutes hate or dislike sex with their customers. That may be the norm, but some prostitutes happen to love sex whether you're paying or not.
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    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    RI prostituion law change
    "As bad as that is, I read yesterday that something like 20-21 states do not have a minimum age requirement to hunt alone." Sounds very good---As President Reagan may have said government is the problem; not the solution. I use to go hunting in coastal swamp areas when I was very young. A belly full of fresh caught meat is a treat. Was it dangerous? I'd say it was very dangerous. I didn't know that sharks would swim into the swamp area! The sharks can be aggressive, btw. You can't believe how scared I was when the shark knocked into me. My reaction? Try and kill him for a few good meals. Another surprise in the swamp was stringrays. This MASSIVE stingray threw me into the air and the barbed tail was swinging wildly. I didn't try and catch him---too scared because the barbed tail was moving so fast and seemed to be everywhere. I'd rather deal with the shark---seeing the teeth as the main danger. Surprisingly the gators weren't a problem at all as long as you didn't run into them. For the record I don't think youngsters should be denied their Second Amendment rights in the name of safety or government paternalism. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    A woman can love sex more than the man and still see it as primary bargaining tool. Equating prostitution with marriage doesn't, imo, mean "all sex is prostitution." Or, a woman can love sex and not use it to her negotiating advantage----much rarer, imo.
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    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Most of the marriages/SO relationships that I see are very much like prostitution. Of course, those marriages are a mess. Perhaps other people see lots of happy marriages. I see the wife trading sexual favors for cash or services and the husband looking for a better sex deal from a co-worker, prostitute, etc. Another way the marriages are like prostitution is the ignored wife. Just as the pimp pretty much makes his hoes work for his sexual attention seems like many husbands put their wives on the back burner---begging for sex. Prostitution just seems faster paced and more honest. Please remember, the relationships that I see are by and large a complete mess and that might be just a reflection of the people that I know.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Negotiating Revisited
    Depends on why your negotiating the price and how you feel about taking a dancer's time. I feel very negative about wasting a dancer's time so at the more expensive clubs I let 'em know upfront that I'm a low budget customer to give 'em the opportunity to go after bigger fish. That approach doesn't seem like it would fit your personality or needs. Sounds like you've reached the best approach for you. BTW, maybe I misunderstood you but I thought you were pretty much against haggling over dance prices. At the $5 clubs, I won't negotiate because I want the hot dancer---rarely I'll even pay over the standard $5. The large friendly dancers can probably be had for 2 for $5, so if you like plenty of meat and personality it is a steal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    BTW, when I hire a prostitute her engaging in sexual activity isn't required. We can discuss politics or sports or just watch the movie channel. Agreeing to X dollars for a specified sexual activity, excluding dances, leaves me cold. Funny thing is there supposedly are other customers who aren't focused on the sex act or sexual activity. My focus? Time (OTC, only). I'm paying for her time. It is the rare prostitute, ime, who'd rather spend the time talking or sitting in silence rather than engaging in sexual activity---not because they love sexual activity, but as one dancer put it talking is more work. :) One of the former posters here said she made good money just for ordinary conversation. Doesn't surprise me at all.