
Comments by jablake (page 9)

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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Hi how, Take something from you? That wouldn't be sufficient. Now take everything past, present, and future, well now we are starting to articulate justice. :) Besides it wouldn't be me, but the lovable government. See wealthy people too often sniff their nose that a $100 ticket for something like not wearing a seatbelt as being pocket change or nonsense like do the crime do the time. Well, the game needs to be changed to wake these miscreants from their mental and emotional slumber. More police to abuse poor people is all fun and games and profit----well, it will be fun and games and profit when those police are unleashed on you and yours with a vengeance. Support whatever government filth that you wish, but remember payback if it comes can be most distressing. Perhaps as part of your correctional sentence you can be convinced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at least once an hour with a big fat smile. Perhaps some "voluntary" flag waving could be part of the menu or you might choose some "non-torture" waterboarding as a portrait of President Bush smiles down upon you. :)
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "Kennedy Pushed Airline Deregulation, Changed U.S. Air Travel" http://blogs.wsj.com/middleseat/2009/08/26/kennedy-pushed-airline-deregulation-changed-us-air-travel/ Interesting pro-Kennedy story.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "You seem, jablake, to want something for nothing. Specifically, you want others to produce, while you reap the benefits of their hard labor through tyrannical government confiscation. Try and take something of mine, you selfish and greedy punk. You're a daisy if you do. You're a worse-than-worthless piece of trash for even wanting to do what you have said you want to do." I don't care if you produce or not. :) The lawyer or doctor who doesn't wish to have his income taken by the government is free to become a welfare bum or a water boy. The main beauty of socialism, imo, isn't the transfer of wealth; it is equality of wealth. You claim to "love" America. Well, let's see how much you really "love" America when the government is giving you a 200 year prison sentence for an alleged or actual violation of one of its many statutes. If prison is good for the doper or gun owner, then it is even more good for the pelfer. Your wealth? I think you are a little confused. That money you claim more rightfully belongs to society. See you support all manner of government and that is fine, however other people would also have the government set controls. Just a lot different than those you like. LOL! :) You believe religionists should get all manner of government tax breaks??? Gee, that is a direct attack on my liberty. The solution is to take "your" wealth as compensation. You believe in this war on terror? Fine. I believe in the war on wealthy assholes. :) Let me give you another example. I'd love to see the government out the health care business 100%. No licensing, quality control, education, tax breaks, care for indigent or elderly, etc. Fortunately or unfortunately that ain't going to happen. Thanks to government meddling health care is unaffordable to many wage slaves. Solution? Government pays for everyone. The 80 year man or woman isn't more valuable than the 20 year or man or woman. If government is invited to the party, then it ain't necessarily going to be on the terms of wealthy assholes. No. The game needs to change radically so the wealthy asshole in no longer yapping about how wonderful America's medical care is. It starts getting wonderful when the vile government doesn't play favorites and gets the hell out of the health care business lock, stock, and barrel OR the vile government pays for everyone to the point wealth is irrelevant.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    'jablake said, 'Ideally [something; doesn't matter what] because the government thru fear (its favorite weapon) will [something; doesn't matter what].' Wowzers! A tyrannical government instilling fear in its citizens to have its way over them...is jablake's 'ideal.'" Nice editing. :) Let me try that: how says "A tyrannical government instilling fear in its citizens to have its way over them...is [clipped nonsense] ideal."
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "jablake, 'wealth equality' as you describe it would require absolute tyranny to enforce. Who would willingly give all they earn to greedy and selfish slugs who choose not to earn it?" How, I doubt most people willingly give 25% of what they earn. They give out of fear. If taxes were truly voluntary, then what amount of money do you think the government would collect? Very little, imo. Sure there are a few oddballs who want to give the federal government money. What did the government collect from those voluntary payments? Practically nothing. And, to be cynical I think many of those were "tax cheats" who imagined that checking off on voluntary giving might protect them from audit. To my great surprise even the extreme liberals that I know who LOVE more government work to pay as little as possible-----the ostensible reason being "fairness" e.g. everyone cheats, a person earning only $200,000 should get tax relief, keeping my money creates jobs (maids, lawn men, drivers, etc.). Bottom line yapping about liberty is a little late in the game. Poor people routinely get abused by the government and it is far past time for the rich to get more than their fair share of abuse. Ideally "rich" would be foreign concept for later generations because the government thru fear (its favorite weapon) will have dramatically equalized wealth across the board. A lawyer would make the same as a water boy. A doctor would make as much the lawn man. Equal rights would extend most aggressively to encompass equal wealth. :) President Bush completely opened my eyes. More government----YES, indeed. But not a government blowing innocent people up in its phoney war on terror. A government instead that goes after the wealthy as if they're Bin Ladens or maybe just minor drug kingpins (if you want a government that is soft on crime---the crime of pelf).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    And how, the government has a hell of lot more important job than fighting a rag tag bunch of holy warriors. What is that you might ask? Wealth equality. Hey, buddy if these egual rights laws, drug laws, gun laws, terror laws, etc. are sweet then the government can be such much sweeter. More goods and services for the middle and lower classes and the whip and prison cells for the wealthy. :) America can be great, but it needs to put the smug wealthy under the boot like it does with other out of favor groups. Right to an attorney----sure as much right as a poor person has. Right to medical care---sure as much right as a poor person has. Right to education----sure as much right as a poor person has. Conservatives have all manner of filth they wish the government to pursue. That is fine, but it ain't free. Other citizen also wish their government to pursue an agenda. Wealth could be labelled as serious a criminal offense as doing a little cocaine or selling marijuana. Whole police forces could be raised and deployed to combat the destructive menace----and let's not forget the need for more prisons to house these formerly wealthy and newly minted criminals. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    President Bush proved that limited government is a farce. The solution is more government on all levels. "Free" medical care, food, housing, education, entertainment, etc. There is no need for an alleged "private sector." The government claims all manner of powers, then it can provide all manner of services. The wealthy if they don't like it can leave. :) Hey, the wealthy are in a hell of a lot better position to leave than a poor person such as myself. Yes, that is another government program that is needed: Any citizen who wishes to leave will be paid more than a fair reasonable amount to do so with never ending guaranteed benefits----you know medical, housing, food, entertainment, etc.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "Simple solution to that, Clubber: no vote for federal office counts if the voter pays no federal income tax." That be a wonderful solution if the citizen wasn't subject to the filth of federal law. You know the terrorism BS, the gun laws, the environmental laws, SS identity mandates, anti-discrimination laws, etc.
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    15 years ago
    Ever give dancers performance advice?
    Hmmm . . . seems like the dancers that I know LOVE advice or at least pretend to. Seen too many blubber butts rake in the cash to tell a woman she'd make more money losing weight. Unfortunately, imo, personality trumps all when it comes to making money as a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Hmmm . . . I might type Senator Kennedy is a man of integrity and intelligence *compared* to President Bush. Or, perhaps Senator Kennedy was a perfect gentleman compared to serial rapist Ted Bundy.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Hi clubber, I wish you would go by what I type instead of just reading part way. A perfect example, is what I wrote about Senator Kennedy being a moral giant *compared* to much of the cattle class. Seems like you read what I typed to mean Senator Kennedy is a moral giant.
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    15 years ago
    Admit you don't know who the hell she is?
    You guys have all the smooth lines. Thanks. :) I'm confident it will be better than my pretending to know her.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Good to see how understands all leftists are fine folks. :)
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    15 years ago
    Under 21 Dancers
    Strongly prefer. :) Doesn't know how to dance? Must be white girls. ;) (For the record I prefer the non-dance i.e. the runway show.)
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    Hi clubber, I think she was actually innocent----the arrest was to teach a lesson. The lesson being don't play smart in a known drug area----go in that zone get arrested! Hopefully, she doesn't get the idea that future jail stays will be one long sex party with smoking hot sex workers.
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    "I would advise your friend to be careful what she wishes for!" That is very wise advice. :)
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Hi Clubber, As I've stated before I'm didn't care for Senator Kennedy----heck, what little I know of his family is a turn off. However, I just don't see that the "manslaughter" of that young woman makes him a horrible person or a person who shouldn't be respected. I assume that if I looked closely at his record and life that I'd be less than impressed. What is impressive is that Senator Kennedy was considered presidential material by many American citizens. :) I've met more than my fair share of Kennedy lovers in my time and they're generally shocked and disgusted to learn that I don't share their feelings.
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    She also had advice concerning the drinking of juice: If the other inmates tell you the juice is poisoned, then Just Say No to Juice! The first time she thought those inmates were nutty for even thinking that the juice was poisoned, but her sex drive was soon zero after drinking the juice. It took her a couple of weeks after release until she started looking forward to sex with her boyfriend and customers. (BTW, she doesn't consider herself to be a prostitute because she will only sell to customers that she likes. Prostitutes in her opinion sell to pretty much anyone.) She said you know it is a bad situation when she doesn't care if her pussy gets licked---normally anyone wanting to go down on her---paid or unpaid---gets the thumbs up. Not so after drinking the juice. The second time she didn't drink the juice nor did any of her fellow inmates/sex workers. She was relating how she loved cookies and candy, but she'd rather trade 'em for some non-stop pussy licking from one hot woman after another. She said it was really too good to be true. She states emphatically that she isn't gay because she'd prefer a strong good looking man to a hot woman----but, pussy licking is much better than dick by a million miles. Also, she claims that she won't lick pussy. Make out sessions? Yes, after the young pussy licker had earned it. She hopes somebody was making videos because the action was too hot not to share. The guards for the most part weren't any fun at all----too afraid of losing their jobs for being intimate with the inmates. This led to jealousies and sour dispositions. Since the inmates were pretty much sex workers or nymphos, she didn't see the big deal. Maybe the guards would bring goodies for trade from the outside? :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever misjudge a dancer's attractiveness?
    One benefit of not doing mind altering drugs.
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    15 years ago
    Boyfriend in the club?
    Boyfriends are fine. Now, if it wasn't play for pay . . . the story would be different. Don't see how a customer gets too nonplussed about a boyfriend when the stripper is servicing pretty much every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Mary for $$$. Stripper may be very thrilled to find a man who doesn't mind sharing. Some of these women need at least 5 or 6 men (if not hundreds) to keep 'em happy in the libidinal department. The looks? Some women aren't into looks even a little.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    I was thinking about another manner in which Senator Kennedy could be viewed as a moral giant. He and his fellow senators write the rules and laws for MILLIONS of people---citizen and non-citizen---resident and non-resident---even foreign countries can feel his muscle. He and those that work with him decide what is right and what is wrong. Who is entitled to special rights and who is not. Who gets the $$$ who doesn't. Do people respect these rules and laws? I think that overwhelmingly even so called rebels and "free thinkers" and even criminals support the law----perhaps not blindly as some dimwitted "conservatives" may, but overall they are champions of government power. Hell, I even "support" the law if it makes criminals of the rich. :) The rich are badly in need of an education concerning their supposed rights and freedoms and the supposed rule of law. Anyway, when a man like Senator Kennedy is dictating to MILLIONS of people and those MILLIONS of people acknowledge rightness of his power-----well, I don't think it is unreasonable to then consider Senator Kennedy a moral giant. Please don't get me wrong----I do not care for Senator Kennedy or his family based on what little I know about 'em. I remember this George Wills and he is all for limited government when it comes to funding to take care of the downtrodden-----let his handicapped daughter need $$$ and wow suddenly government should spend without limit! Gee, Mr. Wills, your precious daughter is entitle to government $$$ and I say in response that then the welfare mom with 10 kids is just as entitled to the $$$-----put that in your pipe Mr. Wills and smoke it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    "Correct on one point. You almost never find a guilty person in jail. Just ask them!" I worked off and on as a debt collector---for whatever reasons I have a very low opinion of debt collectors. :) Hey, it doesn't make sense because if the debt is real, then the person needs to pay it, imo. First thing I'd try and find out is if there was any reason the alleged debtor believed he shouldn't pay the debt. Debtor disputes the debt in seeming good faith and I'm generally moving on. The debtor might just be the real victim. Anyway, I'm working to collect this relatively small debt from this company that makes all manner of promises and never pays. The owner is an old woman who is very sharp and crooked to the core based on first impression. She wants to pay, but she just has a cash flow problem. For "good faith" she even gives be a "bogus" check with the all important proviso that I wait at least 10 days before depositing. Sure, I could have cashed it immediately and cleared her debt----however, I take my promises seriously and decided it'd be better to waste more hours and time collecting in a more honorable manner. Sure enough after 10 days the money in the account was gone! Not a surprise in the least and I even found it amusing. But, I gain her trust and as she explained her dire financial straits and her desire to pay, I just agree and give total sympathy. But, I explained that as part of my job I'd have to make regular visits just to show my boss that I wasn't loafing. She got to enjoy my visits and I learned more and more about her hoodlum operation! :) Over the many months (remember this was a relatively small debt) I noticed that she kept getting new employees and no old ones stayed. When I mentioned this to her, with large sad eyes she lamented that good workers were so hard to find! Oh, poor baby. One day I noticed a crew that really worked their tails off and seemed so eager to please. I mentioned with a big happy smile that it looked like she finally found good workers. With bright beaming eyes she says "YES, and I might even pay them." For a moment she looked like she'd been caught, but I didn't let on that I caught or understood her slip of the tongue. A relatively short time later she was all upset because her trusted employees (the good workers) had stolen company checks and forged her signature! Oh, she tries to help people and give then a job and how is she repaid? BY THEFT!!! Poor baby. I'm sure the police officers felt so sorry for this old lady. Yep, must have felt really good arresting these ungrateful scum who were stealing from this old lady. Now the game had changed, however. I didn't appreciate the old lady having those pea brained workers arrested. I remarked "YES, it is really bad that your workers wanted to get paid their wages. I think the police might be interested in learning about your business." The game was up and now she wanted to pay cash in full to settle her debt. :) She probably thought I was a sucker for not pressing the advantage. I was a sucker for wasting so much time on her and my hands were filthy for not at least attempting to help her arrested employees. My attitude was that these imbeciles need to start learning the truth about their government. Who knows maybe the morons got off with a slap on the wrist. Also, in this vile country even if I had come forward to try and set the record straight it is very possible the prosecutor and judge would still view these illiterate wage slaves as criminals----how dare they try and collect their hard earned wages in any manner other than that provided by law. Stupid wage slaves need to learn their place. And, the wealthy need to be legislated into criminals. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Hi Clubber, Tell me about it when President Obama is re-elected. :) Sorry, but in my area he is considered higher ranking than God.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Also, let's say only 20% of Americans were in love with President Obama. That is, imo, impressive and represents MILLIONS of Americans.
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    By the way, when the game changes and America fully becomes a communist country----I'll expect you to praise the new America to high heaven or move to AFRICA. So comrades are you willing to get with the program or are you going to act like the cowards and traitors who founded this nation? :)