
Comments by jablake (page 11)

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    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    In Alaska, prostitution is engaging in or agreeing or offering to engage in sexual conduct in return for a fee; or offering a fee in return for sexual conduct. So don't offer the spouse a fee to engage in sexual conduct.
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    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    "Direct payment for sex = prostitution" Here in Florida it means the giving or receiving of the body for sexual activity for hire, but excludes spouses and also sexual activity done for bona fide medical purposes.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    "Of course them being "difficult" in various ways is part of the charm of this odd form of entertainment, right?" Yes, even when super bitch is saying NO to my request for a dance. :) OK, it doesn't seem like that right at the moment. It does beat the alternate where they feel they must be nice or must dance for whomever has the cash, imo. And, I'll take a pain dancer with looks over less physical beauty any day any time. Also, it makes me appreciate the sweet less attractive dancers more. Still don't want dances from 'em, but I definitely appreciate them more.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    Yes, it seems like the young hard bodies have an attitude----at least at the dives. The fuller figured or older dancer generally seems so much nicer and easy to get along with. I figure at least in my situation the attitude may be part of the cost of doing business. If I was a young hard body stripper, then I'd probably behave the same way. I say that because it just seems fairly common that the young and hot dancer isn't too friendly. Yes, there are super hotties who are just as sweet as they are hot. It just seems like the other dancers are so much better company----if a certain look isn't important. BTW, I'm not one of these guys who is afraid to approach super hot, but I can see where that fear or dislike may come from.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who are only 16 years old. Should they be working as strippers?
    Dang, I just got a good scare from that fat woman next to my post. I'd forgot all about her.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who are only 16 years old. Should they be working as strippers?
    "I doubt if I would recoil in horror." Seems like you are one brave and tough hombre. :)
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    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    Here is another example of how this brave soldier may impact the stripclub scene. Imagine this hot young innocent girls who all T&A. The career choices are (1) become a soldier or (2) become a stripper. Young naive girls might be tempted by the military recruiters sale's pitch. But, hope is on the horizon. A brave soldier flips President Obama the bird ands shouts prove that you pass Constitutional muster or take your commands and shove 'em in a stripper's garter. Now naive hot young strippers might give pause to serving a Pseudo-President. One after the other they till the recruiter to take his sale's pitch and shove it in a stripper's garter. Countless AMERICAN lives were saved because a brave soldier took his oath seriously. He didn't fear waterboarding or being placed on a nude pyramid or even enduring lap dance interrogation!!! BTW, how many of you clowns knew that U.S. used lap dances to torture Holy Warriors and prisoners? Don't laugh. In another culture this might be viewed as real torture. Anyway, I hope and pray most of you understand that the OP did post a post relevant to stripclubs.
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    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    OK, soldier says NO to military order and maybe that keeps the soldier's wife/wives and or girlfriend(s) from going to work as a stripper. Just connect the dots. How often have you heard a stripper say her significant other was fighting whereever? and thus, she needed to shake the good old booty to raise $$$ and or to satisfy her physical needs.
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    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    Wow. :( Sorry, it posted 3 times.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    "Still looking for a connection......." Well, perhaps, maybe, perchance, if more brave soldiers demanded proof that President Obaman meets the constitutional requirements to be their commander and chief, then the stripclubs would have more customers here in America and better quality customers. Seems like the ladies love military men. I'm sure saying NO to perceived illegal orders affects stripclubs and strippers in all manner of ways that aren't readily apparent. I mean a poor military guy thinks his commander in chief ain't the real deal and who knows maybe he goes to stripclubs for relief!!! :) So, one brave soldier fighting for our freedoms by saying NO-----prove it Mr. Punk, could lead to a ripple far and wide that engulfs the whole strip club community. BTW, if I was a voter then I'd have voted for President Obama. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    "Still looking for a connection......." Well, perhaps, maybe, perchance, if more brave soldiers demanded proof that President Obaman meets the constitutional requirements to be their commander and chief, then the stripclubs would have more customers here in America and better quality customers. Seems like the ladies love military men. I'm sure saying NO to perceived illegal orders affects stripclubs and strippers in all manner of ways that aren't readily apparent. I mean a poor military guy thinks his commander in chief ain't the real deal and who knows maybe he goes to stripclubs for relief!!! :) So, one brave soldier fighting for our freedoms by saying NO-----prove it Mr. Punk, could lead to a ripple far and wide that engulfs the whole strip club community. BTW, if I was a voter then I'd have voted for President Obama. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    "Still looking for a connection......." Well, perhaps, maybe, perchance, if more brave soldiers demanded proof that President Obaman meets the constitutional requirements to be their commander and chief, then the stripclubs would have more customers here in America and better quality customers. Seems like the ladies love military men. I'm sure saying NO to perceived illegal orders affects stripclubs and strippers in all manner of ways that aren't readily apparent. I mean a poor military guy thinks his commander in chief ain't the real deal and who knows maybe he goes to stripclubs for relief!!! :) So, one brave soldier fighting for our freedoms by saying NO-----prove it Mr. Punk, could lead to a ripple far and wide that engulfs the whole strip club community. BTW, if I was a voter then I'd have voted for President Obama. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    what happens to the reviews of closed clubs?
    Probably not helpful and you probably already know this, but you get different clubs by changing the last 3 digits. inurl:www.tuscl.net/d.php?DID= Ohio Secrets Could it be Cleveland, Ohio? If so, then this might be the link you're looking for: http://www.tuscl.net/d.php?DID=3044 .
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    what happens to the reviews of closed clubs?
    I believe like the club they're deleted.
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    15 years ago
    North Carolina
    unknown abbreviations
    FUHA = Face Up Her Ass http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FUHA NE = Northern Exposure? SE = Southern Exposure?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My Return To My Favorite Club Where I Got Kicked Out
    A King of Diamonds recently took over the old Crazy Horse which was the old something which was the old something. Seems destined to die like the other clubs did in that building.
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    15 years ago
    I wish him the best. Not much else to say.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "Heck, even I don't 'strongly approve' of Obama at this point, he's not being tough enuff on the GOP. Hardly any of them are going to vote for the final health care reform bill, so screw what they have to say!" I think part of President Obama's charm is that he is willing to talk to those who normally have nothing to offer. Getting results on one specific issue isn't usually the point, imo. The point is at least some attempts were made and maybe on a different issue it might yield more tangible support. I thought it was very amusing when the Republican blurted out "He lies!" or something like that. If it were a substantive charge, then I'd give the man a hell of a lot of credit. Too many other "leaders" would be too pussified or "mannerly" to confront a liar head on merely because of some bs "respect" for the office of the president. Oh, and if the charge "He lies!" was true and the person then apologizes, well, then I'd find that dang repulsive even for a Republican. :)
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "but no one could be that stupid, so that was your give away." One of the huge advantages a con man typically has over the average person is that con man knows even highly intelligent people can be brain dead stupid in some areas or beliefs. I was explaining different cons to a stripper and she exclaims nobody could be that stupid! I told her that is the con man's bread and butter----he has no qualms about selling complete idiocy. Also, even if the mark is highly intelligent, financially successful, and has top quality education don't assume he won't fall for cons that only a retard should believe. The con man generally has to work hard to suspend his own disbelief that anyone could be so stupid!!! I still remember my lady friend who seemingly has it all falling a 2% fixed rate 30 year no points mortgage with no prepayment penalty. Even after I explained or tried to explained why it was a total fraud she still went ahead and got ripped off. I even asked her to consult an attorney in case she didn't respect my opinion. (Yes, there is a chance the attorney could be so stupid as to not see the obvious fraud.) She says NO!!! attorneys cost a lot of money (she is very high income). I told her an attorney is dirt cheap compared to signing that fraudulent mortgage. She innocently proclaims "If it turns out to be a fraud, then I'll just go to the police or the courts." Yes, she was that absurdly uninformed as to what success she might have going to the police or the courts.
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    15 years ago
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club after club, after club?
    Seems easy to do 6 clubs in a day. Typically, a club will be dead so off to the next one in hopes of finding life. Angels was dead. RolLexx was dead. Coco's was filled to brim with hot dancers and plenty of customers. Next day at same hour Angels may be filled with hot dancers and lots of customers---or maybe it will be the RolLexx. Almost never go to the club on Biscayne anymore---I think it is still called Secrets. I've been told Diamonds shut down-----no huge loss in that it was a very expensive black club at end and the police were there in extreme force. Tootsie's seems like a long ago memory----too expensive (if you want dances, dirt cheap otherwise). That big club---keeps changing its name---next to Tootsie's seems like a total waste----few to no dancers and expensive. Along W. Dixie before the government shut down all the little clubs it be so simple and fun to go thru 6 or more clubs. I'm not a biker and bikers don't have a natural love for me-----but, it is damn nice to visit a biker strip club for ONE quick beer and RARELY some dances. The bikers don't get hyper if you aren't planning on staying long. Anyway government in this supposedly free country knows best and the bikers and their strip club got booted.
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    15 years ago
    Pot of Foolishness
    "I spent an hour waiting for a stripper to show up at my hotel room. I then called her. She said that she was still trying to get a baby sitter. I foolishly waited another hour before going back to the club." I waited about 6 hours for Goofball. :) Yes, she was worth it when she finally showed. She'd call and say she was 1 block away and would be in the driveway in less than 5 minutes. That translates to a little over 2 hours. I definitely liked her. Unfortunately, she got addicted real bad to the big H. :( Probably is very foolish to like a dancer so much that hours of waiting isn't a problem. Or, who knows maybe I'd have felt differently if she didn't show at all.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "He never backed away from pointing out the falsehood of the president's claims, but apologized repeatedly for the inappropriate outburst during the speech." If what you say is correct, then what a piece of dirt he is. Don't muddy the water by apologizing. No, be very clear about why what President Obama says is a lie and how the President must be held accountable. Also, let the President know that future lies will be met will similar outbursts. If the Republican was correct, then the Republicans are even worse cowards then I would have imagined. Apologize when a President boldly lies about an important government program? Wrong thinking totally. It is the liar who needs to apologize and profusely.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "People that do not believe there is a terrorist threat/risk against the US from extremists need to get their heads out of the sand/asses." Yup, after McVeigh blew up, what was it 300 people?, the US should of been blowing up half of America to "fight terrorism." And, it gets even better----a handful of terrorists from America butcher 3,000 Chinese in a spectacular attack, then China has a right to start bombing the US and butcher a few hundred thousand Americans. After the first World Trade Center terrorist bombing, the US could have acted like a nut job nation and started going to war with countries left and right. This is "fighting terrorism"? :) LOL! The 40,000 American dead YEARLY from auto accidents should be a much higher priority. Or, the US could act like a nut job nation due to all the dead Americans dying thanks to LEGAL alcohol consumption. I believe 75,000 American die YEARLY from alcohol. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6089353/ Or, the US could go on a rampage over 100,000 American dead to hospital errors--YEARLY. The trillions thrown away on the idiocy of "war on terror" could actually be used to save millions of American lives. Looking at 911 shows not the risk of terrorism which wasn't any secret, but how incredible incompetent the US government was. And, these incompetents should be trusted when it comes to killing and maiming TENS THOUSANDS of people per year? Sorry, the so called "war on terror" doesn't deserve even a penny of funding. Oh and since supposed "conservatives" believe in massive government to fight such idiocy as the "war on terror" that means it is way past time for the government to be run by Democrats who at least support programs that will save and enrich the lives of ordinary Americans. You know the governments' "war on drugs" is totally brilliant compared to the other excuse----war on terror----for endless war and more government. Republicans shouldn't be trusted with a single dollar of public spending and guns?----it is scary to think of these nit wits armed with guns. The Democrats were also correct about gun control. :(
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    15 years ago
    One-Way-Street Psychology
    "You already answered by saying they were 'super hotties'." Well, I thought even super hotties would be loath to ask a favor from someone they openly dislike. Especially super hotties who use the mantra looks are irrelevant. It isn't a pretty picture thinking of how they'd react if I asked them for a favor that they were capable of. Like if they were good at baking or sewing. Gambling dancer is also capable of One-Way-Street Psychology---yep, she is hot. However, I do think that she'd at least say thank you and then request more. :) Sometimes, I think she's got ice flowing thru her veins and that is good because it seems like that is what allows her to provide GFE without any qualms. Other dancers just seem to concern about the customers feelings or so it seems.