RI prostituion law change

avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island
There is a movement afoot (mostly caused by the recent, nearby Craigslist killer incident) to finally close the RI loophole that allows for prostitution to be legal if done indoors. The RI House has already passed a new law that would basically outlaw prostitution in RI, period. The RI Senate has been slow to act on the measure so far, and I think that time runs out on the legislative session at the end of this month.

There are also some new "human trafficking" laws that are making their way more slowly through the RI legislature. You can read more about all that here:


I have the DVD of this site's documentary, but I haven't watched it just yet.

"They should just leave well enough and leave the loophole. Who here is now being hurt?"

No one is being hurt. The recent testimony on a RI Senate panel for overwhelmingly against passing the new prostitution law.

"I waiting for the femninists to come to the support of all the MP workers who are being denied their right to have jobs because of this BS. That'll be the day!"

Actually, that's already been happening consistently for quite some time now. Both the ACLU & the NOW are against the new, proposed prostitution law.


"Not a believable story. Asian girls don't OFFER more, on their own initiative; rather, they either start it, or don't start it, depending on whether you demand it and on whether you have already paid enough."

The story that you are talking about is entirely believable, as it happens likely everyday in RI at the AMPs that are located there. It's been out of the norm for the AMP girl NOT to ask if you want this or that "extra" after your massage...

"So, RI didn't 'intentionally' have legal indoor prostitution all this time? It was merely a 'loophole?' Interesting spin."

It's actually not "spin" at all. In any attempt to crack down on street-side prostitution back in the 1970-80s, RI lawmakers inadvertently gutted their laws against prostitution in general. Up until very recently, this fact was little known among the general population, until a few politicians tried making a big deal out of it.

I actually originally grew up in RI, and I'd never heard of this "loophole" until a few years ago...

"The prices are probably much cheaper than the world famous bunny ranch and the other places in Nevada."

Oh yea, you can get FS for waaaay less than $200 in RI, if you know where to go & how to act...

It'll be a shame IMHO if they change the law in RI...it's hurting no one but a few people that can't keep their "Christian minds" out of the gutter.


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avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
Read the topic "here we go again".
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
I did, but I don't respond to your topics scat...
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
Suit yourself but it seems kind of childish to post two topics on the same subject.
avatar for Dougster
16 years ago
MisterGay's a fuckin' faggot. What do you expect from him?
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
Don't feed the trolls...lol...
avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
I hope other states actually adopt "indoor prostitution". I really had my hopes on San Francisco allowing it, but as it turned out, a very anti Bush, but conservative crowd turned out in California, and other places on election day.

RI should regulate and tax the indoor girls. When the state coffers start filling, other states will follow suit.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
If the law passes, the real question is would they agressively enforce it? They may need to increase the police force to enforce it. I can see the employment ad now, "Help us stamp out prostitution, we need more LE recruits to solicit/engage in sex to clean up our city".
Not a bad gig if you can get it.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
"I really had my hopes on San Francisco allowing it, but as it turned out, a very anti Bush, but conservative crowd turned out in California, and other places on election day."

Like we've discussed before, there's a happy middle-ground between the far Right-wing (which hates prostitution on "moral" grounds) and the far Left-wing (which hates prostitution because it "objectifies" women).

"RI should regulate and tax the indoor girls."

RI could sure use the money, that's for sure, and they do already get plenty of tax revenue from the AMPs. It seems like it's just a movement that's mostly catering to the "we don't want *that* kind of activity in our state"...as if making it illegal will get rid of it entirely...not...

"If the law passes, the real question is would they agressively enforce it?"

The recent past has suggested that only the women street prostitutes were picked up for violating the current law, not the "johns". I don't see any reason why that wouldn't continue if they started to crack down on indoor prostitution as well. They would likely focus on the AMP girls & their managers, and then do what other states do...focus on on-line stings & rounding up street "johns". It's just a big waste of time...
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
It looks like time might have ran out in RI for these new laws to pass...oh well... ;)
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
Man, I swear that there must be something in the water down in RI:

"Minors in R.I. can be strippers"

"Just as long as the teens submit work permits, and are off the stripper’s pole by 11:30 on school nights."

"That’s when the police found that neither state law, nor city ordinance bars minors from working at strip clubs. Those under 18 can’t buy pornography, and no one may take pictures or film minors in sexually suggestive ways. But the law doesn’t stop underage teens from stripping for money. Even if the police saw underage boys or girls on stage at a strip club, they wouldn’t be able to charge them or the club owners with a crime."

"With the age of consent at 16 in Rhode Island, the police worry that teenage strippers could take their business to the next level and offer sexual favors –– and it wouldn’t be illegal. State law currently allows indoor prostitution, and two bills intended to ban it have stalled in the General Assembly."

This is about as fucked up a situation as I've seen in all my years of clubbing...wow...
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
As bad as that is, I read yesterday that something like 20-21 states do not have a minimum age requirement to hunt alone. In Tx, a 8 year old could hunt beaver and shoot it unsupervised.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
LOL I like the logic of the police in RI stating "there is no law against it, so it must be OK". I am surprised they don't have a vague general law that gives the police more power to stop minors from stripping and other common sense issues.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
Personally, I'd be more inclined to get the minors out of the strip clubs before I went after any of the "happy endings" that are going on in any of the clubs or AMPs in RI.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
Providence Mayor Cicilline signs order banning minors in strip clubs:

This will cover the vast majority of the strip clubs in RI, but I don't think that it will really affect anything until those clubs start coming up for license renewals.
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
I wonder what impact the added awareness of their lax laws will affect tourism into RI.
avatar for how
15 years ago
MG said, "Personally, I'd be more inclined to get the minors out of the strip clubs before I went after any of the 'happy endings' that are going on in any of the clubs or AMPs in RI."

For the record: MisterGuy and I agree! Good post, MG.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
"As bad as that is, I read yesterday that something like 20-21 states do not have a minimum age requirement to hunt alone."

Sounds very good---As President Reagan may have said government is the problem; not the solution. I use to go hunting in coastal swamp areas when I was very young. A belly full of fresh caught meat is a treat. Was it dangerous? I'd say it was very dangerous. I didn't know that sharks would swim into the swamp area! The sharks can be aggressive, btw. You can't believe how scared I was when the shark knocked into me. My reaction? Try and kill him for a few good meals. Another surprise in the swamp was stringrays. This MASSIVE stingray threw me into the air and the barbed tail was swinging wildly. I didn't try and catch him---too scared because the barbed tail was moving so fast and seemed to be everywhere. I'd rather deal with the shark---seeing the teeth as the main danger. Surprisingly the gators weren't a problem at all as long as you didn't run into them. For the record I don't think youngsters should be denied their Second Amendment rights in the name of safety or government paternalism. :)

avatar for jablake
15 years ago

The anti-swamp people seemed to fall into 2 groups: Blacks and Northerners. The Southerners see didn't object at all. Maybe the biggest exception was a Southern officer objecting to the size of my knife---he backed off went I explained you need a big knife for hunting. In fact, his whole attitude changed . . . he liked hunting also. It was strange he made noise about the size of my knife, but wouldn't say a word about a gun. :)
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"I wonder what impact the added awareness of their lax laws will affect tourism into RI."

There are some that would say that it already positively affects tourism in RI, which RI bases a large part of its economy on. I'm not saying that people plan "sex holidays" from afar to the state, but people come from all around the area to enjoy the higher mileage in RI for sure.
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