Comments by jablake (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Insisted that You Have Sex with Them?
    Hi casualguy, I never saw her again at Angels or elsewhere for that matter. Other dancers who heard the story were positive she MUST have an STD in order for her to aggressively push sex and then refuse to do further dances. She wanted the same $5 per song for sex that she was charging for dances. Very attractive and she had skill, but too aggressive for my tastes. I just don't see having sex with a person you met just an hour earlier---I don't consider BJs to be sex, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    Hi David9999, A few random thoughts: 1. Your reactions to other people's distortions, jokes, mocking, etc., generally don't seem consistent with how most people would expect a highly educated and successful person to comport himself. Like one person said you're an attorney so what?, I wouldn't let you defend my dog. 2. Empathy. For most people empathy means they judge the other person based on how *they* would feel under certain pressures or conditions. For example, *I* would probably feel mild annoyance or a temporary go to hell you SOB!!! :) As has been stated repeatedly this is an anonymous board so why would anyone truly care? Even if one can give a logical answer that generally isn't going to sway doubters because they're focused on *their* logic and how *they* would feel. 3. One reason this is very much an unwinnable battle (even if you posted your complete life history in detail) is because humor needn't rely on what you actually said *or actually accomplish*. A distortion such as the James Bond label works just as well and perhaps even better. So, if you posted your real name and address and credit card information and etc., then it would just provide more ammunition to your detractors. 4. Fairness, equality, etc.: Life isn't fair. People aren't equals, but rather individuals. It seems like you're seeking some type of fair play and it is just doubtful that is going to happen. People have very different ideas about what is fair and what isn't fair. 5. Sadism. Inflicting mental pain is a sport for some. Thus, every time you reveal yourself as caring it is just another opportunity for revelers to kick you in the nuts. You respond and then that gives them another opportunity to kick you in the nuts. And, then they laugh because you don't seem to be able to figure that out. 6. OK, that is all my worldly wisdom after decades and decades of life: Ain't much to show. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many Dancers have proposed marriage to you?
    Just 1. No, she proposed having a baby together. :) Gambling dancer . . . but, that is only after I increase my life insurance 10 fold and name her sole beneficiary. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    Excellent thread, btw. I never realized there was so much hostility to staying on topic. :)
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    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    Hi clubber, Did you notice the quotation marks? Those are arbeeguy's words from his post in the "Trust you're [sic] reviewer," thread. What the heck, I agree with him, but it just isn't doable. Anyway, I was just being overly helpful to FONDL. OK, now that we have that a little clear go smack arbeeguy in the head for suggesting a way to make the board "more USEFUL, and more ENJOYABLE TO READ." I double dare you! ;)
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    16 years ago
    lazy and spoiled strippers
    Generally, the strippers that I know are overworked and appreciative of my business. Yes, some super hotties have an attitude and the way they look it doesn't come as a shock. I'm more surprised by how many keep their ego in check or don't realize how hot they are. Now, the uglies that have attitude is a whole 'nother thread. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    ". . . cause I think if we all stayed on topic this board would be more USEFUL, and more ENJOYABLE TO READ "
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Except for the noise sounds like PP is a #1. $10 for lap dances in private rooms sounds difficult to beat----of course, I'd prefer a quieter club and the dancer be named Chandler. Chandler sounds like Chandelier; enlightening & exquisite $ expensive.
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    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    "In polite company (i.e., the presence of women), I can understand that (the women don't like it), but among tusclers it's interesting to me. I would think this is a site where sleeping around would be tolerated, if not a source of pride, but by and large it is not. It is largely looked down upon." Of course, it is a source of pride! :) I just don't want to be called James Bond again when it isn't being done as a source of reverence---assuming that I could brag about broads banged. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    "Excessive speed is killing over 40,000 people a year." Maybe worldwide. Here in the U.S. the annual traffic fatalities are about 43,0000-----from ALL causes. I'd be very surprised if exceesive speed was responsible for 40,001 or more of those deaths. "That's 40 times the number of soldiers killed in Iraq. And for what? Where are the demonstrations, where's the outrage?" Likewise the country goes off the deep end when 3,000 people were killed on 9/11. Outlaw fast food and you'd probably save a few 100,000 people. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    I prefer the dancer to approach. That doesn't mean that I wont approach a super hot dancer if she is sitting by herself. Some customers take it to a whole 'nother leverl: approach the dancer while she is giving a customer a dance. Heck, some might even venture into the VIP rooms in search of dancers. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    "This would improve the overall quality of the board, I think." I think that is true, but then the OP would need to stick to his original topic as well. In the thread titled "Trust you're [sic] reviewer," why mention the supposed condition of stripclubbing in different areas of the country? As far as improving the overall quality of the board: Well, different people have different tastes. Some think prolix posts are better and others think laconic posts are better; some believe personal attacks add and some believe personal attacks detract; some believe in posts about off-world stripclubbing, and others believe in more confined topic areas or at least posts that don't scream INSANE!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I've seen some Jehovah's Witnesses that would make excellent strippers. I wonder how it be getting a lap dance and hearing the sermon as payment. :) Or, maybe give the dancer a sermon if you're into that and she doesn't mind.
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    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    "In ancient times, people believed in many gods. Rain, fire, fertility. We now think of them as ignorants. What makes it more believable today?" There was a dancer named Rain over at Secrets and she really got my fire going. :) She had this cross she was wearing and I asked if it was decoration. That seemed to take her off guard. She thought it was strange that someone would wear the cross for decoration. Been a long time, but I think she was named after the god Rain. Her parents were Christians, like her, and believed that Jesus created specialized gods to do his work. Bottom line another wonderful Christian dancer so maybe the church does have something to offer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    The OP in that thread wrote "South Miami still sound good." I replied something like South Miami? I believe the OP was thinking of the reviews of Tootsies, which is way north of South Miami. Then my concern shifted to a new traffic problem that was created just a few days ago. A few more creations like what I saw on I-95 and I doubt stipclubbers will want to visit at all. So, I corrected what I believe was a location error concerning where stripclubbing still sounds good. And, I added a warning about travel and went into a lengthy explanation. That explanation along with my comments may NOT be appreciated and perhaps even the correction wouldn't be appreciated. Seems like a simple matter to just skip over it, if you don't care for it---which is probably a majority view, btw. Also, I haven't seen a discussion board yet---maybe I haven't read enough boards---where it stays on topic.
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    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    "People on this site are pretty humor impaired. Always remember the sad but true fact: an IQ of 100 is an average." There is average and then there is average. :) I was reading, who knows if it is correct, that an American with a 100 IQ would only score a 86 IQ in Switzerland while in the Sudan it might be a 130 IQ. IOWs, I don't think average needs to mean brain-dead. :) The average American, imo, is very slow mentally to the point of seeming like an imbecile. :) "Some U.S. lawmakers are trying to pass legislation to remove former South African President Nelson Mandela from a U.S. list of terrorists by his 90th birthday next month, officials said on Thursday." "The bill now heads to the White House, where it is expected to be signed by President George W. Bush in time for the anti-apartheid leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner's 90th birthday on July 18.",23599,23938565-401,00.html My litmus test for imbecility comes from The Wall Street Journal. They were pushing the concept that "one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Hi clubber, Those "hundreds of thousands of idiots" weren't clogging I-95 at 2 PM that I can ever remember (even during tourist season) unless there was an accident. NO accident and yet it was bumper-to-bumper at 2 PM. What is new? Two of the 5 lanes have been taken to turn them into toll lanes---on the surface that doesn't sound bad, but the problem is extreme with people attempting to sneak in and out. And, it is very DANGEROUS----these idiots were doing very well not to be crashing. I submit, that if you turned all the driver into BRAINS with high driving skills, then it would still be a mess. Three lanes will have far too many cars and two lanes will have far too few---but, getting extra money from the tolls and tickets and higher insurance makes it all good. And, paying the toll isn't even the problem; I can't use the toll lanes unless 1) I want to end up driving a much greater distance because my exit is cut-off or 2) I attempt to sneak back into the non-toll lanes at some point. The plastic separators between toll lanes and non-toll lanes make it very difficult and very dangerous to sneak into or out the separated lanes. You really need to see this to believe it. Fortunately, I don't do much driving.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Oh, we now have camera enforced tickets to go with the new campaign so those drivers sneaking in and out of lanes can expect $100 tickets in the mail. A double win for the State: increased revenue from tickets and rate increases for the insurance companies. :) Next, step is for drivers to obsure their plates using different methods. Years ago a buddy was in a 5 car pile up. He said that 2 of the drivers took off running for whatever reasons. He later had his license suspended without notice for driving without insurance---of course, he had insurance. He had a fun time trying to resolve the problem with the State and ended up hiring an attorney who fixed everything for a few hundred dollars. Another buddy was getting threatening letters from the State of Florida's Bureau of Financial Responsibility over his supposed lack of insurance. He was losing his mind somewhat so I needed to check and see if he was insured with his insurance company; he was. Anyway, reading the letters he had been sending in response to the State's letters was very interesting. He actually wrote rambling letters that they should be investigating the Kennedy murder and the faked moon landing and etc. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Hi casualguy, When I'm driving I try and stay at a speed that flows with the traffic. Ideally, because my car is an old economy car a fairly slow speed of 55 mph works well. IOWs, I'd rather drive at 55 mph--the posted speed limit---or violate the speed limit if necessary for increased safety; go with the flow of traffic. Having said that I like to see the speed limits abolished.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    "WASHINGTON (AP)—The Washington Redskins have won the latest round in a 16-year court battle against a group of American Indians, prevailing on a technicality that again skirts the issue of whether the team’s nickname is racially offensive.";_ylt=AmeVfbeEfDPDByxMaMe7.w4dsLYF?slug=ap-redskins-name&prov=ap&type=lgns 16 years. :) My case was a joke and it went on for years and years--and the issue and facts were straight forward. The latest BS according to my attorney was that the judge told him that he ruled against me because he wanted my lawyer to make money on an easy appeal--and he wanted to know why didn't I appeal. Yes, it is an easy appeal----but, if the trial court is corrupt why would I think the appellate court was anymore honest? And, you lose in the appeal and the trial judge is free to assess "millions" in "reasonable" attorneys' fees. Just another government scam. This is the "freedom" that I'm supposed to be grateful for? :) Yeah, I'll leave that to the dumb bunnies and or those who haven't been screwed by the government, yet.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    You guys *might* want to avoid Miami. I had to go downtown today and took a cab because I'm having difficulty walking and downtown doesn't have convenient parking unless you're a government employee. Total cost for the cab was a little over a hundred; round-trip. Anyway, on the way back on I-95 the government has decided to make 2 lanes toll lanes. WOW! Traffic was backed-up in the 3 remaining non-toll lanes bumper-to-bump at about 2 PM (which used to be clear-sailing time). The cabbie took the toll lanes, but then he couldn't get off at any nearby exits. Along the trip you had cars stopping to try sneak in and out of the toll lanes: EXTEMELY DANGEROUS. Twice I tell the cabbie to watch for stopped cars---he was trying to get back over into the non-toll lanes so he could exit. I told him, that I didn't want him to get a ticket. He says it is only a $100. I say yes, but, the insurance companies will rip you off for the rest of your life. Don't stop my account, I just hate see you get ripped off by the insurers forever. He thanks me and then stops the meter!? That was one nice cabbie and a wonderful surprise, of course taking a cab from downtown to my home is quite a trip. And, boy the trip got MUCH longer once it became clear that it wasn't worth trying sneak back in. Amazed there weren't a bunch of accidents. No wonder the gas prices are going up: why travel 20 miles when the government can force you to go 50 miles! :) One thing this ain't particularly bad cause I loathe conservation and or protecting the environment. Thumbs to the government; this time. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    South Miami? Tootsies is practically in Broward it is so far North. And, the other good clubs are so located in the general area as long as you stay within Miami-Dade County.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    "Since everybody on this board is anonymous BY CHOICE what difference does it make to David9999 or anybody else? This is not a rhetorical question. I am actually curious to know - if there is an answer." Seems like there are many answers. If I believed that I could help people with some insight and it was met with abuse, then I might feel very hurt. Might result in my working triple time to get credibility. Generally, I believe being a nice guy is a ticket to missing out on too many hayrides. Surprise of surprises, my advice to the teenager seems to have worked some type of miracle. It is a shock because I didn't see that at my age (times are a lot different, now) and my significant failures at his age, that my advice would have any effect. Hell, the girl advice I got from oldsters when I was young was worthless.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    "look at some of the lengthy articles people have written about their personal lives. Why would you do that if you were not seeking in some fashion the approval of others?" Venting? Working on writing skills? Entertainment? Depression? Comparison? Seems like there are a lot of reasons . . . There is a tendency to think that others think as we do . . . I don't know how many times I've heard the "trophy theory," or the "looks are irrelevant mantra," or the "government is the people," or the "soldiers are heroes," or etc., but it isn't the way I see things.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    Well, it is looking like another dead end.