Comments by jablake (page 64)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    1. open a $10 account a and give Chi-town lawyer the log-in PIN. In the call log will be your cell phone number, which he can call and his spoofed number could be 312-312-1111 so when you see 312-312-1111 on your cell you know it's Chi-town lawyer. (You won't be able to call him back even with call return or direct dialing this spoofed number.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    If you are going to trust Chi-town lawyer with your name and have him verify it with the DCBar, then these steps seems as safe and far simpler: 1. Private Message or email, Chi-town lawyer the phone number at your law firm along with with your name. Also, in the same message give him a pseudonym such as Mr. John Knight so that his identity will be protected, but you'll know who is calling. 2. Chi-town double checks your information on the DCBar site and reports back merely that you are a lawyer in good standing and were admitted to the bar at least 15 years ago. Or, you could open a $10 account a and give Chi-town the log-in PIN. In the called phone log should be your phone number, which he can call to speak with you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Hmmm . . . casualguy didn't recognize that? I thought his own satire, lifted in part from Yahoo, was adorable.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    That he is an attorney. I assumed because you're an attorney also that he figures you be willing to help a fellow attorney out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    Height, weight, occupation, the amount you spend on dancers, and other tid bits--that I don't believe came from other posters. You did a fair amount of posting. :) Just the 4 you mentioned may be seen as JAMES BOND quality e.g. a gold standard, ruby red AMEX, . . .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Anyone, attorney or not, care to give a little R.E. legal advice? The problem is a deed and its wording. One attorney says the place in the document is all important. My attorney says the placement is fine. IMHO, sometimes it is important and sometimes it ain't. :) "To Have and To Hold a life estate in the above described property. This Deed is executed pursuant to and in the exercise of the power and authority granted to and vested in said Trustee by the terms of said deed or deeds in trust delivered to said Trustee in pursuance of the Trust agreement above mentioned." The Trust agreement specifically limits the life estate granted so that the grantee (life estate holder) can't evict the Trustee. The estimated attorney hours to litigate in court? 40 hours. Anyway, I will be getting another opinion. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    "Lord." A simple ovation with plenty of applause and LOL!s would have been sufficient. :) I did actually see my attorney this afternoon, and did have to prepare. Unfortunately, another lawsuit is on the way. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    "Jablake, I never claimed (as I realize you know) to be 'too good to be true' or anything close - that's just more of the bullshit" That isn't really the point. The point is if I described you just by you own words here are TUSCL to the dancers at Angels----well, let's just hope they don't get your real name and address because there would damn sure be a hunting party and you'd be the main course! :) Heck, if I knew and related your real name along with your self-description, then the dancers might say that's JAMES BOND'S real name! YESSAAA!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    "Jablake, by the way, my ignore button for example doesn't eliminate quotes (by 3rd parties) of ignored posters." Yes, but you can ignore them anyway---you don't need the crutch of an ignore button! Hopefully, not. I don't have anyone on ignore and yet many times I simply ignore posts, which are too insulting or otherwise aren't worth responding to. Sometimes, it is better to let the other person have the last word anyway . . . you know the old saw about arguing with a fool? Well, as an attorney that should be like platinum plus to you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    Also: Genetics--no matter how innocent--can really get some people upset. And, then there is the old "too good to be true" that can get under some people's skin real quick----a double edged sword of envy or braggadocio. Finally, some people just LOVE to tease and may not empathize. It's probably isn't personal, but either way just IGNORE the posts or poster who you consider to be malicious. Oops, just remembered: One man's pleasure is another's poison. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    Did any of your posts refer to being able to last more than 5 minutes with a hot woman? And, you did post about being an attorney. If so, then you've lost a potential client who wouldn't hire you as his attorney or his dog's attorney. Key points: If you can last 5 minutes and 1 second with a hot dancer, then that information needs to be downplayed. If you're an attorney, then that information needs to be kept camouflaged at the least. For example, if you had merely stated that you believe at some point in time you might have lasted over 5 minutes with a hot dancer, then that would take some of the sting out. And, instead of declaring yourself to be an attorney you might say that you've wrangled with legal issues. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    And, it only gets worse? :( I just got a lachrymose filled call from Gambling dancer. She said the government deal was just too good to pass up and besides *I* have only myself to blame for seeking GFEs from hot dancers. Never occurred to her that perhaps the government is to blame for criminalizing GFEs. Then she says that if she wins any money at the casino she'll share it with me 50/50 so that I can pay the "reasonable" attorneys' fees. I HUNG UP on her . . . We share bodily fluids for over 7 years and this is how she repays me? Apparently, for Gambling dancer it's ALL about the Gambling. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    "Jarblake, do you think you could now post one of your lengthy essays about how your troubles with the government somehow show that everything I'm saying is true and that my joystick must really be 14" after all? Thanks, pal." Hi njscfan, I'd LOVE to, but unfortunately I got a call from one of my attorneys this morning and I need to prepare for the emergency meeting scheduled with him this afternoon. He had good news and bad news and way more bad news. The good news is that he is increasing the hourly rate he is charging me from $400 to *only* $480 per hour, which will save me $$$ in inflation adjusted terms. The bad news is that in addition to the usual bogus government charges like drug conspiracy, kidnapping, armed bank robbery, etc., which the two-bit government normally levels against me, now it's added non-bogus charges of seeking GFEs from hot dancers ITC, OTC, and IMH. The way more bad news is that Gambling dancer is the government's star witness after it bribed her with UNLIMITED betting privileges at the Hard Rock Cafe (located on a Native American Territory) as well as footing the the bill for her dining, dancing, and other hotel accomodations; each count of GFE consumated or not carries a 25-year sentence in a government prison. :( My attorney smugly suggested that didn't I NOW wish that I'd married Gambling dancer as she had wanted? Boy, I gave it to that SUCKER with BOTH barrels. Marriage is a LIFE SENTENCE and additionally you lose ALL ASSETS as well as your diginity and piece of mind----at least when the two-bit government AND you get done with me, I might be left with a pack of Wriggles Gum and a new article for The Wall Street Journal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    "Organized religion has no doubt contributed to more hate, misery, intolerance, war and death in this world than most any other cause." I'm *tempted* to agree being an agnostic, but I think the atheists when given the opportunity do very well with their own killing fields: From Stalin (20 million?) to Mao (30 million?) to Cambodia (3 million?) and let's not forget the Tutus and Hutus (6 million?). The problem, imho, is that people overwhelmingly believe in using government force way to freely to achieve their intellectual, social, and financial goals. And, the religion doesn't do much except change the reasons for using government force to butcher, enslave, and control: of course the people advocating government force usually sincerely believe they're doing some "wonderful social good." O, let's not forget the cattle crowd: their government is always to be believed and supported. As much as I like and believe in the Christian Dancers that I've met in general, giving them almost unbridled control over other people would probably soon corrupt their wonderful innocence. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    OK, OK. Self-proclaimed Billionaires would have to pay $5 for each post removal. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    No, he wouldn't necessarily reign supreme because he is too busy working and porking young tenders to monitor reposts effectively. :) In fact, it is the beat down dirt poor that use the board as entertainment that may have the upper-hand. Billionaire James Bond nukes the posts of dissenters or nonbelievers AND the masses rise up with ANEW with more truth exposing posts!!! Since the masses out number him by a good margin he'll have to learn how to work, pork young tenders, post, and nuke all at the same time to have any hope of stemming the proletarian masses. :) Or, he could be one hell of multi-tasker already. I can see James Bond issue an order to a computer set up with voice recognition software so he can work, a young tender or more is taking care of all his right areas, two more computers run so that he can post new wisdom while nuking what he doesn't care for. He probably doesn't even need sleep! That 'ill teach the welfare bums and nonbelievers of TUSCL. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    Correction: Someone starts smashing book readers and BOOM that hate speech meets the terminator. LOL! Ideally, it would make the board more appealing to tender-foots without having a real moderator.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    If my financial condition wasn't so pathetic and it has gotten worse, then I think it might be fun and stress relieving. Some starts smashing book readers and BOOM that hate speech meets the terminator. LOL! Ideally, it would make the board more appealing to tender-foots without having a real moderator. I *HATE* moderators in general---even very good ones. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Correction: company not *only* discriminates against blacks, but just as importantly against Christians.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    I was talking with my pharmacist buddy and coincidently she had just come back from a major company meeting concerning what types of speech was allowed in the work place as well as that NO discrimination was allowed. As far as the NO discrimination policy she said that was a particular sore point because she feels the company not discriminates against blacks, but just as importantly against Christians. I was surprised about hearing that Christians were in her opinion being discriminated against . . . she wants the same considerations as her Muslim co-workers and workers of other faiths. Well, one person's discrimination is another's financial bonanza. :) As far as the "freedom of speech" in the workplace pretty much everything was a real NO NO due to FEAR of all manner of possible lawsuits (in the government's courts). Well, one person's freedom of speech is another's hate speech or sexual harassment or defamation. :) Of course, most people are aware of the "freedom of speech" allowed at government schools or government supported schools; it is known as correct speech or fair speech or etc. :) Bork was 100% right: A law prohibiting slavery takes away as much freedom as it grants---of course freedom itself is a form of slavery because then people are burden with attempting to think for themselves. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    LOL! :) Maybe Founder would consider auctioning the rights to certain TUSCL usernames. "Shadowcat" might fetch a cool $50 on Ebay. :) Then he could go back to "I give up" or "Books R-4 Luzers."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Correction: OTC, if your attorney tells you he is going to use the $2,000 cash retainer you gave him to purchase an illegal sawed-off shotgun to blow his brains out, do you:
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Outside the club can easily turn into inside my home! :) If it was just up to me, then pretty much a lot of things are ok. However, I have to fear government mandates and "suggestions" so: NO illegal drugs, illegal weapons, illegal obscenity (bestiality pics, ok?), boom box, illegal explosives, untaxed cigarettes, stolen goods, evidence of possible crimes, counterfeit currencies or coins, prohibited animals and plants, human remains regardless of religious or scientific need, pirated intellectual property, etc. Basically when inside my home (IMH) stripper needs to be frisked and stripped. :) ITC, the stripper buying illegal drugs or weapons while servicing me might get my ass arrested so yes I'm concerned about how she spends her dollars especially if those dollars have my fresh fingerprints!!! YIKES. OTC, if your attorney tells he going to use the $2,000 cash retainer you gave him to push an illegal sawed-off shotgun to blow his brains out, do you: A. Applaud wildly and suggest a partial refund cause you can get him a good deal? B. Immediately contact LEO via 911? C. Advise him suicide is fine after he finishes the legal work you need him to do? D. Lie your ass and tell him life isn't so horrible; and that he needs to go with you immediately to seek medical care? E. Ask for his RolLexx and little black book cause he won't be needing them anymore? F. All of the above? Regardless of your answer(s) to the multiple choice question above perhaps your stripper is entitled to more or less consideration than you would give your attorney or lawn boy? As the former First Lady Hillary Rodham H. Clit would say it's a village. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Hi lopaw, Reading what you had to say reminded me of an article in the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal. The solution to many problems that can't be found in organized religion because people are becoming jaded or too intolerant is CREDIT CARD DEBT. The higher the debt the better because that makes people more responsible: No money for drugs or slacking from work or harmful dissent. My neighbor just explained that he voted guilty because he couldn't afford to miss work and although there was disagreement among the jurors the workers among them just wanted out of the jury and would vote for whatever would free *themselves* faster. Besides as he told the other jurors his English is so poor (the government knew and approved of his inability to understand English; btw, he will often use me as an interpreter) he really didn't understand what anyone was saying, he just wanted to get back to work so he could pay his bills. A beautiful system for those in control. His wife was disgusted. He told her what can I do? They know I can't understand English and they still want me on the jury and I can't afford to miss work. She says was he guilty? He says he doesn't know, but there was disagreement among the jurors about the man's guilt. She says why did you vote guilty? He says he had no choice because he couldn't understand what was being said and just wanted to vote to leave. He says you want me to miss work? She shakes her head NO. Basically, the opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal opined that make the most important thing in the world to them is staying employed. It ends strife and increases productive work. However, organized religion still had its place assuming the leaders of the various mainstream religions would agree to work together. If not, then debt could be used as replacement to accomplish similar positive social goals. BTW, as Christians neither he nor his wife accept Christian dancers because the activity is clearly contrary to The Bible in their opinion or more likely in their pastors' opinions (they go to multiple churches for safety sake).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    Sorta reminds me of the dancer who thought that other dancers who allowed contact were sluts. The other dancers who allowed contact thought the other dancers who did mild extras were sluts. The mild extras dancers thought the hardcore extras dancers were sluts. Meanwhile the truth was in Iraq: The religious Iraqi women thought ALL dancers were sluts. I guess most everyone has their proper place as to where to draw the moral lines.