
Comments by jablake (page 32)

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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "There's physical force (unwanted) and then there's initiative (wanted in some cases). Obviously the OP was talking about the former." It isn't always easy to tell the difference between unwanted and wanted. And, there can be a huge gulf between what a dancer says she wants and what she actually wants. When I still a teenager I used force against this adorable hottie at the local dive/bar (yes, there was crapola even then about minors being in bars, but fortunately for me that BS was largely ignored) and there was a very minor brawl (her friends and others trying to protect her). The police even showed up. The hottie thought that *I* was the greatest--not afraid of rejection nor willing to back off with a simple NO. Her friends just couldn't see it or even understand. The old No means No BS. The police couldn't even believe it at first. Anyway, I read her pretty good and if I was wrong then I'd definitely feel very bad and probably have spent some time in jail. If I had actually believed my advances weren't wanted, then I'd have backed off fairly fast. Some women are like me in that they're look based or have other strict requirements and if I don't qualify, then I'd rather move on and not waste time or create resentment and hostility.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "A rare few will actually take pride in the quality of their product, and they are the real free fighters." One of the nicest that I knew always preached just SAY NO!!! He had a fairly low regard for drugs mainly because they're a waste of time and money and also because there is a small risk that that a person might be an addict and lose big time. Never bought any drugs from him and mainly just shot some pool. The strippers users and non-users thought he was the greatest. He was part of that "looks are irrelevant" cult, which I have antipathy for----because they don't care about looks then everyone must really feel the same deep down. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "(e.g. don't use physical force = big duh!)." Hardly a big duh. You must go to a different type of club than I do. Also, some dancers love physical force. Wimpy men or men who are afraid of spilling a little blood disgust 'em. Gambling dancer expects a real man to be violent and surprise surprise the men in her family have long histories of violence.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    *Lecture me about my life plan how "sure everything's great today and you're cute now but in 10 years..." Seriously, who the hell cares? I know you don't. And anyway, my tits look good tonight and they're in your face so shut up and enjoy the moment* When you assume they don't care that seems logical in general. In general being the key delimiter. I did care about about the beautiful stripper who was addicted to cocaine. What could I have done to help her? Probably nothing. She loved cocaine and it was going to extract a high price from her. Anyway, that was a sweet person whose big "crime" was wanting to feel pleasure. And, I also care about strippers who can't manage a checkbook or who can't read. Why? Well in both cases it seems like a solution is at hand that doesn't cost too much and could really help the person greatly in the future. It is sad to see a dancer lose her beauty where that is all she knows. Why do I care about the children next door? Well, again it seems like a very limited investment e.g. buying childrens books could help big time. I still remember those children thinking that I'd be eager to help support their government school----NOT even when hell freezes over. In their minds because I care about them that somehow translates into supporting their government school. Anyway, I can care about strippers and school children. To a more limited extent I care about homeless bums. I gave this one some Cuban pastries and after being suspicous he practically got himself killed running into the street with joy! I've never seen a person so happy with a few pastries. What did I say that convinced him? I explained that I'm FAT and that I just bought the pastries (minimum purchase required) to see what they tasted like. ( They're good! :) ) And, that he was doing me a favor by eating them since I didn't want to add anymore blubber, but I hate wasting unless it is gasoline or some other supposedly "scarce" commodity. "Wasting" "fossil fuels" is good. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "A. A helpful person thought that someone out there needed some advice." Yes, I viewed it the most favorable light. There are newbies who read this board and besides even experienced clubbers might appreciate a few tips. Perhaps if I knew more upscale strippers, then I'd have a more negative view.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "Not drug dealers, I'll admit: I've never had anything but naked antipathy towards people whom I knew were drug dealers. I like making them feel guilty and worthless." I view them as freedom fighters and heroic even if they're only motivated by greed or supporting their family. Praise the Lord that their are big balled gentlemen such as Al Capone who actually do fight for freedom. I like freedom whether it be strippers/prostitutes, card dealers, drug dealers, gun dealers, or whatever. Please NO sob stories about addiction. I've seen first hand how horrible alcohol addiction is on my mother's side of the family. I've also seen other lost souls who seemed or who were destroyed by other illegal drugs. Royalty, the goofball, was a very sweet dancer who died very fast do to her addiction so yes drugs can be very damaging and even moreso than death to some people. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "jablake: It looks like you've changed your original position from not being to forced to enjoyed it." Same position i.e. if my daughter "isn't forced directly or indirectly it ain't a problem in the least." So if she isn't being forced, then it seems to follow that she enjoys it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Hi Bobbyl, Do you think that I'd care if she posed nude? Nudity of children or adults rates a big zero as far as importance, imo. The big reason to keep people covered----at least my understanding of why modesty was important was 1) Health (don't want shit stains everywhere) and 2) The typical person looks like shit without clothing (especially Americans). In this society even nude cartoons of children might earn you a long prison term (hint: this is a prison state). I can't relate to any hyperventillating regarding nudity. It seems like something some religious nuts or "flag wavers" get upset about. Now sex is, imo, a lot different than simple nudity. The risks include disease, pregnancy, family instability, psychological inadequacy, etc. However, some people don't share my views regarding sex; surprise, surprise. Some people think of it as like eating ice cream or enjoy a good drug trip. If my daughter viewed sex like a healthy young male, then that is a negative??? Yes, I don't believe in the equality crapola. However, imo, a normal healthy young male pretty much is an eager beaver for sexual adventure. I see NOTHING wrong with that. The more sex for a hungry male (regardless of age) for the most part the better! Sex is GOOD. This society is shit. :) So, why would I hold a different standard for my daughter? Disease is a good reason---but, hell that even applies to males. Pregnancy is a good reason---but, imo that also applies to males. The big difference would be marriage. The government managed to turn me 100% against government approved marriages. So therefore why should I be upset if my daughter has the sex drive of a young male??? Remember----she isn't being forced directly or indirectly to dance. That is the key. If it is something she likes i.e. being a party animal that sure as hell sounds better than being a typical wage slave or even sitting at home being a virgin. I guess that I just don't have any real belief in anti-sex morality; just an excuse to put people in prison. :( Now, if marriage was still important then I'd be singing a different tune as far as my daughter being a dancer or being overly interested in multiple males. I like dancers a lot----in general. Now, I don't know the upper class dancers. They probably have the same prison state mentality at the typical freedom hating American.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Oh gee, I may care because the whore is interesting or intelligent or inlightened. :) Perhaps if I viewed selling sex or sizzle as inherently negative then I'd have a negative view of whores. Now, to the question is this a job that I'd want my daughter to do? Gee, if she isn't forced directly or indirectly it ain't a problem in the least.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Your definition of VHM & UHM?
    very high mileage ultimate high mileage But, check the Golossary of Strip Club Terms by clicking on that link at the bottom of the page.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    "jablake- you're more than welcome to have that segment, no challenge by me. I'm more than happy w/ the hot female south american immigrant population, if I come across any she-he's in my travels I'd be more than happy to send them your way." Sounds good; besides, I haven't been too thrilled with South American (or Eastern European). Now, I NEED short. The he-she can't be over 5'6 and must be slim and natural and excellent skin and teeth. Yes, the smaller the dick the better----why do they always focus on huge dicks? Skin color not too important, but like thick natural lips. Oops, almost forgot I like super female types----no dominance at all. Should be more female than a typical American female. Dance price? $5 dollars sounds fair since that is what I currently pay at the local stripclubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My worst strip club experience.
    Cameras don't exsanguinate people; vampires and government, otoh. ;0
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    OK, check out my latest tranny pic from a Miami area advertising. Is this babe coming to me? Not likely. Not likely. The photo even IDed itself as a photoshopped fake. I wonder what does show up? Some gay guy in a wig? You think the police would be interested in this fraud? I mean I didn't want anything, but a little quality time with a hot tranny and someone is playing games with photoshop---don't know why it would need to be photoshopped 'cause it looks like a regular hot woman.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    "You're kidding me, right? She-males?" Hey, one was partially stripping at Angels. A few more drinks and that he-she might be taking it all off. A public service to discuss this "growing" trend here on TUSCL. One TUSCLer wants to prepare with .40 slug. Needless gun violence, imo. Just make sure she is hot and prolly adopt the military's policy. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    "Whatever trips your trigger man." I like the sentiment with due concern for others; of, course. :) Unfortunately, unless Thailand is in my very near future the he-she lap dance is unlikely. I did email a wild he-she that shops at my local Winn-Dixie, but so far no reply.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hurt People, Hurt People
    I see being viewed as an ATM as positive. It it is the old familar role of the male as being a provider. The stripper plays her part as providing female sexual and hopefully emotional satisfaction. The whole equality farce just didn't seem sexy in my eyes. Having to depend on a woman---wife or otherwise to pay the bills just seems depressing. Basically, it was bad enough that the typical family had one wage slave and then to embrace two wage slaves as being some type of progress . . . well it is the same type of progress as the U.S. government shipping out women to kill and be killed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    "What is your outlook on dancers all together?" The business is a bad deal for most of them---of course, the same could be said of working at Walmart or as an attorney. "What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..?" I just give a $1. It is when the dancer finishes her 3 song set so I'm not expecting anything. It is just a nice opportunity to see the dancer up close. What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? Ideally, I expect a GFE. What that means is that I like the fantasy that she is actually my girlfriend. "Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink?" I don't pay for talking time and I don't like buying drinks. "Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her?" I rarely approach a dancer. I try to avoid eye contact so that hopefully she'll veer away. "What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras?" Cheap high mileage (meaning plenty of 2 way contact) clubs attract me. I'm not too into extras and according to dancers that I know, I'm the exception.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does a stealing stripper always upset you?
    They were very old textbooks. :) And, I had students as customers who would buy other books for school----generally classics. One exception was that grammar book that is thin and small. Elements of Style? Couldn't keep that sucker in stock. My home is flooded with "worthless" books where I almost wish for a thief to come take 'em. Most hated, imo, are hardcover Reader's Digest. The way you equate money with time it seems like for *you* they're equals. I don't mind wasting time because I've been well trained by the government to do all manner of stupid time wasting bs. For example, just recently I needed some type of letter costing $5 to prove that the LLC was real. The government lady said the letter MUST have the seal and that I could get it online. Government lady could have looked up the LLC online, but NO collecting the extra $5 for the government was required. So, I find what I think is the letter---it is called something like Certificate of Status, but it also says you can't get the sealed version online! You need to write a letter and mail it and waste more time. So, I call up to try and find out how to get the sealed version in an easier manner. No, there is no easy manner if you want it sealed. I give up and order the $5 letter plus fee of 75 cents to see if that will work. Bingo! I get lucky and government lady is happy. Oops, now government lady has a bs request for a compelete list of the business's wholesalers??? Geez, there aren't any wholesalers yet because the business is just getting started. Whatever, my lady friend will create a wholesaler list----anything to keep government lady happy as possible. She like pretty much any government worker is the boss.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How do you send messages to other TUSCL members?
    Been awhile, but I think just click on the envelope next to their id.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Selecting a new ATF
    There is also a "Glossary of Strip Club Terms" at the bottom of the page that you can click on.
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    16 years ago
    Selecting a new ATF
    Looks are number one, but the GFE is almost as important. Sex ITC and or OTC isn't important to me.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Music Appeal
    I don't like music in general; especially loud music. I guess country is the most objectionable----no, it is the noise where you can't tell when a song begins or ends.
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    16 years ago
    U vs ROB -- Who has the Edge ?
    I doubt that I would do it, but this one customer asked me if a particular dancer was a ROB. My thought at the time was that his asking *me* was unusual. Apparently, I looked like a regular and he was new in town and didn't want to get stolen from. He had no problem spending money or even premium prices, but he wanted the dancer to keep her word. Turned out that I did know the dancer, but had never bought a single dance from her. As things turned out both the customer and dancer were happy with me, which was very nice that they were happy with each other. The man was financially successful. Perhaps his willingness to ask was one reason for his business success. So, he created an edge by asking someone who he believed had experience at the club. Maybe it was my age. Or, maybe the way I act with the dancers. Or, my clinging to every last dollar as if it was my last. Bottom line he wanted to improve his chances before spending a few hundred dollars, but he also made clear it wasn't the money as much as theft that upset him. For the record, even after years of experience I can sometimes be taken by a ROB. Usually, I just prefer to lose X amount of money rather than get into a confrontation. One thing the courts as well as good police officers have taught me is that being in right just isn't good enough. Really work to avoid confrontations (at least in my area of the country) because that is preferred choice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    U vs ROB -- Who has the Edge ?
    Hi dennyspade, It is difficult, imo, to just change clubs. That is another advantage the ROB has. I feel fortunate that at Angels everytime that I've complained management has taken my side. I don't complain often because it is a real downer and usually the "heist" is small. Minnow makes a very good point. And, if she is telling you 11 dances and the bouncer is counting 8, then good management would be all over her for attempting to get a few extra songs. Management should be thanking you assuming she also told them 11 dances. In a free market the customer is generally KING, imo, but it isn't a free market.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    U vs ROB -- Who has the Edge ?
    It seems the ROB had and imo usually has the advantage. I'm concern you that thought it was 4 songs and the bouncer calculated 8 songs. At the $5 clubs it is often a probably that it is by design purposely difficult to hear when a song begins and ends---but, it sounds the the same game is played at more expensive clubs.