
Comments by jablake (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shy Stripper or Sultry Stripper? . . .
    I don't like the dominant strippers at all, but then maybe I just haven't met the right one. Shy and "homely looking" is a good combo (if they have to be at the club) cause they're easy to avoid. I'll go with shy because it best "supports the fantasy/illusion." Of course, "Sultry knows what to do." :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Amsterdam changing the mongering scene
    I didn't see anything positive for those who believe in freedom. Seemed like their government wants to be more like the USA. From the article: "'Once we were a free country. Now they tell us what to do,' she said."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you ever watch other dancers in the couch room?
    Hi TUSCL_Brother, That is too extreme for me! :) The men that I know aren't very choosey.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    Hi JMelbourne27, Within the last year or so Playboy had a very interesting article claiming the pedophila wasn't even consider a problem until fairly recently. And, certainly not where you a developed young lady and a man interested in marrying her. It is sort of how you could buy opium at the corner drugstore very inexpensively without fanfare. It wasn't perceived as a problem. Perceptions are the key. The government needs to peddle fear and hate so that it can grow and gain power. Pick out a few sorry souls who are wretched and blame it on the opium. Of course, more government is the solution. On my mother's side of the family many of her people LOVE alcohol to an extreme degree----take a few of them and start screeching how alcohol is evil and bingo there is a problem in need of a solution. Again, more government is the solution. People on the right and left love more government. BTW, even if you created a powerful police state to keep my mother's people away from the booze the problem isn't really solved. Yes, less of 'em should be addicted to alcohol, but alcohol is *more* a *symptom* than the true problem----in general they're probably better off completely drunk 24/7. Anyway, I don't buy into the anti-sex BS even though the foundation for it maybe extremely rational e.g. protect families, slow the spread of disease, reduce unwanted pregnancies, etc. I also don't buy into the anti-drug BS even though again the foundation for it maybe extremely rational e.g. stop addiction, increase health, protect families, etc. Heck, I think the gun haters have a huge amount of the logic on their side and that if saving lives was paramount, then banning guns is the answer----but, then I don't buy into the anti-gun BS. Probably the least rational BS the government pushes, imo, is anti-terrorism.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A strip club first
    Glad batboy is gone. He was scarey little guy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    Anyway, I've had favorites who seemed to be always happy so it isn't a firm rule. Probably a firm rule in my book would be NO tall dancers, but who knows there might be an exception out there----not eager to meet her, but there might be an exception. The point is that a Happy Dancer is NOT a Prerequisite for me and in fact a less happy dancer might be preferable. The hot, ice cold dancer was an incredible actress when she did a dance/performance. It really seemed like she could get into the role that needed to be played and one reason for that is she had no pity, no heart. A man falls in love with her and he is screwed in the negative sense. A real turn on for me is confelicity where I get the opportunity to make the dancer happy or give her pleasure. It is selfish macarism.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    Hi arbeeguy, They get on a long stage with poles at both ends and start out fully clothed. As they walk and stand, clothing will come off at different points or sometimes they'll decide (not too often) that they'd prefer to remain dressed. So, you got young women (hopefully they're young) getting on stage to take off their clothes. Sure as hell sounds like a stripclub! :) Now, with the music they had a jukebox that had been broken for years. The nitwit owner (an old lady) decided to fix it as business picked-up. I pulled the plug on that BS real quick. Business picks and that doesn't mean you ruin it with noise. Anyway, business continued to improve and more people meant some expected music. Some of the new dancers (who understood not to be doing a lot of dancing--preferably none) believed that if you had a working jukebox that meant there should be music. They didn't understand that you had customers coming because it was a relaxing club. One dancer had the termerity to put the jukebox's plug back into the wall and actually feed it coins and started a song. Well, the plug was out of the wall in seconds. The dancers wanted a vote. Club Angels wasn't a democracy. Doesn't mean the dancers and others didn't have rights, but majority rule just wasn't in the cards. You communicate your concerns and desires and attempt to reach a compromise that will hopefully be acceptable to everyone. The compromised reached was that dancers could feed the jukebox when *they* were on stage and that the music had to be *relaxing* and quiet. Don't need no stinking loud noise pollution. Of course, some people love loud noise----well, you have loud clubs at *other locations* that weren't far away (in a free market, ime, usually you'll have an abundance of choices; probably why government hates it so much). You like noise pollution there is a club for you. Bottom line when Angels finally got music it wasn't so bad because the dancers had to feed the jukebox only for their show and it took money out of their pocket---money was very tight. The area was settled by poor people and there was a lot of open space despite having clubs etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    I surely don't a mind a woman with a little fire. :) Hell, in the old days I remember women desperately trying to prove they was actually men. Not too many women that I met made the grade because they just were violent enough. And, it wasn't just an issue of raw strength. A weapon can be wonderful equalizer if you're willing to use it without delay or fanfare. Maybe I just need to meet more women. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A strip club first
    Never did a SIXTY-NINE in a stripclub in all my years of stripclubbing. The dancers at Angels are supposed to die for customers that will eat them out, but hell I'm too much of wimp in that I imagine all manner of horrible incurable diseases. It shouldn't make any difference at my age and health level, but it does. Thus, I forego that pleasure. What's that old saying about a coward dying thousands of deaths? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    Another reason that a perpetually happy dancer isn't important or valuable to me is because I like to meet people where I might be capable of being a net positive. A very successful dancer would generally have little interest or need for my small wallet or anything else from me for that matter. A dancer who is more on the fringe is not only more compatible with me generally, but there is the opportunity to make a least a small positive influence from time to time. The main lure of successful people is the expected higher intelligence----well, most of my employers have been razor sharp and positive role models. The dumbest one, was definitely above average intelligence, and he came up with the idiocy that if you don't allow the law to determine your morality you can't have morality! He was basically a thug who believed in the golden rule of kill or be killed (not a bad philosophy, imo). Just that nonsense about how since he chooses to violate one law that somehow means he should ignore ALL laws, truly grated on me. I think it is pretty rock bottom when you believe a group of politicians should determine what's right and what's wrong. The jury trial was *supposed* to protect against such sickness. One of my favorite dancers was sparkling HOT and she knew it. She probably had the worst attitude of any dancer that I've ever known. She detested customers and dancers, alike. Just her looks before I even knew what she was like would send my heart racing. ALL IMPORTANT to me ARE LOOKS!!! Turns out her skill level was very high and she didn't mind GFE in the least if it meant $$$s for her. I doubt she'd have minded disembowling me or anyone else if there was no threat to herself. That lady was ice cold. Never thought that I'd get close to her and never did. Her coldness reminded be of my family and tribe on my mother's side. A very sad day for me when she moved on, but her fellow dancers were happy to see her leave. Very happy. :( Easy to replace? Naw. I don't like that many dancers, but the few that get my heart racing I'm 100% crazy about. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    I'd like to think gymnophobia has the rational basis of being that "MOST people, especially in the USA have quite ugly bodies." Unfortunately, I think the main basis was the thinking that sex is dirty (shameful) and anything that my incite sexual thoughts is also to be feared and considered dirty. The anti-sex BS has a rational basis, imo, in that there are concerns about disease and pregnancy. And, it can be seen as a major threat to strong families. From that lens it is understandable some people go off the deep end when confronted with nudity. But, Americans are opposed to ugliness? I am. But, I think that is a minority concern.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    Hi Clubber, I thought there were a couple of clubs in Homestead, but apparently I'm wrong. I tend to think, incorrectly, that the clubs way south of me are in Homestead.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    "What the heck, over?" ? Basically, I'm just not that into dancers that are always happy. I prefer the social misfit or rebel or the girl next door or the loser. My dislike for the "happy camper" is limited more or less to hear no evil and see no evil mindframe; those who blindly accept the prevailing beliefs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    "It sounds, though, like what you want is a "hostess club", not a strip club." In a hostess club do the women take their clothes off on stage? I like to see the woman without any unpleasant surprises. Most people wouldn't care for the old Angels and surprisingly it was a club that wasn't into attracting customers---an exclusive dive. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    Escorts are way more expensive than the $5 dancers at Angels and worse you don't know if they good looking until after you've wasted your hard earned cash. Angels was a stripclub without the music and without the dancing---it was white club at that time. The black clubs--at that time--had music and dancing. My ideal would be Angels with hot dancers of any race without the music and without the dancing. In a free market, I can pretty much guarantee such a club would be available in my area. Might be a little difficult to train the dancers not to dance, but I'm sure there must be an ancient grandma somehere who can teach the youngsters how to properly walk the stage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off Topic for Shadowcat . . .
    You voiced very strong political opinions on this forum about voting. And, it was directed at me. If you're just posting strip club experience, then that is a different ballgame and I wouldn't have posted this topic. Sorry, from your posts I thought you were very outspokenly pro-voting. Back to stripclub experiences. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off Topic for Shadowcat . . .
    It might make more sense if you read the whole article (assuming you didn't). Anyway, I didn't agree with the article that much. Mainly I just liked the conclusion *as it applied to me*. I wouldn't readily agree with the conclusion as applied to other people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off Topic for Shadowcat . . .
    If this is a serious question ;), the B. Anyway the hypothetical should be that you're "having a picnic with strippers by a lake."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    Oh, as far as the taxpayers paying for the $8 trillion dollar giveaway----PLEASE get real. If anything taxpayers will be getting "rebates" (money from the government) to keep the economy from collapsing. Take money out of the working slobs' pockets in the middle of an economic meltdown??? True; government is generally bloodthirsty and brain-dead. But, as it stands now all the talking is about putting a little money back in the working slobs' pockets so that he can spend which in turn creates jobs. How will the 8 trillion be repaid? Print more money. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    "hyperinflation and/or a currency collapse due to our overspending government not able to collect enough taxes to pay for all the interest on the national debt and other obligations. We're so screwed but most either don't know it or don't seem to care. Wow, I'm so optimistic tonight." What is the difference between hyperflation and a currency collapse? I'm assuming a currency collapse is just an extreme form of hyperinflation. The federal government doesn't need to tax anything; it is free to print as many dollars as it needs. In fact, the way the scam is set up a dwindling debt would be HORRIBLE because that would reduce the dollars in circulation available for spending by ordinary folks. Remember what is backing the dollar? DEBT!!!---not gold or silver. Don't get me wrong----I think taxes are necessary at the lower levels of government for a couple of reasons. First and foremost is to keep the cattle class working their butts off. Second and maybe not too important is the need to soak up excess cash to limit inflationary pressures.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    Hi Clubber, Pretty much I just see black women and as you stated you don't care for them. I'd love to speak from current experience about Tootsies which has a lot of white women, but that is way out of my financial ball park. Remember, I'm just a $5 dollar per dance customer. As far as asian women, I just don't see them too often. When I did see white dancers many years ago, however, there wasn't any shortage willing to fuck for cash. Perhaps the was because I was I was like a piece of furniture so the conversations were pretty open. Anyway, the problem wasn't availability of women. It was a question of cash. And the cost of the fuck didn't even need to be expensive for the issue of cash to be controlling. What happens is a person spends many days and nights in a club and it should become pretty much an open book. So if getting full service from a hot woman at reasonable rates is your interest then there wasn't a problem. The problem was 1) time and 2) cost just to spend so much time in the clubs---it adds up fast! I also think the northern part of county is much better than the homestead area. Of course, maybe it is because I didn't get to know that area.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    "Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered the semi-nude statue of Justice in the lobby of the Department of Justice, draped, because he found it offensive and indecent." He probably would have given the teenage girls and their boyfriends, 10 years of hard prison labor. Good riddance to supposed "conservatives." Oh, and strippers and their customers? He probably has wet dreams thinking about mass executions of the deviants. Good riddance to supposed "pro-lifers" as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    So part of Attorney General's job description is interior decorating? Sounds like he was stealing from the taxpayers. LOL! Of course, given the quality of the man everyone may have been better off if he kept busy with making sure the men's room hygienic physically and psychologically. In any case he had a severe case of gymnophobia.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    Happy dancers are more likely to consider the feelings of their significant other, which generally, ime, means no GFE. The pissed dancer, ime, has given herself permission to have a good time because the significant other betrayed her or whatever AND wants to have a good time to put negativity out of her mind. My interest in a revenge fuck is about zero. It is just the GFE that is important to me. If I need a fuck, then there are women only too happy to provide that service here in Miami. It just ain't a big deal. Now, will these women who fuck for cash be willing to provide a GFE? Overwhelmingly, I think the answer is NO.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you ever watch other dancers in the couch room?
    Not too much unless I'm at a new club. Mainly I'm interested in good looks and just because a dancer is doing an air dance for customer A doesn't mean that I'll get the same service. Too often I'll see just acceptable women and even if they have skill and personality, I'd rather wait for the dancer who stops my heart.