
Comments by jablake (page 31)

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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    The Wall Street Journal had a very interesting story years ago on man born and raised in India who became a U.S. citizen. He and his American born wife resided in the U.S. and everything was fine until she died. Did he wish to remain a U.S. citizen? Hell no. Did he wish to continue living in the U.S.? Hell no. Gee, someone ought to knock him over the head and tell him about all his alleged "freedom" he isn't appreciative of . . . He renounced his U.S. citizenship because he wished to return and live in his homeland. Surely, that should be a big deal that would make the government go nutty? Wrong. The U.S. government has major problems with people who wish to renounce U.S. citizenship. I was surprise. Yes, I normally think of the government as being completely corrupt, but this article by The Wall Street Journal was an eye opener. See, I can see where the U.S. would be peeved if a natural born U.S. citizen wished to renounce their citizenship. Bad for government propaganda and all. But, a person desires to live and return to their native homeland and the U.S. government is going to get its panties in a bunch? Well, American is the land of endless wars and endless lies so it is fitting unfortunately. Sorry, I was born and raised in U.S. and I've experience the government first hand. And, it wouldn't really make that much difference if everywhere was worse. It is like the U.S. government chops off a hand while all other governments chop off an arm----doesn't make a rabid supporter of the U.S. See, I'm just not impressed with embracing the lesser of two evils as some people are.
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    Well, deogol's argument and ozymandias concurrence would carrying some weight with me, if I didn't live in Miami. You know what is special about Miami? I meet people from ALL over the world and it is wonderful speaking with them; regardless of whether I agree or disagree with their viewpoint. Those people both native born Americans and foreigners have expressed both pro-America and anti-America viewpoints. I have some relatives who had traveled to other countries and they agree 100% with both ozymandias and deogol. You know what? That isn't a universal view by any stretch of the imagination. Anyway, it is total BS that the U.S. is as good as it gets. I can't say it any clearer than that. And, if you get screwed by the government you may no longer be in such love with it. You may even detest it with a passion. "Real Patriotism is when you love your homeland, warts and all." If that is real patriotism, then I wouldn't want any part of it. How much should I love a country that puts people in jail for being poor? I want to hear your answer to question. In fact, let's rephrase: If a country puts people in jail for being poor, then how much should I love it? If a country advocates or inflicts torture upon people, then how much should I love it? If a country ignores its *own laws*, then how much should I love it? This government is completely corrupt and I don't love it even a little tiny bit.
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    "People like you used to spit on returning soldiers in airports. You cowardly hid behind the first amendment, although you deserved a first amendment gesture as well-a well deserved ass beating. Instead of being angry with you, I just shake my head at your ignorance." I can't see myself doing such an honorable thing like spitting on U.S. soldiers. First, I don't think most of them would understand that they should be grateful that the citizenry takes the time and effort and cares enough to spit on them. Second, I think the First Amendment is a joke and has about as much power as my right to a jury trial. And, you know what? The teenager next door wanted to enlist in the Army and asked my opinion. Of course, I said America ain't worth even a pin prick of blood. That country is corrupt pretty much to the core. I also told he shouldn't give a damn what I think, but should make up his own mind. His mom came over later and was ***grateful*** for my anti-American vitriol. She happens to also see America as corrupt, but her son didn't value her opinion---she's just mom after all. Spit and derision can hopefully save some ungrateful soldiers lives and perhaps even a few grateful soldiers lives as well as their intended victims. Endless war and endless lies the American way. :(
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    I'm not a liberal. :) "A book recently came out about a situation in Afghanistan. A group of SEALS are doing recon on a Taliban village. The SEAL team is spotted by a shepherd and his young boy. The SEAL team didn't kill the shepherd and boy, knowing that they were seriously endangering their lives. Sure enough, two hours later, the Taliban attacked the Seals, killing most of them." I can believe that. I can also believe the U.S. butchered a wedding party with missiles because the groom was too tall. The reason why the groom's height was important was because Bin Laden is supposedly unusually tall. So missiles away and be damned with the murdering and maiming the innocents. In short, U.S. actions don't have to be consistent in the least. The Wall Street Journal did a story about a small African boy who rang up medical bills to the tune of $6 million which was paid for by the government. There is also the report of the prisoner whose couldn't get *basic* medical care and had his penis amputated and died a horrible painful death. The African boy makes good propaganda that the government is caring, but the normal situation is that it is unbelievably cruel and bloodthirsty. Believe me if the actions you described with the SEALS was normal, then I would have a huge amount of respect for soldiers like that. I always thought one of the great things about the U.S. government was that it consistently opposed torture. Well, first there is a U.S. Supreme Court decision (pre-911) that it is fine and dandy for the U.S. government to have third parties torture suspects. Post-911 of course torture was embraced and also lied about e.g. it ain't torture if it is relabeled. The right to a jury trial (of peers) also was something that made me feel very positive about the government---but a jury trial peers or not that is just another fraud. There ain't no right to a jury trial. A lot of wonderful things that are supposedly law or a matter of right, basically don't exist. Just out right government frauds. :(
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    "There are rules of engagement,and US vets have paid the ultimate price by not taking the easy way out." I have ZERO faith in honesty or morality of the U.S. government.
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    "I'm not defending the system, but don't forget, this guy killed a bunch of people." Yes, and if the media is believed an 8 year old girl who greeted him, thinking he was Santa, received a bullet to her face. Extremely cold blooded to do that face to face to a child. Having said that some people do fight back when threatened with violence or being put in the street. It is a very bad system, unless you are one of the ones profiting from it. The government kills bunches of innocent people and it definitely has plenty of supporters. The government calls it collateral damage or whatever. So, it sort of rings hollow when it is pointed out that the man's actions killed a bunch of people. If he'd been doing the government's bidding he'd probably be in line for medals and a hefty pension.
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    Yes, just being poor can put you in jail. And, being put in jail can get you raped and torture and perhaps a "suicide" for good measure. Maybe it was 8 years ago, this brain dead Christian family wanted their child to learn to respect the law. He was 18 or 19 and his crime was buying and or consuming beer. The police had attempted to return the child to his parents and they thought jail would do him good. The police warned them that no, jail doesn't do a body good and is extremely dangerous. Of course, their child was raped and killed. Child support? The wife can be bringing in $10,000 a month net income and the husband can be financially broke due to job loss. It doesn't matter the injured husband can end up in jail for being broke. There is a huge shortage of prisoners and the cells need to be filled. Yes, dangerous felons are released due to "shortage" of jail space, but that is just a fraud designed to scare the cattle class. One of the hazards of stripping at least at the cheap clubs is random arrest. Gambling dancer was given the choice of waiting 6 months for trial in jail (which would be speedy in this area) or pleading guilty or no contest and being released immediately. She plead no contest. She said that jail is one scary place. She is a small girl and it is easy to see why she'd be scared. I'll be believe the BS about limited jail space when they stop arresting people for petty crimes or for not paying bogus "child support." Over the decades the police went from trying to keep people out of jail to seeing it as a huge revenue source---HINT: the police earn a lot more money wasting their time inside the court room than being on patrol. Yes, that scam of paying the police more to be in court is by design to encourage arrests to make $$$ for the court system.
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    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    It probably would have been scary if I wasn't armed or if it was more intense e.g. the man just kicks in a door. The incident with the crack addict, that was intense and I ended up injured. I stepped barefoot on his broken crack pipe. Painful and sent me to the doctor's office the next morning. Years ago a police office investigated a burglary and the officer was a big and very rough type of man. He tells me if I ever needed to shoot in self-defense to dump the body at least a few miles away. I said you must be joking? He wasn't joking, unfortunately. It is difficult for me to see taking his advice, but you don't know until the time arises. Over a year later I receive a little postcard in the mail claiming that my case was solved! A hand print had been left on a TV. Apparently as a form of dare. Amazingly, imo, it was claimed that the name of the burglar was confidential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    OK Clubber, When I find the perfect asian ladyboy, I'm not sharing. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flame wars or strip clubs? Where have the strippers gone?
    The last favorite that I saw was a mess. At least physically. She claimed to be a dancer that I knew and I was just shaking my head NO because she was just unappealing. Sure enough it was the same dancer and I did buy some dances (just because I liked her so much in the past), but damn that girl went down hill fast. Drugs weren't to blame this time. She likes greasy fast foods and plenty of it. A before and after featuring her might make a nice public service ad. It is very nice to hear mainly positive stories. I'm sure surprised you know so much just by visiting once a month. I guess it is quality more than quantity.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flame wars or strip clubs? Where have the strippers gone?
    It is very nice meeting strippers from the past as long as they haven't let themselves fall apart.
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    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    No, it was around 10 AM or so. My next door neighbors of around 10 years got booted from their home so that has attracted some attention. He parked in their driveway. I may be wrong, but I don't think the typical burglar is dangerous and he left quick. For years I've been saying that I'm going to make the house more secure and for years I've been putting it off. A new roof on the garage is going to take precedent and that may not even get done. The neighbor kid thinks it is some that I know, but I didn't know this man. He was middle age and respectable looking e.g. conservative dress that looked like quality or at least he knew how to dress.
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    15 years ago
    for you guys that pay money for a bj, hj, sex whatever
    "CW, Free sex IS worth it, if it's cost is marriage (nearly 40 years of experience)." Cough, choke, gag . . . ahem, that is akin to saying because there are lottery winners the lottery is a good investment. Just being stuck with a woman that must be at least 50, sounds like a punishment and paying for men who really appreciate 20 somethings, unless she has her own bedroom and is just a glorified unpaid maid, cook, and servant.
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    With all the anti-shemale sentiments, I've encountered, it seems like I ought to be able to get a good deal. Unfortunately, the market says different. These shemales are going for a premium compared to the low end hoes I'm use to.
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    "I can honestly say I have never received a lap dance from anyone with a penis." Neither have I. But, that wasn't the question. :)
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    16 years ago
    My buddy was very old when he died. He looked like shit for a least a decade before his death. What is seared in my mind is the way he died. He was an extremely tough guy who could take a beating without regret or fear. Watching him suffer through a very slow and painful death will always be with me. I may look like shit and I may have very little time, but the suffering he went through was just something I don't think that I could take for even 24 hours. When I think of disease, I think of his horrible death and his begging and crying for pain killers while he was in the hospital. It was good news the day I learned that he finally died. Until almost the very end he wanted to live no matter how much he was hurting and then he told me the pain was just too much and he felt he was going to have to throw in the towel. I would have been throwing in the towel many weeks earlier. I wouldn't want to put a detested enemy through such agony and misery.
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    16 years ago
    "A BBBJ is supposed to be a happy time - if you worry, that's not happy, so why subject yourself to it!" To attempt to conquer one's fear? To avoid future regret? I've always regretted not enjoying slut puppies fully. This one dancer many years ago was probably one of the healthiest people that I've ever met. She said that she began having sex long before puberty and had been with hundreds of men, but she just couldn't understand the value of sex without having feelings for the person. I asked her about disease and she said that she'd never been sick that she could remember. She didn't even know what it was like to have a cold! She just had no fear of disease even a little bit. She said she sees people getting sick and it doesn't seem real. Her only known family, her mom, never got sick either and didn't have any fear of disease, but was murdered fairly young---she didn't want to talk about that. I very much liked this dancer, but I could never fully relax with her because of my fear of disease. Her thinking was if she never gets sick, then how could I get sick from her? Like I said she was one of the healthiest people that I've ever met and I found her health exceedingly attractive. I could imagine surrounding her with contagious illnesses and she would appear to be immune looking as good as ever. Even when I was very strong, I was never any match for disease. Oh, she apparently was immune to addiction as well as disease. She said she didn't get much pleasure from drugs and didn't see the attraction; especially people killing themselves (addiction) over nothing (drugs).
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    Correction: Doesn't impress 'em at all that I haven't been killed yet.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    "Asked why the individuals didn't at least call the police,." I can't see calling the police unless it is to reduce my liability. If someone needs me to call the police, then much more likely than not they's gonna be plumb outta luck whether it be their property and or person in danger. Yeah, not very caring. Oh well, that is the way the game is played.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    "I'll think of this when people caution me against going to Tijuana because it is too--dangerous." It is a sad story, but I wonder if it is more dangerous than the local clubs that I go to. Heck, just watching the football game (last year?) some crack addict was trying to bust thru the flimsy front door of my home. Fortunately, I had a weapon----didn't think I ever have cause for using it in my own home and actually perceived it as more of a liability even if used in self-defense. Some of my buddies are even afraid to get out of their cars to visit me and the clubs? Not a chance. They see less than wealthy people and immediately see extreme danger. Doesn't impress 'em at all that I have been killed yet. This one buddy was cute. He was interested in a foreclosure and it wasn't too far from me so we took a ride. He goes off the deep end when he spots an apparent drug dealer and refused to leave his car. When he was young he was a brave man.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    "It would only be gay if you made eye contact." Dang. :( I planned on plenty of eye contact. Anyway, these he-shes appear firmly out of my budget. Yes, there are unattractive ones and ones that are just gay men with wigs that are reasonable and probably free (we should all know how bad free is; could end up like Clubber married over 40 years or thereabout) for a few sugar words, but that is just slightly better than a fat woman. :( I have to admit at least the gay men in wigs are moving in the RIGHT direction. The gay men that I knew looked like men and then they wonder why my interest was zero? I guess they just count on extreme desperation like fat women do. This one gay man kept wanting to make me dinner-----thanks, but suddenly corporate fast food is tasting delectable! Also, to his credit he was an excellent housekeeper and very high income and he was a bottom! What a deal already and there was no gay marriage in those days so no harassment about getting some government marriage license.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "Let the dancer show you the goods and guide your hands," For the most part the advice she gave seemed reasonable, but I don't like dancer's guiding my hands. I'm paying for a service and that isn't my idea of a fun time to have the dancer guiding my hands. I just don't care for dominant dancers. I get enough of that pitch on Star Trek and other popular programs pushing a masculine vision of women. It is definitely way past time to raise the white flag of surrender if you need to be depending on women to do your fighting. Or, better yet President Reagan had the right idea of declaring victory and then running like hell. :)
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Too many of these hos have a problem with acting because they're use to brain dead customers who think it is the real thing. All you need is a few brain dead customers who think they're in love to quickly get the dancer out of GFE mode for everyone. Unfortunately, for me, the dancers would rather just provide extras or OTC. Gambling dancer was an exception with the GFE because she was ice cold toward any customer so stupid as to fall in love for real. Another, ace for her is that her male relatives aren't exactly peace loving hippies. Get too aggressive with her and the pain of love will not only be of your mind, but of your body as well. Also, you get a much different view of a stripclub if you are going every day spending hours and hours and hours there. More than a few men have told me that'd get bored going too much. Not a chance. Even when a stripclub is bad, I want to stay. It is just a question of budget and now also noise pollution.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "On average I think strippers want to be in control, at least in the club and with the vast majority of their PL customers. It's part of their psychological makeup." Sounds like upscale strippers because I sure ain't met many. I wouldn't have any interest in dominant women or I should say I haven't found any that interest me. Some men love that shit and ain't nothing wrong with that, if that is what they like. I prefer a more girly girl. I think if I was going in for dominance, then I'd want to meet a tough man. Anyway, I find the whole equality nonsense about as appealing as democracy or god. Fortunately, I've had little experience with dominant strippers. What an erection eliminator. :(
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    "I think the chance of that happening *** with a customer *** is, oh, around 1 in 9,000." I think you need to be spending some quality time at Angels or the VIP assuming you don't mind a little violence that comes with the turf.