
Comments by jablake (page 24)

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    16 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    Hi whghlost, Sad to hear you have to drive so many hours. I don't sweat that at all, but I'm a 10 minute drive from the club; big deal. Also, I appreciate it if the dancer explains that look this sucker is good for a $1,000. If I like the dancer, then I don't want to get in the way of her making real money. OTOH, if the customer is poor like me, then it should be first come first serve. There was this wealthy old gentleman over at Angels and he was fairly aggressive. I had the hottest dancer and kept buying dances one after the other. He actually comes over----after a waiting a long time----and pulls out a roll of $100s. He apologizes for the interruption. Remember I'm paying for this dance. He says look, I want this dancer and money isn't a problem and pulls out a roll of $100s. That dancer is GONE!!! He says whatever you owed her, I'll take care of it. Would you like me to buy you another dancer? I say that is the hottest dancer in the club. He says I know. He offered a couple $100s and I said not necessary. That dancer was very fast and I don't blame her. Unfortunately, I never saw her again. For most customers one dancer or another makes no difference. They're pretty happy with whatever. That ain't me. That ain't the man who took my dancer. It grates on the ear when I hear just get another dancer. Damn, I can be in a room filled hot dancers and not find the heartbreaker. She was a heartbreaker. They just ain't easy to find or sometimes rarely they come in pairs or triplets. If I had the money, then I definitely would have gone bidding war to keep my dancer.
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    16 years ago
    Favorite Dancer Type?
    "Yeah, what was the deal with that comic. I don't understand it!" Maybe if you'd lived a couple decades earlier in the South, then you might have a different opinion. I was born and raised in the South and I opposed almost everything about the so called "civil rights" that was imposed on Southerners---including desegregation of private business. Keep the white only lunch counters if that is what the owner desires. A private business doesn't wish to hire blacks? That should be his choice. OTOH, this country is so corrupt that I can see where so called "affirmative action" is a good solution---the old 2 wrongs may make a right.
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    16 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    It may also be more about him seeing himself in a very generous light; I can afford to pay a lot more than the average wage slave so why shouldn't I spread the wealth to those I like or who do a good job? A friend of mine treats $100s as if they were $1s. He has more money than he can spend unless he wanted stupid stuff like art or 10 homes or diamonds or etc. Thus, if someone is doing right by him, he wants to try and bring a smile to their face. Maybe make the person feel important i.e. your so good that instead of paying X, I'm going to pay 10X. The local drug dealers that sometimes visit Angels love to spread the wealth (handing out $20s like they're $1s). Their business is high risk so at least enjoy some happiness while they can. I will send dancers to go get that free money if they happen to be spending time with me . . . stop by and smile with the friendly drug dealer and walk away with $100 or $140? Damn girl, drop me and my $5 without delay!
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    I'm not sure what the saying is for when the wrong doing of a small number of people ends up hurting those far removed from the actual crimes. It is akin to one rotten apple spoils the bunch. I help my neighbor (his English is poor) buy cars from all over the country for export to Haiti. The number of people who are unwilling to accept Western Union, Moneygram, U.S. Postal Money Orders, etc. for the exact amount of the car is fairly high. I explain to them that they don't sign anything or release their car until the actual CASH is their hands. Oh no, they know is it a fraud and they're so smart and educated. My neighbor is actually the one taking a huge risk. Once they have his money, the reality is that there is practically nothing he can do to make them honor their verbal agreement. These scared car sellers can become extremely abusive. Sometimes even threatening to call the police----I always say that is an excellent idea and hopefully the police will investigate. The latest scared seller was a true weirdo. He demands nothing but CASH---OK, there is a transporter nearby who works with my neighbor so the neighbor transfers funds to the transporter. Transporter shows with CASH in hand and seller goes nutty demanding a certified bank check---he doesn't want CASH, which was his previous demand. So transporter makes a 60 mile trip and delivers the demanded certified bank check. Scared seller is finally happy. :) The point that I'm trying to make---very poorly----is that just because there is risk or corruption doesn't necessarily mean that 99 good guys out of a 100 should get screwed for the one. Out of all my neighbors transactions there was only one true fraudster and I recognized her a million miles away. Sadly, the scam (I did a google search of her phone number) had been successful with other people (I knew it was a scam before the google search). I had believed the rip off rate against my neighbor should be around %5---it seems like maybe that was too high an estimate on my part. Long and boring? Well, I just wanted to more fully explain why I have a high opinion of those willing to send some money to help the burned stripper despite the obvious risks. (Remember I ain't sending a penny---that sure as hell don't mean that I'm right.) Anyway, again very warm regards to those who do choose to send money and hopefully a card. Thumbs up 100%!!! :)
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    Hi Book Guy, My mistake; I thought you were giving specific advice. Nothing wrong in the least with suggesting that people be careful. If the check was just to a person, then to be really safe I'd be thinking American Express Money Order made payable to the burn victim (AAA members use to get AE Money Orders at no charge). Or, U.S. Postal Money Order? In addition, to being careful I'd suggest that people be cynical. Hell, even if this Rodrigo Busby was a close relative or her husband it would raise the question of his true intentions. Even if his intentions were initially good, money can corrupt. Seems like a lot of ways to lose, which unfortunately may keep people from at least trying to do the right thing. Here in Florida a tiny percentage children ripped off their parents. Oh, the horror and I mean that genuinely when the children's theft was done with evil intent. The problem is that the solution involved all manner of laws that basically created many more victims. I think most people if they understood what was happening would like to see these laws repealed. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think registered non-profit foundations or other similar organizations as a whole are clean. They're just another manifestation of corruption. To place them above her close relatives or husband (if she is even married) or even a bank account opened in trust for the benefit of her children seems like wishful thinking or naive.
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    16 years ago
    What to wear?
    I wear shorts.
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    16 years ago
    Tattoos becoming less popular?
    Mike Tyson doesn't exactly shout happiness.
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    16 years ago
    Pride Again?
    Interesting. Mr. Joseph A. Blake was a bill collector. An enraged debtor aggressively confronted him and said debtor wound up with a bullet. And, the bill collector wound up in Raiford State Penitentiary doing more than half a decade of hard time. Life can be rough and unfair. Excellent point about her former employment as a bill collector. Keep it quiet!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    It isn't a check to just some PERSON. It is check in to "Rodrigo Busby For The Benefit Of The Children Of Roberta Busby" and should be delivered to any Washington Mutual branch. Yeah, I can see where a person would cynically think that is just like writing a check to Rodrigo Busby. Given the publicity of this case Mr. Rodrigo Busby seems to be taking a fair amount of risk if it is just some scam. If the government isn't watching out for a scam such as this, then I doubt your money is any safer than with a "registered non-profit foundation or other similar organization"; unless you've check 'em out or they're big and audited). For example, The Salvation Army is supposed to have one hell of a good track record of spending money responsibly and getting results. Anyway, cynical is good as long as it is encompassing.
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    16 years ago
    Tattoos becoming less popular?
    I've thought negatively of them. Insecurity i.e. the hot stripper thinks she needs permanent body art to be beautiful (in some cultures this may be the case). Lack of respect for oneself. Ignorance. Need to belong. Never thought of them as reflecting happiness, but who knows that might be a predominate reason.
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    16 years ago
    Asian Girls in Phoenix Area?
    There was a Cambodian dancer (light skin color; almost white) who was a Goddess over at Angels. She got kicked out for looking white. She was dismayed that she was being called white when both her parents were Cambodians. She must have been a rare type of Cambodian or my stereotype is all wrong.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Favorite Dancer Type?
    Sylph, short, sinless. :)
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    16 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea to me
    Pre-pay can work, but generally I don't like it.
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    16 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea to me
    I think it is an excellent idea FOR THE DANCER. I think I like to a visible counter that the dancer has to press at the end of each song so that the customer can see the count. It isn't an issue of counting. Sometimes the dancers get heated up and will lose track unless there is an ongoing "abacus" notation. EXCELLENT IDEA! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    One negative with giving to professional charities, especially if one is a conservative, is these charities may lobby government to protect their interests and their donors be damned. For example, when Republicans were seeking tax reform some major charities were pushing hard to keep high tax rates and deductions for charitable giving. The thinking being that if donors were allowed to keep more of their money safe from taxes, then less would be donated to charity i.e. some people's main motivation in giving was getting a nice tax deduction. Giving directly to the needy can be much more rewarding to the recipient. It is one thing for a charity or government to lend a hand, but it seems a lot more special when ordinary joes and janes write letters and show tangible concern by sending even small donations. I prefer giving directly to those who I come in contact with. A success story was that homeless roofer. It is amazing how far he went with a little money---I'd assumed I was just feeding his drinking (he claimed he's stopped drinking and didn't need to drink because he'd gotten over his nasty divorce). Heck, if he needs the drink that bad, then I'm more sad for him than anything else.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?
    It doesn't upset me because the prices are reasonable.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    I won't be sending a penny, but bravo to those of you who are going to be sending money. If I was going to send money, then I'd err on the side that it is a legitimate charity for her benefit. Again, warm regards to those of you willing to send money.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Actually . . . here in Miami-Dade County a man who was just a little darker than President Obama was classified as white (the man considers himself to be white, but his immediate friends and family are black). The white drop in reverse rule. Different cultures actually do have different rules. Anyway, as sad or as amusing as it may seem the whites that I know are generally claiming President Obama isn't really black (before becoming President, however, he was black). These same whites would also claim there is no discrimination (and actually believe it). Many many years ago I knew this extremely hardcore racist (she was proud to be a racist)----and her rule was that if a black was good in professional sports (she was crazy about sports) or successful through hard work/education, then they were no longer black. They'd proven themselves to be human.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    His interest in money was very low.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    This one super sweet attorney (Roget?) over in Broward related his experience helping the poor. He said as a public defender the judges typically ignored him. Once he went into private practice charging $250 an hour the same judges were happy to listen to him all day long. He said it makes no sense, but that was his experience. This attorney made me feel guilty about being so cold and uncaring. Oh even worse is when he would take cases pro bono many of the judges gave him much less consideration. For whatever reason some of the judges didn't like his donating his time. His interest in money was very. I also met an ACLU attorney who was his friend and she impressed the hell out me. She basically was helping society's "dirt" practically for free. She felt bad that she could do more to help. She was also a total knock out as far as looks. I think the only way Clubber could actually appreciate it, is if he got a strong dose of that medicine. I truly think that for most people the only way they can understand is to suffer in the same manner----that also applies to yours truly----it is very difficult for me to put myself in another person's shoes.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    "'escape' drugs like as I would classify heroin and pain killers as. Never used heroin due to fear of needles. Some of those needles are disgusting. :( Pain killers, for me, do one thing: kill pain. Totally boring other than the pain is gone---there isn't any pleasure. The world seems nasty as ever. Had surgery years ago. Needed to consume almost the entire prescription of pain killers in a single day to eliminate the pain. Called the doctor the next day to ask if there is any reason for not taking as many as I needed besides the nonsense of addiction---the doctor was shocked and amazed that I took almost the entire prescription. Wanted to know how I was feeling. I said fine. How could I take so many? Easy. Keeping popping 'em until the pain stops. He says you sound normal as ever. I said well, I haven't taken any since yesterday. Anyway, do you have any good reason I shouldn't have have taken more than you prescribed? He said yes, constipation. Oh, that doesn't seem to be a problem at all. He says do you need more? I said I don't think so because all the pain seems completely gone and I feel fine, but depressed because I need to stay in bed. He says I'm very glad to hear you don't want more---that is excellent news. So the bogeyman pain killers are, for me, except as a pain killer a big zero; difficult to understand people wasting money on them unless gee they're really in pain! What a novel idea. People taking pain killers because they're in pain.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    "'the percentage of blacks in prison verses their total population is dramatically higher then others.' Wow, what a blatant display of racism" If you believe in the government and the society as a whole, then it doesn't seem racist even a little bit. The number of blacks being locked up is extreme, imo. And, I've repeatedly heard whites assert something along the lines of my family was poor, but we weren't criminals; blame the criminals i.e. blacks and let decent folks i.e. whites live in peace.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    "incredible number incarcerated for being "baggy-clothed gang-bangers" and other types of criminals! Check the FACTS," Clubber, you don't think it is very possible that a young black man is treated very different than a young white man? If I'd been a young black man and engaged in the same "normal" behavior, then I'd probably be dead or locked up tight in a government prison. Having said that, I definitely don't believe in the equality BS.
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    16 years ago
    A Mistress?
    OK, I hate the government. :) Seriously, you want a real contract? Sorry, by real I mean you want it enforceable in court? You plan on paying taxes on the money you give her? Or, you expect her to pay all manner of taxes? Anyway, doesn't seem like a serious question because it is "evidence" that the government can use to rip your ass off big time. Of course, if you love and trust the government, then yes the contract seems like a good approach that should allow both parties to hopefully understand better what each expects from the other. In fact, with partners generally I think it is a good idea to sit down and write out an agreement in plain English attempting to cover different situations and expectations.
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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    Gambling dancer would LOVE for the government to ban all gambling here in the State of Florida if there was some way to do it humanely. Humanely meaning she doesn't want to see more people sent to prison. She is also concerned that people who like to gamble and can gamble responsibly would be deprived of their fun to protect her and others who are addicted or who could become addicted. But, she asks if the government is going to ban drugs, then why not gambling? She needs protection from gambling---the drugs aren't too exciting or interesting. A good chocolate bar would be more stimulating to her than alcohol or cocaine. So, if she advocated a ban on gambling, but still gambled because she is addicted some people would think she's being a hypocrite. I don't think succumbing to temptation makes one a hypocrite. And, I don't consider her to be a hypocrite, but she is chock full of all manner of false pretenses (false may seem redundant, but I don't think that is necessarily the case). Some of the pretense are basically fun and or harmless; others are injurious. Anyway, very interesting as to whether there is a real distinction between hypocrisy and pretense. :)