
Comments by jablake (page 25)

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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    Pretense v. Hypocrisy. Interesting distinction. It seems, imo, that people usually misuse the term hypocrisy. For example, a person may say that prostitution is an evil act that should be prosecuted vigorously. At the same time he may be a customer of numerous prostitutes. A good portion, perhaps a majority, would claim that he's a hypocrite. Not so, imo (on the surface it sure seems like it, however). A person can commit crimes and at the same time wish to see those crimes prosecuted vigorously. It is like some drug addicts that I've met who wish the government was more brutal in going after drug law violators---users and dealers. They use drugs, but yet strongly believe the government should prosecute them and other users and dealers. Their position is rather straightforward. Hypocrisy is professing beliefs that one does not hold. Pretense is much broader including make believe. True the terms could be used as synonyms, but they don't, imo, have the same meaning. Hypocrisy is almost always negative. Pretense can be more of a fun show (where no one is harmed) or it can be very negative i.e. taking someone to the cleaners using false pretenses---false is almost needed . . . oops out of time
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Valentine's Day Gifts for Dancers (besides money)
    Do you have any hobbies that you'd like to share and a woman might be interested in? Here in Miami some exotic fruits (that are difficult to find in the supermarket) are well received especially if there is a personal connection. Personal connection meaning you either grew 'em in your backyard or you know a lot about them because that is your interest. Super high end chocolate might be appropriate---if you know what makes special. Women love chocolate, but if it is a chocolate that readily available it doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless it is a traditional type relationship where the girl is expecting it. Godiva chocolate seems like a real cut above the rest, but maybe that's because I haven't eaten enough high end chocolate. :) My 2 cents or less is that I wouldn't worry about looking like a PL; if a stripper has that mindset a gift or no gift ain't going to make much difference. Remember some strippers think you're a real loser because you "have" to pay for it---some men think the same way. Now being a PL, that is a different story. Unless you're from a stripper level background it doesn't seem like a good place to pick up women. I get disgusted seeing customers fall in love and who have absolutely no savvy when it comes to playing the game. Even worse, imo, are customers who think all dancers are all motivated mainly by $$$. HINT: If money was really all important to all strippers, then you wouldn't see some of 'em latch on to loser boyfriends who take all their earnings. Loser boyfriends can cost a lot of $$$ and it isn't like there is a penis shortage. At least when I pay for a hot babe it is because at least in the U.S. there is a huge shortage of hot babes and I want emotional distance. Unless you consider blubber butts to be hot babes . . .
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    16 years ago
    Excellent idea DandyDan. It was a little difficult for me to imagine strippers without piercings. It is like the men searching for blubber butts----NO SHORTAGE, and the girl should be paying you. Go to the $5 clubs and you'll find more piercings than you could ever possibly wish to see. I would assume at the higher end clubs the pierced stripper are restricted. I believe Tootsies restricts both tattoos and piercings.
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    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Hi Amanda, If you are interest in repeat customers (not all dancers want that and for some good reasons), then also try to be consistent as to when your working. Too many times a customer will make a special visit to find his special girl and she's not there. What happens is the next to he is thinking about making a special trip is that he'll remember back to his last negative trip. It doesn't take many missed days for a customer to get the wrong impression that you're not dependable. Anyway, some dancers don't want anything to with regulars. Drama as far as the customer thinking your his girlfriend or wanting to do OTC (when you're not into that). Maybe it is just me, but high heels and short customers make a poor mix. I didn't even realize how apathetic I was about a dancer in her heels until without asking she took them off. Wow, from boring to very attractive and it impressed me that she knew to take off her heels. Lastly, don't value yourself based on the customer. I see that mistake again and again. Repeat: Do not let the customer decide your value for you. You may be worth $10,000 per hour, but if the customer has very little money then it makes no difference how fantastic you are. It is like a doctor who can save lives, but the peasants can only afford to pay him a few chickens. The doctor's value is high, but the problem is the people who need his services are destitute. I remember this gentleman trying to sell me a fantastic Mercedes. The price was a steal, but unless it was priced like used Datsun it made no difference that he was trying to give me a mind bogglingly good deal. My budget is for used Datsuns at deeply discounted prices. The Mercedes was sweet; but out of my league.
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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    I would disagree with don't get a dance from a girl unless you have another reason for being there. I would also disagree that it has to be love at first sight (for the dancer) unless you're at a club with loud music. One of the very few firm "rules" that seems to repeat near a 100% is that if the dancer is interested she will want to stop charging you. Yep, more than a few dancers have a problem with a guy paying for it usually with a brain dead assumption that if you have to pay then you can't get it for free with the added assumption that looks are irrelevant. Amazing how dancers and other people cling to the looks are irrelevant mindset.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    "I'd probably be just as likely to get talked into it if I were part of the military, too.) Civilian deaths and injuries in wartime are on an all-time high, and rising. American-inflicted injuries in Iraq are just the next step in a horrible progression." Unfortunately, I think that I'd probably follow orders in deference to authority. Some historians blame democracy for a greater willingness to kill "peasants" i.e. non-combatants. The reasoning being that is that if the peasants support your enemy why not kill 'em? In the days of old it was asserted [by some historians] that hostile feelings didn't exist against the common folks because common folks just wished to avoid getting killed by one side or the other. History is a funny game . . . President Bush could be seen as the best thing since chocolate cake or he may go down as one the worst presidents ever. Will later judgments be more or less accurate . . .
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    Don Landry, who I've written about seemed like an extremely high quality person. The more that I got to know him the more I liked him. He was 100% pro-America and given his experiences it was easy to see why he was so in love with America. The problem was that because he had dealt with some high quality individuals in the military and later in the private sector, he thought that was universal----part of being an American. Well, he got a taste of the court system and suddenly he gets a real slap in the face. He can't even believe it. I can't believe that he can't believe! I'm thinking where the hell has this man been to be so innocent . . . Was the U.S. military that wonderful? According to him, he served with people who he had the highest respect for. He didn't see open corruption and abuse. I tend to lump the military along with the rest of the government and think that his eyes were closed because he was being well treated.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    The Wall Street Journal did more than a few pieces about the Massachusetts Supreme Court. In one of the pieces it was opined that the justices couldn't send an innocent man to spend his life in prison if they had to slam the prison door shut personally. I laughed and thought the journal had no idea what type of nasty filthy evil creatures sit on the Massachusetts Supreme Court. That scum would rejoice in personally slamming prison door shut. The journal made the common mistake of thinking because they value freedom and human life that of course an erudite judge would feel the same. It is just basic humanity 101. The journal needs to be reading some court opinions because the filth ain't hidden. People are savages whether in government or on the street and I think most people just want to follow whoever is strongest at the moment in a given time and place.
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    16 years ago
    Hi Book Guy, Cynical is good, but every once in a long while bingo they're telling the truth. Yeah, they had the pimp's baby and gave him the pimp's name. lol. Seriously sometimes the mom does like to her baby's name tatted prominently. Gambling dancer has her little boy's name tatted on her. Her main man of the last few years has a boring name.
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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    Hi giveitayank, I don't know about upscale strippers i.e. those charging $10 and $20 for a dance, but at the true dives girlfriends are available. The biggest concern that I'd have is your socioeconomic status. Normally middle class and upper class don't have a clue as far as more disadvantaged groups and it is difficult for me to see it working. Also, I don't get too bent out of shape about get ripped off by a dancer because it is money I can afford to lose. Besides I LOVE the good con. It the dancer has me wanting a relationship, then that is exactly the type of dancer that I want. Finally, "normal" girls i.e. non-strippers play games and just see dollars as well. Are you going to cross normal girls off your potential relationship list? PS There are strippers who would have LOVED a real relationship with a customer, but what happens is after getting burned once suddenly they're all negative. They "learned" or got "experience" just like the love lorn customer "learned" or got "experience." This so called "learning" or "experience" is one reason that I strongly prefer young women and young dancers. I really don't appreciate "learning" where I get judged based on the wrongs some other customer or man did.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    One of my relatives spoke about his dropping bombs and how proud he was to serve his country. I asked if ever felt bad about the civilians who suffered. He said he never gave it a second thought because he wasn't close to the destruction. He said perhaps if he could see or knew the victims, then it might be a lot different. So you drop a bomb that wipes out a family leaving 10 dead and 1 blind and a child with all 4 limbs needing to be amputated. You get a medal and your government considers you a hero. Gee, is there really much difference between that and setting a stripper who you revile on fire? I'm asking. Maybe the social approval of the former makes it acceptable while social disapproval of the latter makes it not only unacceptable, but truly evil and heinous.
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    16 years ago
    I liked the one that said "WHITE BOYS MONEY $$$." The stripper hated it because White Boy got himself a more profitable ho. That stripper wasn't too bright, but she looked good and knew how to dance. I also like the one with a Johnson on a crucifix---it had some clever joke.
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    16 years ago
    I'm not going to post that...
    I do the same thing. I'll be typing away at record speed and notice too many errors. Instead of fixing it or being more careful, I just eliminate everything and don't post. Rarely will I make a fresh start. Whatever the topic or reply if I've eliminated it, then it is unlikely I try again.
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    16 years ago
    Seems like most of what young women do to look more attractive is a detraction for my eyes. Probably not an issue for most of you and for others it may be thumbs up, but black women generally make a mess of their hair. Either they go for a wig, braids, or straighten it! It is a real treat the tiny minority that just let it go wild (natural Afro, but with a barrette). I met one stripper by accident and commented on how pretty her hair looked (normally she makes a mess of it by "fixing it"). She shakes her head and said she didn't even want anyone to see her like that. Makeup----another turn off for me. I like natural healthy looking women. I guess some women look better with makeup, but more than a few I've seen sans makeup looked much better.
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    16 years ago
    It is fashionable to blame the boob tube for women who get too thin so is there any corollary with women who get tattoos? For example a lot of athletes seemed to be all marked up so perhaps tattooed strippers are just copy cats. Actually, I believe their is some correlation, that the media sets stands for hoards of people, but given the massive number of massive women it is clear that at least where stuffing one's face is concerned the media doesn't dictate behavior that effectively.
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    16 years ago
    Many of these girls don't seem to realize they're so sizzling that any attempted adornment detracts. It is like a Christmas tree that is so fine that you don't wish to clutter it with decorations. Now a sad Christmas tree cover away and keep the lights low. There oughta be a law: Only men and fat women are permitted to have tattoos or makeup.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    "This shows evil is alive and well in our government laws, among people out in public etc. I don't believe people should be jailed for consensual sex." I'd like to think if the government was less brutal and sadistic, then it would filter down to the people. It seems like most people are willing to overlook or cheer the evil doing by government in the name of "real patriotism" or perhaps it is just a smart survival strategy to run with the master and the herd.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    "The suspects were identified as Rianne Celine Theriault-Odom, 27, and Nathaniel Marquis Petrillo, 22." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/02/exotic-dancer-b.html One of the suspects is a woman (Ms. Theriault-Odom) and possibly worked at the club.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    The drug war does lead to murders and ruined lives and corruption et al, but even without drugs or the government's drug war people are capable of some fairly horrific crimes. Over in Hallandale an old man hired a couple thugs with money he didn't even have to pour acid on a man whose "crime" was using a condo walk path to get to the beach; it was a vicious attack. The repeated lesson is that life is cheap and real caring is as rare as "real patriotism" is abundant. How many years in prison should a teenager get for having consensual oral sex with another teenager-----I'll ignore any government legalisms and bullocks that purport to claim teenagers can't give consent or their consent isn't relevant as just another example of government evil doing. Well, some "good" people would think the appropriate punishment would be to cut the teenager's tongue out while other "good" people would think 5 years in prison is reasonable. I think an hour in jail for the oral sex would be a harsh punishment.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    I think most cops are good----I don't know that because I try and keep my distance, the last many years, knowing that the supposed protections from government are mainly illusory. If you believe that you have rights, then you need more time a in a government meat grinder. Gambling dancer of all people told that she had rights. I laughed and said really??? I didn't notice that you had any rights behind bars or in court. She said well, I need to pretend that I have rights otherwise it is too depressing. She is very good at pretending. Also, good cops can easily be corrupted by the law. For example, I saw a police video of these 2 young white Southern police officers arresting white women on marijuana charges. Their glee and pride at being "successful" i.e. making an arrest was disgusting. The police first and foremost are supposed to protect women and children----the old fashioned putting of women on a pedestal. The officers that I knew were interested in helping people (assuming the people involved were white) and used an arrest as a last resort. Keeping the peace and protecting the weak was paramount and enforcing the law was way down on the list. Law is for money grubbers in the courts i.e. lawyers and judges. The police that I knew wanted to keep people out of jail. Now it is a prison state where police get extra payola from the government to make arrests and wage war against ordinary folks.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    Pretty sick. When ever I read of these horrific stories I always consider the supposed good guys aka government. And think, is it any sicker than jailing a 19 year old for buying beer (he used fake ID as if that is important) to be raped and murdered. Another example is the homeless woman who allegedly stole $75 worth of food from a would be lover and received a 15 year sentence. The trial judge thought it was reasonable because the homeless woman refused a plea deal. Heaven forbid she wants a trial. Evil is plentiful-----stripclubs or not.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Correction: He agreed with her that President Bush was the lowest of low and that the Republicans now meant nothing to him.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Could also be that he was looking for genuineness. Her long rant and his attempts to placate her were humorous. He said a couple of times that he was "cured" as if he'd caught a cold, but was better now. He agreed with that President Bush was the lowest of low and that the Republicans now meant nothing to her. We weren't buddies, but just had similar outlooks. For example, if more government is good, then there isn't any need for Republicans. Every time I hear a Republican whining about how buying a majority doesn't work because they tried it and failed I feel like heaving until I'm spitting up nothing, but blood. Throwing away $50 million per missile blowing up schools or mosques in Afghan isn't going to buy a lot of votes. If vote buying is your gig, then try debt relief programs or universal health care or housing vouchers. I mean you wish to throw away money to buy votes, then at least use a modicum of intelligence when doing it. (YES, the government has an unlimited spigot of money to throw away and NO it wouldn't necessarily harm future generations one iota. In fact, NOT throwing away the money may be what hurts future generations. The key is intelligent throwing away of money----yeah, difficult for politicians, but enough money gets thrown away some substantial good may get done.) ***I've heard all different numbers as to the price of these missiles. Whatever the price quoted, I sure as hell wouldn't trust the government to be anywhere near the truth. Just our neighbors and friends trying to do good by us---what a silly crock. :)
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    He was still keenly interested in her. And, given the way she looked (looks are important to me) I definitely didn't blame him. Now, whether she wanted to continue selling him dances is another issue. Her body language seemed to be shouting HELL NO!!! Republicans need to keep the hands off this fine body or get whacked hard!!! :) It was if he had revealed that he was a baby killer or cannibal or reptilian or 3 headed monster. After that I sure as heck wasn't going to admit to ever even voting for a Republican. If she wasn't so hot, then it is time to pull out and proudly wear an elephant button. I generally prefer an emotional dancer unless she is looking at me like I'm evil incarnate . . .
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Overwhelmingly the strippers that I've met in person are easy to talk with. The dancer who went off the deep end about President Bush was the exception----other dancers would probably remain insouciant and shank the offending customer before departure. ;) Anyway, it was entertaining watching her get all worked up even as the customer apologized. Do I respect dancer's opinions? Well, when a Noble prizing winning economist can write an article claiming free energy would have negligible economic consequences it kinda cements my thinking not to get all caught and wrapped in a person's degrees or awards or wealth. I try to judge the idea and not the messenger or the presentation. Of course, if a credentialed person makes some wacky claims and has a good track record, I do pay more attention. I remember these 2 doctors who were yapping about this "nut." The more positive doctor said given the "nut's" track record he was definitely an accomplished scientist who should be listened to. The other doctor bristled and went carrying on about the "nut" and how the "nut" should be ignored. The "nut" in question allegedly single handily discovered the science of DNA.