Comments by jablake (page 111)

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    17 years ago
    I Miss The Little Goof Ball <sigh>
    Hi DougS, I never was able to find out. :( I did check around, but that will make the other dancers nervous or jealous or they just may not know. Angels wasn't her cup of tea anyway and she spent precious little time there. At Coco's there are just too many girls and too many interests. Anything could of happened. She might have been arrested. A minor fender bender might have sent her fleeing to Atlanta to be with her rap employers. I was going to go with her to buy some rap videos that she appeared in. She said the rappers throw money away, but the negative for her is that she didn't have the fat ass that they crave. It was like where's you booty bitch. I want da big mommies. Exactly the type I would pay to stay dressed or better yet LEAVE. She said the guys that really showed strong interest in her were white, but that she wanted more a rapper or gangster type of any color and closer to her age or at least within a couple decades. :)
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    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    I brought this grass skirt and cute coconut bra. The dancers went crazy over it. :) Because of her complexion and build, my ATF looked like a real island girl and did very well $$$ with the outfit. It looked so cute on her. Fortunately it fit to perfection every which way so I got the undeserved rep of understanding sizes as well as style.
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    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    NO CANDY for the dancers at Angels! First off on some days you might have to back up a truck. Second, if the small girls are there let's try and keep 'em small. ;)
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    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    I think for most customers it is a turn off. If they're looking for the fantasy where hot stripper turns into real life girlfriend, then supporting another man or men's kids just isn't something most men dream about, imo. Who knows perhaps they're men out there looking to be a white knight and raise and care for someone else's children. Heck, there are customers who are into BLOBS so anything is possible.
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    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    That's interesting. I've never used the term except over the internet. And, yes sometimes the club is besides the point. It is to see a dancer or dancers. And, it doesn't have to be real in the least as far as her feelings. She could just be skillful and beautiful, but a totally different person outside the club. It is very difficult to imagine choosing just a single dancer over a long period of time as an ATF. I've not only had different needs over time, but the dancers have been different. Felicity was well read and extremely intelligent. I don't think I've discussed literature in depth with any other dancers. I could have spent the night just talking with her, but was feeling guilty BIG TIME. Talk, talk, talk, and she is at work! I wasn't in the position to pay her for talk, either. And, a *real* relationship outside the club seems like total insanity. BTW, the reason her name is so prominent is because I feel I owe her money. It definitely wasn't my intent. She was just too nice and didn't speak up! .
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    17 years ago
    Felicity @ Club Diamonds . . .
    Correction: She was very surprised I ***wasn't*** interested in the other services, btw.
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    17 years ago
    Felicity @ Club Diamonds . . .
    The second time I saw her it was a lot different. Yes, great personality, fantastic looks, wonderful dances especially compared to other dancers, but she was acting. A very good act, but an act all the same. It wasn't the GFE that I had been thinking about since our first session. I had money saved and wanted to spend it. Didn't get to. :( So I pay her the money and ask her what happened to GFE? She says oh, NO. She says you can tell the difference? She says I gave you very good dances. I say yes excellent dances better than most dancers give, but you really weren't there. She looks down for some time. Then she apologizes and wants to return my money. I say are you crazy? I really owed you from the last time and besides your dances were very good, but you weren't really there. Bottom line she says she can't do GFE when she is getting along with her boyfriend. She can offer other services which isn't a problem in the least, but the GFE isn't available. She was very surprised I was interested in the other services, btw. She says when she can do the GFE, she will let me know and we can have a very good time, but otherwise she wont even approach me. Deal? I say ok and I look forward to you fighting with your boyfriend. She laughs and says that is a horrible thing to say! A real pleasure doing business with her even though I would have loved to buy a lot more dances. I was almost tempted to buy the non-GFE on future visits because they were very good, but then thought NO, I'll just wait. Definitely worth the waits. :)
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    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    The disgusting one who did rake in the money: I couldn't see her at all. I just wanted her to put on clothing err better yet a large tent. WALMART has more attractive huge size women with gigantic asses. And, I don't think they take work, not that I would want to try.
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    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    Also, I've seen the guilt card played . . . but, there is a real pay off expected. Not $2. I had figured that type low spending would by necessity shoo her away. I'm not buying dances. Just feeling up her titties for an extended time. And, it seems like she doesn't mind just me doing that. Hadn't even pushed for dances ever--I think once she asked the standard wanna dance, which is fine. She just seemed content with $2 plus the normal $1 I give every dancer for her stage show. I wanted to get rid of her because there wasn't a demand for real money and I was taking way too much of her time. Besides with the right customer there is a demand for her. She does have curves and other things going for her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    Hi FONDL, So throughout your whole strip clubbing adventure you have only had one ATF or you only had one ATF at a time? It sounded like you had an ATF and then got a second ATF at a later time. Or did the prior ATF lose her ATF status when the new one claimed hers? Sorry, I just got confused there probably because I just see ATFs a lot differently. It is more like ATF within different categories. One probably shouldn't even be an ATF because it was so short and explosive, but I never had an experience like her. Sparks were exploding and it was just physical and skill and looks--it was a total shock. At first she was like just stick it in or look you came and I'm outta here. She wasn't a happy camper at all and then BOOM things changed quickly and positively. What a night. :)
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    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    I DougS, I'm fairly good at reading strippers. I'm the guy that can easily spend more than 8 hours in a strip club and I can easily go day after day. Only money slows me down. Also, even before strip clubs I grew up with women and girls that manipulate men for money. It was normal. Usually, the men were just stupid emotions wise. And, I always thought at some point the brain dead men should wake up and see the real picture. Usually, they just acted even dumber if that was somehow possible.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Felicity @ Club Diamonds . . .
    Hi DougS, It would be very lucky to run into her again. I feel I owe her at least $100 more like $200. She won't work at Angels and the other $5 club (Club Honeys) she worked at has been bulldozed. So would she work at some other $5 club? Could be, if her friends are there. Club Diamonds is way out of my reach now and I hadn't seen her there anyways for a long time. Also, she usually wouldn't dance for me as far as GFE----she didn't mind hardcore at all though, I wasn't interested in that. The first time I saw her it was bingo! That girl has all the looks and then it just kept getting better. I asked what she liked to in her spare time and she says that she reads books like crazy. I'M THINKING SS! SS! SS! Well, it had to be too good to be true, but I still liked her. I'm mean a woman with a body like that who works in a rough $5 club is an avid book reader? Yeah, right. So I ask what are her favorite books. She casts her eyes downward a definite possible signal she's been caught in a fraud. Then she looks up and laughs and says it is really embarrassing, but she can't get enough romance novels. Then she adds but, I read a lot more than that and I want to get an education and become a teacher. Well, it turns out that I've read a lot more books than most people so I will find if she is actually what she claims. I let her tell me all about her favorite romance writers and she definitely seems real and well spoken and extremely sharp. This woman has everything! It is too good. Way too good. And, she isn't watching the clock. I say RUPERT GILCHRIST. Her eyes light up and she says oh, yes I read the whole series. I say do you know how difficult it is to find his books! Most people don't even recognize the name let alone have read the whole series. So we get into an in depth discussion about RUPERT GILCHRIST. This woman has a memory like she had read the series the day before! So we are getting along great and she asks what book for enjoyment was really different and stood out for me. I say oh, it was a sci fi book. She looks down and then says she really isn't into sci fi, but she has read a lot of them and there a few good ones. So, which one did I really like? I say that I think it was fairly obscure because I couldn't find anymore like it at the time and I searched high and low. I tell her that I can't remember the title and I just don't have the memory like she does but it was about the civil war where the south didn't lose or win and it was cast way in the future. She gets really excited and says that she loved that book and then we discuss the best parts etc. etc. etc. Finally, I stop her and say look I feel like I'm stealing your time. She interupts and says oh, no I could talk with you all night. I say well that is very nice of you to say, but you need to be making money. She says not really. I smile and say so you won't sell me any dances? Her biggest smile of the night and she says she would love to. It was heaven. We or she was losing track of the dance count and really she was under counting if anything. She says look don't worry about it. I'm not going to take every dollar you have. She took almost every dollar. :) And, I just wish I had more money right then. I say well I don't want to spend more than I have. She says just enjoy yourself. If you're short your short. It isn't a big deal at all. I ended up being very short. She wasn't unhappy at all however and said if anything she wanted to give me more dances and she did. Finally, she says that she needs to cool off and thanks me for a wonderful time. I'm like you can't be real. She says she is as real as it gets. YES!!! :) Even after all that and the wonderful times we had in the future, I still believe it has to be pay for play. That is just the way things have to be. But, she is one in a million. And, yes I definitely care about her and I think it would be demented not to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    Perhaps I didn't read carefully enough. I thought even FONDL had multiple ATFs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    Correction: Tootsies is very cheap for the girls. It is The Trap that was never (last 10 years) cheap for the girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    It's a total turn off. I feel that I have nothing to contribute. But, it is positive in at least she should be in good mood and not desperate for any dances from me. I gotta remember to think positive. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    So any ideas on how I could have avoid being a piece shit for that single encounter? Maybe I just got started down the wrong path by playing with her tits (at her urging) and paying her a couple dollars for it. Yes, it was worth a couple bucks considering that she wasn't in the slightest rush and they were real and felt good. I just felt guilty taking her time for so little money. Can she really afford to let me play with tits for a long time for just a couple bucks? I mean at Angels the house fees have gone thru the roof and Tootsies was never cheap for the girls. I wish she was money focused so that she wouldn't waste any of her time with me. And, actually it even gets worse. If I did just go with the flow---spend a little money feel her tits maybe even get a cheap BJ, then there are other big women at The Trap who would suddenly get the wrong impression that big is ok for me. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a nightmare. :( I just wish she wasn't so sweet and didn't get hurt feelings.
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    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    . There was another big dancer there that I knew from Angels. Really a super duper sweet person. She works so hard for practically nothing and I'm trying to discourage her by being cheap in the extreme. And, she really isn't blubber and is in good shape, but she's naturally big and naturally very friendly. Her tits are fine in that their real and feel great. Defy gravity which is amazing given their size. And, a big big dude would probably be lucky to have her. I'm a RUNT. And, worse than that I like women that are even smaller than me! I really hurt her feelings at The Trap. :( It felt bad. Real bad. She believes that if she is nice enough and cheap enough and and high mileage enough that surely it can be very positive. She isn't into looks even a little and doesn't understand that. Unfortunately, looks are of supreme importance to me. I'd rather have a nasty bitch that looked hot. I actually even like her as long as there is absolutely NO FOOLING around. Yes, playing with her tits was nice, but it didn't feel good in that that was all she was good for and even then I didn't want to cast my gaze anywhere but her tits. If she offered me a cheap bj, then it still wouldn't be a good deal. Bottom line I can definitely see where she has a lot to offer the right man, but it ain't me. Even when a woman is very attractive if she is big it is a total zero for me. I think go find a football player or some other big man and leave me alone. I felt really bad about being mean. And, I still feel bad about it. She was in shape--that wasn't the problem. She was just naturally very large.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    Well, an ATF customer over at Angels isn't the biggest spender in the least. But, the dancers go crazy when they see the very old man. And, then you should hear the talk amongst the dancers after he leaves. He must of been a comic at some point in his life. I'm also old and well known and spend more than him, but I don't bring the smiles or laughter. He is Mr. Popularity by far----at least during the day shift when customers aren't tipping $20s like they're $1s. Yeah, could be another exception to the rule. OTOH, I don't believe ATF status for the dancer necessarily goes hand in hand with how much the customer spends. Ever had a big spending client who is a royal pain in the ass? That client is your favorite??? Could be. Nothing wrong with putting the dollars first, imo. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    I define it as a dancer that really stood out in a positive distinct way. So the dancer would be an ATF in particular category and not an overall ATF. One time it was exceptional kindness over a long period of time. Another time it was a chemical explosion--I've never had an experience like that and my right to buy any services from her was terminated. Another time it was skill at the highest level. One could project love as well as heat including a racing heart and plenty of wetness and hardened titties (a favorite)----those were powerful dances for me. And, if it was just acting more power to her. I want to buy more. She like others who do the GFE don't sell regularly. Too emotionally draining? Not in the mood? Who knows . . . I definite want to buy and sure as hell won't be complaining about deception. Bring on the honey and lay it on thick and good. :) It is too difficult to say one is an ATF over the others because they brought different qualities to the table. One dancer tasted like sugar! Very nice. Another melted! Again, very nice.
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    17 years ago
    Roles that dancers play
    Hi ellpol, Welcome. I see you just became a member today. Of course, any moron knows that all dancers only want $$$$$$$ just like all Republicans are closet homosexuals or brain dead or both. And, since we are stereotyping all black men *only* lust for fat bloblike white women. It's true I watched on an HBO special or was it a BS special? Whatever, same difference.
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    17 years ago
    An ideal AFT
    Yes, it is very easy for me to picture an ATF. Unfortunately, that ideal includes a super strong need to raise a family. Like one ATF told me she has so much love to give and children are the greatest. She would love to have a very large family and her hero was her mom. A family would be wonderful in the right cultural and social environment. As things stand a family is an absolute NO! Besides play is much more appealing to me than building anything including a family.
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    17 years ago
    Roles that dancers play
    . I would say very sweet and kind. It is a role that I haven't seen too often. Dark Angel, but she is a Ms. Rambo which is a turnoff. It is her caring side that is very appealing. Bionic woman another turnoff. GI Jane, major turnoff. Who is that manly chick in Stark Trek? Latasha Yard? Ick.
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    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    That's too bad whghlost. For me the cash is a cure all for intense emotions like that. (Apparently there is some rule that you aren't allowed to care about dancers at all. Weird, imo.) Not saying it should be like this for you, but for me pay for play is the only way to do it as a very effective form of protection. It is difficult for me to understand why a man would want to get away from that unless he is truly broke and also feels he has met his one true love. Even with the one true love, try and negotiate for the right to make future payments!!! :)
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    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    Hi FONDL, I don't know if most addicts chose their addiction. Could be true. Why can't I choose to be part of the gang? You probably won't believe it, but I really tried to fall in love with alcohol and become addicted. I drank and I drank and I kept on drinking. I drank for years and I started way before 18. I failed to achieve addiction. The alcohol just wasn't something I needed. I need females. That is an extreme need. I need food. Another extreme need. Alcohol? Give me a freaking candy bar instead. :) You probably think it is brain dead to try and get addicted and you are probably right. I needed to understand what my family members (one side only) were feeling. I mean it was beyond extreme. They would drink till they passed out and start drinking some more. But, they actually loved alcohol. I watch. I listen. I try and understand. I try vodka. I try whiskey. I try wine. I try beer. I try it in huge amounts. I really needed to understand why they were so in love with something that has no real value. It is a freaking zero. Nothing. And, they act as if it was best thing on the planet. Why??? (I think it something in their brain chemistry.) In your mind it is just their choice. :) Sure thing, but somehow I want to feel what they are feeling and needing. I can drink *almost* as much as they can which is a hell of a lot. And, when I was young I didn't even know the pain of hangover. It gave me some giggles, but really it wasn't worth the bother. My tummy would get filled just like it would if I kept drinking water. It was a freaking joke! And, the taste was nothing special!
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    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    I don't know if what I was taught about the Yanomami is correct either the written or film versions, however it showed a custom where the women are disfigured after marriage. It is gruesome. I guess this is more choice served on a platter. The woman assuming she was capable of overcoming her cultural brainwashing may decide she would rather not get carved up after marriage. Could she avoid marriage? I guess if she wanted to traipse thru the jungle that might be an option. Or, she could kill herself. Another wonderful choice. Gee, I wonder why I'm not sold on this choice ideaology. I guess it is sorta like a robber puts a gun to your head and says your money or I blow your brains out. To some people that is a real choice. Given cultural brainwashing I was talking with a neighbor about choice and he explained homosexuals are evil because it is a choice. How did he know it was a choice? His preacher of course. The all knowing poo ba of his culture. So I asked him for gay sex. He was shocked and said that is disgusting. He says I'm choosing to say NO. I say fine. That was such a difficult choice for you thank god the all knowing poo ba said this was a choice for you. I asked him if he liked liver. He scrunched his face and said it is disgusting. I told him NO that is just a choice you have made. It is actually mouthwatering and you just need to make a different choice. He says NO, he hates the taste of liver and can't keep it in his mouth. I say but if your religious leader gave you permission to have gay sex then of course you could choose to love it, right? He says NO, men are disgusting. But, if it is just a choice that means you can say yes. Suddenly, the little light bulb goes on. For some people gay sex may be a choice and for other people it is more like liver----a definite turnoff. And, for still others gay sex is just who they are. It isn't a real choice in any meaningful sense of the word. Sometimes I ask the gay question and the man or woman will say yes they would love gay sex, but they learned it was evil. :) I guess that proves somehow that gay sex is a choice for everyone just like heterosexual sex is a choice for everyone. Everyone created equal and has the same drives and mental abilities and needs. :) If one person is deathly allergic to peanuts, then by god we all have to be deathly allergic to peanuts. Or, if I can eat and love peanuts then we can all eat and love peanuts. Also, there is NO such thing as a food or drug addiction--it is a complete fantasy that doesn't exist for anyone, those who are addicted just choose it. Like the person that chooses to dislike liver. Not convinced? I have absolute proof. I'm not addicted to any drugs. I've tried supposedly addicting drugs that buddies will choose to pretty much do anything to get their hands on. It is a dumb choice by them. I just thought the drugs were expensive and boring. No pain or suffering or waste of money. Those stupid addicts, all they need to do is choose not to like drugs just like they can choose to like or dislike liver. It is so simple simon! :)