Comments by jablake (page 112)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    Oh, I'm thinking of that young guy in northern Florida some years back. The government was trying to pin some crimes on him till they found the real perps. His story is of interest because it should help better clarify the nature of choice. He suffered a serious brain injury due to a car accident. Before the accident he was considered Mr. Lovable. From what I read it sounded like he was friends with the world and had nothing but sunshine in his life. After the accident, he was given to extremely violent outbreaks. A true menace, which is one reason the government was trying blame him for the crimes he didn't commit. So he goes from Mr. Lovable before the brain injury to Mr. Terrorist immediately after the brain injury. Some people would still be yapping about all his choices despite his brain injury. Yes, it makes so much sense that he would suddenly choose to become a nut case. The brain injury just a mere coincidence we can ignore. Just as we can other people's biological differences. Remember the all created equal bs? Believe that garbage if you want, but I definitely don't share your values or views.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    Hi minnow, When I went to the Mons it was like heaven. I lose track of time. Could have been 20 years ago easy. My budget was meager to be very kind. Yet, I was having a blast with one unbelieveable slut after another. And, they were damn good looking! From what I've read about the Monz and heard from friends, I couldn't afford to shake the damn girls' hands now! I guess when I say dive I mean a place where a guy with a very meager budget could be having a blast--oops, I should say good dive. :) Tootsies was also a place where it didn't take gobs of money to be partying like a mad man. Now it seems like it is for lawyers or drug dealers or other upper crust members of society. The other good small clubs came under heavy attack and on W. Dixie Hwy only Angels survives. It is cheap and you can have a blast. But, it is a black club which some people don't like and it is PACKED. I liked it better when it was quite, but was very afraid it would be taken down like all the other small clubs so its choice was start making some real money or die. A sad choice, imo. :( FONDL: This another one of your wonderful choices? If the stinking government would keep its paws off, then such a dismal choice wouldn't be necessary. Like I said in another thread I don't consider it a real choice.
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    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    I haven't seen black men with hotties in a long time--it was in fashion over here many years ago. I do see fat and more fat being chosen as prime beef by black men and this is in the clubs. Outside the club I see these fat white women who are damn lucky there are men of any color that want them. Sometimes I'm looking and the black man will be chiseled muscle looking good and I look at the white blob next to him and say damn I'm glad he took her off the market. But, why????? She doesn't look wealthy . . . he just wants to look good by comparison . . . whatever at least she is getting some manly attention.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    Hi FONDL, I disagree. :) That is sort of like saying the rape victim has a choice. Get carved up or spread 'em. Technically that is a choice, but not much of one. It is like when the government offers you a plea deal of 3 years of probation versus life in prison. Some people are dumb enough to believe in the government so they choose life in prison. Again, I wouldn't consider it a choice. If you do wonderful, but I hope you don't get handed that choice. Also, unless you can actually feel what an addict feels I wouldn't presume to say it is a choice. Please don't give me any BS about battling addiction. Every drug that I've tried is like alcohol---ZERO addiction. It is just another government fraud. Most people can drink alcohol all day and when all is said and done it isn't addictive. Now some people take one freakin swig and all they can think and dream about is the next swig. It is pathetic. Crying and screaming out in pain merely because they can't have a swig of vodka. Let's say you can get them off it for a short time. Despite the hell of withdrawal the need for that substance is overwhelming and they start drinking again! I can't understand what they're feeling because I can drink morning, noon, and night non-stop when I was young. Stop? No problem, not even a little. I mean zero. Nothing. To some nitwit addicts that would prove I'm addicted and it is reasonable because they are basing it on their personal experience. I go through more pain not having french fries for a week. Yet I hear all this babbling about alcohol and other drugs being addictive. To WHO??? 1% of the population? 10% of the population?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    Hi FONDL, Based on what I see at the clubs the answer is a definite YES!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you have a coupon for free admission to club Diamonds there is a good chance it wont be honored. I was told some nonsense about that being a different manager who did that promotion. Anyway, if money isn't an issue and you go very late at night then it should be a winner if you like black dancers and an upscale environment. Oops, another review. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    I haven't bothered to check yet AGAIN to see if the club information has been updated. But, I thought that I had some important information regarding club Diamonds (upscale black club). It was either the club wasn't opening at its stated hours based on more than a few attempts to visit during the day or the cover had jumped to $20. Whatever. People can go find out on their own. I might do a review of Black Gold if I ever get down there. Or, I may not. Big deal. If something interesting happens like a customer performs oral sex with a crack whore on stage, then I might post about the experience or maybe not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    Hi Bones, I could be writing reviews left and right. People don't want to read my reviews so for the most part I won't do reviews. Besides, why tell people about Angels when it has become too popular even when da fat mommas show? Furthermore, the typical TUSCLer would be happier at Tootsies--expensive and lots of fake tits and most importantly white. If there was more freedom, then I'd open another Angels right across the street or even next door! It is a mint and even if it was a loser it would still be a dream come true. In the past week I could have written 4 reviews for Angels, a review for The Trap, a review for Coco's, and a review for the RoLexx. Yes, it was a slow week and it will getting even slower because of mounting financial pressures. I might not even go to a single club this week. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Old Lady Pimp . . .
    . A male pimp is valuable in the inner city where violence is a problem. This one young man was very smooth--actually likeable. But, everything was for him and he really didn't see quality as being important because customers have different tastes and most just want a hole anyway. He thought that I liked the less valuable women i.e. small without the weight. And, he didn't seem to be able to see the difference between a poor quality small woman and a good quality small woman. He just didn't see that looks were that important to having a good time. . The old lady pimp was sort of afraid to introduce me to this breath taking young black girl. The only case I remember where she wanted a pass on judgment. The problem wasn't the girl's looks. Her personality was different in that she was very full of herself. So I asked why did you want to introduce me to her? She says because she will light up your eyes for sure. I said sounds good with a big smile. Then she says and your going to promise me that you aren't going to hurt her. I'm like what the hell? You always tell'n me what a nice guy, I am! She says yes you're a very nice guy, but I'm not sure how you will react to being pushed and this young girl is all attitude. I say by hurt you mean no serious injury? She says exactly. You not going to go off the deep end? I say since you've warned me, then it shouldn't be a problem being reasonably calm. That young women was something else. Praise the lord that the hag had warned me ahead of time. I probably would have lost it. As it turned out it she was worth seeing and meeting. Her beauty was special. Not fun in the erotic sense--fun in the experience sense. Fortunately, she is few and far between as far as personalities go.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    . Seems like the powers that be have been pushing Ms. Rambo non-stop. Who knows perhaps some guys are into that. Leaves me cold unless she plans on taking my place on the front lines and even then my interest in a relationship with her would be fairly low. I'm focused on small soft women. There is the theory that culture determines beauty . . . well, I can see that to some extent especially with all the males who pretty much are interested in any hole, period.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Correction: Here in Florida you have men who were duped by their unfaithful wives into paying for another man's children. The man then tries and stick up for his natural rights and behind prison walls he is very likely to find himself. Oh, and this corrupt system is so corrupt it is all about extortion of attorneys' fees by the lawyer judge for his lawyer buddies.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I will have feelings for her, but not nearly as intense. If she says beat it, then I just beat it. No problems. Just business. She is much more like just a regular friend--business or social. A regular friend tells me to beat it and I'm gone. Same with a dancer. Also, love is wonderful---------however, that ain't a ballgame. IOWs, you may love someone, but it isn't a good relationship. Perhaps she wants an army of children and you want none. Perhaps she likes religious mumbo jumbo and you like sci fi mumbo jumbo. More likely she wants sex once or twice a week and you need it at least once a day if she is going to be living with you. Also, she may want a government marriage. In this society that is totally sick for a man to consider. Here in Florida you have man who were duped by their wives paying for another man's children. The try and stick up for their natural rights and behind prison walls they go.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    .. In Africa there is a tribe where the women have gigantic butts. It turns out these fat asses are fantastic during periods of severe drought when food is non-existent. Choosing a small butted women is tantamount to choosing death in that particular environment. Given a choice between death and mating with a fat assed woman seems like choosing death is a better option. ..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    If you gave Tootsies the thumbs up, then I'd be very disappointed in you unless the spending part of the experience was unimportant to you. Last price I got was $25 for a very short song and the dancer wouldn't budge on the price----she was special hot, but I have to watch the money. Anyway, with free air transportation it surprises me that you wouldn't want to see why people like Tootsies so much or the Mons. The Mons was a hell of a lot of fun when it was a dive. Tootsies was also more fun as a dive.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Well, I'm definitely interested in paid romance i.e. fake romance. If a customer just wants grind, then that seems like nothing special. Also, the dancers that I've met seem to strongly prefer just doing grind. Generally, the dancer wont have to worry about some pea brained customer falling in love just from her giving lots of contact. Anyway, definitely I'm interested in dancers who can fake feelings and make it seem real. I want to spend for that service. The dancer in my non-hypothetical has moved on before so there isn't any reason for me to believe she wouldn't move on again. If so, then best wishes to her as I told her the last time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    RL??? Not RIL? (Regular in Love) So who where is RL? I haven't seen any posts by an RL.
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    17 years ago
    Hi Bones, Read more carefully. What is hypothetical?
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    17 years ago
    Sure, the same as always. I pay her for a GFE and she provides that service. Just like the old days. But, that is up to her and what she needs. It is looking like she isn't going to offer that (just a little more than a friendly touch and she backed away quick--given the number of times I've felt her all over that is absurd), but who knows. Times change. She gets into some money trouble and there is a chance that I may hear from her. Or, at the club she might get into the mood. She needs to understand that her only interest is money! GFE=$ The math is so simple. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I don't follow where you are coming from. She was honest with me way back and I appreciated that and told her so. I also told her that the relationship needed to remain basically the way it was. I pay money and she provides a service. (That doesn't mean that I don't care about her.) I did see her a few times OTC, but I always made sure money was part of the bargain. One time she just wanted $10 for an emergency, but didn't want to earn it even though she was willing to come pick the money up! I said what difference does it make and besides you can earn more than $10 as long as you're coming over. She said if she had to she would work for the money, but it just didn't seem right to her. She said in the club, it is just her job. Out of the club doesn't feel right even though it is the same thing. One time she brought over a sweet hottie that did FS for $25, but I didn't have any interest in FS with a complete stranger even one that was nice and hot. The dancer I like was willing to provide FS, but didn't want to. She has a problem with being a prostitute. So because she said it would make her unhappy I haven't had FS with her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    She was at the top for years. I would see her almost every day. She is the dancer who told me that as long as I kept paying her that I wouldn't stand a chance with her. She is also the one who has been trying to get a regular job for years. I visited where she worked and the situation was far worse than she described. She really put a good face on the situation. This sad sad man's face just lit up when I mentioned her name. He couldn't stop telling me what a wonderful person she is and that although he didn't have any friends he felt she might be a friend even though she didn't have time to spend with him. One of the nice things she did was the company called both to work and when he arrived eager for work they told him NO she got here first so you have to go home. He says he started crying his eyes out and she stepped forward and said he could take her place. He said that kindness meant more to him than she will ever know. What a beautiful person, etc. Boy, did I feel sad after talking to that man. I asked her about it and she shrugged her shoulders and said well at least I have the option to dance. She also said she wishes he wasn't so desperate for the job because she felt that she really fit in very well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    Hmmm . . . I would have thought you be tempted by the infamous Tootsies. :) But, it sounds like you have a much better deal where you are anyway.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    FONDL, with all due respect get REAL!!! :) That is like saying the drug addict is in control. Some customers fall in love and have lost control. They will spend money they don't have. I really don't see the money as an issue of control AT ALL for the customer assuming he can afford the rate he is being charged.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers will stop selling dances, but normally they will be much more direct. I guess they figure the guy is so use to hearing bs or is so dense emotion wise that it needs to be spelled out. I care for the friendly one, but definitely want to keep it play for pay. As I told her way back, there is a huge difference between hanging out in a strip club and the real world. There is also some tiny emotional play with the hot and cold one, but she is one tough woman for the most part. Although she is hot and cold she has a stronger work ethic than most of the dancers. Even that slipped which was surprising. I'm guessing the friendly one asked for my number because she was having relationship problems. Then she changed her mind for whatever reasons.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A conspiracy? I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. As I said the one dancer always runs hot and cold with everyone. That is just the way she is. I didn't have any shortage of offers from other dancers so my looks shouldn't of been an issue. Perhaps the shocked look plastered to my face. :) These dancers have always hated each other with an open passion. The only thing different was that the very friendly one gave me her phone number about 10 days ago (I didn't ask for it) and promised to call me. In the distant past she always called when she said she would so I thought I would hear from her. When I didn't hear from her I called her and said she was too busy to talk, but that she would call me back. I didn't think she was going to (despite her excellent record in the past) and she didn't. When I saw her at the club she came and was her very friendly self except that anything more than normal friends contact seemed off limits, which was very strange.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hello clubber, To be fair do you even know if he was educated in this country? I do agree with you about the educational system, however.