
Unusual comments you've heard from dancers

I remember I had the day off and stopped by Platinum Plus in the late afternoon in Columbia one day. I wasn't there longer than an hour and one dancer sat down at my table after a few others. She told me she was glad to find someone normal. She told me everyone else looks creepy or weird. I looked around and saw a number of older guys wearing shorts. That did seem a bit strange, I guess a younger crowd is often visiting when I have a chance to visit.

I guess when a dancer is thinking about dancing, she doesn't necessarily think at times she'll be dancing for several guys in their 60's. I guess it depends on the club and time of day. Nothing wrong with a dancer dancing for guys in their 60's though, one day in another 2 or 3 decades, I might be there or be there with a significant other.


  • how
    16 years ago
    "You look like the most normal guy here" is likely a common line from dancers. I have heard it frequently, but assume it is primarily a compliment to gain favor.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I get a lot of "are you a cop?" (hahaha) but then I also hear a lot of this strange comment:

    So, are you married?

    Why would a girl ask that? I mean, if the answer is no, then the customer is thinking, "WTF, do I look like an old pathetic loser already?" And if the answer is yes, then the customer is thinking, "Great, now I'm thinking about my fat porker of a wife on whom I am currently cheating."

  • JC2003
    16 years ago
    Do you mean unusual compliments or just comments? Dancers say a lot of strange shit, and some of it isn't even just the standard stripper shit to get you to spend money on them. Though sometimes I think they say it just to figure out if you're even listening to them or not.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    The racial comments are funny, strange shit, too. About Like, "Asian men don't have foreskins" or "a mother of a black baby has to 'train' his foreskin or get him circumsized because otherwise his dick will be too big for him to have an erection" or "British people don't have to brush their teeth because they drink so much tea" or "when I was in the military they didn't let you in if you had web feet and all mixed-race people have web feet, and that's why everybody in the military who is black is, like, REALLY black."

    I've heard a lot of those sorts of things. I'll think of some more soon I'm sure.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Just get them talking about religion, philosophy, psychology, or anything to related to crime/criminals and watch the crackpottery fly!
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    "You look normal."
    "What race are you?"
    "Can you make me cum?"
    "I need someone intelligent to talk to."
  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    "all these girls here are whores."
  • rl27
    16 years ago
    Here are some I remember.

    "People tell me I talk too much." - And they are right.
    "This club is a dump." - Then why are you working here?
    "Do you like it when your dick gets hard?" - Yep she was an airhead.

    "There she goes again. The only reason she gets so many dances is she does extras in the back, and gives us dancers a bad name." - Thanks for the recommendation, now get out of here. That's the dummest thing for a dancer to say, especially when the woman being talked about is a lot hotter looking than her.
  • Blues84
    16 years ago
    She untied her bikini top and got one of the straps and held it up to my neck and said "I could kill you with this you know........" Yeah I didn't get any more dances from her.....
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    Perhaps it is just me, but I don't especially like for my dick to get hard if that is the end of it.Getting there may be pleasant, but I think most men would like to finish.

    Like dancers really have a good "name", present company excluded.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    "Did you cum?"
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    "lets go on a field trip". And we did. Once ITC with no food and again the next day after lunch. 3 times in 17 hours. I hope her boy friend is puny. I am going after some more of that. The boy scouts was never like this.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Glenn Beck is stating that $700 Billion is just a down payment and he is yapping about $2 Trillion. $2 Trillion would be CHEAP! :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Sorry, wrong thread! Just watching Glenn Beck get over heated about the melt down that is feared.
  • jack_s
    16 years ago
    One of the more unusual comments was, "All right! An American guy!" If this had been in Russia or something, I would have understood. But it was in Seattle, and as far as I could tell, almost all the guys in the club were American. (Maybe some were secretly Canadian or something...)
  • jack_s
    16 years ago
    On the "Are you married?" question-- yeah, I find that one pretty weird too. I find it even weirder when I say no and they then ask, "Do you have a girlfriend?" My first reaction is always like what-- "Well, thanks for reminding me about that! Are you trying to make me feel guilty and like I'm cheating?"

    But, I've started wondering if this is actually some sort of marketing info gathering strategy that dancers use to size up the guy-- what he wants, how much he's likely to pay, etc. Maybe married guys and single guys spend differently?

    Or maybe it's a way for the dancers to figure out that there are specific things they should try and avoid doing( getting lipstick on you, rubbing highly perfumed areas on clothing, etc.)?
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I've heard that "All right! An American guy!" type of comment at the club I go to in smalltown Iowa. But that is also a club where a disproportionate amount of the customers are of the Mexican variety, and supposedly, none of them like to do private dances.
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