
avatar for DickJohnson
i have recently learned that strippers play a lot of mind games...we should all be very aware of this. sometimes they will tell you something they think you want to hear just to get $$$ from you. i have also learned that they will sometimes lie, and you will not be the only customer in their life. This is all very disturbing!!!!


last comment
avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
Really? You mean if they say they like me, they might not?

I'm crestfallen, shattered, devastated.
avatar for nothumbs
16 years ago
Surely, you jest. And I'm not calling you Shirley.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
"i have recently learned that strippers play a lot of mind games..."

Fox News Alert!

(Seriously, I assume you are kidding. Because everyone who spent more than an hour or two in club should already know that.)
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
Really? I thought everything a stripper told me was the honest to Godness nothing but the gospel truth. I'm shocked that a stripper could possibly lie to me or anyone else. I haven't met a more truthful group of people in my life. You see more lying and bickering in a church than you do in a strip club. How dare you make such accusations against the sweet and innocent truthful strippers! I'm shocked as such accusations.

LOL. :)

I'm kidding of course.
What you really have to watch out for are the strippers that think you're playing games on them. I don't know why some strippers think they are getting played. I guess for some it may seem natural to suspect someone is cheating or getting the upper hand on you somehow. If you ever get to know dancers away from the club, expect increased drama in the club eventually.
I have also recently learned that a lot of strippers have sex with many men, sometimes just for the money. I hope this information I have posted is useful to everybody.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
On the flip side, I'm sure customers never lie to dancers or play mind games. Or even pay dancers for sex!
avatar for BartleJoe
16 years ago
I've never come across this problem. They tell me how handsome and awesome I am. And they are right.
avatar for Anna
16 years ago
Do you mean to tell me men really aren't "single" as they say they are?
or not going to take me to Cabo on their private jet?
or can't only put 1000 dollars on this credit card due to security settings?
lmfao. really guys...
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

No, we are all single, would love to take you to Cabo on our jets, and charge whatever you wish. If someone tells you differently, THEY are the liars!
avatar for Anna
16 years ago
LOL!!! I love it...
avatar for Varmit 363
Varmit 363
16 years ago
oh great , now you tell us this , where were you before ...
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