OT: State of the Union

avatar for GACA
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
I felt like he knocked it out of the park. Can't wait to see the rebuttal...


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avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Did he propose a federal income tax deduction for strip club VIP charges? If so, I agree with you.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I call BULL SHIT on obama. He talked about what he wants to do and other meaningless tripe. He CAN'T talk about the State Of The Union or it would be a testament to his failure as president!
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
@Clubber lol on that link...
@Motor I'm turning that into a gif

... And he did try to take credit for turning the economy around. Like Dougster has been saying Economic Boom or Boone
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Sorry I missed it :)
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Lol Motor, btw, I finally caught your cigarette boxes cause cancer joke. Kinda like me inventing a phone with a red flashing light, so deaf people know they have a phone call.
avatar for jabthehut
10 years ago
What did he knock out of the park?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^ any hope of him working with congress. Just do what he says and everything will be fine
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
"• Did he propose a federal income tax deduction for strip club VIP charges? If so, I agree with you."
JS: There was a discussion about closing a loophole that applies to inheritance. However, since you are in the process of transferring your assets to your SB, it's not something you need to be concerned with.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Sure, let's make the death tax 60%. After all, why should a man pass assets on to his children when he can give them to the government instead?

I am also tired of this political grandstanding. Where were all these deep concerns 6 years ago, when the Dems controlled Congress? It is easy to say whatever you want when there is a 0% chance of any real world consequences to it.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
Got a question for you guys. As he was making his speech who are the two guys that were sitting behind him and what is their job?

This is how it is being reported on our 'impartial' BBC

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
To make it simple, to the left was Vice-President Biden (D) , who kisses Obama's ass, and to the right, Speaker of the House, Boehner (R), who thinks Obama is full of crap. That explains his muted, poker face expression
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
People actually spent time listening to this? Seriously? Why? Need your bread and circus?
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
I'm with Dougsta. Why would you want to watch the state of the union? Doesn't matter whether or not you agree with anything that was said. They are exercises in spin and have been for a long time. Ultimately they're pointless.
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
I was watching a much more memorable event on TV last night.

My beloved, but pathetic, Oilers actually won a hockey game last night.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@Clubber: I have to disagree on your assessment of the condition of the US. Look at 6 years ago! The economy was melting down, housing was 400,000, unemployment way up, and major banks and corporations going bankrupt! Under his watch, unemployment is back to normal levels (around 5%), the markets have recovered, business profits are way up. Crime is way down across the country; even Chicago's murder rate is down (despite some very public stories on gun crime).

Lots of people hate Obama for reasons that elude me. All presidents have done what he's done with executive actions for example. Regan's tax cuts to 50% (yes, FIFTY!) wasn't "class warfare" but Obama's restoring 39% is?

IMHO, Obama's problem is he's an awful politician in that he makes a lot of public relations mistakes. The Whitehouse is too slow to react a lot of times, or they say the wrong thing. No one went to France. And the Obamacare rollout was the worst example of bad PR! I'm sure you can find 10 more examples yourself of stupid press releases from the Whitehouse. But that's just politics; I give him a B+ on policy.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I bought season 3 of "24" and started watching it. (I missed some of the early years)

David Palmer could kick Obama's ass

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum
avatar for crsm27
10 years ago
Rock star said: "@Clubber: I have to disagree on your assessment of the condition of the US. Look at 6 years ago! The economy was melting down, housing was 400,000, unemployment way up, and major banks and corporations going bankrupt! Under his watch, unemployment is back to normal levels (around 5%), the markets have recovered, business profits are way up. Crime is way down across the country; even Chicago's murder rate is down (despite some very public stories on gun crime). "

This is all kind BS too. Look up fact check on his speech from last night. They disproved his numbers to a certain extent. They say the economy isn't as strong as he boasted. Unemployment and Job Creation isn't what he boasted, etc.

avatar for crsm27
10 years ago

fact check on the speech.

What I like is what some of the justices said about not attending the speech.

"Justice Antonin Scalia’s absence is no surprise. It was the 19th State of the Union in a row that he’s skipped since he considers the speech a “childish spectacle.”"

"Justice Clarence Thomas’s empty seat was also unsurprising. In 2012, Thomas said he doesn’t attend the annual event because “it has become so partisan and it's very uncomfortable for a judge to sit there.”"

That is what I feel about all of the State of the Union Addresses. They are just straight BS and Chest pumping no matter what party gives it.
avatar for dallas702
10 years ago
Obama lied, repeatedly, and Democrats cheered. Every major point Obama addressed was framed with distortion and dishonesty. To claim "recovery" with fewer Americans working than when he took the Oath of Office is just plain absurd. His claim that "most Americans" favor immigration reform is based on dishonest exaggeration of questionable polllng. Thruthfully, most Americans want the border secure and immigration laws honestly enforced. Obama even claimed his foriegn policy is intentionally successful, when anyone with a functioning brain can see that he and Fast Boat Kerry are clueless and fumbling between diplomatic disasters.

If he knocked it out of the park, it was another foul ball.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I find the state of the union boring. It's politics for people who normally don't pay attention to politics.

We're in for two years of gridlock. Until the 2016 races heat up, what's the point?
avatar for anthonyu
10 years ago
Dallas wrote, "fewer Americans working than when he took the Oath of Office." That statement is objectively untrue:

US employment January, 2009: 142,099,000
US employment, December, 2014: 147,442,000

Net increase: 5.343 million.

Maybe you should lay off the FOX a bit.

As for diplomatic disasters, it is hard to imagine a worse disaster than the absurd invasion and occupation of Iraq for no good reason in 2003, the consequences of which have plagued the US to this day, and will continue to do for decades.

But, in the meantime, with Obama's "clueless" "fumbling," the number of Americans killed by terrorists and others in Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of world has been steadily declining to near zero.

Plus 5 million and near zero. Doesn't sound too bad to me.
avatar for Holdem2
10 years ago
5 million jobs seems questionable but okay let's pretend its true. Are these better paying jobs or part time jobs and minimum wage jobs?

I don't seriously believe Obama is making the economy better. He is a career politician who never had a real job.

Ask around. The middle class is disappearing and the rich are getting richer. Obama is a salesman. All talk.
avatar for anthonyu
10 years ago
The numbers are pretty easy to find. Like try the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Or Google. Or http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/emps…

Actually, Obama’s job creating performance is very considerably better than 5 million plus. He can hardly be blamed for the fact the great recession continued to produce job losses (a trailing indicator in any case) for many months after he took office.

By December of 2009 the number of employed people in the US was down to 138 million. Now it’s 147 million – up 9 million.

As for the quality of the jobs, a job is better than no job. But it’s goes far beyond that:

Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers

First quarter 2009 $713
Fourth quarter 2010 $796

Weekly earnings up 12% under Obama.

Let’s see, now. We’ve got 9 million, near 0 and 12%. I seem to remember worse. A lot worse.

Could it be that "Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News."
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