I think we each have a favorite club. Answering only about that specific club, what would be "extras" in it? Of course it could vary by location, IE: Bar, LD area, VIP, etc.
In mine, it would be a HJ and occasionally more in the LD area.
Now that certainly doesn't mean the absolute limit since the dancers have their limits and other areas of the club can offer more if one is so inclined.
I dunno shadowcat, I've seen a few dancers that were so large, had I opted to engage in FS with them it might have come close to bestiality, e.g. sex with a cow.
For my favorite club nothing ever happens out in the open so extras always take place in VIP during nude bed dances. This club is very interesting; just about anything is available but menus and prices are very rarely mentioned. For example a few weeks ago I went there and took this very hot 9 back for some dances, she never indicated anything involving me was available but she basically placed her pussy on my chest and put my fingers in her. I spent the next 4 songs fingering her, it was very sensual and fun. She got a good tip.
I went back a few days ago and took a busty brunette back for some fun. On the first song she unzipped me and started a HJ with no mention of price or anything, by the second song she was doing a very nice BBBJ. After I came all she said was I could tip her privately. I gave her a nice tip but clearly she had planned to accept whatever I gave her.
BTW this last scenario has happened to me 3 times at this club all over the last few years and with 3 different dancers. Never a mention of price or expectations. It makes it very hot when it happens.
Pretty much anything skin to skin is an extra in most of the places I go most of the time. Two-way touching would be an extra in some. Most of the VIPs in those clubs are better than the open areas, and I'd say that more than a handy would qualify as an extra. When I can, I do like the clubs where the scale is a little higher.
I don't know what an "extra" is. Sounds to me like a stripperweb term, for women to use when they want to show everyone that only the "other girls" do naughty things, but they're good girls and would never do "extras". Or at least they'd charge more for them. And each defines "extras" however it makes her feel good.
For customers I don't see the point of the term. If you want to discuss getting a handjob, then say handjob. Blowjob is a blowjob. Fucking is fucking.
In any case, in the clubs I go to, they generally offer $10 or $15 out-in-the-open (well, in a lap dance area) lap dance that can include hand jobs, titty fucks, and simulated BJ's. Some of the clubs have more private lap dance booths (not VIP) where virtually anything can happen, and does. And of course the more laps, the higher mileage.
As with anything, any service that ultimately makes you cum implies a tip, though some dancers aren't very pushy about that.
And neither I or any of the dancers refer to it as an "extra".
At my favorite club, it's likely that if you tip a girl at the stage, you will get a mini-lap dance. I've done DATY with at least two lovely ladies there, so there's always the possibility of more, but it's been a while since DATY happened with the stage dancer.
In the main seating area, mostly, you are just feeling their tit, and if she lets you, you can suck on it. My Saturday favorite will let me finger her, but that's not something that happens with the typical girl there.
The regular lap dance area largely depends on which chair I end up with. It's pretty much a given with most of the ladies there I can suck on their tits. Some girls will let me DATY. There were 3 different girls who have let me shoot my load down their throat there, but only one ever let me do it in the regular lap dance area. But she always chose the one chair in the back corner.
The champagne room depends on which room you end up with. The one room is located so that the bouncer could look in, and as such, the girls who do the least there want to take me there. The other two rooms truly are anything goes and the only real act I can think of I never have done in either of those rooms is anal.
Two things I can imagine paying a dancer for: DATY and fingering her.
With a real girl, DATY is generally to please her, not me. I don't necessarily dislike it, but if it's on my dime then I'm gonna do stuff that's directed at pleasing me.
Same with fingering. Yeah, a wet pussy feels good, but it's much better with my dick inside rather than my finger.
And assuming that the vast majority of women are NOT going to get off while having sex with a customer in a strip club, I just don't see the point.
Clubber, I wish you could have made it to the Detroit meet and then you could have experienced the Flight Club extras for yourself. When I take dancers to the private VIP booths in the club, these sluts all give a special edition of The Detroit News.
Man, I do so wish I could have made it. I have no time off available for the rest of the year. The work environment isn't like it used to be many years ago. You could take just about all the time you needed for medical reasons, no problem. Now, ever second they dock you. My shoulder surgery did me in for time off. Short term disability didn't help a lot as they pay on 67% of your income.
Just a few years ago my (then) favorite club had limited privacy in the LD areas and the dancers tried very hard to avoid being "caught." There was never any groping in public areas. Extras were usually limited to HJ with occasional lip service (a quick suck), and FIV. Then, most of the more "entertaining" ladies offered their best services OTC only.
During a recent visit to that same club, the young woman on her knees between my legs said, "Oh, they don't care", when I attempted to interrupt her BBBJ while another dancer and PL walked by. Times, they are a'changing!
In my current favorite club the lap dance spaces are relatively private and just about everything is on the menu (depending on the dancer). I have been offered HJ, BBBJ, FS, anal, even two dancers with FS. Along with the expanded LD experience, the women are also willing to explore more at the bar or sitting at a table. I had one dancer sit on my leg at a table and explore below my belt without saying anything until she pulled out her hand and said, "I just wanted to know what K--- was bouncing on!"
I also get OTC offers from some in that club who claim they want more room to work or a more relaxed playtime. Other dancers there have told me they only do ITC because they feel safer in the club.
In my favorite club the action, except for PDA's occurs in the CR's which are fairly large and comfortable. Last time I wore clothes during dances there was 2012. Two way full contact, oral, fs, anal whatever. I've left so much dna there that if a dancer rubbed an egg of hers in one I'd have a child.
I realized I wasn't clear before on my definition of an extra. If a dancer reaches in and fondles me either in the main club area or the LD area that is an advertisement not an extra. If she takes it out and actively tries to get me off using whatever means at her disposal then that's an extra. Sucking on her tits in the LD is almost a given these days so I don't think it's an extra.
An interesting twist on my definition occurs at DV COI. There is one dancer that has never hinted at offering me anything more than letting me suck on her tits in the LD area but she will DFK me for long periods of time. I consider that an extra, I never asked for it but she is a very good kisser and it makes for one of the most sensuous dances I have ever had so she deserves a good tip for that.
"if a dancer does X, then it's an extra".
What the fuck does that even mean???
Is it something you pay "extra" for?? Is it something "most dancers don't do, but some nasty girls do, so it's an "extra""? Is it like a strip club offering a free lunch buffet? Something you don't usually expect, so if you get it it's an "extra"?
"I consider that an extra" BASED ON WHAT??? WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN???
And what's the point of labelling things as "extras"?? Is it somehow important that we have a list of what are "extras"??
It's like going to a good restaurant that you like, and they serve you a really good appetizer, like some great onion rings you really enjoy. So for some strange reason you label that as a "zerbit". Then you get a great ice cream dessert that knocks your socks off. You decide that's another "zerbit". Oh, and the steak was pretty awesome too. Add another "zerbit" to your list.
So you see a buddy the next day, and tell him, "dude, you should go to this restaurant, it has a lot of zerbits". He'll look at you and assume you're fucked in the head. Just tell him what was so great about it....onion rings, steak, and great dessert.
But what I would consider to be the BEST way of doing things in an SC, would be that the dancers just come and sit on your lap and start making out with you. This can start slow and gentle, but then progress to intense DFK and it may even go to FIV and DATY.
Then they would move the guy to the VIP room when they are going to do HJ / BBBJ / FS, when his pants need to come down.
If they will be that friendly sitting on your lap in the main room, then what ensues in the VIP room will be awesome.
Some of this is about power and about just getting the girl to surrender. You have more control if you are feeding them "sitting tips" than if you are handing over a larger block of money for something much more uncertain in the VIP room. Sitting tips are probably more than stage tips, but less than VIP room fees.
If they do it this way, the dancers don't have to sell dances or ask permission, they can just do, then indicate that they expect a tip. Most guys will go along with this. Knowledgeable dancers ( black's are always the most knowledgeable ) have told me that they make more money when they don't have to talk, but can just DO. Even if the rate is lower than the VIP rate, they go from one guy to the next, and they are earning tips 60min out of every hour.
You can try and steer it this way too. If the girl wants to take you into the VIP room, instead, place $5 into her hand and tell her you would like to sit and talk and get to know her first. See how you can steer it. If she is refusing to kiss you, but she is pulling on your arm trying to drag you into the VIP room, then she is not credible for the VIP room.
Most of the time, keeping all the action inside the VIP rooms is just a way for the club to get another cut of the money.
When lap dancing first started, it meant lap sitting, and whatever mileage was to be, happened there.
Girls making out with guys on their laps, heats up everyone. It will tend to raise all mileage.
I have read about clubs where it is done in the way I suggest. These tend to be the very highest mileage and most FS oriented, black clubs. Also, sometimes in these places even the VIP room is not private. I read of one with a large shared VIP room. It is the FS room. I've read of another where they don't even have that. After the lap sitting and making out, they just head off to one of the couches in the dark corners.
I know of one place where a group of sister and cousin dancers brought their own mini-van, for FS in the back parking lot, after maximum friendliness with a guy where ever he was sitting.
Extras, by definition, are that which is "extra". Beyond the normal, or beyond that which is offered for the public record. You expect to pay a premium ( however large orsmall).
More commonly they refer to any actual sexual service (as opposed to mere lap dancing), because virtually everywhere it's illegal to perform those, if you go by the book. So they are " extra" to the ostensible and lawful Exotic Dancing performance.
"Extras, by definition, are that which is "extra"."
Hold on...let me write that down. Damn, I never thought of that.
Considering you'll never get two people to agree on what it actually means, I think it's a ridiculous term for strip club customers to use. If you want to talk about something call it what it is. Don't be like a woman and try to make it sound nice..
last commentFor my favorite club nothing ever happens out in the open so extras always take place in VIP during nude bed dances. This club is very interesting; just about anything is available but menus and prices are very rarely mentioned. For example a few weeks ago I went there and took this very hot 9 back for some dances, she never indicated anything involving me was available but she basically placed her pussy on my chest and put my fingers in her. I spent the next 4 songs fingering her, it was very sensual and fun. She got a good tip.
I went back a few days ago and took a busty brunette back for some fun. On the first song she unzipped me and started a HJ with no mention of price or anything, by the second song she was doing a very nice BBBJ. After I came all she said was I could tip her privately. I gave her a nice tip but clearly she had planned to accept whatever I gave her.
BTW this last scenario has happened to me 3 times at this club all over the last few years and with 3 different dancers. Never a mention of price or expectations. It makes it very hot when it happens.
For customers I don't see the point of the term. If you want to discuss getting a handjob, then say handjob. Blowjob is a blowjob. Fucking is fucking.
As with anything, any service that ultimately makes you cum implies a tip, though some dancers aren't very pushy about that.
And neither I or any of the dancers refer to it as an "extra".
In the main seating area, mostly, you are just feeling their tit, and if she lets you, you can suck on it. My Saturday favorite will let me finger her, but that's not something that happens with the typical girl there.
The regular lap dance area largely depends on which chair I end up with. It's pretty much a given with most of the ladies there I can suck on their tits. Some girls will let me DATY. There were 3 different girls who have let me shoot my load down their throat there, but only one ever let me do it in the regular lap dance area. But she always chose the one chair in the back corner.
The champagne room depends on which room you end up with. The one room is located so that the bouncer could look in, and as such, the girls who do the least there want to take me there. The other two rooms truly are anything goes and the only real act I can think of I never have done in either of those rooms is anal.
Two things I can imagine paying a dancer for: DATY and fingering her.
With a real girl, DATY is generally to please her, not me. I don't necessarily dislike it, but if it's on my dime then I'm gonna do stuff that's directed at pleasing me.
Same with fingering. Yeah, a wet pussy feels good, but it's much better with my dick inside rather than my finger.
And assuming that the vast majority of women are NOT going to get off while having sex with a customer in a strip club, I just don't see the point.
Man, I do so wish I could have made it. I have no time off available for the rest of the year. The work environment isn't like it used to be many years ago. You could take just about all the time you needed for medical reasons, no problem. Now, ever second they dock you. My shoulder surgery did me in for time off. Short term disability didn't help a lot as they pay on 67% of your income.
Perhaps another time.
Perhaps I am missing something in your response. Your first sentence, "No bestiality."
Sex with a cat isn't? :)
During a recent visit to that same club, the young woman on her knees between my legs said, "Oh, they don't care", when I attempted to interrupt her BBBJ while another dancer and PL walked by. Times, they are a'changing!
In my current favorite club the lap dance spaces are relatively private and just about everything is on the menu (depending on the dancer). I have been offered HJ, BBBJ, FS, anal, even two dancers with FS. Along with the expanded LD experience, the women are also willing to explore more at the bar or sitting at a table. I had one dancer sit on my leg at a table and explore below my belt without saying anything until she pulled out her hand and said, "I just wanted to know what K--- was bouncing on!"
I also get OTC offers from some in that club who claim they want more room to work or a more relaxed playtime. Other dancers there have told me they only do ITC because they feel safer in the club.
An interesting twist on my definition occurs at DV COI. There is one dancer that has never hinted at offering me anything more than letting me suck on her tits in the LD area but she will DFK me for long periods of time. I consider that an extra, I never asked for it but she is a very good kisser and it makes for one of the most sensuous dances I have ever had so she deserves a good tip for that.
"if a dancer does X, then it's an extra".
What the fuck does that even mean???
Is it something you pay "extra" for?? Is it something "most dancers don't do, but some nasty girls do, so it's an "extra""? Is it like a strip club offering a free lunch buffet? Something you don't usually expect, so if you get it it's an "extra"?
"I consider that an extra" BASED ON WHAT??? WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN???
And what's the point of labelling things as "extras"?? Is it somehow important that we have a list of what are "extras"??
So you see a buddy the next day, and tell him, "dude, you should go to this restaurant, it has a lot of zerbits". He'll look at you and assume you're fucked in the head. Just tell him what was so great about it....onion rings, steak, and great dessert.
But what I would consider to be the BEST way of doing things in an SC, would be that the dancers just come and sit on your lap and start making out with you. This can start slow and gentle, but then progress to intense DFK and it may even go to FIV and DATY.
Then they would move the guy to the VIP room when they are going to do HJ / BBBJ / FS, when his pants need to come down.
If they will be that friendly sitting on your lap in the main room, then what ensues in the VIP room will be awesome.
Some of this is about power and about just getting the girl to surrender. You have more control if you are feeding them "sitting tips" than if you are handing over a larger block of money for something much more uncertain in the VIP room. Sitting tips are probably more than stage tips, but less than VIP room fees.
If they do it this way, the dancers don't have to sell dances or ask permission, they can just do, then indicate that they expect a tip. Most guys will go along with this. Knowledgeable dancers ( black's are always the most knowledgeable ) have told me that they make more money when they don't have to talk, but can just DO. Even if the rate is lower than the VIP rate, they go from one guy to the next, and they are earning tips 60min out of every hour.
You can try and steer it this way too. If the girl wants to take you into the VIP room, instead, place $5 into her hand and tell her you would like to sit and talk and get to know her first. See how you can steer it. If she is refusing to kiss you, but she is pulling on your arm trying to drag you into the VIP room, then she is not credible for the VIP room.
Most of the time, keeping all the action inside the VIP rooms is just a way for the club to get another cut of the money.
When lap dancing first started, it meant lap sitting, and whatever mileage was to be, happened there.
Girls making out with guys on their laps, heats up everyone. It will tend to raise all mileage.
I have read about clubs where it is done in the way I suggest. These tend to be the very highest mileage and most FS oriented, black clubs. Also, sometimes in these places even the VIP room is not private. I read of one with a large shared VIP room. It is the FS room. I've read of another where they don't even have that. After the lap sitting and making out, they just head off to one of the couches in the dark corners.
I know of one place where a group of sister and cousin dancers brought their own mini-van, for FS in the back parking lot, after maximum friendliness with a guy where ever he was sitting.
I strongly recommend this:
about Jim and Artie and the early days and the legal battles. Totally different from what is done in San Francisco today.
More commonly they refer to any actual sexual service (as opposed to mere lap dancing), because virtually everywhere it's illegal to perform those, if you go by the book. So they are " extra" to the ostensible and lawful Exotic Dancing performance.
Hold on...let me write that down. Damn, I never thought of that.
Considering you'll never get two people to agree on what it actually means, I think it's a ridiculous term for strip club customers to use. If you want to talk about something call it what it is. Don't be like a woman and try to make it sound nice..