
Comments by motorhead (page 64)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A lot of "Asian Indians" in Clubs?
    Go to a college town, like a big 10 city and you’ll see ‘em
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    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Will the Pope revoke the 15th-century ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ used to justify “c
    Is it just me or does CJ K need to hit a club tonite and get some pussy
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    My take is that if the club needs pool tables to entertain the customers then the dancers must be fugly and not very good
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Solid State Physics
    This is actually an interesting discussion. Good points from heaving and SJG yeah industrial applications while not sexy end up having more of an impact on everyone’s lives
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    2 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Is this guy the ultimate PL?
    Kinda looks like many a dancer’s baby daddy’s
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    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Solid State Physics
    You know what’s interesting - All the technological developments which had changed the world by the end of the 20th century had been based upon previous scientific developments in Solid State Physics. And I believe it’s the largest field of physics, but I’m not sure if many of the “rock star” physicists known to the general public specialized is solid state. Maybe Feynman to to a degree? I don’t know. Would have to do some reading
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta 2AMer sort of
    I read some of the reviews - all I got out them was the music was too loud and not a lot of white dancers
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    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    NY Post Now Denouncing Trump
    As a conservative, I was never of big fan of Trump the person. But during his 4 years in office the best the liberals could come up with was to attack his hair, weight and appearance. Now my liberal Facebook “friends” are doing the same with Bannon Y’all need to step your game - the Republicans never called RBG hideous although she was perhaps the ugliest woman ever to exist on the planet
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    2 years ago
    looking for Dream
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Did you still want to use this board?
    I skimmed thru a few comments and several said the same thing - there’s only so much you can talk about strip clubs so it’s the same old thing Let’s face it, this may be called TUSCL, but it’s now a community to talk about culture, the arts, sex, politics, current events, mathematics, and society in an unmoderated and frank way Maybe not what founder envisioned, but maybe not all bad?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I destroyed the shitter at Loves Truck Stop
    It's love, Brother Love say Brother Love's Traveling Sanitation Show Pack up the babies And grab the old ladies And everyone goes 'Cause everyone knows 'Bout Brother Love's show
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    2 years ago
    Supply Chain thoughts
    Some manufacturers are starting to secondary source a little manufacturing back to the US from China, but in many cases it’s going to be a couple of years to tool up. A bit too little too late
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    2 years ago
    Best uniforms/jerseys in sports
    Maybe I’m not fan of green - but always have hated the Jets and Packers uniforms or any college basketball team that wears green - Marshall is one that comes to mind
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    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Social Media isn't all bad
    Pretty amazing but I wouldn’t have recognized her - she looks different than 30 years ago lol
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    2 years ago
    Best uniforms/jerseys in sports
    Yeah I love the Tampa Bay creamsicle uniforms too People make fun of them but I always thought they were pretty cool
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    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Vigilante kills 9 year old girl. Grand jury cleared him
    Did you read “A Time to Kill”? The jury acquitted the black “vigilante”
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    2 years ago
    Best uniforms/jerseys in sports
    Without a doubt the old AFL Chargers uniforms with the powder blue jerseys, yellow gold pants and the lightening bolts. Hate the dark blue and white pants St Louis Cardinals home white with birds on the bat pretty classic
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    The Most Posts, Very Close
    “If there is someone else with more posts, please let me know who it is.” I’ve said for years the defunct Michigan TwoSheds board was a better designed website than TUSCL and it was just a small regional board. One of best features was a sortable database - one could sort by number of posts, date joined, name. But it’s gone now so founder can’t see it
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    2 years ago
    Hot Girls Love McDonald's
    McD’s may be Boomer food but you we could live with $5 minimum wage because a cheeseburger was 49 cents Gen XYz Demands $20 minimum wage because they won’t go to McD’s they need to go to Chipotle and spend $20
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    2 years ago
    Hot Girls Love McDonald's
    I hate avocados. I do low carb keto, and it truly works to lose weight, and all keto experts say eat avocados like every meal I can’t stand the slimy nasty things.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Brittney Griner
    I get she’s an American but stupid actions have consequences Remember about 10-12 years ago the hikers that were detained by Iran for wandering into the country. I had very little sympathy for those clowns either and it wasn’t political WTF were they doing so close to the border in an area of the world where they knew if they got caught they’d be toast Stupid people sometimes need a jolt of reality
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Brittney Griner
    My cousin lives in South Bend where he was Mayor. She adores him. He comes across as a good looking articulate guy but he’s just the man-version of a big titted dumb blonde (this is a strip club site, i thought I should make a SC reference)
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Brittney Griner
    Appearing in court Briner told the judge “But…but…..i have a legal medical prescription from an Arizona doctor for cannabis” Dumbass. Someone never told her Arizona is not located is Russia While some states recognize reciprocity all experts say never to travel internationally and expect the same
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Sex Worker on resume
    I wouldn’t hire her because it seems she isn’t too bright. Just list independent contractor on the resume and let’s the details come out in the interview if the rest of her qualifications are good
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hot Girls Love McDonald's
    MILF soccer moms hang out at Wendy’s this time of year ordering their Summer Strawberry salad