A lot of "Asian Indians" in Clubs?

avatar for Myoman
Have y'all noticed there are a lot of Indian guys in clubs. Just out of curiosity why is that? I don't think they are a huge percentage of the population but they seem to be over-represented in strip clubs - or maybe it's just me. Overall a very educated and friendly guys from what I know.
Just an academic, curiosity question.
Let's keep the racist comments out - we are better than that in this educated, informational forum.


last comment
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Where do you live? I don't see a ton in my area (New England). I know they have a rep for being grabby.
avatar for Myoman
3 years ago
I live in NJ, but I mean even in my general travels in the northeast, including RI.
I travel a lot for work - a lot w/in NY area, CT, but even midwest, Texas.
When you say "grabby", are you a dancer? if you're a dude, how do you know lol - you're going to the wrong places if customers are grabbing at you lol!!
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
How many people of German ancestry or Italian ? Hell, how many Cubans or Mexicans ?

You notice the Asian Indians because their looks stand out. There are 1.5 Billion of them. They’ve got to be somewhere.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
I noticed it too. There are very very few rare indiann-coder guys spend generous in strip clubs. Otherwise 99 percent of them are very very stingy, hardly spend anything, smelly, dirty and rude to dancers. That’s my observation. I openly noticed, dancers don’t prefer them. Are you talking about same guys? Confused
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
I’ve seen Indians mostly at clubs in areas where there is a decent amount of software engineers. There’s a ton in Austin and Dallas, for example. At my mostly localsy blue collar home club, as one example, I hardly ever see them.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"When you say "grabby", are you a dancer?"

Don't think you're going to slip dollars into my boxer briefs, Myoman ;)

Going off the word of other dancers here.
avatar for Player11
3 years ago
Maybe they want get some white stripper pussy. All it takes is money.

avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
^ I see them mostly when Two for Tuesdays, or free admission days
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Go to a college town, like a big 10 city and you’ll see ‘em
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
I noted in those college towns these spice sweat smelling guys walk around club to find a dancer for one single 20 $ dance. Waste of time for dancers.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Yep - Player call it. It ain’t rocket science.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
"Asian Indians"?! What kind of uneducated, unbred, troglodytic, half-wit thinks that "Asian Indians" is an appropriate way to refer to people? Get it right, damn it. You have the "Indians feather-not-dot" and the "Indians dot-not-feather". Have some fucking respect and sensitivity already.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Simple. Smelly, not spending any. Money wired jokes in clubs. Easy to spot them
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
It's mostly a regional thing vs a strip club thing - certain foreign-born groups gravitate to different areas - I guess in certain areas they are seen in large #s in SCs b/c:

a) they are usually successful/make-good-$$$ - I think (Asian) Indians may be the group that has the highest overall income in the U.S.

b) they come from a very conservative background upbringing - they are usually expected to marry Indian women and those Indian girls probably don't put out b/f marriage (although I imagine there are exceptions) – so they have to find an “outlet”
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
i can't say why there's suddenly coming out in droves but whenever I see them, they come acting like big shots and there's always at least 1-2 in the group with a supercar while the rest have modestly tricked out clean Hondas BLASTING music (mostly hip hop). In NYC outerborough that's where I noticed them.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
@player11 ain't much white stripper P*** in sugar daddies
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Waste fellas.
avatar for DeepBluesKPVP
3 years ago
These billion indian bros comes to strip club with the budget of 50 0r max 60 dollars max. They usually refuse to give $ bills during dollar parade, drink same the first pepsi or beer for three hours, look for extras in just 20 $ lap dance and mainly as others stated disgusting smell of not bathing for days. They add no values to either club, or dancers or to this forum. So, his discussion is closed.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
When I lived in Queens, there was a large East Asian community in south Flushing, with a large group of Sikh shopkeepers on Kissena Blvd, is that still there?
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
There's a shit ton of Indians (dot not feather lol gamma!) here in the pnw, working for the likes of facebook, google, microsoft, and amazon. But l don't see many of them in the extras clubs. I don't go to deja vu so maybe that's where they are.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
This useless topic is CLOSED.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
@twentyfive yes to the east asians, no to kissena blvd. No more (or very very few Sikhs) but plenty of mixture shop owners
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Who cares?
I guess a lot of hypocrites think its OK to be racist unless you’re talking about black people.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
This stupid useless topic is closed.
avatar for Tiburon
3 years ago
Close yo mouth campsilly. I still see white stuff in it. Boom headshot😏
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
This topic is closed. Waste of every time.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@champ: what's a waste of time is repeatedly asserting things that are not true and not possible to be true. There is no capability on tuscl for closing topics. If folks want to post, they post. You saying otherwise just makes you look silly.
avatar for KittyCreamyKat
3 years ago
It all depends on how diverse your world (neighborhood) is. I work in mixed, diverse areas so I see men of all ethnic backgrounds in the club. Ever heard of the kama sutra? Yes, Indian men can be extremely passionate or conservative from my experience. These comments such as grabby and dirty are purely racist. I've encountered cheap perverts with poor hygiene from men of ALL races.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago

There are lots of dancers who will negatively speak of the types of customers who would come onto a strip club review site as well. But you won’t find many on here gleefully “just repeating” what dancers say about that.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Disagree it's always racism on the part of dancers. In Latin America and much of Asia, sex work is more competitive due to pervasive poverty, giving PLs more of an upper hand. PLs are more likely to develop obnoxious tendencies. Physical appearance isn't a highly reliable way to tell someone's county of origin, but it's a readily available one. Yes, for moral and $ reasons, best to give everyone a chance. But dancers have to decide in what order to roll up on PLs. I can't blame them if the use the imperfect intel they have, to maximize the low-grief money. Even though, unfortunately, it means some decent PLs have to wait far too long for a dance.

If you are on the bad end of dancer stereotyping of customers, the best way to overcome that is (to me) a generally good strategy for happy PLing: stick primarily to being a good regular. Dial back your man ho-ness.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I've noticed lots of Indians in clubs. They have a reputation for being cheap and creepy af.

The few desi stripper hoes I know are the most critical and avoid them like the plague
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
In a club now, shown this thread to 3 dancers. They feel the same, they don’t waste their time on these customers. Not too many openly talk about it though. No use of discussing this topic further. Closed.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I thought this thread was closed
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
I get along with Indian customers just fine when I have encountered them. Lots of them like big tits and I like quick sales 👍
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
It seems like strippers of a given race have the most negative stereotypes of guys from their own race. I'm not an escort guy but when I've perused escort ads on a lark, black girls are more likely to say "no AA" or "no AA under 45" than any other race.

@icee, not surprised that desi strippers work that way too.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Lots of black girls think the guys will try to rip them off or pimp them
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@nice When you ask Indians what's the most attractive ethnicity in India, Punjabi seems to be the most common answer, https://photogallery.indiatime… . Similar skin tone and hair color to yours. Go girl, gotta play those aces when you're dealt them!
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Ilbbaicini, funny. When entire discussion is waste of time, why you do a useless phd type research on this topic?
avatar for BitCoinHodler
3 years ago
Looks like an Indian dude stole Myoman's ATF
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I've met a lot of black strippers who have told me they refuse to talk to black customers. Not surprised. I don't point blank refuse EE customers but I do fucking hate them unless they are female- those are usually ok. I fucking hate all men though unless they know their rightful place beneath.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
There seems to be high numbers of Asians, Hispanics and blacks in Indianapolis clubs. The old white guy customer is declining in numbers in local clubs. As an old white guy myself, I feel increasingly out of place sitting in a room with a bunch of young non-white guys. I don't dislike them or feel any hostility to them. I just feel out of place. That is one of the factors leading to reduced club visits for me, along with increased prices due to high inflation and declining stripper quality in local clubs. Stripper quality seems to be declining because the rich old white guy who spends a lot of money on the top girls is a vanishing species in local strip clubs.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@doc 80 years ago, you might have felt out of place if you were a WASP among Irish and Italians. It's just a phobia really. Make an effort to ignore such feelings. If you do, the moment will come when they're gone, and you'll wonder how it could ever have bothered you.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
This useless topic is CLOSED.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It all depends on your location. Tuscl is the only place I've ever seen old white men glorified as SC customers. The ones I see are broke af and cheap. They have a reputation for being very cheap and overly demanding. At dayshift in some clubs there's a rush of them when their social security checks hit and they come in for ldks and leave.

The one club I know where they're a majority . They nurse cheap beers or bottles of water waiting their turn to go to vip with the nastiest oldest stripper hoes in Vegas. Its a club with high ratings on here though.

The biggest spenders are guys on conventions and drug dealers.

Younger guys don't spend much unless it's like a bday or bachelor party or something. The bigger the group the less they spend individually.

Indians have a reputation for being cheap obnoxious demanding and make up strip club personal and lie to girls a lot which makes them the butt of many jokes when they're there.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"At dayshift in some clubs there's a rush of them when their social security checks hit and they come in for ldks and leave."

It's mostly the younger guys here (40s) who talk about LDKing. Older guys here seem to talk about blowing thousands on a single CF/ATF.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I don't believe them. The only old guy I know of who spent like that was a retired judge who spent his retirement on meth and hookers.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
Wait, I thought this topic was closed?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ This is a different topic, it's no longer about East Asians now its TUSCLS favorite pimp/cuck talking about a subject that's most dear to his heart, geriatric tricks
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
^oh, I see. I didn’t know bc he’s still in the ignore zone for me. Can we close this topic now?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ You can try but our trick/pimp just doesn't listen to reason
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I actually had a girl beg me to rescue her from an Indian dot-not-feather customer. a short little weird dude in a cheap suit who stood over he just laying ones on her body. It's impossible to describe just how creep he was. I went up to the stage to tip her and she promised me a triple lap dance for the price of two if we went immediately after her stage set. He was lingering in a spot to watch the lap dance booths while we were inside. This was at Cheetah's Sarasota, where I also had to rescue a Philipina dancer from creepy white customer in a cheap suit who also tried to creep on us in the VIP. I don't know what's up with that place, except I stopped going because it cost too much for too little.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The worst I've seen Indians do was one time in Vegas. A hoe came out of a room crying like crazy and like 5 middle aged Indian guys talking like Apu came out laughing and high fiving each other.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Three words to describe Indian duds in strip clubs by most dancers: Cheap, Rude, and Smelly. They may be rich making top dollars. But lifestyle is cheap and unhygienic.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
We have a lot of tech firms moving into the area and with them have come some Indian guys visiting the clubs. Not in great numbers, but I see them every so often now. As far as I can tell, none of the girls have had a problem with them. They tend to be well dressed, spend money and treat the girls decently as far as I can tell.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ damn wrong thread
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I think every demographic is hit and miss.

Like yeah we can talk shit about Indian guys, and then the perfect Indian customer will appear. So it is just bad to get into this habit.

I actually do see the old white guys glorified irl often @icee. I personally only liked those customers when I was newer and didn't know any better. These days I avoid most of them unless they truly know how to act right which is rare. I never hated old white men until I started stripping. I have had way too many bad experiences with them. Even so I continue to take their money, but these days I am more unfriendly to them than say a younger white guy or another old dude but different variety.

I also don't really care what race the majority of girls in clubs are. I tend to not do well in clubs that are mostly Western European fully American white girls that weren't born speaking another language. Usually the customers there are weird imo too stoic. I like clubs that are a bit less of dudes sitting around being fucking weird.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
As for the belief that us old white guys don't spend much money, I'm a little skeptical. There has been about the same number of customers overall but a definite decline of the old white guy category here in the Indianapolis clubs and an increase of the younger nonwhite guys who supposedly spend more money. If it is a case that the number of young nonwhite guys who are spending more money is increasing, then clubs should be more profitable and should be able to stay in business. What has actually happened, though, is a third of the local clubs have shut down over the last 12 years, going from 21 to 14. The decrease in the percentage of older white guy customers in the local clubs has coincided with declining profits and more clubs closing.

Last Saturday night in a local club was a fairly typical experience. I was the oldest customer in the club I was visiting. I was sitting at the bar next to a pretty blonde who was talking to a young black guy. Suddenly he got up and walked away. I then asked her if she was sitting with someone and if she wasn't would she do lap dances with me. She looked unhappy and then said she thought she was sitting with someone, but he just walked out the door. Then she agreed to go do lap dances with me. She looked quite happy I was there when we got to the back to do the lap dances, and it didn't seem to me like she would have been better off if this old white guy hadn't been there. As I said, this type of thing is typical. Whenever I've suggested to my regulars that maybe I shouldn't go to strip clubs because the girls would rather be with young guys instead of some boring old guy like me, they always look dismayed and assure me they want me to keep coming to see them. They don't appear to me to be eager for me to stop showing up so they can spend more time with guys in the club their own age.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Once a dancer said these Indians hardly tip for lap dances. And they always demand the dancers to go wither for OTC for just 100 dollars. Generally, I noticed unhappy dancers when Indian dud walk into the clubs. Will these guys change? Don’t think so. Waste of time.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
“I personally only liked those customers when I was newer and didn't know any better”

Unless times are a changin’ - that’s quite the opposite approach most dancers had 10-15 years ago. Maybe the make it was rain clubs have changed that.

Young dancers gravitated towards young guys because they didn’t know how to make conversation with older guys, then they sat around the dressing bitching because “no one is spending money”. While the more experienced girls made bank with the quiet old white guys sitting in the back.

The left coast is so screwed up maybe things are different there and icee’s perceptions hold true about cheap old white guys but in the Midwest the guys who own small companies, like an excavating company or consulting firm are whales
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
To clarify some terms being thrown around in this thread:

- how much money is "spending a lot" at a strip club?
- how old is "old" when we are talking about old white guys?
- how much does a "cheap suit" cost?
- what actual act constitutes "grabby"?

avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
I thought this thread was closed?

I always shake my head when topics like this come up. Dancers only care about one color. Green. I have never met a dancer that has a "type" they prefer in the club or a "no" list. If you shower regularly, can string words together, treat her kindly, and tip well you will be the first guy she comes over to every time. For first timers sames goes. If you are really interested tip 5 instead of 1 and she will stick to you like glue.

With respect to indians the comments other have made hit the nail on the head. In NJ they are very prevalent. In thier culture arranged marriages are typical. Most deal with the arrangement because of culture, but a few use clubs as a healthy way of release. There is one club in NJ that has indian dancers where they often complain about guys who tell they should only dance with indian customers. But other than that i could barely tell you what other races guys are at any club I go to. I go for the girls.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
PLs don't need their own definition of grabby. If a stripper thinks you're grabby, dial it back or stay away from her.

Making grumpy complaints about how old people are treated unfairly is what actually defines being old.

I own the cheapest suit, no suit at all.

If you drool in the club, and nicespice doesn't call 911 to get an emergency response from the hazmat team, you're spending a lot in the club.

Feeling entitled is a great way to increase the shittiness of your life. If a stripper prefers other customers, and even if your ESP about how spendy they are is right, only she ultimately knows if she's dong what's best for herself. So don't wear out your sphincter by clenching it over this.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 years ago
The uncomfortable reality is that most men, particularly married men don't get regular sexual access from the women they are in relationships with. That middle aged indian guy in an arranged marriage, isn't getting sex at home. This is a suitable outlet for his sexual frustrations.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
^that does not entitle them to be rude to the dancers. Once I saw a punjubian guy thrown out of the club for yelling at a dancer. He was displeased with the dance he received. Once a group of 7 or 8 indian IT guys sitting on stage for couple of hours and they hardly did throw $ bills. It was a small club only 15 people can sit around stage and clearly visible that they feel they have right not to tip since they paid door fee of $10. Crazy
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If Indians didn't have sex there wouldn't be over a billion of them. The US just gets the wrirdos
avatar for sanjayban
3 years ago
Jesus Christ - whole lot of racist turds around here.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
One of the kindest people I've ever met was an indian guy, but I didn't meet him at the club lol.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Disgusting cheap topic is closed.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
chumpfully are you that scpandit guy?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Not seen any around me, East Indians are pretty sexually conservative if compared with the general American population. Governed by the extended family and its expectations.

But one of our members had these favorites in the San Gabriel Valley. He called them,"Kama Sutra Girls".

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I had one East Indian friend I took clubbing and he was a pretty normal dude; it was his bachelor party, think he touched one girl back and she got offended.

A lot of non-Americanized East Indian guys have a "Madonna/whore" complex about women. They want to wild out and bang non-Indian (especially white blonde Barbie doll type) women, then once they've had their fun, come back and marry a traditional Indian girl who's been approved by the family and such. They can still want to go see the Barbie doll on nights out though.

I've only seen one East Indian stripper though, that was in Niagara Falls. She didn't have an accent so I think she was pretty westernized.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
"A lot of non-Americanized East Indian guys have a "Madonna/whore" complex about women."

Agreed, and a lot of middle-easterners too.

avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
TheeOSU, are you a pimp?
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Yeah, i have your family do you want a night with your mom and sister?
They said ok but you'll pay more because you're a chump.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Very nice of you. This show how nice you are.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Thanks chump but are you ignoring that you started it 2 days ago?


It's called payback!
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
So, are you that SCPandit guy?
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
No but I am ashamed to say that I am your daddy.
It was a one night stand with your mother so it's not my fault that you grew up to be a useless pathetic chump troll.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
WAIT. I thought this thread was closed?
avatar for DeepBluesKPVP
3 years ago
ChampPhillys,TheeOSV, 25 all three must be idiots and useless fellows. Making this forum dirty.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Deepblue you're the weirdo who admitted to stalking dancers in the parking lot. Sounds very Indian 🤡
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Deepblues sounds like champphilly.
Champphilly I thought you were indian as well, because of how yoi typed.

This is all racist to define people as stuff like smelly indians.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Ilbaicln I thought kashmir is considered the most attractive part?
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
BTE, I change my write style here. 😂. My parents migrated from Scotland. Don’t you have better stuff to do?
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
^ ChampPhilly is racist.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Quite a bunch of racists posting here funny shit the two that are the most overt, are the cosplay pimp, and the nutso with the sex cult.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Lol, I’ve low key wondered whether ChampPhily is Icey. Champ’s reviews seem so genetically written that it could have been random stuff pulled together from previous reviews. He’s probably not, but the talking points can be similar 🤔
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Some say cim is Indian. He acts it lulz
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Subraman too
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Subraman, BIg Third Eye, and SJG all three seem to be from India. They keep posting stupid questions and answers and flooding the site.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee yoire constantly calling out racism and white supremacy on here but then you liked champphillys comment where he said
“Three words to describe Indian duds in strip clubs by most dancers: Cheap, Rude, and Smelly. They may be rich making top dollars. But lifestyle is cheap and unhygienic.”

So its similar to where you keep posting strippers arent hookers then posted that strip clubs fire dancers if they have stds or ask for test results

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@BTE, Indians are the wrong kind of diversity, the kind that for whatever their attitudes towards women, value hard work and education. Leftists only like people of color who don't act uppity and question them.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
I have heard a lot of indians and asians vote republican
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
"f Indians didn't have sex there wouldn't be over a billion of them. The US just gets the wrirdos"

Im not on here enough these days to know if you are a man or woman, old or young, or what ethnicity. But if women didn't put on weight and lose their looks after marriage/kids many strip clubs wouldn't be open.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@tetra: "Indians are the wrong kind of diversity"

Indians vote (80-90% of registered voters), and they vote Democrat (2-3x more for Dem than GOP). I'd say that's exactly the sort of diversity we Dems are looking for!

Plus, they are on the whole overwhelmingly wealthy, educated, and career focused. All about family too. Living up to the myth of the model immigrant, really. Trump tried to put in a points based green card system, like they have in Europe. This is where you are more likely to get in if you've got education, job history, in-demand skills, etc. The Dems shit their pants on that because we might be turning away some oppressed field hand and his 19 family members by favoring new grist for the economic mill. I think that the GOP were probably glad it landed that way anyway, since it reduced the potential volume of brown people coming across the border, but that's just a guess based on prior behavior. Either way, the program didn't land, and a land-slide of Indians was averted. Still, Indians didn't give a fuck... they just kept on finding ways to get in anyway. Gotta admire them for their tenacity.

Pity about their shitty films though, the Chinese have got them beat by a mile there.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Indians tend to be taxi and uber drivers. Own smoke shops. Liquor stores in poor areas taking advantage of the poor. Lots work in service sectors.

Drew go back to calling dancers trannies in reviews ....

Njballa instead of strip clubs men should invest in their wives. Get her a bbl. Etc. Instead of spending it on other women
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