
Solid State Physics

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Sunday, July 24, 2022 12:30 AM
Looking first at the work of Robert J. Mears and his company, and then this seems to connect with software offered by Synopsis.

QuantumATK Solutions for Materials Modeling




And I don't know about this:
Nvidia continues quantum moves with new QODA framework



  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    "Nvidia's new quantum computing device architecture will help accelerate developers' efforts around hybrid classical-quantum projects. (Nvidia)"

    "Nvidia’s new Quantum Optimized Device Architecture, announced this week at a quantum computing conference in Tokyo, allows developers to leverage a framework of code, language and cues that is more familiar and easier to work with than the assembly code many quantum computers use."




    Kick Out the Jams - School of Rock
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Want to look at the synopsis software here:

    Accelerate development of new materials and obtain deep understanding of mechanisms and structure-property relationships using QuantumATK materials modeling software. Compute both basic and more advanced material properties, including electronic, structural, optical, thermal, magnetic and mechanical properties, as well as electronic and thermal transport, electron-phonon coupling, piezoelectricity and more characteristics.



    Introduction to QuantumATK
    Downloads & Links

    Installation Guide

    QuantumATK gives you access to a powerful set of modeling tools for investigating a variety of systems:

    Density Functional Theory (DFT)
    Semi-Empirical Tight Binding
    Classical Potentials
    Non-Equilibrium Green’s Functions (NEGF’s)

    Synopsis, Mnt View, over 16,000 people!


    1b. Engineering Palladium Surfaces to Enhance the Electrochemical Storage of Hydrogen



    8 pages free access


    VASP (this whole field has advanced so much since I first started looking at it just some years back)

  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    You know what’s interesting - All the technological developments which had changed the world by the end of the 20th century had been based upon previous scientific developments in Solid State Physics. And I believe it’s the largest field of physics, but I’m not sure if many of the “rock star” physicists known to the general public specialized is solid state. Maybe Feynman to to a degree? I don’t know. Would have to do some reading
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Feynman was a compelling personality, a sharp dresser, and he played bongo drums. But he worked on Manhattan Project.

    I agree with Heaving. The Rock Stars tended to be in High Energy, Cosmology, or Astro.

    Solid State Physics is stuff which has current industrial applications. Maybe more semiconductor before, but now optical and magnetic too. A lot of the advances are just from better computational approaches and more computing power.

    So Herbert Kroemer was not expecting this, but he did get the Nobel Prize.

    Charles Kittel was highly regarded.

    Walter A. Harrison

    This is good:


    Most quantum mechanical problems are not really solvable unless you ignore electron to electron interactions, and so the simplified solutions are not that meaningful. But there have been big advances in numerically solving such problems.

    And we have this Robert J. Mears with his doped fiber amplifiers, and how his very sophisticated approach to epi layers, in any material, and targeted for any application.

    I've posted links to all of this and it is quite involved:

    Practical stuff, hard work, budgets provided by commercial players, not the federal government.

    Insightful point.

    Shockley was really a nut case. No one liked him.



  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Looks like people were using this for electron to electron interaction. Old FORTRAN program. But I think Mears and Synoptics have something better of their own. And that is called for in this time of multiprocessors and a more work station approach.


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package: atomic scale materials modelling from first principles.

    VASP License

    How to purchase

    Materials Design Inc, approved reseller

    Promo Video

    12121 Scripps Summit Drive, Suite 160
    San Diego, CA 92131


    PBS Newshour Today

    Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp

    Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues

    Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3

    K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins

    Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020

    Tony Monaco

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago


    2 page pdf


    PBS Newshour Today

    Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp

    Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues

    Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3

    K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins

    Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020

    Tony Monaco

  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    This is actually an interesting discussion. Good points from heaving and SJG

    yeah industrial applications while not sexy end up having more of an impact on everyone’s lives
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    High Energy Physics is way outside the bounds of industrial applications. Nuclear fission and fusion require energy levels which are not otherwise used. And they involve dangers. And then breaking protons and neutrons require even higher energy levels, as does finding Higgs Bosons.

    Heavings might have a better feel for this than I, but industrial energies might be 150 KeV max or maybe 200 Kev, for ion implantation or X-Ray tubes.

    Solving quantum mechanical problems has always lagged because of the intractable non-linearity of electron to electron interactions. But now because of better techniques and higher power computers, we are seeing two widely used software packages which do this.

    But the whole problem is still quite formidable. You need to be able to simulate what crystal structures you can form, as well as thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties. And then you want conduction, semi-conduction, optical, and magnetic.

    I notice about 15 years ago that a number of universities had new interdepartmental projects to try and do these sorts of quantum mechanical computations. And they are pitched at being able to make exotic new material structures.

    One question I ask is how well is Special Relativity being treated. To predict magnetic properties with d and f orbitals, these have angular momentum high enough that special relativity matters.

    The kind of quantum mechanics I have posted about is based on the Schrodinger Equation. But this does not allow for relativity.

    The other way is the Dirac Equation. In the limiting case this is the same as Schrodinger. But Dirac is much more complex and it included the Lorentz Transform. But getting way from professional physicists you find far less people who understand this.

    And then for General Relativity, no one knows how to make that work with quantum mechanics, and that probably is not relevant short of Black Holes and other deep space phenomenon.

    And something else, I had talked about this some years back with Dominic77. A lot of people still put a lot of faith in using hydrogen fusion for power generation. But there is reason to be skeptical about this.


    Fusion in these man made reactors is not like it is in the Sun. In the Sun you can have 4x 1Hydrogens fuse to make a 4He. Now particles getting out.

    Well in the man made reactors you have to use 2Hydrogen, known as Deuterium. And then you also have to have some 3Hydrogen, known as Tritium.

    Well this is the same as what you need for a Hydrogen Bomb. And Tritium is not found in nature, having only a 12.5 year half life. So you have to make it in particle accelerators, and these are extremely inefficient. Vast energy is released when such a bomb is detonated. But the energy it took to prepare this is vastly more.

    It seems that anyway of economically generating electricity from hydrogen fusion is just beyond us.

    ANd on top of that, as done in these reactors it releases high energy neutrons which ruin all the material being used, not unlike nuclear fission.

    And so the question then is why do we want all of this energy anyway, and what it seems to come down to is just military power.

    So many are thinking that hydrogen fusion power is not in our future.


    Consider these example, like high strength magnets. We need these for the motors in hand held battery operated power tools. But we also need them for the traction motors in electric vehicles. And it is nice to have this for magnetic recording surfaces and heads.

    We have used two type of rare earth elements, benefiting from their f orbitals. But there are still issues. So people are working on other ways, and they are using these quantum mechanical simutaions.

    ANd then people want high mobility of both holes and electrons in semiconductors, and people what direct band gap for good thermal effienceny in optis.


    Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp

    Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues

    Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3

    K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins

    Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020

    Tony Monaco

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    ... opitcs. And people want big band gaps for isolation and low leakage.

    So Germanium has the highest product of hole and electron mobility, but very small band gap.

    Silicon has lent itself to manufacturing because of native oxides, but indirect band gap.

    GaAs has good band gap, but no native oxide.

    People are working with GaN, 3.2 eV band gap.

    Some have tried SiGe.

    What people have dreamed about is Diamond, highly insulating and thermal conductivity 4x that of copper. But no one has made a working semiconductor out of it. Band gap might be 5 volts, but not even sure.

    In the Mears material they talk about SiC, which is probably a Zinc BLend crystal, like diamond, but half Si. There are all kinds of potentials in that.


    Grove Blue Organ
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    As I see it, one of the most brilliant things ever done has been Herbert Kroemer's Heterojunction Laser.

    Prior to that lasers were big gas tube affairs. Kroemer figured out how to do it in solid state, and an entire industry was spawned.

    I think there are more equally exiting things which could be done too.


    Seattle, also looking pretty good, much better than San Jose. The key is to get them in stripper shoes, strapped on, painted up, and in skirts or dresses. They they are the equal of strip club, Viet Coffee, or AMP girls. The rest of what they wear does not matter is it won't be staying on very long.




    Gimme Shelter - Rochester School of Rock

    Jane - School of Rock

    Grove Blue Organ Trio
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Order out of chaos : man's new dialogue with nature / Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers ; foreword by Alvin Toffler. (2017 349 pages)

    There are other kinds of new science too, like self-organizing systems. And this all could relate to some of these other things. I just try to learn as much as I can so I can be best able to understand.

    A lot of this too is coming from areas of mathematics. Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica. With a lot of this stuff you need powerful computer programs like Mathematica to even follow it.



    Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight [all electric and with special vocal solo]

    TJ Zona
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago



    AIK this came out a few years back. Kind of an umbrellas for the original suit of these tools. But the Synopsis and Robert J. Mears stuff seems to have come along after and independently.


    TJ Zona

    Gimme Shelter - School of Rock

    Their newest, TJ

    above average TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    However, these days big automotive players are progressing towards solid-state batteries — a decision that is dubbed the game-changer for the EV market.


    First introduced in 2015, Volkswagen kicked off the solid-state battery acquisition race when it obtained a 5% stake in QuantumScape, then Dyson acquired Sakti3, Bosch bought out SEEO, and Johnson Battery Technologies sold its solid-state batteries to BP. More electric vehicle companies joined this game, such as BMW partnered with Solid Power, Ionic Materials worked with Hyundai, although in 2017, both Bosch and Dyson abandoned the two companies they acquired in 2015.

    argyrodite electrolyte by Samsung, and a further US$200 million investment by Volkswagen on QuantumScape. Besides those, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Fisker, Panasonic, CATL also get involved in this game.

    Why solid-state batteries for EVs?

    Realistically speaking, most EVs have a range of fewer than 300 miles and it takes more than an hour to recharge their battery packs. The cells also lose nearly a third of their capacity within a decade, and they pose a serious safety risk because of their flammable materials. The decades-known solution has been the solid-state battery, and it’s simply because, instead of a conventional liquid electrolyte, the stuff that ferries lithium ions between electrodes uses a solid electrolyte.

    Also, the battery’s negative terminal, called its anode, is made from pure lithium metal. This combination would send its energy density through the roof, enable ultra-fast charging, while also eliminating the risk of battery fires. As EVs account for about 60% of all lithium-ion batteries made today, IDTechEx predicts that solid-state batteries will represent a US$6 billion industry by 2030.

    As it is, the battery market is currently dominated by East Asian companies. European and US firms are striving to win this race that might, in their view, shift added value away from Japan, China, and South Korea. Asia Pacific dominated the solid-state battery market with the highest share of 33.0% in 2019. From both technology and business point of view, the development of solid-state batteries has become part of the next-generation battery strategy. It has become a global game with regional interests and governmental supports.



    Nanotechnology : the future is tiny / Michael Berger (2016)

    Lithium : the global race for battery dominance and the new energy revolution / Lukasz Bednarski (2021)

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