Supply Chain thoughts

Potash is a key ingredient in fertilizer. The US imports 93% of our potash. About 40% of the world’s fertilizer comes from Russia and Belarus. The same globalists who thought it was okay to rely on foreign potash decided to punish Russia by stopping imports from them.
The typical modern car has over 100 microchips. Taiwan accounts for 92% of the world’s most advanced semiconductors. For the last 2 years, the world has faced a car shortage as it scrambled to meet its microchip needs. Meanwhile, China continues to build its South China Sea navy and threaten to take over Taiwan.
The US continues to have a baby formula shortage. The FDA shut down the largest manufacturer of baby formula for months while it investigated unfounded suspicions that its formula was infected . At the same time, regulations prohibit importing of formula from other countries.
The administration is openly trying to rapidly transition the US from energy from fossil fuels to renewable sources. This, despite the fact that renewables currently provide a tiny fraction of our energy needs and it will take decades, if ever, for renewables to meet the majority of our energy needs.
The common thread in all of this is the involvement of “experts” from the federal government in implementing their wise policies.
last commentCompanies are focusing on what sells the most and are lowering production of other things to save money. Thisbin turn creates problems for consumers.
The gov won't go against the private sector though so we're held hostage by them
Farming tactics are starting to change in realizing there is enough fertilizer in the soil, but the soil has been stripped or suppressed so much from the application of those petro chemicals (fertilizer). The build up from the application of those petro chemicals chokes out the active organisms needed to deploy the fertilizer’s benefits. Anyway, tye smart farmers have begun introducing bio-organisms into their crops by applying by spraying products like bactifeed. Once applied the yields go up significantly without applying any additional fertilizer. The crops have enough of the proper elements in the soil, and they are released with proper organisms. Yiu will find farm equipment that is caked on with concrete like mud that yiu can’t even spray off with a hose, because the petro chemicals are too rampant in the soil. And somehow farmers think they need to keep applying more fertilizer for yield. Not true, proper souls chemistry should be the wave of the future saving on costs for fertilizer, and here in the desert southwest-water.
Never fear da Mackie is here!!! I am making Milwaukee Sludge aka Morganite. Da shit truck business saves da world!
Generally government policy in these areas is tending to offset what they private sector would let happen. But the government promoted protections obviously need to be better.
Some manufacturers are starting to secondary source a little manufacturing back to the US from China, but in many cases it’s going to be a couple of years to tool up. A bit too little too late
Yes, that is what we need, to keep a domestic source online, meaning they have to get some regular money.
And this is what is sought with the American Competes Act, $52 billion to relaunch an American Semiconductor Industry.
Something strange is going on in China. Tens of millions on lockdown in response to a dozen CoVid cases. Funds frozen in banks, which are guarded by tanks. Millions refusing to pay their mortgage on failing real estate developments.
Something big is happening and it’s being covered up.
^ Shush you don't want to anger our future overlords and masters.
^ 25 is correct!
On a scale of 1-10 for mark94's latest attempt to make the US government look bad, I give this post a 0.
Reliance on imports of potash and semiconductors seems more like a private sector issue. As is often the case with private sector shortcomings, the government is taking action to help. For example- the USDA recently announced a $250 Million investment to support American-made fertilizer. The baby formula manufacturer (Abbott) made the decision to shut down the plant, after the FDA issued a public warning about some of their products manufactured at a facility which had evidence of bacterial contamination. Lastly, the administration is rightly moving to shift energy dependence to renewables, which most Americans support.
The common thread in all of this is the US government stepping in to prevent or mitigate harm to the American people.
China is a curious case. I would not underestimate their potential for duplicity and concealment.
I believe that they wanted the world wide COVID epidemic, and to bankrupt the US.
The Pretenders - Hard Rock - 1998 ( quite good and they added a keyboardist)