
Comments by motorhead (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    FUCK IT!
    Suzanne Somers, RIP
    When “Three’s Company” came out in 1977 I thought it was hilarious. Finally something different than the Happy Days/Laverne & Shirley/Alice standard fare.
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    a year ago
    Good Looking Trees
    @25 At the Highlands County Courthouse in central Florida there’s a huge Banyan tree. Kids can walk thru it. One of the Hurricanes that passed thru Central Florida - maybe Charley ? - damaged it so its not as impressive as it once was
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
    Should anyone be fearful of the “Global Day of Jihad” ? NYC, LAPD and DC have all stepped up their police presence. Personally, I’m not worried but then last weekend’s attack was a surprise too
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    How many south paws do we have Here?
    Skibum - Interesting. I grew up with those kind of desks in school but never made the connection. I’ve seen plenty of left handed people write like you described but neither my sister or my dad does. I wonder why.
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    a year ago
    Good Looking Trees
    My parents lived in Florida and I fell in love with the purple jacarandas when in bloom https://eureka-farms.com/cdn/shop/files/53f92aaa-ba2d-5f74-9d4b-12705726227c.jpg?v=1693620686
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    How many south paws do we have Here?
    Dad and sister but not me. 50% of my family
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    a year ago
    Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see even American politicians be
    @fun Yeah - I saw that. Some are even going so far as to say “this is the beginning of the end of wokism”. I’m not sure it’s to that point yet - but these same firms that were throwing wads of cash at BLM a few years ago are now pulling in the reigns.
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    a year ago
    Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see even American politicians be
    The IDF is amassing 300,000 plus troops in the Gaza border. When they go in it’s going to be very tricky how to deal with the 150 or so hostages. It’s sad - but I don’t expect many to come out alive Publicly - the principle is to leave no one behind. But I can’t help but to think they may become a casualty of war. The big picture may outweigh the lives of 150 souls.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What’s the most you would pay for a one-night stand?
    She’s dated both men and women. I think she first came out as a lesbian but then started dating some men and identifies as a bisexual. I agree that many dancers are hotter then she is.
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    a year ago
    Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see even American politicians be
    No surprise. BLM has issued statements in support of Hamas and celebrating the attack. At least 31 student groups at Harvard have issued statements in support of Palestine.
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    a year ago
    Entitlement - It's Not Just for Strippers Anymore
    Woman gymnasts from the USA have mostly dominated the Olympic all-around Gold Medal this century, but for the younger folks, you may not realize that post WW II, the USSR and the Soviet bloc countries throughly kicked America’s ass. Until the 1984 games in Los Angeles when Mary Lou Retton came along. Cute as a button. A breath of fresh air. Good on TV. A marketer’s dream. Multiple endorsement deals. Heck, she was on the Wheatie’s Box when that was a huge thing Flash forward to 2023. She’s in the hospital with a serious medical issue. Reportedly she has no health insurance. Google is vague on her net worth. Estimates range from $2 million to $8 million. And one site estimated she earns about $400,000 annually from motivational speaking and endorsements. I have sympathy she is seriously ill at her age but it’s hard for me to even consider donating to her Go Fund Me. Yeah, I guess I’m a stone cold conservative - but where’s a little self responsibility when it comes to financial management? Best wishes in getting well. I was a fan - but I’m not giving you my card number.
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    a year ago
    Crazy shit
    I used to venture into some rather shady neighborhoods back in my 20’s and 30’s. It’s not like a lot of strip clubs are located in gated communities in the burbs. I’d leave a club at 1 am in search of an ATM - and for some reason a lot of inner city ATM’s weren’t drive up back then - you had to get out of your vehicle. When you’re young and dumb and in search of Pussy, I did stuff I wouldn’t do now.
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    a year ago
    It’s no secret I’m not a fan of ink. I’ve stated my case many times in the past. It’s been awhile since I’ve been in a club - moving away from a Mecca like Detroit to the wasteland of southern Ohio is a huge reason - but seeing practically every dancer inked up plays no small part. I find it utterly unattractive. I keep wondering when tats are going to go out of style. Just look how much clothing and hairstyles have changed since the 90’s. But tattoos seem as popular as ever. But then, I never thought hip hop / rap music would have a 40 year run either.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see even American politicians be
    James SD: Sometimes refusing to comment is just as bad. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib refused to make a comment or condemnation about Hamas beheading babies.
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    a year ago
    Providence vs Pompano Beach vs Tijuana
    “Hard to beat“ — Except for the obvious drawback
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    a year ago
    Salvaging Lap Dances
    You throw the money in her face and say “I’m walkin’ here”
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    a year ago
    Happy indigenous people day!
    I saw a photo of a statue of Columbus defaced with red paint and a sign that read “stop celebrating genocide” Something I’ve never understood is that somehow a group of people believe that Columbus “intentionally” brought diseases to the new world. Wokesters are the dumbest smart people around. It was almost 400 years later until Pasteur developed the “germ theory” of disease.
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    a year ago
    Happy indigenous people day!
    I got a “hate” vote from someone named “bostonbum”. Been a member for 10 years with zero comments and 3 reviews. To quote CJ KENT “I don't get why some of you are so butthurt about the truth.” - Given the Boston moniker, he/she probably is one of the Mount Holyoke profs I spoke of.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What do you do with plaster vagina?
    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Happy indigenous people day!
    Don’t you mean “Happy Syphilis Day” ? The woke professors at Sarah Lawrence and Mount Holyoke will make sure they tell their students the “terrible Europeans” brought measles, mumps, and smallpox to the New World - but they won’t tell them that Columbus and his crew brought back Syphilis to Europe. Then it spread like wildfire throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa in the great outbreak of 1495. Syphilis cases are on the rise again since reaching a low in 2001. Cases in the US have doubled in the last 5 years. Be careful out there mongering.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    MLB: AL East gets beat!
    Back when I was a kid, the Orioles were a powerhouse - appearing in 3 straight World Series. Brooks & Frank Robinson, Boog Powell, and Davey Johnson. And the team with four pitchers to win 20 games. That will never, ever happen again. McNally, Palmer, Cuellar and Pat Dobson - the one people forget. Even the 90’s Braves with Maddux, Smoltz and Glavine couldn’t accomplish that. The O’s have been terrible for years. Not a fan, but would be nice to see them in a WS again.
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    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    MLB: AL East gets beat!
    “Americans care about football this time of year” — Apparently the WNBA failed to get that memo. This has to be the dumbest move ever. A league struggling to gain traction with the fans scheduled their finals to begin on an NFL Sunday (along with the MLB playoffs). Brilliant!!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Road trip
    Assuming you’re leaving from Louisville, I did a double-take on your route when you mentioned passing thru KC. But google maps confirmed it’s the best route. Years ago I drove from Indianapolis to Rapid City and although Indy is just a few hours north of Louisville our route was completely different. Took 74 NW thru Champaign then hooked up with 80 in Iowa and then 90 all the way across South Dakota. Boring as hell until you got to the Badlands. Nothing but corn in Iowa and wheat in South Dakota.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Never judge a man by where he drinks, only how he holds it
    I am a surgeon
    I am…I said
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia Tech 222 Cumberland 0 on this day in 1916.
    When I was a kid I had two books that I read over and over - The History of Baseball and The History of Football I remember seeing that score and thought WTF?